
Scripting is disabled and therefore annotations cannot be shown.

--Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language (HTML DTD)--
--Draft: Fri 24-Mar-95 09:46:33--
--Author: Dave Raggett <dsr@hplb.hpl.hp.com>--
--W3O is developing a testbed browser to provide practical--
--experience with HTML 3.0 before it becomes a standard.--
--See: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Arena/--
--This is an open process and comments are welcomed on the--
--www-html mailing list.--
--Please use the following MIME content type:--
--Content-Type: text/html; version=3.0--
--This will allow clients to distinguish HTML 3.0 from current--
--HTML documents. This is most easily achieved by saving--
--files with the extension ".html3" or ".ht3" so that servers--
--can easily distinguish these files from HTML 2.0 files.--
--The entity HTML.Recommended can be used to give a more rigorous--
--version of the DTD suitable for use with SGML authoring tools.--
--The default version of the DTD offers a laxer interpretation,--
--e.g. allowing authors to omit leading <P> elements. You can--
--switch on the more rigorous version of the DTD by including--
--the following at the start of your HTML document.--
--[ <!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "INCLUDE"> ] >--
--Design Objectives:--
--o Backwards compatibility with 2.0--
--o Tightening up HTML.Recommended and--
--moving more things to HTML.Deprecated--
--o Keep HTML - simple don't compete with CALS--
--o Make it practical for people to edit HTML 3.0--
--documents directly, i.e. avoid long names.--
--o Tables, figures and math from HTML+--
--with tweaks based on recent experience--
--o Client-side event handling for figures--
--and graphical form selection menus--
--o Add limited presentational controls with--
--a view to use of linked style sheets--
--(style overrides are supported)--
--o Compatibility with ICADD as per Yuri's suggestions--
--HTML 3.0 relies on linked style info to give authors--
--control over the appearence of documents. Such info is--
--placed in a linked style sheet, or as overrides in the--
--HTML document head, using the STYLE element. The generic--
--CLASS attribute can be used to subclass elements when--
--you want to use a different style from normal, e.g. you--
--might use <h2 class=bigcaps> for headers with enlarged--
--capital letters. Note that the class attribute has a--
--wider scope than just style changes, e.g. browsers could--
--provide the means for searching through documents,--
--restricting search according to element class values.--
--The DTD contains a small number of attributes for direct--
--control of basic alignment parameters; column widths for--
--tables; support for custom bullets, sequence numbering for--
--lists and headers; and text flow. These attributes offer--
--control over appearence which would be inconvenient to--
--express exclusively via associated style sheets.--
--The MD attribute for each hypertext or inline link specifies a--
--message digest such as MD5 for the linked object and is needed--
--to ensure someone hasn't tampered with a linked document.--
--24th March '95--
--Changed ROLE->CLASS for HTML element--
--Added dummy elements to fix problem with mixed--
--content models for BODY, BLOCKQUOTE/BQ and FIG--
--Dropped audio fields from FORMs--
--Reinstated MIN/MAX for range fields--
--Reinstated DISABLED and ERROR attributes for fields--
--22nd March '95--
--Changed from em to en units. The latter--
--is a typographical unit = half point size--
--Merged NEEDS into CLEAR for control of textflow--
--21st March '95--
--Added REL=Banner to LINK element--
--Added BANNER element in place of <DIV CLASS=BANNER>--
--Added RANGE and SPOT elements--
--Added FN in place of <NOTE ROLE=FOOTNOTE>--
--Changed ROLE->CLASS for NOTE element--
--17th March '95--
--Fixed bug in PRE content model--
--Changed external references to omit trailling //--
--Dropped <!DOCTYPE HTML [ ... ]> wrapper to avoid problems--
--with "real" sgml parsers--
--Added NOFLOW attribute to FIG and TABLE--
--Fixed typo in IMG ALIGN attribute--
--Made SELECT match IMG for graphic attributes--
--Added decimal alignment for tabs and table cells--
--Added ALIGN attribute to TEXTAREA for parity--
--with IMG and INPUT, including ALIGN=LEFT etc.--
--13th March '95--
--Dropped MARK tag on advice from SGML Open--
--Allowed spaces in table colspec attribute--
--Changed ARRAY element--
--Added CHOOSE tag to BOX element--
--Cleaned up PRE content model--
--Obsoleted tags incompatible with SGML--
--6th March '95--
--Added several tags to MATH: %mathface, %mathvec--
--and improved ROOT, with new SQRT convience tag--
--1st March '95--
--Dropped align attribute from BR element--
--Added indent attribute to TAB--
--Added optional CREDIT to end of BQ--
--Changed FIG to %body.content to allow headers--
--22nd February '95--
--Added align attribute, and dropped before, after, center and right--
--attributes to clean up TAB element--
--Added INS and DEL for legal documents--
--Added CREDIT to end of FIG element--
--Dropped FN in favor of <NOTE ROLE=FootNote>--
--9th Feburuary '95--
--Dropped base attribute mechanism for scoping relative URLs--
--Dropped nofold attribute for disabling whitespace folding--
--Dropped border width attributes for FIG (-> style sheet)--
--Dropped delims attribute from math BOX element--
--Dropped stylistic attributes from OL such as inherit (-> stylesheet)--
--Added baseline to list of valign attribute values for tables.--
--Added DIV element for generic container class and static banners--
--Added MARK element for marked range class--
--Added closed set of LINK REL values for toolbars--
--Added numbering attributes to headers--
--Added bullet attributes to headers--
--Added TERM element to math for style sheet control of term rendering--
--Changed to imagemap=URI for server-side event handling for FIG/OVERLAY--
--Changed delimiter attributes for math arrays--
--Changed ROOT element for maths to allow an arbitrary radix--
--Simplified numbering attributes for ordered lists--
--Simplified STYLE element to leave binding to style language--
<!ENTITY % A.content  "((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+" --<Title>A.content-- >

