Newsportal NNTP<->HTTP Gateway
Version: 0.24pre3
this Script is licensed under the GNU Public License
Author: Florian Amrhein
eMail: florian.amrhein@gmx.de
Homepage: http://floh.gartenhaus.net
* the name and the description of a newsgroup
class newsgroupType {
var $name;
var $description;
var $count;
* Stores a complete article:
* - The parsed Header as an headerType
* - The bodies and attachments as an array of array of lines
class messageType {
var $header;
var $body;
* Stores the Header of an article
class headerType {
var $number; // the Number of an article inside a group
var $id; // Message-ID
var $from; // eMail of the author
var $name; // Name of the author
var $subject; // the subject
var $newsgroups; // the Newsgroups where the article belongs to
var $followup;
var $date;
var $organization;
var $references;
var $content_transfer_encoding;
var $mime_version;
var $content_type; // array, Content-Type of the Body (Index=0) and the
// Attachments (Index>0)
var $content_type_charset; // like content_type
var $content_type_name; // array of the names of the attachments
var $content_type_boundary; // The boundary of an multipart-article.
var $answers;
var $isAnswer;
var $username;
var $user_agent;
var $isReply;
* opens the connection to the NNTP-Server
* $server: adress of the NNTP-Server
* $port: port of the server
function OpenNNTPconnection($nserver=0,$nport=0) {
global $text_error,$server_auth_user,$server_auth_pass,$readonly;
global $server,$port;
if ($nserver==0) $nserver=$server;
if ($nport==0) $nport=$port;
$weg=lieszeile($ns); // kill the first line
if (substr($weg,0,2) != "20") {
echo "
} else {
if ($ns != false) {
fputs($ns,"mode reader\r\n");
$weg=lieszeile($ns); // and once more
if (substr($weg,0,2) != "20") {
echo "".$text_error["error:"]."
if ((isset($server_auth_user)) && (isset($server_auth_pass)) &&
($server_auth_user != "")) {
fputs($ns,"authinfo user $server_auth_user\r\n");
fputs($ns,"authinfo pass $server_auth_pass\r\n");
if (substr($weg,0,3) != "281") {
echo "".$text_error["error:"]."
echo "".$text_error["auth_error"]."
if ($ns==false) echo "".$text_error["connection_failed"]."
return $ns;
* Close a NNTP connection
* $ns: the handle of the connection
function closeNNTPconnection(&$ns) {
if ($ns != false) {
* Validates an email adress
* $address: a string containing the email-address to be validated
* returns true if the address passes the tests, false otherwise.
function validate_email($address)
global $validate_email;
if (($validate_email >= 1) && ($return == true))
$return = (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_A-z{|}~]+'.'@'.
if (($validate_email >= 2) && ($return == true)) {
if (!$return) $return=checkdnsrr($addressarray[0]["host"],"A");
* decodes a block of 7bit-data in uuencoded format to it's original
* 8bit format.
* The headerline containing filename and permissions doesn't have to
* be included.
* $data: The uuencoded data as a string
* returns the 8bit data as a string
* Note: this function is very slow and doesn't recognize incorrect code.
function uudecode_line($line) {
for ($i=0; $i<(strlen($data)>>2); $i++) {
for ($o=0; $o<4; $o++) {
if ($g==64) $g=0;
$bitmaske=$bitmaske | ($g << (6*$o));
for ($o=0; $o<3; $o++) {
$c=($bitmaske & $schablone) >> ($o << 3);
$schablone=($schablone << 8);
return $decoded;
function uudecode($data) {
for ($i=0; $i $articles_per_page)
for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) {
echo '[';
if ($first != $i*$articles_per_page+1)
echo '';
echo ($i*$articles_per_page+1).'-';
if ($i == $pages-1) {
echo $article_count;
} else {
echo ($i+1)*$articles_per_page;
if ($first != $i*$articles_per_page+1)
echo '';
echo '] ';
function testGroup($groupname) {
global $testgroup;
if ($testgroup) {
while (!feof($gf)) {
$pos=strpos($read," ");
if ($pos != false) {
if (substr($read,0,$pos)==trim($groupname)) return true;
} else {
if ($read == trim($groupname)) return true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
function testGroups($newsgroups) {
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
if (testgroup($groups[$i])) {
if ($o>0) $return.=",";
* read one line from the NNTP-server
function lieszeile(&$ns) {
if ($ns != false) {
return $t;
* Split an internet-address string into its parts. An address string could
* be for example:
* - user@host.domain (Realname)
* - "Realname"
* - user@host.domain
* The address will be split into user, host (incl. domain) and realname
* $adrstring: The string containing the address in internet format
* $defaulthost: The name of the host which should be returned if the
* address-string doesn't contain a hostname.
* returns an hash containing the fields "mailbox", "host" and "personal"
function address_decode($adrstring,$defaulthost) {
$at_pos=strpos($parsestring,'@'); // find @
$ka_pos=strpos($parsestring,"("); // find (
$kz_pos=strpos($parsestring,')'); // find )
$ha_pos=strpos($parsestring,'<'); // find <
$hz_pos=strpos($parsestring,'>'); // find >
$space_pos=strpos($parsestring,')'); // find ' '
if ($space_pos != false) {
if (($ka_pos != false) && ($kz_pos != false)) {
} else {
if (($ha_pos != false) && ($hz_pos != false)) {
if ($at_pos != false) {
} else {
if (substr($personal,0,1) == '"') $personal=substr($personal,1);
if (substr($personal,strlen($personal)-1,1) == '"')
// $personal = mb_convert_encoding($personal, "EUC-JP", "auto");
if ($personal!="") $result["personal"]=$personal;
return ($complete);
function readGroups($server,$port) {
if ($ns == false) return false;
while (!feof($gf)) {
$gruppe=new newsgroupType;
$pos=strpos($tmp," ");
if ($pos != false) {
} else {
fputs($ns,"xgtitle $gruppe->name\r\n");
if (strcmp(substr($response,0,3),"282") == 0) {
do {
if ($neu != ".") $neu=liesZeile($ns);
} while ($neu != ".");
if (strcmp($response,".") == 0) {
} else {
if (strcmp(substr($response,0,3),"500") == 0)
if (strcmp($desc,"") == 0) $desc="-";
fputs($ns,"group ".$gruppe->name."\r\n");
$t=strchr($response," ");
$gruppe->count=substr($t,0,strpos($t," "));
if ((strcmp(trim($gruppe->name),"") != 0) &&
(substr($gruppe->name,0,1) != "#"))
return $newsgroups;
* print the group names from an array to the webpage
function showgroups($gruppen) {
if ($gruppen == false) return;
global $file_thread,$text_groups;
$c = count($gruppen);
echo "\n";
echo "# | ".$text_groups["newsgroup"].
" | ".$text_groups["description"]." |
for($i = 0 ; $i < $c ; $i++) {
$g = $gruppen[$i];
echo "";
echo "$g->count | ";
echo 'name).'/index.html">'.$g->name." | \n";
echo "$g->description |
echo "
* gets a list of aviable articles in the group $groupname
function getArticleList(&$von,$groupname) {
fputs($von,"listgroup $groupname \r\n");
while(strcmp($zeile,".") != 0) {
$articleList[] = trim($zeile);
if (!isset($articleList)) $articleList="-";
return $articleList;
* Decode quoted-printable or base64 encoded headerlines
* $value: The to be decoded line
* returns the decoded line
function headerDecode($value) {
if (eregi('=\?.*\?.\?.*\?=',$value)) { // is there anything encoded?
if (eregi('=\?.*\?Q\?.*\?=',$value)) { // quoted-printable decoding
$result2=str_replace("_"," ",quoted_printable_decode($result2));
if (eregi('=\?.*\?B\?.*\?=',$value)) { // base64 decoding
if (!isset($newvalue)) // nothig of them, must be an unknown encoding...
