#?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0 DocumentType: @Name: Markup Language for IETF RFCs with Japanese Translation Markup Framework @Version: @Description: This is an RFC markup language with additional markup for RFC translations. @ID: rfc2629ja @BaseURI: http://suika.fam.cx/gate/cvs/*checkout*/markup/rfc/dtd/ @Namespace: @@UsePrefix: 1 @Copyright: Wakaba @RCSDate: $Date: 2004/01/13 11:13:48 $ Driver: @ModuleSet: @@Name: Markup Language for IETF RFCs @@ID: rfc2629 @@BaseURI: module/ @@Namespace: @@@Name: urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:ietf:rfc:2629: @@@DefaultPrefix: rfc @@@UsePrefix: -1 @@Default: 1 @ModuleSet: @@Name: Japanese Translation Markup Framework for RFC 2629 Markups @@ID: rfc2629ja @@BaseURI: module/ @@Namespace: @@@Name: http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/lang/rfc/translation/ @@@DefaultPrefix: ja @@@UsePrefix: 1 @@Default: 1 @ModuleSet: @@Name: rfc2629.xslt "myns" @@ID: myns @@BaseURI: module/ @@Namespace: @@@Name: mailto:julian.reschke@greenbytes.de?subject=rcf2629.xslt @@@DefaultPrefix: myns @@@UsePrefix: 1 @@Default: 1 @ModuleSet: @@Name: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, Version 1 @@ID: XHTML @@BaseURI: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/DTD/ @@Namespace: @@@Name: http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml @@@DefaultPrefix: h @@@UsePrefix: 1 @@Default: 1 @ModuleSet: @@Name: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, Version 2 @@ID: XHTML2 @@BaseURI: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/DTD/ @@Namespace: @@@Name: http://www.w3.org/2003/06/xhtml2 @@@DefaultPrefix: h2 @@@UsePrefix: 1 @@Default: -1 @QNameModule: @@ID: XHTML:qname @@SYSTEM: xhtml-qname-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Qualified Names 1.0//EN @QNameModule: @@ID: rfc2629:qname @QNameModule: @@ID: rfc2629ja:qname @QNameModule: @@ID: myns:qname @DatatypeModule: @@ID: rfc2629:datatype @DatatypeModule: @@ID: rfc2629ja:datatype @DatatypeModule: @@ID: XHTML:datatype @@SYSTEM: xhtml-datatypes-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Datatypes 1.0//EN @DatatypeModule: @@ID: myns:datatype @NotationModule: @@ID: rfc2629:notation @NotationModule: @@ID: rfc2629ja:notation @AttributeModule: @@ID: rfc2629:attribs @@AttributeSet: @@@Name: rfc2629:common.extra @@@REF: xml:base @@@REF: xml:lang @@@REF: xml:space @AttributeModule: @@ID: rfc2629ja:attribs @AttributeModule: @@ID: XHTML:attribs @@SYSTEM: xhtml-attribs-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ENTITIES XHTML Common Attributes 1.0//EN @@ParameterEntity: @@@Name: XHTML.bidi @@@EntityValue: INCLUDE @@AttributeSet: @@@Name: XHTML:common.extra @@@REF: xml:base @@@REF: xml:space @Module: @@ID: rfc2629:blkstruct @@Description: Block structural module @Module: @@ID: XHTML:list @@SYSTEM: xhtml-list-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Lists 1.0//EN @@Description: h:ul, h:ol, h:dl, h:li, h:dt, h:dd @Module: @@ID: rfc2629ja:blkstruct @Module: @@ID: myns:blkstruct @Module: @@ID: XHTML:blkstruct @@SYSTEM: xhtml-blkstruct-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Block Structural 1.0//EN @@Description: h:div @@ElementSwitch: @@@Name: :p @@@Use: -1 @@AttributeSwitch: @@@Name: :p @@@Use: -1 @Module: @@ID: rfc2629:figure @@Description: Figure module @Module: @@ID: rfc2629ja:figure @Module: @@ID: XHTML:table @@SYSTEM: xhtml-table-1.mod @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Tables 1.0//EN @@ParameterEntity: @@@Name: frame.attrib @@ParameterEntity: @@@Name: rules.attrib @@ParameterEntity: @@@Name: CellHAlign.attrib @@ParameterEntity: @@@Name: CellVAlign.attrib @Module: @@ID: rfc2629:metainfo @@Description: Metainformational module @Module: @@ID: rfc2629ja:metainfo @Module: @@ID: XHTML:style @@Attribute: @@@Name: :style @@@ElementType: :style @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "media" @@@@Type: :MediaDesc @@@@Default: "all" @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Style Sheets 1.0//EN @@SYSTEM: xhtml-style-1.mod @@Description: Stylesheet @Module: @@ID: rfc2629:reference @@Description: Reference and hyperlink module @Module: @@ID: rfc2629ja:link @@Description: Hyperlink module @Module: @@ID: XHTML:inlphras @@ElementSwitch: @@@Name: :acronym @@@Use: -1 @@AttributeSwitch: @@@Name: :acronym @@@Use: -1 @@ElementSwitch: @@@Name: :strong @@@Use: -1 @@AttributeSwitch: @@@Name: :strong @@@Use: -1 @@PUBLIC: -//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Inline Phrasal 1.0//EN @@SYSTEM: xhtml-inlphras-1.mod @@Description: Inline Phrasal module