<!ENTITY % flow  "(P | UL | OL | DL | PRE | BLOCKQUOTE | BQ | FORM | 
               ISINDEX | FN | TABLE | FIG | NOTE)*" --<Title>flow-- >

<!ENTITY % body.content  "(DIV | H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 | P | UL | 
               OL | DL | PRE | BLOCKQUOTE | BQ | FORM | ISINDEX | FN | 
               TABLE | FIG | NOTE | HR | ADDRESS)*" --<Title><h1>Heading</h1>--
               --<h1>Heading</h1>-- --<p>Text ...-- --is preferred to--
               --<h1>Heading</h1>-- --Text ...-- ----

<!ENTITY % address.content  "(((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | 
               I | BIG | SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | 
               CITE | TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | 
               PERSON | ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)* | P*)" --<Title>address.content-- >

<!ELEMENT HTML  O O (HEAD , (BODY | (Frameset , Noframe))) --<Title>HTML-- >

               --<Title>The TITLE element is not considered part of the flow of text.--
               --The TITLE element is not considered part of the flow of text.--
               --It should be displayed, for example as the page header or--
               --window title.-- ----

<!ELEMENT BODYTEXT  O O (%body.content;) --<Title>dummy element--
               --dummy element--

<!ELEMENT FIGTEXT  O O (%body.content;) --<Title>FIGTEXT--
               --dummy element--

<!ELEMENT OVER  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>OVER-- >

<!ELEMENT ATOP  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>ATOP-- >


<!ELEMENT LEFT  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>LEFT-- >


               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>VEC-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>BAR-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>DOT-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>DDOT-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>HAT-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>TILDE-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ , OF , ((#PCDATA) | BOX | ABOVE | BELOW | VEC | 
               BAR | DOT | DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | 
               SUB | SUP | B | T | BT)+) --<Title>ROOT-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)*
               --<Title>what the root applies to--
               --what the root applies to--

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)*
               --<Title>square root convenience tag--
               --square root convenience tag--

<!ELEMENT ROW  - O (ITEM*) --<Title>ROW-- >

               RANGE*) --<Title>HEAD-- >

<!ELEMENT U  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>U-- >

<!ELEMENT S  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>S-- >

<!ELEMENT TT  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>TT-- >

<!ELEMENT I  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>I-- >

<!ELEMENT BIG  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>BIG-- >

<!ELEMENT SMALL  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>SMALL-- >

<!ELEMENT B  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>B-- >

<!ELEMENT EM  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>EM-- >

<!ELEMENT STRONG  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>STRONG-- >

<!ELEMENT CODE  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>CODE-- >

<!ELEMENT SAMP  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>SAMP-- >

<!ELEMENT KBD  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>KBD-- >

<!ELEMENT VAR  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>VAR-- >

<!ELEMENT CITE  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>CITE-- >

<!ELEMENT Q  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>Q-- >

<!ELEMENT LANG  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>LANG-- >

<!ELEMENT AU  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>AU-- >

<!ELEMENT DFN  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>DFN-- >

<!ELEMENT PERSON  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>PERSON-- >

<!ELEMENT ACRONYM  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>ACRONYM-- >

<!ELEMENT ABBREV  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>ABBREV-- >

<!ELEMENT INS  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>INS-- >

<!ELEMENT DEL  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>DEL-- >

<!ELEMENT SUB  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>SUB-- >

<!ELEMENT SUP  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>SUP-- >

<!ELEMENT BR  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>BR-- >

<!ELEMENT TAB  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>TAB-- >

<!ELEMENT A  - - (%A.content;) -(A) --<Title>A-- >

<!ELEMENT IMG  - O (#PCDATA) --<Title>Embedded image--
               --Embedded image--

<!ELEMENT P  - O ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>P-- >

               --<Title>customizable horizontal rule--
               --customizable horizontal rule--

