#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Path::Class; use lib file (__FILE__)->dir->parent->parent->subdir ('lib')->stringify; use lib glob file (__FILE__)->dir->parent->parent->subdir ('modules', '*', 'lib')->stringify; use CGI::Carp qw[fatalsToBrowser]; use Message::CGI::HTTP; my $http = Message::CGI::HTTP->new; ## TODO: _charset_ my $mode = $http->get_meta_variable ('PATH_INFO'); ## TODO: decode unreserved characters if ($mode eq '/csstext') { require Encode; require Whatpm::CSS::Parser; require Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser; my $s = $http->get_parameter ('s'); if (length $s > 1000_000) { print STDOUT "Status: 400 Document Too Long\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\nToo long"; exit; } $s = Encode::decode ('utf-8', $s); print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print STDOUT "#errors\n"; my $p = Whatpm::CSS::Parser->new; $p->{onerror} = sub { my (%opt) = @_; print STDOUT "@{[$opt{uri}?${$opt{uri}}:'']},$opt{token}->{line}:$opt{token}->{column},@{[Whatpm::CSS::Tokenizer->serialize_token ($opt{token})]},$opt{level},$opt{type},$opt{value}\n"; }; $p->{prop}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ alignment-baseline background background-attachment background-color background-image background-position background-position-x background-position-y background-repeat border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing -manakai-border-spacing-x -manakai-border-spacing-y border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom caption-side clear clip color content counter-increment counter-reset cursor direction display dominant-baseline empty-cells float font font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight height left letter-spacing line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top marker-offset marks max-height max-width min-height min-width opacity -moz-opacity orphans outline outline-color outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-x overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside position quotes right size table-layout text-align text-anchor text-decoration text-indent text-transform top unicode-bidi vertical-align visibility white-space width widows word-spacing writing-mode z-index /; $p->{prop_value}->{display}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ block inline inline-block inline-table list-item none table table-caption table-cell table-column table-column-group table-header-group table-footer-group table-row table-row-group compact marker /; $p->{prop_value}->{position}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ absolute fixed relative static /; for (qw/-moz-max-content -moz-min-content -moz-fit-content -moz-available/) { $p->{prop_value}->{width}->{$_} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'min-width'}->{$_} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'max-width'}->{$_} = 1; } $p->{prop_value}->{float}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ left right none /; $p->{prop_value}->{clear}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ left right none both /; $p->{prop_value}->{direction}->{ltr} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{direction}->{rtl} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{marks}->{crop} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{marks}->{cross} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'unicode-bidi'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ normal bidi-override embed /; for my $prop_name (qw/overflow overflow-x overflow-y/) { $p->{prop_value}->{$prop_name}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ visible hidden scroll auto -webkit-marquee -moz-hidden-unscrollable /; } $p->{prop_value}->{visibility}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ visible hidden collapse /; $p->{prop_value}->{'list-style-type'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-greek lower-latin upper-latin armenian georgian lower-alpha upper-alpha none hebrew cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakana-iroha /; $p->{prop_value}->{'list-style-position'}->{outside} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'list-style-position'}->{inside} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'page-break-before'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ auto always avoid left right /; $p->{prop_value}->{'page-break-after'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ auto always avoid left right /; $p->{prop_value}->{'page-break-inside'}->{auto} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'page-break-inside'}->{avoid} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'background-repeat'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ repeat repeat-x repeat-y no-repeat /; $p->{prop_value}->{'background-attachment'}->{scroll} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'background-attachment'}->{fixed} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-size'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ xx-small x-small small medium large x-large xx-large -manakai-xxx-large -webkit-xxx-large larger smaller /; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-style'}->{normal} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-style'}->{italic} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-style'}->{oblique} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-variant'}->{normal} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-variant'}->{'small-caps'} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'font-stretch'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/normal wider narrower ultra-condensed extra-condensed condensed semi-condensed semi-expanded expanded extra-expanded ultra-expanded/; $p->{prop_value}->{'text-align'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ left right center justify begin end /; $p->{prop_value}->{'text-transform'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ capitalize uppercase lowercase none /; $p->{prop_value}->{'white-space'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ normal pre nowrap pre-line pre-wrap -moz-pre-wrap /; $p->{prop_value}->{'writing-mode'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ lr rl tb lr-tb rl-tb tb-rl /; $p->{prop_value}->{'text-anchor'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ start middle end /; $p->{prop_value}->{'dominant-baseline'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ auto use-script no-change reset-size ideographic alphabetic hanging mathematical central middle text-after-edge text-before-edge /; $p->{prop_value}->{'alignment-baseline'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ auto baseline before-edge text-before-edge middle central after-edge text-after-edge ideographic alphabetic hanging mathematical /; $p->{prop_value}->{'text-decoration'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ none blink underline overline line-through /; $p->{prop_value}->{'caption-side'}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ top bottom left right /; $p->{prop_value}->{'table-layout'}->{auto} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'table-layout'}->{fixed} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'border-collapse'}->{collapse} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'border-collapse'}->{separate} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'empty-cells'}->{show} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'empty-cells'}->{hide} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{cursor}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ auto crosshair default pointer move e-resize ne-resize nw-resize n-resize se-resize sw-resize s-resize w-resize text wait help progress /; for my $prop (qw/border-top-style border-left-style border-bottom-style border-right-style outline-style/) { $p->{prop_value}->{$prop}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ none hidden dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset /; } for my $prop (qw/color background-color border-bottom-color border-left-color border-right-color border-top-color border-color/) { $p->{prop_value}->{$prop}->{transparent} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{$prop}->{flavor} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{$prop}->{'-manakai-default'} = 1; } $p->{prop_value}->{'outline-color'}->{invert} = 1; $p->{prop_value}->{'outline-color'}->{'-manakai-invert-or-currentcolor'} = 1; $p->{pseudo_class}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ lang nth-child nth-last-child nth-of-type nth-last-of-type not -manakai-contains /, keys %$Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser::IdentOnlyPseudoClasses; $p->{pseudo_element}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ /, keys %$Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser::IdentOnlyPseudoElements; my $css_options = { prop => $p->{prop}, prop_value => $p->{prop_value}, pseudo_class => $p->{pseudo_class}, pseudo_element => $p->{pseudo_element}, }; $p->init; $p->{href} = 'thismessage:/'; my $ss = $p->parse_char_string ($s); print "#csstext\n"; my $out = $ss->css_text; print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $out); ## NOTE: Codes below are for debugging of Cascade module. require Message::DOM::DOMImplementation; my $dom = Message::DOM::DOMImplementation->new; my $doc = $dom->create_document; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); $doc->inner_html (q[


]); require Message::DOM::Window; my $window = Message::DOM::Window->___new ($dom); $window->___set_css_options ($css_options); $window->___set_user_style_sheets ([$ss]); $window->set_document ($doc); my $p = $doc->get_elements_by_tag_name ('p')->[0]; print "#computed\n"; my $cd = $p->manakai_computed_style; print $cd->css_text; } elsif ($mode eq '/tokens') { require Encode; require Whatpm::CSS::Tokenizer; my $s = $http->get_parameter ('s'); if (length $s > 1000_000) { print STDOUT "Status: 400 Document Too Long\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\nToo long"; exit; } $s = Encode::decode ('utf-8', $s); print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print STDOUT "#errors\n"; my $onerror = sub { my (%opt) = @_; print STDOUT "$opt{line},$opt{column},$opt{level},$opt{type}\n"; }; my $pos = 0; my $length = length $s; my $t = Whatpm::CSS::Tokenizer->new; $t->{get_char} = sub { if ($pos < $length) { return ord substr $s, $pos++, 1; } else { return -1; } }; $t->init; my @token; while (1) { my $token = $t->get_next_token; push @token, $token; last if $token->{type} == Whatpm::CSS::Tokenizer::EOF_TOKEN (); } print "#tokens\n"; my $out = ''; for my $token (@token) { $out .= ($Whatpm::CSS::Tokenizer::TokenName[$token->{type}] or $token->{type}) . qq[\t"] . $token->{value} . qq["\t"] . $token->{number} . qq["\n]; } print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $out); print STDOUT "\n"; } elsif ($mode eq '/selectors') { require Encode; require Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser; my $s = $http->get_parameter ('s'); if (length $s > 1000_000) { print STDOUT "Status: 400 Document Too Long\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\nToo long"; exit; } $s = Encode::decode ('utf-8', $s); print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; my $p = Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser->new; print STDOUT "#errors\n"; $p->{onerror} = sub { my (%opt) = @_; print STDOUT "$opt{line},$opt{column},$opt{level},$opt{type}\n"; }; $p->{pseudo_class}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ lang nth-child nth-last-child nth-of-type nth-last-of-type not -manakai-contains /, keys %$Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser::IdentOnlyPseudoClasses; $p->{pseudo_element}->{$_} = 1 for qw/ /, keys %$Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsParser::IdentOnlyPseudoElements; my $selectors = $p->parse_string ($s); require Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsSerializer; my ($sel, $ns) = Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsSerializer->serialize_test ($selectors); my ($sel2, $ns2) = Whatpm::CSS::SelectorsSerializer->serialize_selector_text ($selectors); my $out = "\n#namespaces\n" . $ns . "\n#selectors\n" . $sel; $out .= "\n#selector_text\n" . $sel2; print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $out); print STDOUT "\n"; } else { print STDOUT "Status: 404 Not Found\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n404"; } exit; =head1 AUTHOR Wakaba . =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007-2012 Wakaba . This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut