package Whatpm::SWML::Parser; use strict; sub AA_NS () { q } sub HTML_NS () { q } sub SW09_NS () { q } sub SW10_NS () { q } sub XML_NS () { q } sub IN_SECTION_IM () { 0 } sub IN_TABLE_ROW_IM () { 1 } sub IN_PARAGRAPH_IM () { 2 } sub BLOCK_START_TAG_TOKEN () { 1 } sub BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN () { 2 } sub CHARACTER_TOKEN () { 3 } sub COMMENT_PARAGRAPH_START_TOKEN () { 4 } sub EDITORIAL_NOTE_START_TOKEN () { 5 } sub ELEMENT_TOKEN () { 6 } sub EMPHASIS_TOKEN () { 7 } sub EMPTY_LINE_TOKEN () { 8 } sub END_OF_FILE_TOKEN () { 9 } sub FORM_TOKEN () { 10 } sub HEADING_START_TOKEN () { 11 } sub HEADING_END_TOKEN () { 12 } sub INLINE_START_TAG_TOKEN () { 13 } sub INLINE_MIDDLE_TAG_TOKEN () { 14 } sub INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN () { 15 } sub LABELED_LIST_START_TOKEN () { 16 } sub LABELED_LIST_MIDDLE_TOKEN () { 17 } sub LIST_START_TOKEN () { 18 } sub PREFORMATTED_START_TOKEN () { 19 } sub PREFORMATTED_END_TOKEN () { 20 } sub QUOTATION_START_TOKEN () { 21 } sub STRONG_TOKEN () { 22 } sub TABLE_ROW_START_TOKEN () { 23 } sub TABLE_ROW_END_TOKEN () { 24 } sub TABLE_CELL_START_TOKEN () { 25 } sub TABLE_CELL_END_TOKEN () { 26 } sub TABLE_COLSPAN_CELL_TOKEN () { 27 } sub new ($) { my $self = bless { }, $_[0]; return $self; } # new sub parse_char_string ($$$;$) { my $self = shift; my @s = split /\x0D\x0A?|\x0A/, ref $_[0] ? ${$_[0]} : $_[0], -1; my $doc = $_[1]; @{$doc->child_nodes} = (); my $html_el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'html']); $doc->append_child ($html_el); $html_el->set_attribute_ns ('', [undef, 'xmlns'] => HTML_NS); my $head_el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $html_el->append_child ($head_el); my $body_el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'body']); $html_el->append_child ($body_el); for ($doc, $html_el, $head_el, $body_el) { $_->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => 1); $_->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => 1); } my $_onerror = $_[2] || sub { my %opt = @_; my $r = 'Line ' . $opt{line} . ' column ' . $opt{column} . ': '; if ($opt{token}) { $r .= 'Token ' . (defined $opt{token}->{value} ? $opt{token}->{value} : $opt{token}->{type}) . ': '; } $r .= $opt{type} . ';' . $opt{level}; warn $r . "\n"; }; # $_onerror my $line = 0; my $column = 0; my $token; my @nt; my $onerror = sub { $_onerror->(line => $line, column => $column, token => $token, @_); }; # $onerror my $continuous_line; my $tokenize_text = sub { my $s = shift; # ref my $nest_level = 0; if ($$s =~ s/^\[([0-9]+)\]//) { push @nt, {type => ELEMENT_TOKEN, local_name => 'anchor-end', namespace => SW09_NS, anchor => $1, content => '[' . $1 . ']'}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } while (length $$s) { if ($$s =~ s/^\[\[#([a-z-]+)//) { $column = $+[0] - $-[0]; my $t = {type => FORM_TOKEN, name => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; if ($$s =~ s/^\(([^()\\]*)\)//) { $t->{id} = $1; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } my @param; while ($$s =~ s/^://) { if ($$s =~ s/^'((?>[^'\\]|\\.)*)//) { $column += 1 + $+[0] - $-[0]; my $n = $1; $n =~ tr/\\//d; push @param, $n; $column++ if $$s =~ s/\A\\\z//; $column++ if $$s =~ s/^'//; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^([^':\]][^:\]]*)//) { $column += 1 + $+[0] - $-[0]; push @param, $1; } } $t->{parameters} = \@param; $column += 2 if $$s =~ s/^\]\]//; push @nt, $t; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^\[\[//) { push @nt, {type => INLINE_START_TAG_TOKEN}; $column += 2; $nest_level++; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^\[([A-Z]+)(?>\(([^()\\]*)\))?(?>\@([0-9A-Za-z-]*))?\[//) { push @nt, {type => INLINE_START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $1, classes => $2, language => $3, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $nest_level++; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^\]\]//) { push @nt, {type => INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += 2; $nest_level-- if $nest_level > 0; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^(\]?)<([0-9A-Za-z%+._-]+)://) { my $t = {type => $1 ? INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN : ELEMENT_TOKEN, res_scheme => $2, res_parameter => '', line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; while (length $$s) { if ($$s =~ s/^([^>"]+)//) { $t->{res_parameter} .= $1; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^("(?>[^"\\]|\\.)*)//) { $t->{res_parameter} .= $1; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $column++ if $$s =~ s/\A\\\z//; $t->{res_parameter} .= '"' and $column++ if $$s =~ s/^"//; } else { last; } } $column++ if $$s =~ s/^>//; $t->{content} = $t->{res_scheme} . ':' . $t->{res_parameter}; if ($t->{res_scheme} !