$newvalue=headerDecode($newvalue); // maybe there are more encoded
return(mb_convert_encoding($newvalue, "EUC-JP", "auto")); // parts
} else {
if (eregi('".*"',$value)) { // quoted-pair
return(mb_convert_encoding($newvalue, "EUC-JP", "auto"));
} else { // there wasn't anything encoded, return the original string
return(mb_convert_encoding($value, "EUC-JP", "auto"));
function decode_quoted_pair($value) {
function getTimestamp($value) {
$value=str_replace(" "," ",$value);
$d=split(" ",$value,5);
if (strcmp(substr($d[0],strlen($d[0])-1,1),",") == 0) {
$date[0]=$d[1]; // day
$date[1]=$d[2]; // month
$date[2]=$d[3]; // year
$date[3]=$d[4]; // hours:minutes:seconds
} else {
$date[0]=$d[0]; // day
$date[1]=$d[1]; // month
$date[2]=$d[2]; // year
$date[3]=$d[3]; // hours:minutes:seconds
return $timestamp;
function parse_header($hdr,$number="") {
for ($i=count($hdr)-1; $i>0; $i--)
if (preg_match("/^(\x09|\x20)/",$hdr[$i]))
$header = new headerType;
for ($count=0;$countfrom=$fromline[0]["mailbox"]."@".$fromline[0]["host"];
if (!isset($fromline[0]["personal"])) {
} else {
case "message-id:":
case "subject:":
case "newsgroups:":
case "organization:":
case "content-transfer-encoding:":
case "content-type:":
for ($i=1; $icontent_type_charset=array(strtolower($subvalue));
case "name":
case "boundary":
case "references:":
$ref=ereg_replace("> *<", "> <", trim($value));
while (strpos($ref,"> <") != false) {
$header->references[]=substr($ref,0,strpos($ref," "));
$ref=substr($ref,strpos($ref,"> <")+2);
case "date:":
case "followup-to:":
case "x-newsreader:":
case "x-mailer:":
case "user-agent:":
case "x-face:":
// echo "-".base64_decode($value)."-
if (!isset($header->content_type[0]))
if (!isset($header->content_transfer_encoding))
if ($number != "") $header->number=$number;
return $header;
function decode_body($body,$encoding) {
switch ($encoding) {
case "base64":
case "quoted-printable":
// default:
// $body=str_replace("\n..\n","\n.\n",$body);
return $body;
function parse_message($rawmessage) {
global $attachment_delete_alternative,$attachment_uudecode;
// Read the header of the message:
$message = new messageType;
while ($rawmessage[$i] != "") {
// Parse the Header:
// Now we know if the message is a mime-multipart message:
if ($content_type[0]=="multipart") {
// We have multible bodies, so we split the message into its parts
// lets find the first part
while($rawmessage[$i] != $boundary)
while($i<=$count_rawmessage) {
if (($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary) || ($i==$count_rawmessage-1) ||
($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary.'--')) {
// merge the content-types of the message with those of the part
for ($o=0; $oheader->content_type); $o++) {
} else {
if ($i<$count_rawmessage)
if ($rawmessage[$i]==$boundary.'--') break;
// Is this a multipart/alternative multipart-message? Do we have to
// delete all non plain/text parts?
if (($attachment_delete_alternative) &&
($content_type[1]=="alternative")) {
for ($o=0; $oheader->content_type); $o++) {
if ($message->header->content_type[$o]=="text/plain")
$plaintext=true; // we found at least one text/plain
if ($plaintext) { // now we can delete the other parts
for ($o=0; $oheader->content_type); $o++) {
if ($message->header->content_type[$o]!="text/plain") {
} else {
// No mime-attachments in the message:
$uueatt=0; // as default we have no uuencoded attachments
for($i++;$i<$count_rawmessage; $i++) {
// do we have an inlay uuencoded file?
if ((strtolower(substr($rawmessage[$i],0,5))!="begin") ||
($attachment_uudecode==false)) {
// yes, it seems, we have!
} else {
$uue_infoline=explode(" ",$uue_infoline_raw);
while($rawmessage[$i]!="end") {
if (strlen(trim($rawmessage[$i])) > 2)
// now write the data in an attachment
for ($o=2; $oheader->content_type_name[$uueatt].=$uue_infoline[$o];
// if ($message->header->content_type[0]=="text/plain") {
// $body=trim($body);
// if ($body=="") $body=" ";
// }
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_charset))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_name))
for ($o=0; $obody); $o++) {
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_charset[$o]))
if (!isset($message->header->content_type_name[$o]))
return $message;
* read an article from the newsserver or the spool-directory
* $id: the Message-ID of an article
* $bodynum: the number of the attachment:
* -1: return only the header without any bodies or attachments.
* 0: the body
* 1: the first attachment...
* The function returns an article as an messageType or false if the article
* doesn't exists on the newsserver or doesn't contain the given
* attachment.
function read_message($id,$bodynum=0,$group="") {
global $cache_articles,$spooldir,$text_error;
$message = new messageType;
if ((isset($cache_articles)) && ($cache_articles == true)) {
if ((ereg('^[0-9]+$',$id)) && ($group != ''))
if (file_exists($cachefilename_header)) {
} else {
// Is a non-existing attachment of an article requested?
