
Scripting is disabled and therefore annotations cannot be shown.
<!-- ...................................................................... -->
<!-- XHTML 1.0 Linking Module  ............................................ -->
<!-- file: XHTML1-linking.mod

     This is XHTML 1.0, an XML reformulation of HTML 4.0.
     Copyright 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc., All rights reserved.
     $Id: @(#)XHTML1-linking.mod 1.5 99/01/31 SMI $

     This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:

     PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems//ELEMENTS XHTML 1.0 Linking//EN"
     SYSTEM "XHTML1-linking.mod"

# 1998-10-27  'a' exclusion on 'a' removed - content model changed
# 1998-11-15  moved shape and coords attributes on 'a' to csismap module
# 1999-01-14  moved onfocus and onblur attributes on 'a' to events module
     ....................................................................... -->

<!-- d2. Linking

        a, base, link

<!-- ............  Anchor Element  ............ -->

<!ENTITY % Shape "(rect|circle|poly|default)">
<!ENTITY % Coords "CDATA" >

<!ELEMENT a  ( #PCDATA | %Inline.mix; )* >

<!ELEMENT a  ( #PCDATA | %Inline-noa.mix; )* >
      charset      %Charset;                #IMPLIED
      type         %ContentType;            #IMPLIED
      name         CDATA                    #IMPLIED
      hreflang     %LanguageCode;           #IMPLIED
      rel          %LinkTypes;              #IMPLIED
      rev          %LinkTypes;              #IMPLIED
      accesskey    %Character;              #IMPLIED
      tabindex     %Number;                 #IMPLIED

<!-- ............  Base Element  ............ -->

<!ATTLIST base 
      href         %URI;                    #REQUIRED

<!-- include xlink attributes (TBD) -->
<!ATTLIST base 
      xml:link     CDATA                    #FIXED  'simple'
      role         CDATA                    #FIXED  'base'
      title        CDATA                    #IMPLIED

<!-- ............  Link Element  ............ -->

<!-- Relationship values can be used in principle:

   a) for document specific toolbars/menus when used
      with the LINK element in document head e.g.
        start, contents, previous, next, index, end, help
   b) to link to a separate style sheet (rel=stylesheet)
   c) to make a link to a script (rel=script)
   d) by stylesheets to control how collections of
      html nodes are rendered into printed documents
   e) to make a link to a printable version of this document
      e.g. a postscript or pdf version (rel=alternate media=print)

<!ATTLIST link
      charset      %Charset;                #IMPLIED
      href         %URI;                    #IMPLIED
      hreflang     %LanguageCode;           #IMPLIED
      type         %ContentType;            #IMPLIED
      rel          %LinkTypes;              #IMPLIED
      rev          %LinkTypes;              #IMPLIED
      media        %MediaDesc;              #IMPLIED

<!-- include xlink attributes (TBD) -->
<!ATTLIST link 
      xml:link     CDATA                    #FIXED  'simple'

<!-- end of XHTML1-linking.mod -->