~ /[A-Z]/) { $t->{res_parameter} = $t->{content}; $t->{res_scheme} = 'URI'; } if ($t->{type} == INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN) { $column++ if $$s =~ s/^\]//; $nest_level-- if $nest_level > 0; } else { $t->{local_name} = 'anchor-external'; $t->{namespace} = SW09_NS; } push @nt, $t; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^\]>>([0-9]+)\]//) { push @nt, {type => INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN, anchor => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $nest_level-- if $nest_level > 0; } elsif ($nest_level > 0 and $$s =~ s/^\][\x09\x20]*(?>\@([0-9a-zA-Z-]*))?\[//) { push @nt, {type => INLINE_MIDDLE_TAG_TOKEN, language => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^''('?)//) { push @nt, {type => $1 ? STRONG_TOKEN : EMPHASIS_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^>>([0-9]+)//) { push @nt, {type => ELEMENT_TOKEN, local_name => 'anchor-internal', namespace => SW09_NS, anchor => $1, content => '>>' . $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } elsif ($$s =~ s/^__&&//) { if ($$s =~ s/^(.+?)&&__//) { push @nt, {type => ELEMENT_TOKEN, local_name => 'replace', namespace => SW09_NS, by => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += 4 + $+[0] - $-[0]; } else { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '__&&', line => $line, column => $column}; $column += 4; } } elsif ($$s =~ s/^([^<>\[\]'_]+)//) { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; } else { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => substr ($$s, 0, 1), line => $line, column => $column}; substr ($$s, 0, 1) = ''; $column++; } } }; # $tokenize_text my $get_next_token = sub { if (@nt) { return shift @nt; } if (not @s) { return {type => END_OF_FILE_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; } my $s = shift @s; ($line, $column) = ($line + 1, 1); if ($s eq '') { undef $continuous_line; return {type => EMPTY_LINE_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; } elsif ($s =~ /^[\x09\x20]/) { push @nt, {type => PREFORMATTED_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $tokenize_text->(\$s); while (@s) { my $s = shift @s; ($line, $column) = ($line + 1, 1); if ($s eq '') { push @nt, {type => PREFORMATTED_END_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; unshift @s, $s; $line--; last; } elsif ($s =~ /\A\](INS|DEL)\][\x09\x20]*\z/) { push @nt, {type => PREFORMATTED_END_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; push @nt, {type => BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; last; } else { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => "\x0A", line => $line, column => $column}; $tokenize_text->(\$s); } } return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^(\*+)[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => HEADING_START_TOKEN, depth => length $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $tokenize_text->(\$s); push @nt, {type => HEADING_END_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; undef $continuous_line; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^([-=]+)[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => LIST_START_TOKEN, depth => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^:([^:]*)//) { my $name = $1; if ($s eq '') { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ':', line => $line, column => $column}; $column++; $tokenize_text->(\$name); } else { my $real_column = $column + 1 + length $name; push @nt, {type => LABELED_LIST_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $name =~ s/\A[\x09\x20]*//; $column += 1 + $+[0] - $-[0]; $name =~ s/[\x09\x20]+\z//; $tokenize_text->(\$name); $column = $real_column; push @nt, {type => LABELED_LIST_MIDDLE_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0] if $s =~ s/^:[\x09\x20]*//; $tokenize_text->(\$s); } $continuous_line = 1; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^(>+)//) { my $depth = length $1; if ($depth == 2 and $s =~ /^[0-9]/) { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => "\x0A", line => $line, column => $column} if $continuous_line; $s = '>>' . $s; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; } else { push @nt, {type => QUOTATION_START_TOKEN, depth => $depth, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $depth; $column += $+[0] - $-[0] if $s =~ s/^[\x09\x20]+//; if ($s =~ s/^\@\@[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => EDITORIAL_NOTE_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $continuous_line = 1; } elsif ($s =~ s/^;;[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => COMMENT_PARAGRAPH_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $continuous_line = 1; } elsif (length $s) { $continuous_line = 1; } else { $continuous_line = 0; } $tokenize_text->(\$s); } return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ /\A\[(INS|DEL)(?>\(([^()\\]*)\))?\[[\x09\x20]*\z/) { undef $continuous_line; return {type => BLOCK_START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $1, classes => $2, line => $line, column => $column}; } elsif ($s =~ /\A\[PRE(?>\(([^()\\]*)\))?