=head1 NAME Message::Header --- A Perl Module for Internet Message Headers =cut package Message::Header; use strict; use vars qw(%DEFAULT @ISA %REG $VERSION); $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.21 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; require Message::Field::Structured; ## This may seem silly:-) push @ISA, qw(Message::Field::Structured); %REG = %Message::Util::REG; $REG{M_field} = qr/^([^\x3A]+):$REG{FWS}([\x00-\xFF]*)$/; $REG{M_fromline} = qr/^\x3E?From$REG{WSP}+([\x00-\xFF]*)$/; $REG{ftext} = qr/[\x21-\x39\x3B-\x7E]+/; ## [2]822 $REG{NON_ftext} = qr/[^\x21-\x39\x3B-\x7E]/; ## [2]822 $REG{NON_ftext_usefor} = qr/[^0-9A-Za-z-]/; ## name-character $REG{NON_ftext_http} = $REG{NON_http_token}; ## Namespace support our %NS_phname2uri; ## PH-namespace name -> namespace URI our %NS_uri2phpackage; ## namespace URI -> PH-package name require Message::Header::Default; ## Default namespace ## Initialize of this class -- called by constructors %DEFAULT = ( -_HASH_NAME => 'value', -_METHODS => [qw|field field_exist field_type add replace count delete subject id is|], -_MEMBERS => [qw|value|], -M_namsepace_prefix_regex => qr/(?!)/, -_VALTYPE_DEFAULT => ':default', -by => 'name', ## (Reserved for method level option) -field_format_pattern => '%s: %s', -field_name_case_sensible => 0, -field_name_unsafe_rule => 'NON_ftext', -field_name_validation => 1, ## Method level option. -field_sort => 0, #-format => 'mail-rfc2822', -linebreak_strict => 0, ## Not implemented completely -line_length_max => 60, ## For folding -ns_default_uri => $Message::Header::Default::OPTION{namespace_uri}, -output_bcc => 0, -output_folding => 1, -output_mail_from => 0, #-parse_all => 0, -translate_underscore => 1, #-uri_mailto_safe -uri_mailto_safe_level => 4, -use_folding => 1, #-value_type ); $DEFAULT{-value_type} = { ':default' => ['Message::Field::Unstructured'], p3p => ['Message::Field::Params'], link => ['Message::Field::ValueParams'], 'list-software' => ['Message::Field::UA'], 'user-agent' => ['Message::Field::UA'], server => ['Message::Field::UA'], }; for (qw(pics-label list-id status)) {$DEFAULT{-value_type}->{$_} = ['Message::Field::Structured']} ## Not supported yet, but to be supported... # x-list: unstructured, ml name for (qw(date expires)) {$DEFAULT{-value_type}->{$_} = ['Message::Field::Date']} for (qw(accept accept-charset accept-encoding accept-language uri)) {$DEFAULT{-value_type}->{$_} = ['Message::Field::CSV']} for (qw(location referer)) {$DEFAULT{-value_type}->{$_} = ['Message::Field::URI']} my %header_goodcase = ( 'article-i.d.' => 'Article-I.D.', etag => 'ETag', 'pics-label' => 'PICS-Label', te => 'TE', url => 'URL', 'www-authenticate' => 'WWW-Authenticate', ); ## taken from L # "Good Practice" order of HTTP message headers: # - General-Headers # - Request-Headers # - Response-Headers # - Entity-Headers # (From draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-01, Nov 21, 1997) my @header_order = qw( mail-from x-envelope-from relay-version path status cache-control connection date pragma transfer-encoding upgrade trailer via accept accept-charset accept-encoding accept-language authorization expect from host if-modified-since if-match if-none-match if-range if-unmodified-since max-forwards proxy-authorization range referer te user-agent accept-ranges age location proxy-authenticate retry-after server vary warning www-authenticate mime-version allow content-base content-encoding content-language content-length content-location content-md5 content-range content-type etag expires last-modified content-style-type content-script-type link xref ); my %header_order; =head1 CONSTRUCTORS The following methods