<!ELEMENT H1  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H1-- >

<!ELEMENT H2  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H2-- >

<!ELEMENT H3  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H3-- >

<!ELEMENT H4  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H4-- >

<!ELEMENT H5  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H5-- >

<!ELEMENT H6  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>H6-- >

<!ELEMENT PRE  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)* -(TAB , MATH , IMG , BIG , 
               SMALL , SUB , SUP) --<Title>PRE-- >

<!ELEMENT DL  - - (LH? , (DT | DD)+)
               --<Title>this is perhaps too lax?--
               --this is perhaps too lax?--

<!ELEMENT DT  - O ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>DT-- >

<!ELEMENT DD  - O (%flow;) --<Title>DD-- >

<!ELEMENT OL  - - (LH? , LI+)
               --<Title>should we allow a list header ?--
               --should we allow a list header ?--

<!ELEMENT UL  - - (LH? , LI+) --<Title>UL--
               --should we allow a list header ?--

<!ELEMENT LH  - O ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+ --<Title>list header--
               --list header--

<!ELEMENT LI  - O (%flow;) --<Title>list item--
               --list item--


<!ELEMENT BANNER  - - (%body.content;) --<Title>BANNER-- >

<!ELEMENT SPOT  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>SPOT-- >


<!ELEMENT BQ  - - (BODYTEXT , CREDIT?) --<Title>BQ-- >

<!ELEMENT ADDRESS  - - (%address.content;) --<Title>ADDRESS-- >

<!ELEMENT DIV  - - (%body.content;) --<Title>DIV-- >

<!ELEMENT FORM  - - (%body.content;) -(FORM) +(INPUT , SELECT , TEXTAREA) --<Title>FORM-- >





<!ELEMENT TABLE  - - (caption? , (col* | colgroup*) , thead? , tfoot? , 
               tbody+) --<Title>TABLE-- >

<!ELEMENT CAPTION  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)+
               --<Title>table or figure caption--
               --table or figure caption--

<!ELEMENT colgroup  - O (col*) --<Title>colgroup-- >

<!ELEMENT col  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>col-- >

<!ELEMENT thead  - O (tr+) --<Title>thead-- >

<!ELEMENT tbody  O O (tr+) --<Title>tbody-- >

<!ELEMENT tfoot  - O (tr+) --<Title>tfoot-- >

<!ELEMENT tr  - O (th | td)+ --<Title>tr-- >

<!ELEMENT th  - O (%body.content;) --<Title>th-- >

<!ELEMENT td  - O (%body.content;) --<Title>td-- >


<!ELEMENT OVERLAY  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>image overlay--
               --image overlay--

<!ELEMENT CREDIT  - - ((#PCDATA) | SUB | SUP | B | U | S | TT | I | BIG | 
               SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | 
               TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | 
               ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL)* --<Title>source of image--
               --source of image--

<!ELEMENT NOTE  - - (%body.content;) --<Title>admonishment--

<!ELEMENT FN  - - (%body.content;) --<Title>FN-- >

<!ELEMENT MATH  - - (#PCDATA) -(U , S , TT , I , BIG , SMALL , Q , LANG , 
               AU , DFN , PERSON , ACRONYM , ABBREV , INS , DEL , EM , 
               STRONG , CODE , SAMP , KBD , VAR , CITE , TAB , MATH , A , 
               IMG , BR) +(VEC , BAR , DOT , DDOT , HAT , TILDE , B , T , 
               BT , BOX , ABOVE , BELOW , ROOT , SQRT , ARRAY , SUB , 
               --<Title>problems with NEAR&FAR not handling the--
               --problems with NEAR&FAR not handling the--
               --inclusions and exclusions means we can't use entity references here--
               --this is %notmath;-- --this is %math;--

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)* , (LEFT , ((#PCDATA) | BOX | ABOVE | BELOW | VEC | 
               BAR | DOT | DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | 
               SUB | SUP | B | T | BT)*)? , ((OVER | ATOP | CHOOSE) , (
               (#PCDATA) | BOX | ABOVE | BELOW | VEC | BAR | DOT | DDOT | 
               HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | T | 
               BT)*)? , (RIGHT , ((#PCDATA) | BOX | ABOVE | BELOW | VEC | 
               BAR | DOT | DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | 
               SUB | SUP | B | T | BT)*)?) --<Title>BOX-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>ABOVE-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>BELOW-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>T-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)+ --<Title>BT-- >