\[[\x09\x20]*\z/) { undef $continuous_line; push @nt, {type => BLOCK_START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'PRE', classes => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; while (@s) { my $s = shift @s; ($line, $column) = ($line + 1, 1); if ($s =~ /\A\]PRE\][\x09\x20]*\z/) { push @nt, {type => BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'PRE', line => $line, column => $column}; undef $continuous_line; last; } else { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => "\x0A", line => $line, column => $column} if $continuous_line; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; } } return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^\@\@[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => EDITORIAL_NOTE_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ s/^;;[\x09\x20]*//) { push @nt, {type => COMMENT_PARAGRAPH_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s =~ /\A\](INS|DEL)\][\x09\x20]*\z/) { $continuous_line = 1; return {type => BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $1, line => $line, column => $column}; } elsif ($s =~ /^,/) { push @nt, {type => TABLE_ROW_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; while ($s =~ s/^,[\x09\x20]*//) { $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; my $cell; my $cell_quoted; my $column_quoted = $column; my $column_cell = $column; if ($s =~ s/^"//) { $s =~ s/^((?>[^"\\]|\\.)*)//; $cell_quoted = $1; $column += 1 + length $cell_quoted; $cell_quoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/sg; $column++ if $s =~ s/\A\\\z//; $column++ if $s =~ s/^"//; } if ($s =~ s/^([^,]+)//) { $cell = $1; $column += length $cell; $cell =~ s/[\x09\x20]+\z//; } if (not defined $cell_quoted and defined $cell and $cell eq '==') { push @nt, {type => TABLE_COLSPAN_CELL_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column_cell}; } else { push @nt, {type => TABLE_CELL_START_TOKEN, line => $line, column => defined $column_quoted ? $column_quoted: $column_cell}; my $real_column = $column; $column = $column_quoted + 1; $tokenize_text->(\$cell_quoted) if defined $cell_quoted; ## NOTE: When a quoted-pair is used, column numbers ## reported in this $tokenize_text call might be wrong. $column = $column_cell; $tokenize_text->(\$cell) if defined $cell; $column = $column_quoted; push @nt, {type => TABLE_CELL_END_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; } } push @nt, {type => TABLE_ROW_END_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; undef $continuous_line; return shift @nt; } elsif ($s eq '__IMAGE__') { my $image = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'image']); $image->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $line); $image->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => 1); $image->text_content (join "\x0A", @s); ($line, $column) = ($line + @s, 1); @s = (); $doc->document_element->append_child ($image); return {type => END_OF_FILE_TOKEN, line => $line, column => $column}; } else { push @nt, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => "\x0A", line => $line, column => $column} if $continuous_line; $tokenize_text->(\$s); $continuous_line = 1; return shift @nt; } }; # $get_next_token ## NOTE: The "initial" mode. if (@s and $s[0] =~ s/^#\?//) { ## NOTE: "Parse a magic line". my $s = shift @s; if ($s =~ s/^([^\x09\x20]+)//) { $column += $+[0] - $-[0]; my ($name, $version) = split m#/#, $1, 2; my $el = $doc->document_element; $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'Name'] => $name); $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'Version'] => $version) if defined $version; } while (length $s) { $column += $+[0] - $-[0] and next if $s =~ s/^[\x09\x20]+//; my $name = ''; if ($s =~ s/^([^=]*)=//) { $name = $1; $column += length $name + 1; } my $param = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'parameter']); $param->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'name'] => $name); $param->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $line); $param->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $column); $head_el->append_child ($param); $column++ if $s =~ s/^"//; if ($s =~ s/^([^"]*)//) { my $values = $1; $column += length $values; $values =~ tr/\\//d; my @values = split /,/, $values, -1; push @values, '' unless length $values; for (@values) { my $value = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'value']); $value->text_content ($_); $value->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $line); $value->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $column); $param->append_child ($value); } } $column++ if $s =~ s/^"//; } $line = 2; $column = 1; } ## NOTE: Switched to the "body" mode. my $oe = [{node => $body_el, section_depth => 0, quotation_depth => 0, list_depth => 0}]; my $structural_elements = { body => 1, section => 1, insert => 1, delete => 1, blockquote => 1, h1 => 1, ul => 1, ol => 1, dl => 1, li => 1, dt => 1, dd => 1, table => 1, tbody => 1, tr => 1, td => 1, p => 1, 'comment-p' => 