if ((isset($message->header)) &&
($bodynum!= -1) &&
return false;
if ((file_exists($cachefilename_body.$bodynum)) &&
($bodynum != -1)) {
if ((!isset($message->header)) ||
((!isset($message->body[$bodynum])) &&
($bodynum != -1))) {
if (!isset($ns)) $ns=openNNTPconnection();
if ($group != "") {
fputs($ns,"group ".$group."\r\n");
fputs($ns,'article '.$id."\r\n");
if (substr($zeile,0,3) != "220")
return false;
#$line=mb_convert_encoding($line, "EUC-JP", "ISO-2022-JP");
while(strcmp($line,".") != 0) {
#$line=mb_convert_encoding($line, "EUC-JP", "ISO-2022-JP");
if (ereg('^[0-9]+$',$id)) $message->header->number=$id;
// write header, body and attachments to disk
if ((isset($cache_articles)) && ($cache_articles == true)) {
if ($cachefile) {
for ($i=0; $iheader->content_type); $i++) {
if (isset($message->body[$i])) {
return $message;
function textwrap($text, $wrap=80, $break="\n"){
$len = strlen($text);
if ($len > $wrap) {
$h = ''; // massaged text
$lastWhite = 0; // position of last whitespace char
$lastChar = 0; // position of last char
$lastBreak = 0; // position of last break
// while there is text to process
while ($lastChar < $len) {
$char = substr($text, $lastChar, 1); // get the next character
// if we are beyond the wrap boundry and there is a place to break
if (($lastChar - $lastBreak > $wrap) && ($lastWhite > $lastBreak)) {
$h .= substr($text, $lastBreak, ($lastWhite - $lastBreak)) . $break;
$lastChar = $lastWhite + 1;
$lastBreak = $lastChar;
// You may wish to include other characters as valid whitespace...
if ($char == ' ' || $char == chr(13) || $char == chr(10)) {
$lastWhite = $lastChar; // note the position of the last whitespace
$lastChar = $lastChar + 1; // advance the last character position by one
$h .= substr($text, $lastBreak); // build line
} else {
$h = $text; // in this case everything can fit on one line
return $h;
* makes URLs clickable
* $comment: A text-line probably containing links.
* the function returns the text-line with HTML-Links to the links or
* email-adresses.
function html_parse($comment, $group = "", $msgidregex = "") {
global $frame_externallink;
global $file_article;
if ((isset($frame_externallink)) && ($frame_externallink != "")) {
$target=' TARGET="'.$frame_externallink.'" ';
} else {
$target=' ';
$ncomment = eregi_replace( 'http://([-a-z0-9_./~@?=%#&;]+)', 'http://\1', $comment);
if ($ncomment == $comment)
$ncomment = eregi_replace( '(www\.[-a-z]+\.(de|int|eu|dk|org|net|at|ch|com|jp))','\1',$comment);
$comment = eregi_replace( 'https://([-a-z0-9_./~@?=%#&;\n]+)', 'https://\1', $comment);
$comment = eregi_replace( 'gopher://([-a-z0-9_./~@?=%\n]+)','gopher://\1', $comment);
$comment = eregi_replace( 'news://([-a-z0-9_./~@?=%\n]+)','news://\1', $comment);
$comment = eregi_replace( 'ftp://([-a-z0-9_./~@?=%\n]+)', 'ftp://\1', $comment);
if(!empty($msgidregex) && ereg($msgidregex, $comment)){
//$comment = ereg_replace( $msgidregex, '<\1>', $comment);
$comment = preg_replace( '/'.$msgidregex.'/e', "'').'.html\">\\1\\2\\3'", $comment);
} else{
$comment = eregi_replace( '([-a-z0-9_./n]+)@([-a-z0-9_.]+)','\1@\2', $comment);
* read the header of an article in plaintext into an array
* $articleNumber can be the number of an article or its message-id.
function readPlainHeader(&$von,$group,$articleNumber) {
fputs($von,"group $group\r\n");
fputs($von,"head $articleNumber\r\n");
if (substr($zeile,0,3) != "221") {
echo $text_error["article_not_found"];
} else {
while(strcmp(trim($zeile),".") != 0) {
$body .= $zeile."\n";
return split("\n",str_replace("\r\n","\n",$body));
function readArticles(&$von,$groupname,$articleList) {
for($i = 0; $i <= count($articleList)-1 ; $i++) {
$articles[$temp->id] = $temp;
return $articles;
* Remove re: aw: etc. from a subject.
