use strict; use vars qw($MYNAME $MYVERSION $VERSION); $MYNAME = ''; $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.3 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; $MYVERSION = qq{2.5.$VERSION}; use lib qw(/home/wakaba/temp/msg/); use Message::Entity; use Message::Field::Date; use Message::MIME::Charset::Jcode ''; use Message::MIME::Charset::Jcode ''; use Socket; binmode STDOUT; $| = 1; binmode STDERR; my %server; $server{smtp} ||= ''; $server{nntp} ||= ''; my $debug_msg_log = 0; open LOG, '>> send.slog'; binmode LOG; my $date = Message::Field::Date->new (zone => [+1, 9, 0]); $date->unix_time (time); pmsg ("\x0C", 'User-Agent: '.$MYNAME.'/'.$VERSION, 'Date: '.$date); opendir DIR, '.'; my @files = sort(grep(/^[^_][\x00-\xFF]*?\.822$/, readdir(DIR))); close DIR; if ($#files < 0) { pmsg("These are no files to send!"); close LOG; die; } $Send::SMTP::connected = 0; $Send::NNTP::connected = 0; my $crlf = "\x0D\x0A"; for my $file (@files) { pmsg('Open message file for sending: '.$file); my $m; { open M, $file or &error ($!); local $/ = undef; $m = ; close M; } $m =~ s/\x0D(?!\x0A)/\x0D\x0A/gs; $m =~ s/(?parse ($m , -parse_all => 1, -fill_date => 0, -fill_msgid => 0, ); ## mail/post to... my $header = $msg->header; ## Envelope From, To my $eFrom = $header->field ('x-envelope-from')->addr_spec; my $resent = $header->field ('resent-from')->addr_spec; if ($resent) { $eFrom ||= $resent; } else { $eFrom ||= $header->field ('from')->addr_spec; } my @eTo = $header->field ('x-envelope-to')->addr_spec; my ($send_mail,$post_news) = (0, 0); if ($resent) { @eTo =($header->field ('resent-to')->addr_spec, $header->field ('resent-cc')->addr_spec, $header->field ('resent-bcc')->addr_spec) if $#eTo < 0; } else { @eTo =($header->field ('to')->addr_spec, $header->field ('cc')->addr_spec, $header->field ('bcc')->addr_spec) if $#eTo < 0; $post_news = 1 if $header->field_exist ('newsgroups'); } $send_mail = 1 if @eTo > 0; &error ('No envelope from') if $send_mail && !$eFrom; if ($eFrom && $header->field ('from')->item (0, -by => 'index')->display_name =~ /field ('from')->item (0, -by => 'index')->option (output_display_name => 0) if $buggy; } if ($send_mail && $post_news) { $header->replace ('Posted-And-Mailed' => 'yes'); } elsif (!$send_mail && !$post_news) { &error('Not for mail nor news!'); } my $a = ''; $a = 'resent-' if ($resent); unless ($header->field_exist ($a.'message-id')) { my $msgid; if ($resent) { $msgid = $header->field ('resent-message-id', -prepend => 1); } else { $msgid = $header->field ('message-id'); } $msgid->generate (addr_spec => $eFrom); pmsg ($a.'Message-id: '.$msgid); } unless ($header->field_exist ($a.'date')) { my $date; if ($resent) { $date = $header->field ('resent-date', -prepend => 1); } else { $date = $header->field ('date'); } $date->unix_time ((stat ($file))[9]); pmsg($a.'Date: '.$date); } my $ua; if ($resent) { $ua = $header->add ('resent-user-agent' => '', -prepend => 1); $msg->option (fill_ua_name => 'resent-user-agent'); } else { $ua = $header->field ('user-agent'); } if ($Jcode::VERSION) { $ua->add ('' => $Jcode::VERSION); } #my $jv=do{my @r=($jcode::rcsid=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; $ua->add ('' => ['',$jcode::rcsid]); $ua->add ($MYNAME => $MYVERSION); $header->delete (qw(date-received relay-version status x-envelope-from x-envelope-to xref)); $header->option (field_sort => 'good-practice') unless $resent; my %sopt = ( -fill_date => 0, -fill_msgid => 0, -ua_field_name => $a.'user-agent', ); my ($msg_mail, $msg_news); if ($send_mail) { $msg_mail = $msg->stringify (-format => 'mail-rfc2822', %sopt); #$msg_mail =~ s/\x0D\x0A|\x0D|\x0A/\x0D\x0A/gs; $msg_mail =~ s/\x0D\x0A\./\x0D\x0A../gs; #$msg_mail =~ s/^(?:\x0D\x0A)+//; #$msg_mail =~ s/(?:\x0D\x0A)*$/\x0D\x0A/; $msg_mail .= "\x0D\x0A.\x0D\x0A"; } if ($post_news) { my %rename; for (qw(cc complaints-to nntp-posting-date injector-info nntp-posting-host posting-version received to x-complaints-to x-trace)) { $rename{$_} = 'x-'.$_; } $header->rename (%rename); $msg_news = $msg->stringify (-format => 'news-usefor', %sopt); #$msg_news =~ s/\x0D\x0A|\x0D|\x0A/\x0D\x0A/gs; $msg_news =~ s/\x0D\x0A\./\x0D\x0A../gs; #$msg_news =~ s/^(?:\x0D\x0A)+//; #$msg_news =~ s/(?:\x0D\x0A)*$/\x0D\x0A/; $msg_news .= "\x0D\x0A.\x0D\x0A"; } Send::SMTP::Connect () if $send_mail && !