#?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0 ModuleSet: @Name: Hypertext Markup Language @Version: 3.0 (draft 00) @ID: html30-00 @BaseURI: http://suika.fam.cx/www/markup/html/dtd/module/ @Namespace: @@Name: urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:ietf:html:3:draft:00: @@DefaultPrefix: H3 @@UsePrefix: 0 @Copyright: Wakaba @RCSDate: $Date: 2005/04/05 01:49:12 $ Datatype: @Type: @@Name: classes @@XMLType: NMTOKENS @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A space-separated list of SGML NAME tokens. By convention, the class names are interpreted hierarchically, with the most general class at the first and the most specific at the last, where classes are separated by a period. @Type: @@Name: clear @@XMLType: NMTOKENS @@Description: (left|right|all| ) @Type: @@Name: id @@XMLType: ID @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: HTML 3.0 Unique Identifiers @Type: @@Name: LanguageCode @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A two letter language code from ISO 639, optionally followed by a period and a two letter country code from ISO 3166. @Type: @@Name: :LanguageCode @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: IETF Language Tag or empty string (See XML 1.0 TE) @Type: @@Name: md5 @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: MD5 checksum @Type: @@Name: NUMBER @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: SGML.NUMBER @Type: @@Name: :URI @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: URI Reference Attribute: @AttributeSet: @@Name: common @@REF: xml:base @@REF: xml:lang @@REF: xml:space @AttributeSet: @@Name: block.align @@Attribute: @@@Name: "align" @@@Type: "(bleedleft|left|center|right|bleedright|justify)" @@@Default: "center" @AttributeSet: @@Name: class @@Attribute: @@@Name: "class" @@@Type: classes @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: Subclassing element type names. For instance,
defines a division that acts as an appendix. \ The class attribute is most commonly used to attach a different style to some element, but it is recommended that where practical class names should be picked on the basis of the element's semantics, as this will permit other uses, such as restricting search through documents by matching on element class names. @AttributeSet: @@Name: id @@Attribute: @@@Name: "id" @@@Type: id @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: An SGML identifier used as the target for hypertext links or for naming particular elements in associated style seets. \ Use of this attribute is deprecated; use xml:id attribute instead. @AttributeSet: @@Name: imagemap @@Attribute: @@@Name: "imagemap" @@@Type: :URI @@Description: a URI for processing image clicks and drags @AttributeSet: @@Name: lang @@Attribute: @@@Name: "lang" @@@Type: LanguageCode @@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: Language abbreviation. It can be used by parsers to select language specific choices for quotation marks, ligatures, hypenation rules, etc. \ This attribute is deprecated; use xml:lang attribute instead. @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: HTML 3.0 draft 00 declares default value as "en.us", which has some problem with regard to inheriting. @AttributeSet: @@Name: Size @@Attribute: @@@Name: "width" @@@Type: NUMBER @@Attribute: @@@Name: "height" @@@Type: NUMBER @@Attribute: @@@Name: "units" @@@Type: "(en|pixels)" @@@Default: "pixels" @AttributeSet: @@Name: src @@Attribute: @@@Name: "src" @@@Type: :URI @AttributeSet: @@Name: src.required @@Attribute: @@@Name: "src" @@@Type: :URI @@@Default: #REQUIRED @AttributeSet: @@Name: attrs @@ref: id @@ref: lang @@ref: class @AttributeSet: @@Name: needs @@Attribute: @@@Name: "clear" @@@Type: clear @@Description: Attributes for controlling text flow @AttributeSet: @@Name: url.link @@Attribute: @@@Name: "md" @@@Type: md5 @@Description: Attributes associated with URL based links Module: @ID: struct @Element: @@Name: banner @@Content: $body.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: Used for corporate logos, navigation aids, disclaimers and other information which shouldn't be scrolled with the rest of the document. It provides an alternative to using link element in the document head to reference an externally defined banner. @Element: @@Name: bodytext @@Content: $body.content @@Description: dummy element @Element: @@Name: fn @@Content: $body.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: footnotes, and when practical, rendered as pop-up notes @Element: @@Name: note @@Content: $body.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@@ref: src @@@ref: url.link @@@ref: needs @@Description: admonishments such as notes, cautions or warnings, as commonly used in technical documentation Module: @Name: Inline @ID: inline @Element: @@Name: au @@Content: $text.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: The name of an author. @Element: @@Name: person @@Content: $text.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: Names of people to allow these to be extracted automatically by indexing programs. @Element: @@Name: tab @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@@Attribute: @@@@Name:"indent" @@@@Type:NUMBER @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The number of en units before the tab stop. This attribute is not meaningful when combined with the to attribute. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name:"to" @@@@Type:"IDREF" @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: A previously defined tab stop. @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Controls over the horizontal positioning. \ See: Module: @Name: List @ID: list @Element: @@Name: lh @@Content: $text.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: a title for a list Module: @Name: Figure @ID: figure @Element: @@Name: fig @@Content: ( overlay*, (:caption|caption)?, figtext, credit? ) @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@@ref: needs @@@ref: url.link @@@ref: block.align @@@ref: src.required @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "noflow" @@@@Type: (noflow) @@@ref: Size @@@ref: imagemap @@Description: figures @Element: @@Name: overlay @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@ref: url.link @@@ref: src.required @@@ref: Size @@@ref: imagemap @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "x" @@@@Type: NUMBER @@@@Description: X offset from the top left corner of the base image @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "y" @@@@Type: NUMBER @@@@Description: Y offset from the top left corner of the base image @Element: @@Name: figtext @@Content: $body.content @@Description: dummy element @Element: @@Name: credit @@Content: $text.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: attrs @@Description: name the source of a block quotation or figure