* $subject: a string containing the complete Subject
* The function removes the re:, aw: etc. from $subject end returns true
* if it removed anything, and false if not.
function splitSubject(&$subject) {
$s=eregi_replace('^(aw:|re:|re\[2\]:| )+','',$subject);
$return=($s != $subject);
return $return;
function interpretOverviewLine($zeile,$overviewformat,$groupname) {
echo " "; // keep the connection to the webbrowser alive
flush(); // while generating the message-tree
$article=new headerType;
for ($i=0; $iisReply=splitSubject($subject);
if ($overviewfmt[$i]=="Date:") {
if ($overviewfmt[$i]=="From:") {
if (!isset($fromline[0]["personal"])) {
if (strpos($article->name,'%')) {
$article->name=strtr($article->name,'_',' ');
} else {
if ($overviewfmt[$i]=="Message-ID:") $article->id=$over[$i+1];
if (($overviewfmt[$i]=="References:") && ($over[$i+1] != ""))
$article->references=explode(" ",$over[$i+1]);
* Rebuild the Overview-File
function rebuildOverview(&$von,$groupname,$poll) {
global $spooldir,$maxarticles,$maxfetch,$initialfetch,$maxarticles_extra;
global $text_error,$text_thread,$compress_spoolfiles,$server;
fputs($von,"list overview.fmt\r\n"); // find out the format of the
$tmp=liesZeile($von); // xover-command
while (strcmp($zeile,".") != 0) {
fputs($von,"group $groupname\r\n"); // select a group
$groupinfo=explode(" ",liesZeile($von));
if (substr($groupinfo[0],0,1) != 2) {
echo "".$text_error["error:"]."
echo "".$text_thread["no_such_group"]."
} else {
if (!((file_exists($infofilename)) && (file_exists($spoolfilename)))) {
} else {
if (trim($oldid) != $idstring) {
echo "\n";
$oldgroupinfo=explode(" ",trim(fgets($infofile,200)));
if ($groupinfo[3] < $oldgroupinfo[1]) {
if ($maxarticles == 0) {
if ($groupinfo[2] != $oldgroupinfo[0]) $spoolopenmodus="w";
} else {
if ($groupinfo[2] > $oldgroupinfo[0]) $spoolopenmodus="w";
if (($spoolopenmodus == "n") && ($groupinfo[3] > $oldgroupinfo[1]))
if ($spoolopenmodus=="a") {
if ($spoolopenmodus=="w") {
if ($spoolopenmodus != "n") {
if ($maxarticles != 0) {
if ($spoolopenmodus == "w") {
if ($firstarticle < $groupinfo[2])
} else {
if ($lastarticle-$oldgroupinfo[0]+1 > $maxarticles + $maxarticles_extra) {
if (($maxfetch!=0) && (($lastarticle-$firstarticle+1) > $maxfetch)) {
if ($spoolopenmodus=="w") {
$tofetch=($initialfetch != 0) ? $initialfetch : $maxfetch;
} else {
echo "\n";
if ($spoolopenmodus != "w") $headers=loadThreadData($groupname);
if ($spoolopenmodus != "n") {
fputs($von,"xover ".$firstarticle."-".$lastarticle."\r\n"); // and read the overview
if (substr($tmp,0,3) == "224") {
while ($zeile != ".") {
if($poll) {
echo $article->number.", "; flush();
if (file_exists($spoolfilename)) unlink($spoolfilename);
if (count($headers)>0) {
if ($spoolopenmodus=="a") $firstarticle=$oldgroupinfo[0];
fputs($infofile,$firstarticle." ".$lastarticle."\r\n");
$c=current($headers); // read one article
for ($i=0 ; $i<=count($headers)-1 ; $i++) {
if (($c->isAnswer == false) &&
(isset($c->references[0]))) { // is the article an answer to an
// other article?
while (($o >= 0) && (!isset($headers[$ref]))) { // try to find a
$ref=$c->references[$o]; // matching article
$o--; // to the reference
if ($o >= 0) { // found a matching article?
$c->isAnswer=true; // so the Article is an answer
$headers[$ref]->answers[]=$c->id; // the referenced article gets
// the ID of the article
return((isset($headers)) ? $headers : false);
* Read the Overview.