h:abbr, h:cite, h:code, h:dfn, h:em, h:kbd, h:q, h:samp, h:var @Module: @@ID: rfc2629:struct @@Description: Document structural module @Module: @@ID: rfc2629ja:transtruct @@Description: Translation structural module @GeneralEntity: @@Name: rfc.number @@EntityValue: XXXX @@Description: General entity "rfc.number" \ If you use this entity, you should define this entity with your RFC issued number in the internal subset of DOCTYPE declaration of your RFC document. Model: ## Inline or block @Class: @@Name: :Edit @@Content: | :ins | :del | note @Class: @@Name: :Misc.extra @@Content: @Class: @@Name: :Misc.class @@Content: rfc2629:iref $:Edit $:Misc.extra @@Description: neither block nor inline, and can essentially be used anywhere in the document body ## Inline @Class: @@Name: :InlStruct @@Content: :span @Class: @@Name: :InlPhras @@Content: | :em | :dfn | definition | word | :code | :samp | :kbd | :var | :cite | :q | :abbr | mail @Class: @@Name: :InlPres @@Content: | :sub | :sup @Class: @@Name: :Inline.extra @@Content: @Class: @@Name: :Ruby @@Content: | :ruby @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:hyperlink @@Content: rfc2629:xref | rfc2629:eref @Class: @@Name: :Anchor @@Content: | $rfc2629:hyperlink | link | uri-ref @Class: @@Name: :InlNoRuby @@Content: $:InlStruct $:InlPhras $:InlPres $:Anchor $:Inline.extra @Class: @@Name: :Inline.class @@Content: $:InlNoRuby $:Ruby @@Description: includes all inline elements @Class: @@Name: :Inline.mix @@Content: $:Inline.class $:Misc.class @@Description: all inline elements, including %Misc.class; @Class: @@Name: :InlNoAnchor @@Content: $:Inline @Class: @@Name: :InlNoAnchor.mix @@Content: $:InlNoAnchor $:Misc.class @Class: @@Name: :NoRuby.content @@Content: ( \#PCDATA | $:InlNoRuby $:Misc.class )* @Class: @@Name: CONREF.extra @Class: @@Name: CONREF.content @@Content: ( \#PCDATA | $:InlNoAnchor.mix $CONREF.extra )* @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:metaterm.content @@Content: ( \#PCDATA | $:Inline.mix )* @@Description: Terminal element representing a meta property ## Block @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:list @@Content: rfc2629:list @Class: @@Name: :List @@Content: :ul | :ol | :dl | $rfc2629:list @Class: @@Name: :Table @@Content: | :table @Class: @@Name: :BlkStruct @@Content: rfc2629:t | :div | rfc2629:section | insert @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:figure @@Content: rfc2629:figure @Class: @@Name: :BlkPhrase @@Content: | :blockquote | $rfc2629:figure | example @Class: @@Name: :BlkSpecial @@Content: $:Table @Class: @@Name: :Block.extra @@Content: @Class: @@Name: :Block.class @@Content: $:BlkStruct $:BlkPhrase $:BlkSpecial $:Block.extra @@Description: includes all block elements @Class: @@Name: :Block.mix @@Content: $:List | $:Block.class $:Misc.class @@Description: includes all block elements plus %Misc.class; @Class: @@Name: :Flow.mix @@Content: $:List | $:Block.class | $:Inline.class $:Misc.class @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:blockcontent.extra @@Content: @Class: @@Name: rfc2629:blockcontent @@Content: | pair $rfc2629:blockcontent.extra @@Description: Content of rfc2629:t, rfc2629:preamble, rfc2629:postamble @Class: @@Name: front.extra @@Content: | :style ## Changes to RFC 2629 content model @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:address @@Content: ( rfc2629:postal?, rfc2629:phone*, rfc2629:facsimile*, rfc2629:email*, email*, rfc2629:uri* ) @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:author @@Content: ( (rfc2629:organization*, organization*, rfc2629:address?) | rfc2629:address )? @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:back @@Content: ( insert*, rfc2629:references*, insert*, rfc2629:section*, insert* ) @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:figure @@Content: ( rfc2629:preamble?, ( rfc2629:artwork | pair | artwork ), rfc2629:postamble? ) @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:front @@Content: ( ( rfc2629:title | title | title-ja )+, rfc2629:author*, publisher?, rfc2629:date?, rfc2629:area*, rfc2629:workgroup*, rfc2629:keyword*, rfc2629:abstract?, rfc2629:note* ) @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:middle @@Content: ( rfc2629:section | insert )+ @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:reference @@Content: ( rfc2629:front, rfc2629:seriesInfo*, add-info? ) @Content: @@ElementType: rfc2629:rfc @@Content: ( rfc2629:front, front?, rfc2629:middle, rfc2629:back?, back? ) @Content: @@Name: rfc2629:t @@Content: ( $rfc2629:TEXT.datatype | $:Flow.mix $rfc2629:blockcontent )* @@Description: Allow rfc2629:list/rfc2629:t/rfc2629:t