<!ELEMENT ARRAY  - - (ROW+) --<Title>ARRAY-- >

               DDOT | HAT | TILDE | ROOT | SQRT | ARRAY | SUB | SUP | B | 
               T | BT)* --<Title>ITEM-- >

<!ELEMENT LINK  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>LINK-- >



<!ELEMENT BASE  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>BASE-- >

               --<Title>Generic Metainformation--
               --Generic Metainformation--


<!ELEMENT Frame  - O  EMPTY  --<Title>Frame-- >

<!ELEMENT Frameset  - O (Frame* | Frameset*) --<Title>Frameset-- >

<!ELEMENT Noframe  - O (BODY) --<Title>Noframe-- >

<!ATTLIST (U , S , TT , I , BIG , SMALL , B , EM , STRONG , CODE , SAMP , 
               KBD , VAR , CITE , Q , LANG , AU , DFN , PERSON , ACRONYM , 
               ABBREV , INS , DEL)
               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-000--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-001--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-002--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-003--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>defines named tab stop--
               --defines named tab stop--
               indent  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>en units before new tab stop--
               --en units before new tab stop--
               to  IDREF    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>jump to named tab stop--
               --jump to named tab stop--
               align (left , center , right , decimal)  "left"
               dp  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>decimal point e.g. dp=","--
               --decimal point e.g. dp=","--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-004--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               shape  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for shaped hotzones in FIGs--
               --for shaped hotzones in FIGs--
               rel  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>forward relationship type--
               --forward relationship type--
               rev  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reversed relationship type--
               --reversed relationship type-- --to referent data--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>advisory only-- --advisory only--
               methods  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>supported public methods of the object:--
               --supported public methods of the object:--
               --TEXTSEARCH, GET, HEAD, ...--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-005--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URI of image to embed-- --URI of image to embed--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               alt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for display in place of image--
               --for display in place of image--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)  "top"
               --<Title>relative to baseline-- --relative to baseline--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in en's or pixels--
               --desired width in en's or pixels--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in en's or pixels--
               --desired height in en's or pixels--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>units for width and height--
               --units for width and height--
               ismap (ismap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>pass clicks to server-- --pass clicks to server--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , BMP , EPS)   #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-006--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>disable wordwrap-- --disable wordwrap--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-007--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of custom rule graphic--
               --URI of custom rule graphic--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

<!ATTLIST (H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , H5 , H6)
               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-008--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>starting sequence number--
               --starting sequence number--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               --skip seq nums for missing items--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               --dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               src (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>bullet defined by graphic--
               --bullet defined by graphic--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>disable wordwrap-- --disable wordwrap--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-009--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in en's or pixels--
               --desired width in en's or pixels--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-010--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>more compact style-- --more compact style--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-011--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-012--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               continue (continue)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>don't restart sequence number--
               --don't restart sequence number--
               seqnum  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>starting sequence number--
               --starting sequence number--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reduced interitem spacing--
               --reduced interitem spacing--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-013--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               wrap (vert , horiz , none)  "none"
               --<Title>multicolumn list style--
               --multicolumn list style--
               plain (plain)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suppress bullets-- --suppress bullets--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               --dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               src (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>bullet defined by graphic--
               --bullet defined by graphic--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               compact (compact)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reduced interitem spacing--
               --reduced interitem spacing--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-014--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-015--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               dingbat  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               --dingbat entity from HTMLicons--
               src (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>custom bullet graphic-- --custom bullet graphic--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               skip  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>skip seq nums for missing items--
               --skip seq nums for missing items--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-016--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               background  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>texture tile for document background--
               --texture tile for document background--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-017--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-018--
               id  ID    #REQUIRED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-019--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>disable wordwrap-- --disable wordwrap--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-020--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-021--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               align (left , center , right)  "left"
               --<Title>alignment of following text--
               --alignment of following text--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>disable wordwrap-- --disable wordwrap--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-022--
               action  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>server-side form handler--
               --server-side form handler--
               method (GET , POST)  "GET"
               --<Title>see HTTP specification--
               --see HTTP specification--
               enctype  CDATA   "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
               script  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>link to client-side script--
               --link to client-side script--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-023--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               type (TEXT , PASSWORD , CHECKBOX , RADIO , SUBMIT , RESET , 
               RANGE , FILE , SCRIBBLE , HIDDEN)  "TEXT"
               name  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>required for all but submit and reset--
               --required for all but submit and reset--
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>required for radio buttons & checkboxes--
               --required for radio buttons & checkboxes--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>read-only fields-- --read-only fields--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>why field is in error-- --why field is in error--
               checked (checked)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for radio buttons and check boxes--
               --for radio buttons and check boxes--
               size  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>visible width of TEXT fields--
               --visible width of TEXT fields--
               maxlength  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>max number of chars for TEXT fields--
               --max number of chars for TEXT fields--
               min  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>lower limit for RANGE fields--
               --lower limit for RANGE fields--
               max  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>upper limit for RANGE fields--
               --upper limit for RANGE fields--
               accept  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>list of MIME types for file fields--
               --list of MIME types for file fields--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for fields with background images--
               --for fields with background images--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)  "top"
               --<Title>relative to baseline-- --relative to baseline--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-024--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               multiple (multiple)   #IMPLIED 
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>read-only menu-- --read-only menu--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>why selections are in error--
               --why selections are in error--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for graphical selection menus--
               --for graphical selection menus--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width of in en's or pixels--
               --desired width of in en's or pixels--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in en's or pixels--
               --desired height in en's or pixels--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>units for width and height--
               --units for width and height--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)  "top"
               --<Title>relative to baseline-- --relative to baseline--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-025--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               selected (selected)   #IMPLIED 
               value  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default to element content--
               --default to element content--
               shape  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>shape-- --for graphical selection menus--
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>unselectable option-- --unselectable option--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>why this choice is in error--
               --why this choice is in error--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-026--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               rows  NUMBER    #REQUIRED 
               cols  NUMBER    #REQUIRED 
               disabled (disabled)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>read-only field-- --read-only field--
               error  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>why field is in error-- --why field is in error--
               align (top , middle , bottom , left , right)  "top"
               --<Title>relative to baseline-- --relative to baseline--