* Format of the overview-file:
* message-id
* date
* subject
* author
* email
* references
function mycompare($a,$b) {
global $thread_sorting;
if ($a->date==$b->date) $r=0;
$r=($a->date<$b->date) ? -1 : 1;
return $r*$thread_sorting;
function readOverview(&$von,$groupname,$readmode = 1,$poll=false) {
global $text_error, $maxarticles;
global $spooldir,$thread_sorting;
if (!testGroup($groupname)) {
echo $text_error["read_access_denied"];
if ($von == false) return false;
if (($von!=false) && ($readmode > 0))
if ((isset($articles)) && ($articles)) {
if (($thread_sorting != 0) && (count($articles)>0))
return $articles;
} else {
return false;
function str_change($str,$pos,$char) {
function formatDate($c) {
global $age_count,$age_time,$age_color,$date_format;
if ($age_count > 0)
for($t = $age_count; $t >= 1; $t--)
if ($currentTime - $c->date < $age_time[$t]) $color = $age_color[$t];
if ($color != "") $return .= '';
if (!isset($date_format)) $date_format = "d.m.";
$return .= date($date_format,$c->date); // format the date
if ($color != "") $return .= '';
function calculateTree($newtree,$depth,$num,$liste,$c) {
if ((isset($c->answers[0])) && (count($c->answers)>0)) {
} else {
if ($depth == 1) {
} else {
if (($num == count($liste)-1) && ($depth>1)) {
* Format the message-tree
* Zeichen im Baum:
* o : leerer Kasten k1.gif
* * : Kasten mit Zeichen drin k2.gif
* i : vertikale Linie I.gif
* - : horizontale Linie s.gif
* + : T-Stueck T.gif
* ` : Winkel L.gif
function formatTreeGraphic($newtree) {
global $imgdir;
for ($o=0 ; $oisReply) {
$re="Re: ";
} else {
global $file_article, $thread_maxSubject, $frame_article;
function formatAuthor($c) {
$return = '';
if (trim($c->name)!="") {
// $return .= htmlspecialchars(trim(mb_convert_encoding($c->name, "EUC-JP", "auto")));
$return .= htmlspecialchars(trim($c->name));
} else {
if (isset($c->username)) {
$s = strpos($c->username,"%");
if ($s != false) {
$return .= htmlspecialchars(substr($c->username,0,$s));
} else {
$return .= htmlspecialchars($c->username);
$return .= "";
function showThread(&$headers,&$liste,$depth,$tree,$group,$article_first=0,$article_last=0,&$article_count) {
global $thread_treestyle;
global $thread_showDate,$thread_showSubject;
global $thread_showAuthor,$imgdir;
global $file_article,$thread_maxSubject;
global $age_count,$age_time,$age_color;
global $frame_article,$thread_fontPre,$thread_fontPost;
if ($thread_treestyle==3) echo "\n\n";
for ($i = 0 ; $i= $article_first) &&
($article_count <= $article_last))) {
switch ($thread_treestyle) {
case 0: // simple list
echo $thread_fontPre;
if ($thread_showDate) echo formatDate($c)." ";
if ($thread_showSubject) echo formatSubject($c,$group)." ";
if ($thread_showAuthor) echo "(".formatAuthor($c).")";
echo $thread_fontPost;
echo "
case 1: // html-auflistung, kein baum
echo "- ".$thread_fontPre;
if ($thread_showDate)
echo formatDate($c)." ";
if ($thread_showSubject)
echo formatSubject($c,$group)." ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo "(".formatAuthor($c).")";
echo $thread_fontPost."
case 2: // table
echo "";
if ($thread_showDate)
echo "".$thread_fontPre.formatDate($c)." ".$thread_fontPost." | ";
if ($thread_showSubject) {
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatSubject($c,$group);
echo $thread_fontPost." | ";
if ($thread_showAuthor) {
echo " | ";
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatAuthor($c);
echo $thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "
case 3: // html-tree
echo "- ".$thread_fontPre;
if ($thread_showDate)
echo formatDate($c)." ";
if ($thread_showSubject)
echo formatSubject($c,$group)." ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo "(".formatAuthor($c).")";
echo $thread_fontPost."\n";
case 4: // thread
echo "".$thread_fontPre;
if ($thread_showDate)
echo formatDate($c)." ";
echo formatTreeText($newtree)." ";
if ($thread_showSubject)
echo formatSubject($c,$group)." ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo "(".formatAuthor($c).")";
echo $thread_fontPost."