construct new C objects: =over 4 =cut sub _init ($;%) { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my $DEFAULT = Message::Util::make_clone (\%DEFAULT); $self->SUPER::_init (%$DEFAULT, %options); $self->{value} = []; $self->_ns_load_ph ('default'); $self->{ns}->{default_phuri} = $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{'default'}; $self->_ns_load_ph ('rfc822'); $self->{ns}->{default_phuri} = $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{'rfc822'}; my @new_fields = (); for my $name (keys %options) { unless (substr ($name, 0, 1) eq '-') { push @new_fields, ($name => $options{$name}); } } $self->_init_by_format ($self->{option}->{format}, $self->{option}); # Make alternative representations of @header_order. This is used # for sorting. my $i = 1; for (@header_order) { $header_order{$_} = $i++ unless $header_order{$_}; } $self->add (@new_fields, -parse => $self->{option}->{parse_all}) if $#new_fields > -1; } sub _init_by_format ($$\%) { my $self = shift; my ($format, $option) = @_; if ($format =~ /cgi/) { unshift @header_order, qw(content-type location); $option->{field_sort} = 'good-practice'; $option->{use_folding} = 0; } elsif ($format =~ /http/) { $option->{field_sort} = 'good-practice'; } if ($format =~ /uri-url-mailto/) { $option->{output_bcc} = 0; $option->{field_format_pattern} = '%s=%s'; $option->{output_folding} = sub { $_[1] =~ s/([^:@+\$A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*])/sprintf('%%%02X', ord $1)/ge; $_[1]; }; ## Yes, this is not folding! } } =item $msg = Message::Header->new ([%initial-fields/options]) Constructs a new C object. You might pass some initial C-C pairs and/or options as parameters to the constructor. Example: $hdr = new Message::Headers Date => 'Thu, 03 Feb 1994 00:00:00 +0000', Content_Type => 'text/html', Content_Location => 'http://www.foo.example/', -format => 'mail-rfc2822' ## not to be header field ; =cut ## Inherited =item $msg = Message::Header->parse ($header, [%initial-fields/options]) Parses given C
and constructs a new C object. You might pass some additional C-C pairs or/and initial options as parameters to the constructor. =cut sub parse ($$;%) { my $class = shift; my $header = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_init (@_); ## BUG: don't check linebreak_strict $header =~ s/\x0D?\x0A$REG{WSP}/\x20/gos if $self->{option}->{use_folding}; for my $field (split /\x0D?\x0A/, $header) { if ($field =~ /$REG{M_fromline}/) { my ($s,undef,$value) = $self->_value_to_arrayitem ('mail-from' => $1, $self->{option}); push @{$self->{value}}, $value if $s; } elsif ($field =~ /$REG{M_field}/) { my ($name, $body) = ($1, $2); $body =~ s/$REG{WSP}+$//; my ($s,undef,$value) = $self->_value_to_arrayitem ($name => $body, $self->{option}); push @{$self->{value}}, $value if $s; } } $self; } =item $msg = Message::Header->parse_array (\@header, [%initial-fields/options]) Parses given C
and constructs a new C object. Same as Cparse> but this method is given an array reference. You might pass some additional C-C pairs or/and initial options as parameters to the constructor. =cut sub parse_array ($\@;%) { my $class = shift; my $header = shift; Carp::croak "parse_array: first argument is not an array reference" unless ref $header eq 'ARRAY'; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_init (@_); while (1) { my $field = shift @$header; if ($self->{option}->{use_folding}) { while (1) { if ($$header[0] =~ /^$REG{WSP}/) { $field .