=head1 NAME
Encode::SJIS --- Shift JIS coding systems encoder and decoder
This module defines encoding engine for Shift JIS coding systems.
This module only provides general en/decoding parts. Actual profiles
for Shift JISes are included in Encode::SJIS::*.
=over 4
package Encode::SJIS;
use 5.7.3;
use strict;
our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.6 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
require Encode::Charset;
use base qw(Encode::Encoding);
*new_object = \&Encode::Charset::new_object_sjis;
## Code extention escape sequence defined by ISO/IEC 2022 is
## not supported in this version of this module.
sub sjis_to_internal ($$) {
my ($s, $C) = @_;
$C ||= &new_object;
$s =~ s{
# ([\xA1-\xDF])
|([\x80-\xFF]) ## Broken or supplemental 1-byte character
my ($c7, $c2, $c1, $c8) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if (defined $c7) {
if ($c7 =~ /([\x21-\x7E])/) {
chr ($C->{ $C->{GL} }->{ucs} + ord ($1) - 0x21);
} elsif ($c7 =~ /([\x00-\x1F])/) {
chr ($C->{ $C->{CL} }->{ucs} + ord ($1));
} elsif ($C->{GR} && $c7 =~ /([\xA1-\xDF])/) {
chr ($C->{ $C->{GR} }->{ucs} + ord ($1) - 0xA1);
} else { ## 0x20, 0x7F
$C->{Gsmap}->{ $c7 } || $c7;
} elsif ($c2) {
if ($c2 =~ /([\x81-\xEF])(.)/) {
my ($f, $s) = (ord $1, ord $2);
$f -= $f < 0xA0 ? 0x81 : 0xC1; $s -= 0x40 + ($s > 0x7F);
chr ($C->{G1}->{ucs} + $f * 188 + $s);
} else { ## [\xF0-\xFC].
my ($f, $s) = (ord substr ($c2, 0, 1), ord substr ($c2, 1, 1));
if ($C->{G3}->{Csjis_kuE}) { ## 94^2 set with first-byte->ku mapping
my $F = $s > 0x9E ? $C->{G3}->{Csjis_kuE}->{ $f }: ## ku of even number
$C->{G3}->{Csjis_kuO}->{ $f }; ## ku of odd number
if (defined $F) {
$s -= ($s > 0x9E ? 0x9F : $s > 0x7F ? 0x41 : 0x40);
chr ($C->{G3}->{ucs} + $F * 94 + $s);
} else { ## Mapping is not defined
$f -= 0xF0; $s -= 0x40 + ($s > 0x7F);
chr ($Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{"\x20\x40"}->{ucs} + $f * 188 + $s);
} elsif ($C->{G3}->{Csjis_ku}) { ## n^2 set with first-byte->ku mapping
if (defined $C->{G3}->{Csjis_ku}->{ $f }) {
$f = $C->{G3}->{Csjis_ku}->{ $f };
$s -= ($s > 0x9E ? 0x9F : $s > 0x7F ? 0x41 : 0x40);
chr ($C->{G3}->{ucs} + $f * $C->{G3}->{chars} + $s);
} else { ## Mapping is not defined
$f -= 0xF0; $s -= 0x40 + ($s > 0x7F);
chr ($Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{"\x20\x40"}->{ucs} + $f * 188 + $s);
} else { ## 94^2 set without special mapping information
$f -= 0xF0; $s -= 0x40 + ($s > 0x7F);
chr ($C->{G3}->{ucs} + $f * 188 + $s);
} elsif ($c1) { ## ESC Fe
chr ($C->{ $C->{ESC_Fe} }->{ucs} + ord ($c1) - 0x40);
} else { # $C8
$C->{Gsmap}->{ $c8 } || $c8;
sub internal_to_sjis ($\%) {
use integer;
my ($s, $C) = @_;
$C ||= &new_object;
my $r = '';
my @c = split //, $s;
for my $i (0..$#c) {
my $c = $c[$i]; my $cc = ord $c; Encode::_utf8_off ($c);
my $t;
## CL = C0 control characters
if ($cc <= 0x1F) {
$t = $c if $C->{ $C->{CL} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{C0}->{"\x40"};
## 0x20 == SP and 0x7E == DEL
} elsif ($cc == 0x20 || $cc == 0x7F) {
$t = $c;
## GL = G0 = ISO/IEC 646 graphic character set
} elsif ($cc < 0x7F) {
$t = $c if $C->{ $C->{GL} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94}->{"\x42"};
## 0x80
} elsif ($C->{option}->{C1invoke_to_right} && $cc == 0x80) {
$t = "\x80"
if $C->{ $C->{CR} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{C1}->{'64291991C1'};
## ESC Fe = C1 control characters
} elsif ($cc <= 0x9F) {
$t = "\x1B".pack 'C', ($cc - 0x40)
if $C->{ $C->{ESC_Fe} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{C1}->{'64291991C1'};
## G1 or G3 = 94^2 graphic character set from ISO-IR
} elsif (0xE9F6C0 <= $cc && $cc <= 0xF06F80) {
my $c = $cc - 0xE9F6C0; my $F = chr (($c / 8836)+0x30);
if ($C->{G1} eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{ $F }) {
my ($c1, $c2) = ((($c % 8836) / 94)+0x21, ($c % 94)+0x21);
$t = pack ('CC', (($c1 - 1) >> 1) + ($c1 < 0x5F ? 0x71 : 0xB1),
$c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E));
} elsif ($C->{G3} eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{ $F }) {
my ($c1, $c2) = ((($c % 8836) / 94)+0x21, ($c % 94)+0x21);
if ($C->{G3}->{Csjis_first}) {
my $fb = $C->{G3}->{Csjis_first}->{ ($c % 8836) / 94 };
$t = pack ('CC', $fb, $c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E)) if $fb;
} else {
$t = pack ('CC', ($c / 188) + 0xF0,
$c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E))
if ($c / 188) + 0xF0 < 0xFD;
## G1 = JIS X 0208-1990/:1997
} elsif (0xF49D7C <= $cc && $cc <= 0xF4BFFF) {
my $c = $cc - 0xF49D7C;