case 5: // thread, graphic
echo "\n";
if ($thread_showDate)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatDate($c)." ".$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "".$thread_fontPre.formatTreeGraphic($newtree).$thread_fontPost." | ";
if ($thread_showSubject)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre." ".formatSubject($c,$group)." ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo "(".formatAuthor($c).")".$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "
case 6: // thread, table
echo "";
if ($thread_showDate)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatDate($c)." ".$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatTreeText($newtree)." ";
if ($thread_showSubject) {
echo formatSubject($c,$group).$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo " | ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatAuthor($c).$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "
case 7: // thread, table, graphic
echo "";
if ($thread_showDate)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatDate($c)." ".$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "\n";
echo "".formatTreeGraphic($newtree)." | ";
if ($thread_showSubject)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre." ".formatSubject($c,$group).$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo " | ";
if ($thread_showSubject) echo " | ";
if ($thread_showAuthor)
echo ''.$thread_fontPre.formatAuthor($c).$thread_fontPost." | ";
echo "
if ((isset($c->answers[0])) && (count($c->answers)>0) &&
($article_count<=$article_last)) {
if ($thread_treestyle >= 4) {
if (substr($newtree,$depth-2,1) == "+")
if (!isset($newtree)) $newtree="";
if ($thread_treestyle==3) echo "
* Load a thread from disk
* $group: name of the newsgroup, is needed to create the filename
* the function returns an array of headerType containing the
* overview-data of the thread.
function loadThreadData($group) {
global $spooldir,$compress_spoolfiles;
if ($compress_spoolfiles) {
} else {
* Save the thread to disk
* $header: is an array of headerType containing all overview-information
* of a newsgroup
* $group: name of the newsgroup, is needed to create the filename
function saveThreadData($headers,$group) {
global $spooldir,$compress_spoolfiles;
if ($compress_spoolfiles) {
} else {
function showHeaders(&$headers,$group,$article_first=0,$article_last=0) {
global $thread_showDate, $thread_showTable;
global $thread_showAuthor,$thread_showSubject;
global $text_thread,$thread_treestyle;
if ($headers == false) {
echo $text_thread["no_articles"];
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<=count($headers)-1; $i++) { // create the array $liste
if ($c->isAnswer == false) { // where are all the articles
$liste[]=$c->id; // in that don't have
} // references
if (count($liste)>0) {
if (($thread_treestyle==2) || ($thread_treestyle==6) ||
($thread_treestyle==7)) {
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
if ($thread_showDate) echo "".$text_thread["date"]." | ";
if ($thread_showSubject) echo "".$text_thread["subject"]." | ";
if ($thread_showAuthor) {
echo " | ";
echo "".$text_thread["author"]." | \n";
echo "
echo "
} else {
if ($thread_treestyle==1) echo "\n";
if ($thread_treestyle==1) echo "
function MessageIdToUrl($id) {
$id = ereg_replace("^<","",$id);
$id = ereg_replace(">$","",$id);
return urlencode($id);
* Print the header of a message to the webpage
* $head: the header of the message as an headerType
* $group: the name of the newsgroup, is needed for the links to post.php3
* and the header.
function show_header($head,$group) {
global $article_show,$text_header,$file_article,$attachment_show;
global $file_attachment, $file_article, $server;
if ($article_show["Subject"]) echo $text_header["subject"].htmlspecialchars($head->subject)."
if ($article_show["From"]) {
echo $text_header["from"].''.$head->from.' ';
if ($head->name != "") echo '('.htmlspecialchars($head->name).')';
echo "
if ($article_show["Newsgroups"])
echo $text_header["newsgroups"].htmlspecialchars(str_replace(',',', ',$head->newsgroups))."
if (isset($head->followup) && ($article_show["Followup"]) && ($head->followup != ""))
echo $text_header["followup"].htmlspecialchars($head->followup)."
if ((isset($head->organization)) && ($article_show["Organization"]) &&
($head->organization != ""))
echo $text_header["organization"].
if ($article_show["Date"])
echo $text_header["date"].date($text_header["date_format"],$head->date)."
if ($article_show["Message-ID"])
$a = MessageIdToUrl($head->id);
echo $text_header["message-id"].htmlspecialchars($head->id)."[".''."HTTP"."][".''."NNTP"."]
if (($article_show["References"]) && (isset($head->references[0]))) {
echo $text_header["references"];
for ($i=0; $i<=count($head->references)-1; $i++) {
echo ' '.''.($i+1).'';
echo "
if (isset($head->user_agent)) {
if ((isset($article_show["User-Agent"])) &&
($article_show["User-Agent"])) {
echo $text_header["user-agent"].htmlspecialchars($head->user_agent)."
} else {
echo "\n";
if ((isset($attachment_show)) && ($attachment_show==true) &&
(isset($head->content_type[1]))) {
echo $text_header["attachments"];
for ($i=1; $icontent_type); $i++) {
echo ''.