= shift @$header; } else {last} } } if ($self->{option}->{linebreak_strict}) { $field =~ s/\x0D\x0A//g; } else { $field =~ tr/\x0D\x0A//d; } local $self->{option}->{parse} = $self->{option}->{parse_all}; if ($field =~ /$REG{M_fromline}/) { my ($s,undef,$value) = $self->_value_to_arrayitem ('mail-from' => $1, $self->{option}); push @{$self->{value}}, $value if $s; } elsif ($field =~ /$REG{M_field}/) { my ($name, $body) = ($self->_n11n_field_name ($1), $2); $body =~ s/$REG{WSP}+$//; my ($s,undef,$value) = $self->_value_to_arrayitem ($name => $body, $self->{option}); push @{$self->{value}}, $value if $s; } last if $#$header < 0; } $self; } =back =head1 METHODS =head2 $self->field ($field_name) Returns C of given C. When there are two or more Cs whose name is C, this method return all Cs as array. (On scalar context, only first one is returned.) =cut sub field ($@) {shift->SUPER::item (@_)} sub field_exist ($@) {shift->SUPER::item_exist (@_)} ## item-by?, \$checked-item, {item-key => 1}, \%option sub _item_match ($$\$\%\%) { my $self = shift; my ($by, $i, $list, $option) = @_; return 0 unless ref $$i; ## Already removed if ($by eq 'name') { my %o = %$option; $o{parse} = 0; my %l; for (keys %$list) { my ($s, undef, $v) = $self->_value_to_arrayitem ($_, '', %o); if ($s) { $l{$v->{name} . ':' . ( $option->{ns} || $v->{ns} ) } = 1; } else { $l{$v->{name} .':'. ( $option->{ns} || $self->{ns}->{default_phuri} ) } = 1; } } return 1 if $l{$$i->{name} . ':' . $$i->{ns}}; } 0; } *_delete_match = \&_item_match; ## Returns returned item value \$item-value, \%option sub _item_return_value ($\$\%) { if (ref ${$_[1]}->{body}) { ${$_[1]}->{body}; } else { ${$_[1]}->{body} = $_[0]->_parse_value (${$_[1]}->{name} => ${$_[1]}->{body}, ns => ${$_[1]}->{ns}); ${$_[1]}->{body}; } } ## Returns returned (new created) item value $name, \%option sub _item_new_value ($$\%) { my ($s,undef,$value) = $_[0]->_value_to_arrayitem ($_[1] => '', $_[2]); $s? $value: undef; } ## $self->_parse_value ($type, $value, %options); sub _parse_value ($$$;%) { my $self = shift; my $name = shift ;#|| $self->{option}->{_VALTYPE_DEFAULT}; my $value = shift; return $value if ref $value; my %option = @_; my $vtype; { no strict 'refs'; $vtype = ${&_NS_uri2phpackage ($option{ns}).'::OPTION'}{value_type}; if (ref $vtype) { $vtype = $vtype->{$name} } unless (ref $vtype) { $vtype = $vtype->{$self->{option}->{_VALTYPE_DEFAULT}} } ## For compatiblity. unless (ref $vtype) { $vtype = $self->{option}->{value_type}->{$name} || $self->{option}->{value_type}->{$self->{option}->{_VALTYPE_DEFAULT}} } } my $vpackage = $vtype->[0]; my %vopt = %{$vtype->[1]} if ref $vtype->[1]; if ($vpackage eq ':none:') { return $value; } elsif (defined $value) { eval "require $vpackage" or Carp::croak qq{: $vpackage: Can't load package: $@}; return $vpackage->parse ($value, -format => $self->{option}->{format}, -field_ns => $option{ns}, -field_name => $name, -parse_all => $self->{option}->{parse_all}, %vopt); } else { eval "require $vpackage" or Carp::croak qq{: $vpackage: Can't load package: $@}; return $vpackage->new ( -format => $self->{option}->{format}, -field_ns => $option{ns}, -field_name => $name, -parse_all => $self->{option}->{parse_all}, %vopt); } } =head2 $self->field_name_list () Returns list of all Cs. (Even if there are two or more Cs which have same C, this method returns ALL names.) =cut sub field_name_list ($) { my $self = shift; $self->_delete_empty (); map { $_->{name} . ':' . $_->{ns} } @{$self->{value}}; } sub namespace_ph_default ($;$) { my $self = shift; if (defined $_[0]) { no strict 'refs'; $self->{ns}->{default_phuri} = $_[0]; $self->_ns_load_ph (${&_NS_uri2phpackage ($self->{ns}->{default_phuri}).'::OPTION'}{namespace_phname}); } $self->{ns}->{default_phuri}; } =item $hdr->add ($field-name, $field-body, [$name, $body, ...]) Adds some field name/body pairs. Even if there are one or more fields named given