$Send::SMTP::connected; if ($send_mail) { pmsg('send a mail message...'); printS("MAIL FROM:<${eFrom}>\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; error25($r) unless $r =~ /^250/; Send::Log::Server25($r); for my $rcptto (@eTo) { next unless $rcptto; printS("RCPT TO:<$rcptto>\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; error25($r) unless $r =~ /^25/; Send::Log::Server25($r); } printS("DATA\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; error25($r) unless $r =~ /^354/; Send::Log::Server25($r); print SMTP $msg_mail; cmsg25 ('(message)'); cmsg25 ($msg_mail) if $debug_msg_log; my $r = ; error25($r) unless $r =~ /^250/; Send::Log::Server25($r); } Send::NNTP::Connect() if $post_news && !$Send::NNTP::connected; if ($post_news) { pmsg('post a news article...'); printN("POST\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; error119($r) unless $r =~ /^340/; Send::Log::Server119($r); print NNTP $msg_news; cmsg119('(article)'); cmsg119($msg_news) if $debug_msg_log; my $r = ; error119($r) unless $r =~ /^240/; Send::Log::Server119($r); } my $t = time; pmsg("\$ mv \"$file\" \"sent/$t.822\""); pmsg(`mv "$file" "sent/$t.822"`); } Send::SMTP::Close() if $Send::SMTP::connected; Send::NNTP::Close() if $Send::NNTP::connected; close LOG; sub pmsg { print STDOUT "$0: ". join("\n$0: ",@_)."\n"; print LOG join("\n",@_)."\n"; } sub cmsg {pmsg('C: '.shift,@_)} sub smsg {pmsg('S: '.shift,@_)} sub cmsg25 {pmsg('C25: '.shift,@_)} sub smsg25 {pmsg('S25: '.shift,@_)} sub cmsg119 {pmsg('C119: '.shift,@_)} sub smsg119 {pmsg('S119: '.shift,@_)} sub Send::SMTP::Close { printS("QUIT\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; smsg25($r); close SMTP; $Send::SMTP::connected = 0; } sub Send::NNTP::Close { printN("QUIT\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; smsg119($r); close NNTP; $Send::NNTP::connected = 0; } sub printS { print SMTP $_[0]; my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; cmsg25($s); } sub printN { print NNTP $_[0]; my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; cmsg119($s); } sub wm::smtp::addstatus { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; smsg($s); } sub Send::Log::Server25 { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; smsg25($s); } sub Send::Log::Server119 { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; smsg119($s); } sub error { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; pmsg($s); Send::SMTP::Close() if $Send::SMTP::connected; Send::NNTP::Close() if $Send::NNTP::connected; close LOG; use Carp; croak ($s); } sub error25 { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; smsg25($s); Send::SMTP::Close() if $Send::SMTP::connected; Send::NNTP::Close() if $Send::NNTP::connected; close LOG; die; } sub error119 { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s; $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0D\x0A /gs; smsg119($s); Send::SMTP::Close() if $Send::SMTP::connected; Send::NNTP::Close() if $Send::NNTP::connected; close LOG; die; } sub Send::SMTP::Connect (;%) { my %o = @_; my $myname = $o{myname} || &Message::Util::get_host_fqdn || ''.$server{smtp}; pmsg('connecting to '.$server{smtp}.':25...'); socket (SMTP, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2]); my $aton = inet_aton($server{smtp}); pmsg ('IPv4 address: ' . sprintf '%vd', $aton); connect(SMTP, sockaddr_in(25, $aton)) || error("Can't connect to $server{smtp}:25"); select(SMTP), $| =1; binmode SMTP; my $r = ; error25($r) unless $r =~ /^220/; Send::Log::Server25($r); printS('HELO '.$myname."\x0D\x0A"); my $r = ; error25() unless $r =~ /^250/; Send::Log::Server25($r); $Send::SMTP::connected = 1; } sub Send::NNTP::Connect { pmsg('conecting to '.$server{nntp}.':119...'); socket (NNTP, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2]); connect(NNTP, sockaddr_in(119, inet_aton($server{nntp}))) || error("Can't connect to $server{nntp}:119"); select(NNTP), $| =1; binmode NNTP; my $r = ; error119($r) unless $r =~ /^200/; Send::Log::Server119($r); #printN('AUTHINFO USER foo'."\x0D\x0A"); # $r = ; # error119($r) unless $r =~ /^381/; # Send::Log::Server119($r); #print NNTP ('AUTHINFO PASS bar'."\x0D\x0A"); # cmsg119('AUTHINFO PASS (password)'); # $r = ; # error119($r) unless $r =~ /^281/; # Send::Log::Server119($r); $Send::NNTP::connected = 1; } sub __fw2hw ($) { my $s = shift; jcode::tr(\$s, "\xa3\xb0-\xa3\xb9\xa3\xc1-\xa3\xda\xa3\xe1-\xa3\xfa\xa1\xf5". "\xa1\xa4\xa1\xa5\xa1\xa7\xa1\xa8\xa1\xa9\xa1\xaa\xa1\xae". "\xa1\xb0\xa1\xb2\xa1\xbf\xa1\xc3\xa1\xca\xa1\xcb\xa1\xce". "\xa1\xcf\xa1\xd0\xa1\xd1\xa1\xdc\xa1\xf0\xa1\xf3\xa1\xf4". "\xa1\xf6\xa1\xf7\xa1\xe1\xa2\xaf\xa2\xb0\xa2\xb2\xa2\xb1". "\xa1\xe4\xa1\xe3\xA1\xC0\xA1\xA1" => '0-9A-Za-z&,.:;?!`^_/|()[]{}+$%#*@=\'"~-><\\ '); $s; } END { Send::SMTP::Close() if $Send::SMTP::connected; Send::NNTP::Close() if $Send::NNTP::connected; } =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002 wakaba Ew@suika.fam.cxE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 CHANGE See F. $Date: 2002/07/27 04:56:38 $ =cut ### ends here