#?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0 ModuleSet: @Name: SSML @Version: 1 @Description: This is Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML), Version 1. @ID: ssml1 @BaseURI: http://suika.fam.cx/www/markup/voice/schema/module/ @Namespace: @@Name: http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis @@DefaultPrefix: ssml @@UsePrefix: 0 @Copyright: Wakaba @RCSDate: $Date: 2004/09/15 12:10:21 $ @ImplNote: @@lang:en @@@: Official DTD: Datatype: @Type: @@Name: alphabet @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An alphabet name. /(ipa|x-.*)/. @Type: @@Name: contour @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: List of whitespace separated contourpoints. @Type: @@Name: contourpoint @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: (Number%,pitch.datatype) @Type: @@Name: duration @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: Duration. CSS2 . /(\+)?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+(ms|s)/. @Type: @@Name: gender @@XMLType: (male | famale | neutral) @Type: @@Name: height.scale @@XMLType: (x-high | high | medium | low | x-low | default) @@Description: Descriptive values for height. @Type: @@Name: hertz.number @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /([0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]*|[0-9]*.[0-9]+)Hz/. @Type: @@Name: hertz.relative @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /[+\-]([0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]*|[0-9]*.[0-9]+)Hz/. @Type: @@Name: integer @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An integer. @Type: @@Name: level @@XMLType: (strong | moderate | none | reduced) @Type: @@Name: number @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An xsd:decimal more than or equal to zero @Type: @@Name: percent @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /[+\-]?([0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]*|[0-9]*.[0-9]+)%/. @Type: @@Name: pitch @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: Union of herz.number, herz.relative, percent, semitone or height.scale. @Type: @@Name: range @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: Union of herz.number, herz.relative, percent, semitone or height.scale. @Type: @@Name: rate @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: Union of number, percent or speed.scale. @Type: @@Name: relative @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /[+\-]([0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]*|[0-9]*.[0-9]+)/. @Type: @@Name: semitone @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /[+\-]([0-9]+|[0-9]+.[0-9]*|[0-9]*.[0-9]+)st/. @Type: @@Name: speed.scale @@XMLType: (x-fast | fast | medium | slow | x-slow | default) @@Description: Descriptive values for speed. @Type: @@Name: strength @@XMLType: (none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong) @Type: @@Name: version @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: Version. Must be "1.0". @Type: @@Name: voicename @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: /\S+/. @Type: @@Name: voicenames @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: List of whitespace-separeted voicenames. @Type: @@Name: volume @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: Union of volume.number, relative, percent or volume.scale. @Type: @@Name: volume.number @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: A volume of [0.0, 100.0]. @Type: @@Name: volume.scale @@XMLType: (silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | default) @@Description: Descriptive values for volume. @Type: @@Name: :LanguageCode @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: IETF Language Tag @Type: @@Name: :URI @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: A URI reference @Type: @@Name: xsd:anyURI @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An IRI reference @Type: @@Name: xsd:nonNegativeInteger @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An integer more than or equal to zero @Type: @@Name: xsd:positiveInteger @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: An integer more than zero @Class: @@Name: xsd:token @@XMLType: CDATA @Class: @@Name: audio @@Content: audio @Class: @@Name: structure @@Content: p | s @Class: @@Name: sentence-elements @@Content: break | emphasis | mark | phoneme | prosody | say-as | voice | sub @Class: @@Name: allowed-within-sentense @@Content: $audio | $sentence-elements @Class: @@Name: paragraph @@Content: $allowed-within-sentence | s @Class: @@Name: sentence @@Content: $allowed-within-sentence @Class: @@Name: sentenceAndStructure @@Content: $allowed-within-sentence | $structure @Class: @@Name: descAndSentenceAndStructure @@Content: $sentenceAndStructure | desc @Element: @@Name: aws @@Description: Abstract element type for allowed-within-sentence. @Element: @@Name: struct @@Description: Abstract element type for structure. Attribute: Module: @Name: Document Structure, Text Processing and Pronunciation @ID: struct @Element: @@Name: speak @@Content: (#PCDATA | $sentenceAndStructure | lexicon | meta | metadata)* @@Description: Root Element @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: xml:lang @@@@Type: :LanguageCode @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The language of the root document. @@@REF: xml:base @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "version" @@@@Type: version @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The version of the specification to be used. @@@REF: xsi:schemaLocation @Element: @@Name: lexicon @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Description: Pronunciation Lexicon @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "uri" @@@@Type: xsd:anyURI @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The location of the pronunciation lexicon document. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "type" @@@@Type: :ContentType @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The media type of the pronunciation lexicon document. @Element: @@Name: meta @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Description: Information about the document @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "http-equiv" @@@@Type: "NMTOKEN" @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: HTTP header field name. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "name" @@@@Type: "NMTOKEN" @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: Currently only "seeAlso" is defined. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "content" @@@@Type: "CDATA" @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@Description: Either "http-equiv" or "name" is required and they are exclusive. @Element: @@Name: metadata @@Content: "ANY" @@Description: Information about the document. Use of RDF/XML and Dublin Core is recommended. @Element: @@Name: p @@Content: (#PCDATA | $paragraph)* @@Attribute: @@@REF: xml:lang @@Description: Paragraph @Element: @@Name: s @@Content: (#PCDATA | $sentence)* @@AttributeSet: @@@REF: xml:lang @@Description: Sentense @Element: @@Name: say-as @@Content: (#PCDATA)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "interpret-as" @@@@Type: "NMTOKEN" @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The content type of the contained text construct. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "format" @@@@Type: "NMTOKEN" @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: Futher hints on the precise formatting of the contained text for content types that may have ambiguous formats. The legal values depend on the value of the "interpret-as" attribute. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "detail" @@@@Type: "NMTOKEN" @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The level of detail to be read aloud or rendered. @@Description: Information on the type of text construct @Element: @@Name: phoneme @@Content: (#PCDATA)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "ph" @@@@Type: "CDATA" @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The phoneme/phone string. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "alphabet" @@@@Type: alphabet @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The phonemic/phonetic alphabet used. Valid values are "ipa" and "x-" strings. @@Description: Phonemic/phonetic pronunciation for the contained text @Element: @@Name: sub @@Content: (#PCDATA)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "alias" @@@@Type: "CDATA" @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@Description: Text Substition Module: @Name: Prosody and Style @ID: style @Element: @@Name: voice @@Content: (#PCDATA | $sentenceAndStructure)* @@AttributeSet: @@@REF: xml:lang @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "gender" @@@@Type: gender @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The preferred gender of the voice. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "age" @@@@Type: xsd:nonNegativeInteger @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The preferred age in years (since birth) of the voice. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "variant" @@@@Type: xsd:positiveInteger @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The preferred variant of the other voice characteristics. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "name" @@@@Type: voicenames @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The voice name. @@@Description: At least one attribute is required. @@Description: Request a change in speaking voice. @Element: @@Name: emphasis @@Content: (#PCDATA | $sentence)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "level" @@@@Type: level @@@@Default: "moderate" @@@@Description: The strength of emphasis. @@Description: Emphasis (or Prominence or Stress) @Element: @@Name: break @@Content: "EMPTY" @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "strength" @@@@Type: strength @@@@Default: "medium" @@@@Description: The strength of the prosodic break. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "time" @@@@Type: duration @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The duration of a pause to be inserted. @@Description: Control the pausing or other prosodic boundaries between words. @Element: @@Name: prosody @@Content: (#PCDATA | $sentenceAndStructure)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "pitch" @@@@Type: pitch @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The baseline pitch. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "contour" @@@@Type: contour @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The actual pitch contour. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "range" @@@@Type: range @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The pitch range (variability). @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "rate" @@@@Type: rate @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The speaking rate. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "duration" @@@@Type: duration @@@@Default: #IMPLIED @@@@Description: The desired time to take. @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "volume" @@@@Type: volume @@@@Default: "100.0" @@@@Description: The volume. @@@Description: At least one attribute is required. @@Description: Control of the pitch, speaking rate and volume Module: @Name: Other @ID: misc @Element: @@Name: audio @@Content: (#PCDATA | $descAndSentenceAndStructure)* @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "src" @@@@Type: xsd:anyURI @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The URI of a document. @@Description: The insertion of recorded audio files @Element: @@Name: mark @@Content: "EMPTY" @@AttributeSet: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "name" @@@@Type: xsd:token @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@Description: Places a marker @Element: @@Name: desc @@Content: (#PCDATA)* @@AttributeSet: @@@REF: xml:lang @@Description: Alternative for the "audio"