C<$field-name>, given name/body pairs are ADDed. Use C to remove same-name-fields. Instead of field name-body pair, you might pass some options. Four options are available for this method. C<-parse>: Parses and validates C, and returns C object. (When multiple Cs are added, returns only last one.) (Default: C) C<-prepend>: New fields are not appended, but prepended to current fields. (Default: C<0>) C<-translate-underscore>: Do C =~ tr/_/-/. (Default: C<1>) C<-validate>: Checks whether C is valid or not. =cut ## [Name: Value] pair -> internal array item ## $self->_value_to_arrayitem ($name => $value, {%options}) ## or ## $self->_value_to_arrayitem ($name => [$value, %value_options], {%options}) ## ## Return: ((1 = success / 0 = failue), $full_name, $arrayitem) sub _value_to_arrayitem ($$$\%) { my $self = shift; my ($name, $value, $option) = @_; my $value_option = {}; if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { ($value, %$value_option) = @$value; } my $nsuri = $self->{ns}->{default_phuri}; no strict 'refs'; if ($option->{ns}) { $nsuri = $option->{ns}; } elsif ($name =~ s/^([Xx]-[A-Za-z]+|[A-Za-z]+)-//) { my $oprefix = $1; my $prefix = &{${&_NS_uri2phpackage ($nsuri).'::OPTION'}{n11n_prefix}} ($self, &_NS_uri2phpackage ($nsuri), $oprefix); $self->_ns_load_ph ($prefix); $nsuri = $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{$prefix}; unless ($nsuri) { $name = $oprefix . '-' . $name; $nsuri = $self->{ns}->{default_phuri}; } } $name = &{${&_NS_uri2phpackage ($nsuri).'::OPTION'}{n11n_name}} ($self, &_NS_uri2phpackage ($nsuri), $name); Carp::croak "$name: invalid field-name" if $option->{field_name_validation} && $name =~ /$REG{$option->{field_name_unsafe_rule}}/; $value = $self->_parse_value ($name => $value, ns => $nsuri) if $$option{parse}; $$option{parse} = 0; (1, $name.':'.$nsuri => {name => $name, body => $value, ns => $nsuri}); } *_add_hash_check = \&_value_to_arrayitem; *_replace_hash_check = \&_value_to_arrayitem; =head2 $self->relace ($field_name, $field_body) Set the C named C as $field_body. If $field_name C is already exists, it is replaced by new $field_body value. If not, new C is inserted. (If there are some C named as $field_name, first one is used and the others are not changed.) =cut sub _replace_hash_shift ($\%$\%) { shift; my $r = shift; my $n = $_[0]->{name}; if ($$r{$n}) { my $d = $$r{$n}; delete $$r{$n}; return $d; } undef; } =head2 $self->delete ($field-name, [$name, ...]) Deletes C named as $field_name. =cut =head2 $self->count ([$field_name]) Returns the number of times the given C appears. If no $field_name is given, returns the number of fields. (Same as $#$self+1) =cut sub _count_by_name ($$\%) { my $self = shift; my ($array, $option) = @_; my $name = $self->_n11n_field_name ($$option{-name}); my @a = grep {$_->{name} eq $name} @{$self->{$array}}; $#a + 1; } ## Delete empty items sub _delete_empty ($) { my $self = shift; my $array = $self->{option}->{_HASH_NAME}; $self->{$array} = [grep {ref $_ && length $_->{name}} @{$self->{$array}}]; } =head2 $self->rename ($field-name, $new-name, [$old, $new,...]) Renames C<$field-name> as C<$new-name>. =cut sub rename ($%) { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my %option = %{$self->{option}}; for (grep {/^-/} keys %params) {$option{substr ($_, 1)} = $params{$_}} my %new_name; for (grep {/^[^-]/} keys %params) { my ($old => $new) = ($self->_n11n_field_name ($_) => $self->_n11n_field_name ($params{$_})); $old =~ tr/_/-/ if $option{translate_underscore}; $new =~ tr/_/-/ if $option{translate_underscore}; Carp::croak "rename: $new: invalid field-name" if $option{field_name_validation} && $new =~ /$REG{$option{field_name_unsafe_rule}}/; $new_name{$old} = $new; } for