1, ed => 1, pre => 1, }; my $im = IN_SECTION_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); A: { if ($im == IN_PARAGRAPH_IM) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == INLINE_START_TAG_TOKEN) { if (not defined $token->{tag_name}) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'anchor']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } else { my $type = { AA => [AA_NS, 'aa'], ABBR => [HTML_NS, 'abbr'], CITE => [HTML_NS, 'cite'], CODE => [HTML_NS, 'code'], CSECTION => [SW10_NS, 'csection'], DEL => [HTML_NS, 'del'], DFN => [HTML_NS, 'dfn'], INS => [HTML_NS, 'ins'], KBD => [HTML_NS, 'kbd'], KEY => [SW10_NS, 'key'], Q => [HTML_NS, 'q'], QN => [SW10_NS, 'qn'], RUBY => [HTML_NS, 'ruby'], RUBYB => [SW09_NS, 'rubyb'], SAMP => [HTML_NS, 'samp'], SPAN => [HTML_NS, 'span'], SRC => [SW10_NS, 'src'], SUB => [HTML_NS, 'sub'], SUP => [HTML_NS, 'sup'], TIME => [HTML_NS, 'time'], VAR => [HTML_NS, 'var'], WEAK => [SW09_NS, 'weak'], }->{$token->{tag_name}} || [SW10_NS, $token->{tag_name}]; my $el = $doc->create_element_ns ($type->[0], [undef, $type->[1]]); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'class'] => $token->{classes}) if defined $token->{classes}; $el->set_attribute_ns (XML_NS, ['xml', 'lang'] => $token->{language}) if defined $token->{language}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } } elsif ($token->{type} == INLINE_MIDDLE_TAG_TOKEN) { my ($ns, $ln, $pop) = @{{ rt => [HTML_NS, 'rt', 1], title => [SW10_NS, 'attrvalue', 1], nsuri => [SW10_NS, 'attrvalue', 1], qn => [SW10_NS, 'nsuri'], ruby => [HTML_NS, 'rt'], rubyb => [HTML_NS, 'rt'], }->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name} || [SW10_NS, 'title']}; pop @$oe if $pop; my $el = $doc->create_element_ns ($ns, [undef, $ln]); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (XML_NS, ['xml', 'lang'] => $token->{language}) if defined $token->{language}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == INLINE_END_TAG_TOKEN) { pop @$oe if { rt => 1, title => 1, nsuri => 1, attrvalue => 1, }->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; if ({%$structural_elements, strong => 1, em => 1}->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}) { unless (defined $token->{res_scheme} or defined $token->{anchor}) { $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_append_text (']]'); push @$oe, $oe->[-1]; } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, defined $token->{res_scheme} ? 'anchor-external' : 'anchor-internal']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->text_content (']]'); } } $oe->[-1]->{node}->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'anchor'], $token->{anchor}) if defined $token->{anchor}; $oe->[-1]->{node}->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resScheme'], $token->{res_scheme}) if defined $token->{res_scheme}; $oe->[-1]->{node}->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resParameter'], $token->{res_parameter}) if defined $token->{res_parameter}; pop @$oe; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == STRONG_TOKEN) { if ($oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'strong') { pop @$oe; } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'strong']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); } $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == EMPHASIS_TOKEN) { if ($oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'em') { pop @$oe; } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'em']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); } $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == FORM_TOKEN) { ## There is an exact code clone. if ($token->{name} eq 'form') { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'form']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'id'] => $token->{id}) if defined $token->{id}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'input'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'template'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'option'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'parameter'] => join ':', @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'form']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'ref'] => $token->{name}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'id'] => $token->{id}) if defined $token->{id}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'parameter'] => join ':', @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } } elsif ($token->{type} == ELEMENT_TOKEN) { ## NOTE: There is an exact code clone. my $el = $doc->create_element_ns ($token->{namespace}, [undef, $token->{local_name}]); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'anchor'], $token->{anchor}) if defined $token->{anchor}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'by'] => $token->{by}) if defined $token->{by}; $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resScheme'], $token->{res_scheme}) if defined $token->{res_scheme}; $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resParameter'], $token->{res_parameter}) if defined $token->{res_parameter}; $el->text_content ($token->{content}) if defined $token->{content}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == LABELED_LIST_MIDDLE_TOKEN) { pop @$oe while not $structural_elements ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'dt'; my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'dd']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == HEADING_END_TOKEN) { pop @$oe while not $structural_elements ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'h1'; $im = IN_SECTION_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == TABLE_CELL_END_TOKEN) { pop @$oe while not $structural_elements ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'td'; $im = IN_TABLE_ROW_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif (($token->{type} == BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq 'PRE') or $token->{type} == PREFORMATTED_END_TOKEN) { pop @$oe while not $structural_elements ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'pre'; $im = IN_SECTION_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } else { pop @$oe while not $structural_elements ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; $im = IN_SECTION_IM; ## Reconsume. redo A; } } elsif ($im == IN_SECTION_IM) { if ($token->{type} == HEADING_START_TOKEN) { B: { pop @$oe and redo B if not {body => 1, section => 1, insert => 1, delete => 1} ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name} or $token->{depth} <= $oe->[-1]->{section_depth}; if ($token->{depth} > $oe->[-1]->{section_depth} + 1) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'section']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {node => $el, section_depth => $oe->[-1]->{section_depth} + 1, quotation_depth => 0, list_depth => 0}; redo B; } } # B my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'section']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {node => $el, section_depth => $oe->[-1]->{section_depth} + 1, quotation_depth => 0, list_depth => 0}; my $el2 = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'h1']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el2); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el2}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == BLOCK_START_TAG_TOKEN and ($token->{tag_name} eq 'INS' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'DEL')) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name} eq 'INS' ? 'insert' : 'delete']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {node => $el, section_depth => 0, quotation_depth => 0, list_depth => 0}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'class'] => $token->{classes}) if defined $token->{classes}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == QUOTATION_START_TOKEN) { B: { pop @$oe and redo B if not {body => 1, section => 1, insert => 1, delete => 1, blockquote => 1} ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name} or $token->{depth} < $oe->[-1]->{quotation_depth}; if ($token->{depth} > $oe->[-1]->{quotation_depth}) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'blockquote']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {node => $el, section_depth => 0, quotation_depth => $oe->[-1]->{quotation_depth} + 1, list_depth => 0}; redo B; } } # B $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == LIST_START_TOKEN) { my $depth = length $token->{depth}; my $list_type = substr ($token->{depth}, -1, 1) eq '-' ? 'ul' : 'ol'; B: { pop @$oe and redo B if $oe->[-1]->{list_depth} > $depth; pop @$oe and redo B if $oe->[-1]->{list_depth} == $depth and $list_type ne $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name; if ($oe->[-1]->{list_depth} < $depth) { my $type = substr $token->{depth}, $oe->[-1]->{list_depth}, 1; my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, $type eq '-' ? 'ul' : 'ol']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el, list_depth => $oe->[-1]->{list_depth} + 1}; if ($oe->[-1]->{list_depth} < $depth) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'li']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; } redo B; } } # B my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'li']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == LABELED_LIST_START_TOKEN) { pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'dd'; if ($oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name ne 'dl') { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'dl']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; } my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'dt']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == TABLE_ROW_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'table']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'tbody']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'tr']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $im = IN_TABLE_ROW_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif (($token->{type} == BLOCK_START_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq 'PRE') or $token->{type} == PREFORMATTED_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'pre']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'class'] => $token->{classes}) if defined $token->{classes}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == COMMENT_PARAGRAPH_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW10_NS, [undef, 'comment-p']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == EDITORIAL_NOTE_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW10_NS, [undef, 'ed']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == EMPTY_LINE_TOKEN) { pop @$oe while not {body => 1, section => 1, insert => 1, delete => 1} ->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == BLOCK_END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'INS') { for (reverse 1..$#$oe) { if ($oe->[$_]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'insert') { splice @$oe, $_; last; } } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'DEL') { for (reverse 1..$#$oe) { if ($oe->[$_]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'delete') { splice @$oe, $_; last; } } } else { ## NOTE: Ignore the token. } undef $continuous_line; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == FORM_TOKEN) { ## There is an exact code clone. if ($token->{name} eq 'form') { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'form']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'id'] => $token->{id}) if defined $token->{id}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'input'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'template'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'option'] => shift @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'parameter'] => join ':', @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (SW09_NS, [undef, 'form']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'ref'] => $token->{name}); $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'id'] => $token->{id}) if defined $token->{id}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'parameter'] => join ':', @{$token->{parameters}}) if @{$token->{parameters}}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } } elsif ($token->{type} == ELEMENT_TOKEN and $token->{local_name} eq 'replace') { ## NOTE: There is an exact code clone. my $el = $doc->create_element_ns ($token->{namespace}, [undef, $token->{local_name}]); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'anchor'], $token->{anchor}) if defined $token->{anchor}; $el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'by'] => $token->{by}) if defined $token->{by}; $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resScheme'], $token->{res_scheme}) if defined $token->{res_scheme}; $el->set_attribute_ns (SW09_NS, ['sw', 'resParameter'], $token->{res_parameter}) if defined $token->{res_parameter}; $el->text_content ($token->{content}) if defined $token->{content}; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { return; } elsif ({LABELED_LIST_MIDDLE_TOKEN => 1, HEADING_END_TOKEN => 1, PREFORMATTED_END_TOKEN => 1, TABLE_ROW_END_TOKEN => 1, TABLE_CELL_START_TOKEN => 1, TABLE_CELL_END_TOKEN => 1, TABLE_COLSPAN_CELL_TOKEN => 1}->{$token->{type}}) { ## NOTE: Ignore the token. } else { unless ({dd => 1, li => 1, 'comment-p' => 1, ed => 1}->{$oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name}) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'p']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; } $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; ## Reprocess. redo A; } } elsif ($im == IN_TABLE_ROW_IM) { if ($token->{type} == TABLE_CELL_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'td']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $im = IN_PARAGRAPH_IM; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == TABLE_COLSPAN_CELL_TOKEN) { my $lc = $oe->[-1]->{node}->last_child; if ($lc and $lc->manakai_local_name eq 'td') { $lc->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'colspan'], ($lc->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'colspan') || 1) + 1); } else { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'td']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); } $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == TABLE_ROW_END_TOKEN) { pop @$oe if $oe->[-1]->{node}->manakai_local_name eq 'tr'; $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } elsif ($token->{type} == TABLE_ROW_START_TOKEN) { my $el = $doc->create_element_ns (HTML_NS, [undef, 'tr']); $oe->[-1]->{node}->append_child ($el); push @$oe, {%{$oe->[-1]}, node => $el}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}); $token = $get_next_token->(); redo A; } else { $im = IN_SECTION_IM; ## Reprocess. redo A; } } else { die "$0: Unknown insertion mode: $im"; } } # A } # parse_char_string 1;