<!ATTLIST TABLE --<Title>table element--
               --table element--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>table position relative to window--
               --table position relative to window--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>table width relative to window--
               --table width relative to window--
               cols  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>used for immediate display mode--
               --used for immediate display mode--
               border  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>controls frame width around table--
               --controls frame width around table--
               frame (void , above , below , hsides , lhs , rhs , vsides , 
               box , border)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>which parts of table frame to include--
               --which parts of table frame to include--
               rules (none , groups , rows , cols , all)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>rulings between rows and cols--
               --rulings between rows and cols--
               cellspacing  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>spacing between cells-- --spacing between cells--
               cellpadding  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>spacing within cells-- --spacing within cells--
               TblWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblHt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLBODY'--

<!ATTLIST CAPTION --<Title>table caption--
               --table caption--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (top , bottom , left , right)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>relative to table-- --relative to table--

<!ATTLIST colgroup
               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-027--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               span  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>default number of columns in group--
               --default number of columns in group--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default width for enclosed COLs--
               --default width for enclosed COLs--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               --alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               --offset for alignment char--
               --horizontal alignment in cells--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               --vertical alignment in cells-- --canontbl--
               --CProps with default values to apply to all columns--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)  "VSingle"
               --<Title>HAlign %HAlign; "Left"--
               --HAlign %HAlign; "Left"--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default width for all cells in all columns--
               --default width for all cells in all columns--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default top border for all cells in row 1--
               --default top border for all cells in row 1--
               TopSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)  "HSingle"
               --<Title>SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCDEFS'--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCDEFS'--

               --<Title>column groups and properties--
               --column groups and properties--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               span  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>number of columns spanned by group--
               --number of columns spanned by group--
               width  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>column width specification--
               --column width specification--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               --alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               --offset for alignment char--
               --horizontal alignment in cells--
               valign (top , middle , bottom , baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>vertical alignment in cells--
               --vertical alignment in cells-- --canontbl--
               --CProps with default values to apply to all columns--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>HAlign #IMPLIED-- --HAlign #IMPLIED--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>overrides settings in TblCDfs--
               --overrides settings in TblCDfs--
               --width for all cells in this column--
               ColWd  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>top border for cell in row 1--
               --top border for cell in row 1--
               TopSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>overrides TblCDfs defn--
               --overrides TblCDfs defn--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCDEF'--

<!ATTLIST (thead , tbody , tfoot) --<Title>table section--
               --table section--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               --alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               --offset for alignment char--
               --horizontal alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)  "HSingle"
               VAlign (Top , Middle , Bottom , Baseline)  "Top"
               --<Title>default height of all rows--
               --default height of all rows--
               RowHt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>default left border for all cells in column 1--
               --default left border for all cells in column 1--
               LeftSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)  "VSingle"
               --<Title>SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLROWS'--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLROWS'--

<!ATTLIST tr --<Title>table row--
               --table row--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               --alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               --offset for alignment char--
               --horizontal alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               VAlign (Top , Middle , Bottom , Baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>can override settings in TblRows--
               --can override settings in TblRows--
               --height of this row--
               RowHt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               TblUnits (percent , pixels , points , picas , mm , cm , 
               inches)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>left border for cell in column 1--
               --left border for cell in column 1--
               LeftSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>overrides TblRows setting--
               --overrides TblRows setting--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLROW'--