my $field (@{$self->{value}}) { if (length $new_name{$field->{name}}) { $field->{name} = $new_name{$field->{name}}; } } $self if defined wantarray; } =item $self->scan(\&doit) Apply a subroutine to each header field in turn. The callback routine is called with two parameters; the name of the field and a single value. If the header has more than one value, then the routine is called once for each value. =cut sub _scan_sort ($\@\%) { my $self = shift; my ($array, $option) = @_; my $sort; $sort = \&_header_cmp if $option->{field_sort} eq 'good-practice'; $sort = {$a cmp $b} if $option->{field_sort} eq 'alphabetic'; return ( sort $sort @$array ) if ref $sort; @$array; } sub _n11n_field_name ($$) { my $self = shift; my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^$REG{WSP}+//; $s =~ s/$REG{WSP}+$//; $s = lc $s ;#unless $self->{option}->{field_name_case_sensible}; $s; } # Compare function which makes it easy to sort headers in the # recommended "Good Practice" order. ## taken from HTTP::Header sub _header_cmp { my ($na, $nb) = ($a->{name}, $b->{name}); # Unknown headers are assign a large value so that they are # sorted last. This also helps avoiding a warning from -w # about comparing undefined values. $header_order{$na} = 999 unless defined $header_order{$na}; $header_order{$nb} = 999 unless defined $header_order{$nb}; $header_order{$na} <=> $header_order{$nb} || $na cmp $nb; } =head2 $self->stringify ([%option]) Returns the C
as a string. =cut sub stringify ($;%) { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my %option = %{$self->{option}}; $option{format} = $params{-format} if $params{-format}; $self->_init_by_format ($option{format}, \%option); for (grep {/^-/} keys %params) {$option{substr ($_, 1)} = $params{$_}} my @ret; my $_stringify = sub { no strict 'refs'; my ($name, $body, $nsuri) = ($_[1]->{name}, $_[1]->{body}, $_[1]->{ns}); return unless length $name; return if $option{output_mail_from} && $name eq 'mail-from'; return if !$option{output_bcc} && ($name eq 'bcc' || $name eq 'resent-bcc'); my $nspackage = &_NS_uri2phpackage ($nsuri); my $oname; ## Outputed field-name my $prefix = ${$nspackage.'::OPTION'} {namespace_phname_goodcase} || $self->{ns}->{uri2phname}->{$nsuri}; $prefix = undef if $nsuri eq $self->{ns}->{default_phuri}; my $gc = ${$nspackage.'::OPTION'} {to_be_goodcase}; if (ref $gc) { $oname = &$gc ($self, $nspackage, $name, \%option) } else { $oname = $name } if ($prefix) { $oname = $prefix . '-' . $oname } if ($option{format} =~ /uri-url-mailto/) { return if (( ${$nspackage.'::OPTION'} {uri_mailto_safe}->{$name} || ${$nspackage.'::OPTION'} {uri_mailto_safe}->{':default'}) < $option{uri_mailto_safe_level}); if ($name eq 'to') { $body = $self->field ('to', -new_item_unless_exist => 0); if (ref $body && $body->have_group) { # } elsif (ref $body && $body->count > 1) { $body = $body->clone; $body->delete ({-by => 'index'}, 0); } } } my $fbody; if (ref $body) { $fbody = $body->stringify (-format => $option{format}); } else { $fbody = $body; } return unless length $fbody; unless ($option{linebreak_strict}) { ## bare \x0D and bare \x0A are unsafe $fbody =~ s/\x0D(?=[^\x09\x0A\x20])/\x0D\x20/g; $fbody =~ s/\x0A(?=[^\x09\x20])/\x0A\x20/g; } else { $fbody =~ s/\x0D\x0A(?