$head->content_type_name[$i].' ('.
if ($icontent_type)-1) echo ', ';
function showAntwortKnopf($group,$id) {
global $file_post;
echo "\n";
* print an article to the webpage
* $group: The name of the newsgroup
* $id: the ID of the article inside the group or the message-id
* $attachment: The number of the attachment of the article.
* 0 means the normal textbody.
function show_article($group,$id,$attachment=0,$article_data=false) {
global $file_article;
global $text_header,$article_showthread;
if ($article_data == false)
if ($head!=false) {
if (($head->content_type[$attachment]=="text/plain") &&
echo "\n";
$refs = $head->references;
array_walk($refs, 'escape_regex');
$msgidregex = "(<|news:)(".join("|", $refs).")(>)?";
$msgidregex = str_replace("><", "|", $msgidregex);
for ($i=0; $i<=count($body)-1; $i++) {
// $b=textwrap($body[$i],80,"\n");
// if ((strpos(substr($b,0,strpos($b," ")),'>') != false ) ||
// (strcmp(substr($b,0,1),'>') == 0) ||
// (strcmp(substr($b,0,1),':') == 0)) {
// echo "".html_parse(htmlspecialchars($b))."\n";
// } else {
// echo html_parse(htmlspecialchars($b)."\n");
// }
// echo $body[$i]."\n";
echo html_parse(htmlspecialchars($b)."\n", $group, $msgidregex);
echo "\n
} else {
echo $body;
if ($article_showthread > 0) {
function escape_regex(&$value, $key){
$value = QuoteMeta(substr($value, 1, -1));
* Encode lines with 8bit-characters to quote-printable
* $line: the to be encoded line
* the function returns a sting containing the quoted-printable encoded
* $line
function quoted_printable_encode($line) {
'=00', '=01', '=02', '=03', '=04', '=05',
'=06', '=07', '=08', '=09', '=0A', '=0B',
'=0C', '=0D', '=0E', '=0F', '=10', '=11',
'=12', '=13', '=14', '=15', '=16', '=17',
'=18', '=19', '=1A', '=1B', '=1C', '=1D',
'=1E', '=1F', '_', '!', '"', '#',
'$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')',
'*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
'6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';',
'<', '=3D', '>', '=3F', '@', 'A',
'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S',
'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y',
'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '=5F',
'', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k',
'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}',
'~', '=7F', '=80', '=81', '=82', '=83',
'=84', '=85', '=86', '=87', '=88', '=89',
'=8A', '=8B', '=8C', '=8D', '=8E', '=8F',
'=90', '=91', '=92', '=93', '=94', '=95',
'=96', '=97', '=98', '=99', '=9A', '=9B',
'=9C', '=9D', '=9E', '=9F', '=A0', '=A1',
'=A2', '=A3', '=A4', '=A5', '=A6', '=A7',
'=A8', '=A9', '=AA', '=AB', '=AC', '=AD',
'=AE', '=AF', '=B0', '=B1', '=B2', '=B3',
'=B4', '=B5', '=B6', '=B7', '=B8', '=B9',
'=BA', '=BB', '=BC', '=BD', '=BE', '=BF',
'=C0', '=C1', '=C2', '=C3', '=C4', '=C5',
'=C6', '=C7', '=C8', '=C9', '=CA', '=CB',
'=CC', '=CD', '=CE', '=CF', '=D0', '=D1',
'=D2', '=D3', '=D4', '=D5', '=D6', '=D7',
'=D8', '=D9', '=DA', '=DB', '=DC', '=DD',
'=DE', '=DF', '=E0', '=E1', '=E2', '=E3',
'=E4', '=E5', '=E6', '=E7', '=E8', '=E9',
'=EA', '=EB', '=EC', '=ED', '=EE', '=EF',
'=F0', '=F1', '=F2', '=F3', '=F4', '=F5',
'=F6', '=F7', '=F8', '=F9', '=FA', '=FB',
'=FC', '=FD', '=FE', '=FF');
// are there "forbidden" characters in the string?
for($i=0; $i0 && $line[$from] != ' '; $from--);
if($from>0) $from++;
for(;$to") != false ) | (strcmp(substr($b[$i],0,1),">") == 0)) {
$body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]),78,"\r\n")."\r\n";
} else {
$body .= textwrap(stripSlashes($b[$i]),74,"\r\n")."\r\n";
$body = mb_convert_encoding($body, "ISO-2022-JP", "EUC-JP");
} else {
return $message . mb_encode_mimeheader($subject) . mb_encode_mimeheader($from);