<!ATTLIST (th , td) --<Title>header or data cell--
               --header or data cell--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               axis  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>defaults to cell content--
               --defaults to cell content--
               axes  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>list of axis names-- --list of axis names--
               nowrap (nowrap)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>suppress word wrap-- --suppress word wrap--
               --gotta go-- --rowspan NUMBER 1--
               --number of rows spanned by cell-- --colspan NUMBER 1--
               --number of cols spanned by cell--
               align (left , center , right)   #IMPLIED 
               char  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               --alignment char, e.g. char=':'--
               charoff  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>offset for alignment char--
               --offset for alignment char--
               --horizontal alignment in cells--
               RowSep (HSingle , HDouble , HTriple , HDash , HDot , 
               HBold , HBlank , HNone)   #IMPLIED 
               VAlign (Top , Middle , Bottom , Baseline)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>can override settings in TblRow--
               --can override settings in TblRow--
               ColSep (VSingle , VDouble , VTriple , VDash , VDot , 
               VBold , VBlank , VNone)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>HAlign #IMPLIED-- --HAlign #IMPLIED--
               AlignChr  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               CharPos  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>can override settings in TblCDef--
               --can override settings in TblCDef-- --cell positioning--
               ColStart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               ColSpan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>span >= 1-- --span >= 1--
               RowStart  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               RowSpan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>RowSpan-- --span >= 1--
               --SQTABLE CDATA #FIXED 'TBLCELL'--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-028--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URI of document to embed--
               --URI of document to embed--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               align (bleedleft , left , center , right , bleedright , 
               justify)  "center"
               --<Title>horizontal alignment-- --horizontal alignment--
               noflow (noflow)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>noflow around figure-- --noflow around figure--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in units--
               --desired width in units--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in units--
               --desired height in units--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               --specifies units as en's or pixels--
               imagemap (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>pass background clicks to server--
               --pass background clicks to server--
               fileformat  NOTATION (GIF , JPG , BMP , EPS)   #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-029--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URI of image overlay-- --URI of image overlay--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               units (en , pixels)  "pixels"
               --<Title>specifies units as en's or pixels--
               --specifies units as en's or pixels--
               x  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>offset from left in units--
               --offset from left in units--
               y  NUMBER   "0"
               --<Title>offset from top in units--
               --offset from top in units--
               width  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired width in units--
               --desired width in units--
               height  NUMBER    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>desired height in units--
               --desired height in units--
               imagemap (CDATA)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>pass background clicks to server--
               --pass background clicks to server--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-030--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-031--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--
               src  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>URI of custom graphic-- --URI of custom graphic--
               md  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>message digest for linked object--
               --message digest for linked object--
               --standard link attributes--
               --name attribute is deprecated; use ID instead--
               clear  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for control of text flow--
               --for control of text flow--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-032--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               lang  CDATA   "en.us"
               --<Title>ISO language, country code--
               --ISO language, country code--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-033--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>e.g. class=chem-- --e.g. class=chem--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-034--
               size (normal , medium , large , huge)  "normal"
               --<Title>oversize delims-- --oversize delims--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-035--
               sym  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-036--
               sym  ENTITY    #IMPLIED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-037--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing elements--
               --for subclassing elements--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-038--
               align (top , middle , bottom)  "middle"
               --<Title>vertical alignment-- --vertical alignment--
               coldef  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>column alignment and separator--
               --column alignment and separator--
               ldelim  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>stretchy left delimiter--
               --stretchy left delimiter--
               rdelim  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>stretchy right delimiter--
               --stretchy right delimiter--
               labels (labels)   #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>TeX's \bordermatrix style--
               --TeX's \bordermatrix style--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-039--
               align  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>override coldef alignment--
               --override coldef alignment--
               colspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>merge columns as per TABLE--
               --merge columns as per TABLE--
               rowspan  NUMBER   "1"
               --<Title>merge rows as per TABLE--
               --merge rows as per TABLE--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-040--
               href  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               rel  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>forward relationship type--
               --forward relationship type--
               rev  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>reversed relationship type--
               --reversed relationship type-- --to referent data--
               title  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>advisory only-- --advisory only--
               methods  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>supported public methods of the object:--
               --supported public methods of the object:--
               --TEXTSEARCH, GET, HEAD, ...--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-041--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for naming marked range--
               --for naming marked range--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>for subclassing-- --for subclassing--
               from  IDREF    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>start of marked range-- --start of marked range--
               until  IDREF    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>end of marked range-- --end of marked range--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-042--
               href  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>server handling queries--
               --server handling queries--
               prompt  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>prompt message-- --prompt message--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-043--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               --as target for hrefs (link ends)--
               href  CDATA    #REQUIRED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-044--
               http-equiv  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>HTTP response header name--
               --HTTP response header name--
               name  NAME    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>metainformation name-- --metainformation name--
               content  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>associated information--
               --associated information--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-045--
               notation  NOTATION (dsssl-lite , w3c-style)   #REQUIRED 

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-046--
               VERSION  CDATA    #FIXED "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"
               --<Title>report DTD version to application--
               --report DTD version to application--
               urn  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>universal resource name for this document--
               --universal resource name for this document--
               class  NAMES    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>role of this document, eg table of contents--
               --role of this document, eg table of contents--

               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-047--
               src  CDATA    #REQUIRED 
               --<Title>URI of document to embed--
               --URI of document to embed--
               scrolling (yes , no)   #IMPLIED 
               marginwidth  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               marginheight  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               noresize (noresize)   #IMPLIED 
               name  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 

<!ATTLIST Frameset
               --<Title>html3 - Attribute List-048--
               rows  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Spec for multiple rows--
               cols  CDATA    #IMPLIED 
               --<Title>Spec for multiple cols--
               id  ID    #IMPLIED 