=[^\x09\x20])/\x0D\x0A\x20/g; } if ($option{use_folding}) { if (ref $option{output_folding}) { $fbody = &{$option{output_folding}} ($self, $fbody, -initial_length => length ($oname) +2); } elsif ($option{output_folding}) { $fbody = $self->_fold ($fbody, -initial_length => length ($oname) +2); } } push @ret, sprintf $option{field_format_pattern}, $oname, $fbody; }; if ($option{format} =~ /uri-url-mailto/) { if ($option{format} =~ /uri-url-mailto-to/) { my $to = $self->field ('to', -new_item_unless_exist => 0); if ($to) { unless ($to->have_group) { my $fbody = $to->stringify (-format => $option{format}, -max => 1); return &{$option{output_folding}} ($self, $fbody); } } ''; } elsif ($option{format} =~ /uri-url-mailto-rfc1738/) { my $to = $self->field ('to', -new_item_unless_exist => 0); if ($to) { my $fbody = $to->addr_spec (-format => $option{format}); return &{$option{output_folding}} ($self, $fbody); } ''; } else { $self->scan ($_stringify); my $ret = join ('&', @ret); $ret; } } else { if ($option{output_mail_from}) { my $fromline = $self->field ('mail-from', -new_item_unless_exist => 0); push @ret, 'From '.$fromline if $fromline; } $self->scan ($_stringify); my $ret = join ("\x0D\x0A", @ret); $ret? $ret."\x0D\x0A": ''; } } *as_string = \&stringify; =head2 $self->option ($option_name, [$option_value]) Set/gets new value of the option. =cut sub option ($@) { my $self = shift; if (@_ == 1) { return $self->{option}->{ shift (@_) }; } while (my ($name, $value) = splice (@_, 0, 2)) { $self->{option}->{$name} = $value; if ($name eq 'format') { for my $f (@{$self->{field}}) { if (ref $f->{body}) { $f->{body}->option (-format => $value); } } } } } sub field_type ($@) {shift->SUPER::value_type (@_)} ## $self->_fold ($string, %option = (-max, -initial_length(for field-name)) ) sub _fold ($$;%) { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; my %option = @_; my $max = $self->{option}->{line_length_max}; $max = 20 if $max < 20; my $l = $option{-initial_length} || 0; $string =~ s{([\x09\x20][^\x09\x20]+)}{ my $s = $1; if ($l + length $s > $max) { $s = "\x0D\x0A\x20" . $s; $l = length ($s) - 2; } else { $l += length $s } $s; }gex; $string; } sub _ns_load_ph ($$) { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; ## normalized prefix (without HYPHEN-MINUS) return if $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{$name}; $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{$name} = $NS_phname2uri{$name}; return unless $self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{$name}; $self->{ns}->{uri2phname}->{$self->{ns}->{phname2uri}->{$name}} = $name; } sub _NS_uri2phpackage ($) { $NS_uri2phpackage{$_[0]} || $NS_uri2phpackage{$Message::Header::Default::OPTION{namespace_uri}}; } =head2 $self->clone () Returns a copy of Message::Header object. =cut ## Inhreited =head1 NOTE =head2 C The header field name is not case sensitive. To make the life easier for perl users who wants to avoid quoting before the => operator, you can use '_' as a synonym for '-' in header field names (this behaviour can be suppressed by setting C option to C<0> value). =head1 EXAMPLE ## Print field list use Message::Header; my $header = Message::Header->parse ($header); for my $i (0..$#$header) { print $header->field_name ($i), "\t=> ", $header->field_body ($i), "\n"; } ## Make simple header use Message::Header; use Message::Field::Address; my $header = new Message::Header; my $from = new Message::Field::Address; $from->add ('foo@foo.example', name => 'F. Foo'); my $to = new Message::Field::Address; $to->add ('bar@bar.example', name => 'Mr. Bar'); $to->add ('hoge@foo.example', name => 'Hoge-san'); $header->add ('From' => $from); $header->add ('To' => $to); $header->add ('Subject' => 'Re: Meeting'); $header->add ('References' => ''); print $header; =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Some of codes are taken from other modules such as HTTP::Header, Mail::Header. =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002 wakaba Ew@suika.fam.cxE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 CHANGE See F. $Date: 2002/05/26 01:20:09 $ =cut 1;