if ($C->{G1} eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{'B@'}) {
my ($c1, $c2) = ((($c % 8836) / 94)+0x21, ($c % 94)+0x21);
$t = pack ('CC', (($c1 - 1) >> 1) + ($c1 < 0x5F ? 0x71 : 0xB1),
$c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E));
## GL = G0 = ISO/IEC 646 graphic character set / GR = G2 = JIS X 0201 Katakana set
} elsif (0xE90940 <= $cc && $cc <= 0xE92641) {
my $c = $cc - 0xE90940; my $F = chr (($c / 94)+0x30);
if ($C->{ $C->{GL} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94}->{ $F }) {
$t = pack 'C', (($c % 94) + 0x21);
} elsif ($C->{ $C->{GR} } eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94}->{ $F }) {
$t = pack 'C', (($c % 94) + 0xA1) if ($c % 94) < 0x3F;
## G1 / G3 = 94^2 graphic character set
} elsif (0x70420000 <= $cc && $cc <= 0x7046F19B) {
my $c = $cc % 0x10000;
my $F0=$C->{option}->{private_set}->{G94n}->[($cc/0x10000)-0x7042]->[$c/8836];
my $F1 = 'P'.(($cc / 0x10000) - 0x7042).'_'.($c / 8836);
if ($C->{G3} eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{ $F0 }
|| $C->{G3} eq $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94n}->{ $F1 }) {
my ($c1, $c2) = ((($c % 8836) / 94)+0x21, ($c % 94)+0x21);
if ($C->{G3}->{Csjis_first}) {
my $fb = $C->{G3}->{Csjis_first}->{ ($c % 8836) / 94 };
$t = pack ('CC', $fb, $c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E)) if $fb;
} else {
$t = pack ('CC', ($c / 188) + 0xF0,
$c2 + (($c1 & 1) ? ($c2 < 0x60 ? 0x1F : 0x20) : 0x7E))
if ($c / 188) + 0xF0 < 0xFD;
## Non-ISO/IEC 2022 Coded Character Sets Mapping Area
} elsif (0x71000000 <= $cc && $cc <= 0x71FFFFFF) {
if ($C->{G3}->{ucs} <= $cc) {
my $c = $cc - $C->{G3}->{ucs};
my $f = $C->{G3}->{Csjis_first}->{$c / $C->{G3}->{chars}};
if ($f) {
my $s = $c % $C->{G3}->{chars};
$t = pack ('CC', $f, 0x40 + $s + ($s > 62));
## Other character sets are not supported now (and there is no plan to implement them).
## Output the character itself
if (defined $t) {
$r .= $t;
## Output the character itself with mapping table of special code positions
} elsif ($C->{GsmapR}->{ $c }) {
$r .= $C->{GsmapR}->{ $c };
} elsif ($C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs} =~ /quiet/) {
return ($r, halfway => 1, converted_length => $i,
warn => $C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs} =~ /warn/ ? 1 : 0,
reason => sprintf (q(U+%04X: There is no character mapped to), $cc));
} elsif ($C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs} eq 'croak') {
return ($r, halfway => 1, die => 1,
reason => sprintf (q(U+%04X: There is no character mapped to), $cc));
} else {
## Try to output with fallback escape sequence (if specified)
my $t = Encode::Charset->fallback_escape ($C, $c);
if (defined $t) {
my %D = (fallback => $C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs}, reset => $C->{option}->{reset});
$C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs} = 'croak';
eval q{$t = $C->{_encoder}->_encode_internal ($t, $C)} or undef $t;
$C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs} = $D{fallback};
if (defined $t) {
$r .= $t;
} else { ## Replacement character specified in charset definition
$r .= $C->{option}->{undef_char_sjis} || "\x3F";
sub page_to_internal ($$) {
my ($C, $s) = @_;
$s = pack ('U*', unpack ('C*', $s));
$s =~ s(\x1B\x24([EFGOPQ])([\x21-\x7E]+)\x0F)(
my $page = {qw/E 1 F 2 G 3 O 4 P 5 Q 6/}->{$1};
my $r = '';
for my $c (split //, $2) {
$r .= chr ($Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94}->{'CSpictogram_page_'.$page}->{ucs} + ord ($c) - 0x21);
sub _internal_to_page ($$$%) {
my ($yourself, $C, $c, $option) = @_;
my $cc = ord $c;
for my $page (1..6) {
my $cs = $Encode::Charset::CHARSET{G94}->{'CSpictogram_page_'.$page};
if ($cs->{ucs} <= $cc && $cc < $cs->{ucs} + $cs->{chars} * $cs->{dimension}) {
return "\x1B\x24" . ([qw/_ E F G O P Q/]->[$page])
.pack ('C', 0x21 + $cc - $cs->{ucs}) . "\x0F";
## $c is not a pictogram
$option->{fallback_from_ucs} = $C->{option}->{fallback_from_ucs_2};
$yourself->fallback_escape ($C, $c, %$option);
=head1 SEE ALSO
JIS X 0208:1997, "7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded Kanji
set for information interchange", Japan Industrial Standards
Committee (JISC) , 1997.
JIS X 0213:2000, "7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded extended Kanji
sets for information interchange", Japan Industrial Standards
Committee (JISC) , 2000.
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=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2002 Nanashi-san
This library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # $Date: 2002/12/18 10:21:09 $