<!NOTATION dsssl-lite PUBLIC "ISO/IEC 10179:1995//NOTATION DSSSL Style Language//EN" --<Title>dsssl-lite-- >

<!NOTATION w3c-style PUBLIC "IETF/RFC nnn//NOTATION W3C Style Language//EN" --<Title>w3c-style-- >





<!ENTITY % HTML.Version  "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"
               --<Title>Typical usage:-- --Typical usage:-- ----
               --<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN">--
               --<html>-- --...-- --</html>-- ----

<!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended  "INCLUDE"
               --<Title>Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility--
               --Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility--
               --with widespread usage, but they may compromise the structural--
               --integrity of a document. This feature test entity enables--
               --a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates--
               --the above features.-- ----

<!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated  "IGNORE"

<!ENTITY % HTML.Obsoleted  "IGNORE"
               --<Title>The XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT tags are incompatible with SGML--
               --The XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT tags are incompatible with SGML--
               --and derive from very early versions of HTML. They require non- --
               --standard parsers and will cause problems for processing--
               --documents with standard SGML tools.-- ----

<!ENTITY % Content-Type  "CDATA"
               --<Title>meaning a MIME content type, as per RFC1521--
               --meaning a MIME content type, as per RFC1521-- ----

<!ENTITY % HTTP-Method  "GET | POST"
               --<Title>as per HTTP specification--
               --as per HTTP specification-- ----

               --<Title>The term URI means a CDATA attribute--
               --The term URI means a CDATA attribute--
               --whose value is a Uniform Resource Identifier,--
               --as defined by--
               --"Uniform Resource Identifiers" by Tim Berners-Lee--
               --aka http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/URI_Overview.html--
               --aka RFC 1630-- ----
               --Note that CDATA attributes are limited by the LITLEN--
               --capacity (1024 in the current version of html.decl),--
               --so that URIs in HTML have a bounded length.-- ---- ----

               --<Title>real numbers (not in SGML)--
               --real numbers (not in SGML)--

               --<Title>Shape of hotzone in image.--
               --Shape of hotzone in image.-- ----
               --All coordinates are assumed to be numbers in the range 0 to 1--
               --and interpreted as fractional width/height and measured from--
               --the top left corner of the associated image.-- ----
               --The attribute value is a string taking one of the following forms:--
               ---- --"default"-- ----
               --Used to define a default link for the figure background.--
               ---- --"circle x, y, r"-- ----
               --(x, y) define the center and r the radius.-- ----
               --"rect x, y, w, h"-- ----
               --(x, y) defines upper left, and w and h the width and height.--
               ---- --"polygon x1, y1, x2, y2, ..."-- ----
               --Given n pairs of x, y coordinates, the polygon is closed by a--
               --line linking the n'th point to the first. Intersecting polygons--
               --use the non-zero winding number rule to determine if a point lies--
               --inside the polygon.I-- ----

<!ENTITY % heading  "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6"

<!ENTITY % list  "UL | OL"

<!ENTITY % blockquote  "BLOCKQUOTE|BQ"

<!ENTITY % preformatted  "PRE"

<!ENTITY % attrs  
               'id       ID      #IMPLIED -- as target for hrefs (link ends) --
         lang     CDATA   "en.us"  -- ISO language, country code --
         class    NAMES   #IMPLIED -- for subclassing elements --'
               --<Title>common attributes for elements--
               --common attributes for elements--

<!ENTITY % needs  "clear  CDATA #IMPLIED"
               --<Title>Attributes for controlling text flow. Used in headers--
               --Attributes for controlling text flow. Used in headers--
               --and other elements to guarantee sufficient room--

<!ENTITY % url.link  
               "md     CDATA  #IMPLIED  -- message digest for linked object --"
               --<Title>Attributes associated with URL based links--
               --Attributes associated with URL based links--

<!ENTITY % HTMLlat1   SYSTEM "HTMLlat1"   
               --<Title>PUBLIC-- --PUBLIC--
               --"-//IETF//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for HTML//EN"--

<!ENTITY amp   CDATA "[amp]"
               --<Title>&#38; ampersand-- --&#38; ampersand--

<!ENTITY gt   CDATA ">"
               --<Title>&#62; greater than-- --&#62; greater than--

<!ENTITY lt   CDATA "<"
               --<Title>&#60; less than-- --&#60; less than--

<!ENTITY quot   CDATA '"'
               --<Title>&#34; double quote-- --&#34; double quote--

<!ENTITY emsp   SDATA " "
               --<Title>em space-- --em space--

<!ENTITY ensp   SDATA " "
               --<Title>en space (1/2-em)-- --en space (1/2-em)--

<!ENTITY mdash   SDATA "---"
               --<Title>em dash-- --em dash--

<!ENTITY ndash   SDATA "--"
               --<Title>en dash (1/2-em)-- --en dash (1/2-em)--

<!ENTITY nbsp   SDATA " "
               --<Title>non breaking space-- --non breaking space--

<!ENTITY shy   SDATA "-"
               --<Title>soft hyphen-- --soft hyphen--

<!ENTITY copy   SDATA "©"
               --<Title>copyright sign-- --copyright sign--

<!ENTITY trade   SDATA "TM"
               --<Title>trade mark sign-- --trade mark sign--

<!ENTITY reg   SDATA "®"
               --<Title>registered sign-- --registered sign--

<!ENTITY % HTMLicons   SYSTEM "HTMLicons"   
               --<Title>HTMLicons-- --PUBLIC--
               --"-//IETF//ENTITIES icons for HTML//EN"--

<!ENTITY % HTMLmath   SYSTEM "HTMLmath"   
               --<Title>HTMLmath-- --PUBLIC--
               --"-//IETF//ENTITIES Math and Greek for HTML//EN"--

<!ENTITY % font  " U | S | TT | I | BIG | SMALL"

<!ENTITY % phrase  "EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE"

<!ENTITY % misc  
               "Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL"

<!ENTITY % special  "TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR"

<!ENTITY % notmath  
               " U | S | TT | I | BIG | SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL"

<!ENTITY % text  
               "#PCDATA | SUB | SUP | B |  U | S | TT | I | BIG | SMALL | EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | TAB | MATH | A | IMG | BR | Q | LANG | AU | DFN | PERSON | ACRONYM | ABBREV | INS | DEL"


<!ENTITY % linkName  ""

<!ENTITY % ToolBar  
               --<Title>LINK RELationship values which are used to create toolbar--
               --LINK RELationship values which are used to create toolbar--
               --buttons or menu items for navigation, where toc stands--
               --for table of contents and bookmark provides for an open--
               --ended set of links, i.e. you can use multiple bookmarks--
               --for key entry points. Use the optional TITLE attribute--
               --to override default names.-- ----

<!ENTITY % linkType  "NAME"
               --<Title>A definitive list will be specified at a later date.--
               --A definitive list will be specified at a later date.--
               ---- --They are used-- ----
               --a) by stylesheets to control how collections of--
               --html nodes are rendered into printed documents-- ----
               --b) for document specific toolbars/menus when used--
               --with the LINK element in document head:-- ----
               --up|previous|next|help|bookmark"-- ----
               --where toc stands for table of contents and--
               --bookmark provides for an open ended set of links,--
               --i.e. you can use several bookmarks for key entry--
               --points. Use the optional TITLE attribute to--
               --override default names.-- ----
               --c) for hypertext paths or guided tours,--
               --with REL=NODE and REL=PATH.-- ----
               --d) to make a link to a style sheet, e.g. rel=stylesheet--
               --(used only with the LINK element).-- ----
               --e) to make a link to a separate banner, e.g. rel=banner--
               --(used only with the LINK element).-- ----

<!ENTITY % linkExtraAttributes  
               "rel NAME #IMPLIED -- forward relationship type --
        rev NAME #IMPLIED -- reversed relationship type
                                  to referent data --
        title   CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory only --
        methods NAMES #IMPLIED -- supported public methods of the object:
                                        TEXTSEARCH, GET, HEAD, ... --
               --<Title>URN moved to %url.link--
               --URN moved to %url.link--

<!ENTITY % block  
               "P | UL | OL | DL
        | PRE
        | FORM | ISINDEX | FN
        | TABLE | FIG | NOTE"

<!ENTITY % InputType  
                   | RESET | RANGE | FILE | SCRIBBLE | HIDDEN)"

<!ENTITY % block.align  
               "align  (bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify) center"

<!ENTITY % Frame  "(void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|border)"

<!ENTITY % VBorder  

<!ENTITY % HBorder  

<!ENTITY % VAlign  "(Top|Middle|Bottom|Baseline)"

<!ENTITY % TblUnit  "(percent|pixels|points|picas|mm|cm|inches)"

<!ENTITY % RProps  
               "RowSep		(HSingle|HDouble|HTriple|HDash|HDot|HBold|HBlank|HNone)  #IMPLIED
	 VAlign		(Top|Middle|Bottom|Baseline)   #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % CProps  
               "ColSep		(VSingle|VDouble|VTriple|VDash|VDot|VBold|VBlank|VNone)	#IMPLIED
	 --HAlign			#IMPLIED--

<!ENTITY % Rules  "(none | groups | rows | cols | all)"

<!ENTITY % Where  "(left|center|right)"

<!ENTITY % cell.halign  
               "align  (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED
         char    CDATA   #IMPLIED -- alignment char, e.g. char=':' --
         charoff CDATA   #IMPLIED -- offset for alignment char --"

<!ENTITY % cell.valign  "valign  (top|middle|bottom|baseline)  #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % Caption  "(top|bottom|left|right)"







               --<Title>common accents-- --common accents--

<!ENTITY % mathface  "B|T|BT"
               --<Title>control of font face-- --control of font face--

<!ENTITY % math  

<!ENTITY % formula  

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