package Whatpm::HTML; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.157 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; use Error qw(:try); ## ISSUE: ## var doc = implementation.createDocument (null, null, null); ## doc.write (''); ## alert (doc.compatMode); require IO::Handle; my $HTML_NS = q; my $MML_NS = q; my $SVG_NS = q; my $XLINK_NS = q; my $XML_NS = q; my $XMLNS_NS = q; sub A_EL () { 0b1 } sub ADDRESS_EL () { 0b10 } sub BODY_EL () { 0b100 } sub BUTTON_EL () { 0b1000 } sub CAPTION_EL () { 0b10000 } sub DD_EL () { 0b100000 } sub DIV_EL () { 0b1000000 } sub DT_EL () { 0b10000000 } sub FORM_EL () { 0b100000000 } sub FORMATTING_EL () { 0b1000000000 } sub FRAMESET_EL () { 0b10000000000 } sub HEADING_EL () { 0b100000000000 } sub HTML_EL () { 0b1000000000000 } sub LI_EL () { 0b10000000000000 } sub NOBR_EL () { 0b100000000000000 } sub OPTION_EL () { 0b1000000000000000 } sub OPTGROUP_EL () { 0b10000000000000000 } sub P_EL () { 0b100000000000000000 } sub SELECT_EL () { 0b1000000000000000000 } sub TABLE_EL () { 0b10000000000000000000 } sub TABLE_CELL_EL () { 0b100000000000000000000 } sub TABLE_ROW_EL () { 0b1000000000000000000000 } sub TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL () { 0b10000000000000000000000 } sub MISC_SCOPING_EL () { 0b100000000000000000000000 } sub MISC_SPECIAL_EL () { 0b1000000000000000000000000 } sub FOREIGN_EL () { 0b10000000000000000000000000 } sub FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL () { 0b100000000000000000000000000 } sub MML_AXML_EL () { 0b1000000000000000000000000000 } sub RUBY_EL () { 0b10000000000000000000000000000 } sub RUBY_COMPONENT_EL () { 0b100000000000000000000000000000 } sub TABLE_ROWS_EL () { TABLE_EL | TABLE_ROW_EL | TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL } ## NOTE: Used in "generate implied end tags" algorithm. ## NOTE: There is a code where a modified version of END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL ## is used in "generate implied end tags" implementation (search for the ## function mae). sub END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL () { DD_EL | DT_EL | LI_EL | P_EL | RUBY_COMPONENT_EL } ## NOTE: Used in and EOF algorithms. sub ALL_END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL () { DD_EL | DT_EL | LI_EL | P_EL | BODY_EL | HTML_EL | TABLE_CELL_EL | TABLE_ROW_EL | TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL } sub SCOPING_EL () { BUTTON_EL | CAPTION_EL | HTML_EL | TABLE_EL | TABLE_CELL_EL | MISC_SCOPING_EL } sub TABLE_SCOPING_EL () { HTML_EL | TABLE_EL } sub TABLE_ROWS_SCOPING_EL () { HTML_EL | TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL } sub TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL () { HTML_EL | TABLE_ROW_EL } sub SPECIAL_EL () { ADDRESS_EL | BODY_EL | DIV_EL | DD_EL | DT_EL | LI_EL | P_EL | FORM_EL | FRAMESET_EL | HEADING_EL | OPTION_EL | OPTGROUP_EL | SELECT_EL | TABLE_ROW_EL | TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL | MISC_SPECIAL_EL } my $el_category = { a => A_EL | FORMATTING_EL, address => ADDRESS_EL, applet => MISC_SCOPING_EL, area => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, b => FORMATTING_EL, base => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, basefont => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, bgsound => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, big => FORMATTING_EL, blockquote => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, body => BODY_EL, br => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, button => BUTTON_EL, caption => CAPTION_EL, center => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, col => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, colgroup => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, dd => DD_EL, dir => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, div => DIV_EL, dl => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, dt => DT_EL, em => FORMATTING_EL, embed => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, fieldset => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, font => FORMATTING_EL, form => FORM_EL, frame => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, frameset => FRAMESET_EL, h1 => HEADING_EL, h2 => HEADING_EL, h3 => HEADING_EL, h4 => HEADING_EL, h5 => HEADING_EL, h6 => HEADING_EL, head => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, hr => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, html => HTML_EL, i => FORMATTING_EL, iframe => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, img => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, input => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, isindex => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, li => LI_EL, link => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, listing => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, marquee => MISC_SCOPING_EL, menu => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, meta => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, nobr => NOBR_EL | FORMATTING_EL, noembed => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, noframes => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, noscript => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, object => MISC_SCOPING_EL, ol => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, optgroup => OPTGROUP_EL, option => OPTION_EL, p => P_EL, param => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, plaintext => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, pre => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, rp => RUBY_COMPONENT_EL, rt => RUBY_COMPONENT_EL, ruby => RUBY_EL, s => FORMATTING_EL, script => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, select => SELECT_EL, small => FORMATTING_EL, spacer => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, strike => FORMATTING_EL, strong => FORMATTING_EL, style => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, table => TABLE_EL, tbody => TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL, td => TABLE_CELL_EL, textarea => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, tfoot => TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL, th => TABLE_CELL_EL, thead => TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL, title => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, tr => TABLE_ROW_EL, tt => FORMATTING_EL, u => FORMATTING_EL, ul => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, wbr => MISC_SPECIAL_EL, }; my $el_category_f = { $MML_NS => { 'annotation-xml' => MML_AXML_EL, mi => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, mo => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, mn => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, ms => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, mtext => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, }, $SVG_NS => { foreignObject => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, desc => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, title => FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL, }, ## NOTE: In addition, FOREIGN_EL is set to non-HTML elements. }; my $svg_attr_name = { attributename => 'attributeName', attributetype => 'attributeType', basefrequency => 'baseFrequency', baseprofile => 'baseProfile', calcmode => 'calcMode', clippathunits => 'clipPathUnits', contentscripttype => 'contentScriptType', contentstyletype => 'contentStyleType', diffuseconstant => 'diffuseConstant', edgemode => 'edgeMode', externalresourcesrequired => 'externalResourcesRequired', filterres => 'filterRes', filterunits => 'filterUnits', glyphref => 'glyphRef', gradienttransform => 'gradientTransform', gradientunits => 'gradientUnits', kernelmatrix => 'kernelMatrix', kernelunitlength => 'kernelUnitLength', keypoints => 'keyPoints', keysplines => 'keySplines', keytimes => 'keyTimes', lengthadjust => 'lengthAdjust', limitingconeangle => 'limitingConeAngle', markerheight => 'markerHeight', markerunits => 'markerUnits', markerwidth => 'markerWidth', maskcontentunits => 'maskContentUnits', maskunits => 'maskUnits', numoctaves => 'numOctaves', pathlength => 'pathLength', patterncontentunits => 'patternContentUnits', patterntransform => 'patternTransform', patternunits => 'patternUnits', pointsatx => 'pointsAtX', pointsaty => 'pointsAtY', pointsatz => 'pointsAtZ', preservealpha => 'preserveAlpha', preserveaspectratio => 'preserveAspectRatio', primitiveunits => 'primitiveUnits', refx => 'refX', refy => 'refY', repeatcount => 'repeatCount', repeatdur => 'repeatDur', requiredextensions => 'requiredExtensions', requiredfeatures => 'requiredFeatures', specularconstant => 'specularConstant', specularexponent => 'specularExponent', spreadmethod => 'spreadMethod', startoffset => 'startOffset', stddeviation => 'stdDeviation', stitchtiles => 'stitchTiles', surfacescale => 'surfaceScale', systemlanguage => 'systemLanguage', tablevalues => 'tableValues', targetx => 'targetX', targety => 'targetY', textlength => 'textLength', viewbox => 'viewBox', viewtarget => 'viewTarget', xchannelselector => 'xChannelSelector', ychannelselector => 'yChannelSelector', zoomandpan => 'zoomAndPan', }; my $foreign_attr_xname = { 'xlink:actuate' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'actuate']], 'xlink:arcrole' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'arcrole']], 'xlink:href' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'href']], 'xlink:role' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'role']], 'xlink:show' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'show']], 'xlink:title' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'title']], 'xlink:type' => [$XLINK_NS, ['xlink', 'type']], 'xml:base' => [$XML_NS, ['xml', 'base']], 'xml:lang' => [$XML_NS, ['xml', 'lang']], 'xml:space' => [$XML_NS, ['xml', 'space']], 'xmlns' => [$XMLNS_NS, [undef, 'xmlns']], 'xmlns:xlink' => [$XMLNS_NS, ['xmlns', 'xlink']], }; ## ISSUE: xmlns:xlink="non-xlink-ns" is not an error. my $c1_entity_char = { 0x80 => 0x20AC, 0x81 => 0xFFFD, 0x82 => 0x201A, 0x83 => 0x0192, 0x84 => 0x201E, 0x85 => 0x2026, 0x86 => 0x2020, 0x87 => 0x2021, 0x88 => 0x02C6, 0x89 => 0x2030, 0x8A => 0x0160, 0x8B => 0x2039, 0x8C => 0x0152, 0x8D => 0xFFFD, 0x8E => 0x017D, 0x8F => 0xFFFD, 0x90 => 0xFFFD, 0x91 => 0x2018, 0x92 => 0x2019, 0x93 => 0x201C, 0x94 => 0x201D, 0x95 => 0x2022, 0x96 => 0x2013, 0x97 => 0x2014, 0x98 => 0x02DC, 0x99 => 0x2122, 0x9A => 0x0161, 0x9B => 0x203A, 0x9C => 0x0153, 0x9D => 0xFFFD, 0x9E => 0x017E, 0x9F => 0x0178, }; # $c1_entity_char sub parse_byte_string ($$$$;$) { my $self = shift; my $charset_name = shift; open my $input, '<', ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \($_[0]); return $self->parse_byte_stream ($charset_name, $input, @_[1..$#_]); } # parse_byte_string sub parse_byte_stream ($$$$;$) { my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new; my $charset_name = shift; my $byte_stream = $_[0]; my $onerror = $_[2] || sub { my (%opt) = @_; warn "Parse error ($opt{type})\n"; }; $self->{parse_error} = $onerror; # updated later by parse_char_string ## HTML5 encoding sniffing algorithm require Message::Charset::Info; my $charset; my $buffer; my ($char_stream, $e_status); SNIFFING: { ## NOTE: By setting |allow_fallback| option true when the ## |get_decode_handle| method is invoked, we ignore what the HTML5 ## spec requires, i.e. unsupported encoding should be ignored. ## TODO: We should not do this unless the parser is invoked ## in the conformance checking mode, in which this behavior ## would be useful. ## Step 1 if (defined $charset_name) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ($charset_name); ## TODO: Is this ok? Transfer protocol's parameter should be ## interpreted in its semantics? ## ISSUE: Unsupported encoding is not ignored according to the spec. ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1); if ($char_stream) { $self->{confident} = 1; last SNIFFING; } else { ## TODO: unsupported error } } ## Step 2 my $byte_buffer = ''; for (1..1024) { my $char = $byte_stream->getc; last unless defined $char; $byte_buffer .= $char; } ## TODO: timeout ## Step 3 if ($byte_buffer =~ /^\xFE\xFF/) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ('utf-16be'); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \$byte_buffer); $self->{confident} = 1; last SNIFFING; } elsif ($byte_buffer =~ /^\xFF\xFE/) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ('utf-16le'); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \$byte_buffer); $self->{confident} = 1; last SNIFFING; } elsif ($byte_buffer =~ /^\xEF\xBB\xBF/) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ('utf-8'); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \$byte_buffer); $self->{confident} = 1; last SNIFFING; } ## Step 4 ## TODO: ## Step 5 ## TODO: from history ## Step 6 require Whatpm::Charset::UniversalCharDet; $charset_name = Whatpm::Charset::UniversalCharDet->detect_byte_string ($byte_buffer); if (defined $charset_name) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ($charset_name); ## ISSUE: Unsupported encoding is not ignored according to the spec. require Whatpm::Charset::DecodeHandle; $buffer = Whatpm::Charset::DecodeHandle::ByteBuffer->new ($byte_stream); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($buffer, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \$byte_buffer); if ($char_stream) { $buffer->{buffer} = $byte_buffer; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'sniffing:chardet', text => $charset_name, level => $self->{level}->{info}, layer => 'encode', line => 1, column => 1); $self->{confident} = 0; last SNIFFING; } } ## Step 7: default ## TODO: Make this configurable. $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ('windows-1252'); ## NOTE: We choose |windows-1252| here, since |utf-8| should be ## detectable in the step 6. require Whatpm::Charset::DecodeHandle; $buffer = Whatpm::Charset::DecodeHandle::ByteBuffer->new ($byte_stream); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($buffer, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \$byte_buffer); $buffer->{buffer} = $byte_buffer; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'sniffing:default', text => 'windows-1252', level => $self->{level}->{info}, line => 1, column => 1, layer => 'encode'); $self->{confident} = 0; } # SNIFFING if ($e_status & Message::Charset::Info::FALLBACK_ENCODING_IMPL ()) { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; ## TODO: Should we set actual charset decoder's encoding name? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'chardecode:fallback', #text => $self->{input_encoding}, level => $self->{level}->{uncertain}, line => 1, column => 1, layer => 'encode'); } elsif (not ($e_status & Message::Charset::Info::ERROR_REPORTING_ENCODING_IMPL())) { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'chardecode:no error', text => $self->{input_encoding}, level => $self->{level}->{uncertain}, line => 1, column => 1, layer => 'encode'); } else { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; } $self->{change_encoding} = sub { my $self = shift; $charset_name = shift; my $token = shift; $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ($charset_name); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, allow_error_reporting => 1, allow_fallback => 1, byte_buffer => \ $buffer->{buffer}); if ($char_stream) { # if supported ## "Change the encoding" algorithm: ## Step 1 if ($charset->{category} & Message::Charset::Info::CHARSET_CATEGORY_UTF16 ()) { $charset = Message::Charset::Info->get_by_html_name ('utf-8'); ($char_stream, $e_status) = $charset->get_decode_handle ($byte_stream, byte_buffer => \ $buffer->{buffer}); } $charset_name = $charset->get_iana_name; ## Step 2 if (defined $self->{input_encoding} and $self->{input_encoding} eq $charset_name) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'charset label:matching', text => $charset_name, level => $self->{level}->{info}); $self->{confident} = 1; return; } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'charset label detected', text => $self->{input_encoding}, value => $charset_name, level => $self->{level}->{warn}, token => $token); ## Step 3 # if (can) { ## change the encoding on the fly. #$self->{confident} = 1; #return; # } ## Step 4 throw Whatpm::HTML::RestartParser (); } }; # $self->{change_encoding} my $char_onerror = sub { my (undef, $type, %opt) = @_; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, layer => 'encode', %opt, type => $type, line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column} + 1); if ($opt{octets}) { ${$opt{octets}} = "\x{FFFD}"; # relacement character } }; $char_stream->onerror ($char_onerror); my @args = @_; shift @args; # $s my $return; try { $return = $self->parse_char_stream ($char_stream, @args); } catch Whatpm::HTML::RestartParser with { ## NOTE: Invoked after {change_encoding}. if ($e_status & Message::Charset::Info::FALLBACK_ENCODING_IMPL ()) { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; ## TODO: Should we set actual charset decoder's encoding name? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'chardecode:fallback', level => $self->{level}->{uncertain}, #text => $self->{input_encoding}, line => 1, column => 1, layer => 'encode'); } elsif (not ($e_status & Message::Charset::Info::ERROR_REPORTING_ENCODING_IMPL())) { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'chardecode:no error', text => $self->{input_encoding}, level => $self->{level}->{uncertain}, line => 1, column => 1, layer => 'encode'); } else { $self->{input_encoding} = $charset->get_iana_name; } $self->{confident} = 1; $char_stream->onerror ($char_onerror); $return = $self->parse_char_stream ($char_stream, @args); }; return $return; } # parse_byte_stream ## NOTE: HTML5 spec says that the encoding layer MUST NOT strip BOM ## and the HTML layer MUST ignore it. However, we does strip BOM in ## the encoding layer and the HTML layer does not ignore any U+FEFF, ## because the core part of our HTML parser expects a string of character, ## not a string of bytes or code units or anything which might contain a BOM. ## Therefore, any parser interface that accepts a string of bytes, ## such as |parse_byte_string| in this module, must ensure that it does ## strip the BOM and never strip any ZWNBSP. sub parse_char_string ($$$;$) { my $self = shift; require utf8; my $s = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : \($_[0]); open my $input, '<' . (utf8::is_utf8 ($$s) ? ':utf8' : ''), $s; return $self->parse_char_stream ($input, @_[1..$#_]); } # parse_char_string *parse_string = \&parse_char_string; sub parse_char_stream ($$$;$) { my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new; my $input = $_[0]; $self->{document} = $_[1]; @{$self->{document}->child_nodes} = (); ## NOTE: |set_inner_html| copies most of this method's code $self->{confident} = 1 unless exists $self->{confident}; $self->{document}->input_encoding ($self->{input_encoding}) if defined $self->{input_encoding}; my $i = 0; $self->{line_prev} = $self->{line} = 1; $self->{column_prev} = $self->{column} = 0; $self->{set_next_char} = sub { my $self = shift; pop @{$self->{prev_char}}; unshift @{$self->{prev_char}}, $self->{next_char}; my $char; if (defined $self->{next_next_char}) { $char = $self->{next_next_char}; delete $self->{next_next_char}; } else { $char = $input->getc; } $self->{next_char} = -1 and return unless defined $char; $self->{next_char} = ord $char; ($self->{line_prev}, $self->{column_prev}) = ($self->{line}, $self->{column}); $self->{column}++; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x000A) { # LF $self->{line}++; $self->{column} = 0; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x000D) { # CR my $next = $input->getc; if (defined $next and $next ne "\x0A") { $self->{next_next_char} = $next; } $self->{next_char} = 0x000A; # LF # MUST $self->{line}++; $self->{column} = 0; } elsif ($self->{next_char} > 0x10FFFF) { $self->{next_char} = 0xFFFD; # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER # MUST } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0000) { # NULL $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'NULL'); $self->{next_char} = 0xFFFD; # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER # MUST } elsif ($self->{next_char} <= 0x0008 or (0x000E <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x001F) or (0x007F <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x009F) or (0xD800 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0xDFFF) or (0xFDD0 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0xFDDF) or { 0xFFFE => 1, 0xFFFF => 1, 0x1FFFE => 1, 0x1FFFF => 1, 0x2FFFE => 1, 0x2FFFF => 1, 0x3FFFE => 1, 0x3FFFF => 1, 0x4FFFE => 1, 0x4FFFF => 1, 0x5FFFE => 1, 0x5FFFF => 1, 0x6FFFE => 1, 0x6FFFF => 1, 0x7FFFE => 1, 0x7FFFF => 1, 0x8FFFE => 1, 0x8FFFF => 1, 0x9FFFE => 1, 0x9FFFF => 1, 0xAFFFE => 1, 0xAFFFF => 1, 0xBFFFE => 1, 0xBFFFF => 1, 0xCFFFE => 1, 0xCFFFF => 1, 0xDFFFE => 1, 0xDFFFF => 1, 0xEFFFE => 1, 0xEFFFF => 1, 0xFFFFE => 1, 0xFFFFF => 1, 0x10FFFE => 1, 0x10FFFF => 1, }->{$self->{next_char}}) { if ($self->{next_char} < 0x10000) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'control char', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $self->{next_char})); } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'control char', text => (sprintf 'U-%08X', $self->{next_char})); } } }; $self->{prev_char} = [-1, -1, -1]; $self->{next_char} = -1; my $onerror = $_[2] || sub { my (%opt) = @_; my $line = $opt{token} ? $opt{token}->{line} : $opt{line}; my $column = $opt{token} ? $opt{token}->{column} : $opt{column}; warn "Parse error ($opt{type}) at line $line column $column\n"; }; $self->{parse_error} = sub { $onerror->(line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}, @_); }; $self->_initialize_tokenizer; $self->_initialize_tree_constructor; $self->_construct_tree; $self->_terminate_tree_constructor; delete $self->{parse_error}; # remove loop return $self->{document}; } # parse_char_stream sub new ($) { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { level => {must => 'm', should => 's', warn => 'w', info => 'i', uncertain => 'u'}, }, $class; $self->{set_next_char} = sub { $self->{next_char} = -1; }; $self->{parse_error} = sub { # }; $self->{change_encoding} = sub { # if ($_[0] is a supported encoding) { # run "change the encoding" algorithm; # throw Whatpm::HTML::RestartParser (charset => $new_encoding); # } }; $self->{application_cache_selection} = sub { # }; return $self; } # new sub CM_ENTITY () { 0b001 } # & markup in data sub CM_LIMITED_MARKUP () { 0b010 } # < markup in data (limited) sub CM_FULL_MARKUP () { 0b100 } # < markup in data (any) sub PLAINTEXT_CONTENT_MODEL () { 0 } sub CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL () { CM_LIMITED_MARKUP } sub RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL () { CM_ENTITY | CM_LIMITED_MARKUP } sub PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL () { CM_ENTITY | CM_FULL_MARKUP } sub DATA_STATE () { 0 } sub ENTITY_DATA_STATE () { 1 } sub TAG_OPEN_STATE () { 2 } sub CLOSE_TAG_OPEN_STATE () { 3 } sub TAG_NAME_STATE () { 4 } sub BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE () { 5 } sub ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE () { 6 } sub AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE () { 7 } sub BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE () { 8 } sub ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 9 } sub ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 10 } sub ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE () { 11 } sub ENTITY_IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE () { 12 } sub MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE () { 13 } sub COMMENT_START_STATE () { 14 } sub COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE () { 15 } sub COMMENT_STATE () { 16 } sub COMMENT_END_STATE () { 17 } sub COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE () { 18 } sub BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE () { 19 } sub DOCTYPE_STATE () { 20 } sub BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE () { 21 } sub DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE () { 22 } sub AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE () { 23 } sub BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE () { 24 } sub DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 25 } sub DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 26 } sub AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE () { 27 } sub BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE () { 28 } sub DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 29 } sub DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE () { 30 } sub AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE () { 31 } sub BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE () { 32 } sub AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE () { 33 } sub SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE () { 34 } sub CDATA_BLOCK_STATE () { 35 } sub DOCTYPE_TOKEN () { 1 } sub COMMENT_TOKEN () { 2 } sub START_TAG_TOKEN () { 3 } sub END_TAG_TOKEN () { 4 } sub END_OF_FILE_TOKEN () { 5 } sub CHARACTER_TOKEN () { 6 } sub AFTER_HTML_IMS () { 0b100 } sub HEAD_IMS () { 0b1000 } sub BODY_IMS () { 0b10000 } sub BODY_TABLE_IMS () { 0b100000 } sub TABLE_IMS () { 0b1000000 } sub ROW_IMS () { 0b10000000 } sub BODY_AFTER_IMS () { 0b100000000 } sub FRAME_IMS () { 0b1000000000 } sub SELECT_IMS () { 0b10000000000 } sub IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM () { 0b100000000000 } ## NOTE: "in foreign content" insertion mode is special; it is combined ## with the secondary insertion mode. In this parser, they are stored ## together in the bit-or'ed form. ## NOTE: "initial" and "before html" insertion modes have no constants. ## NOTE: "after after body" insertion mode. sub AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM () { AFTER_HTML_IMS | BODY_AFTER_IMS } ## NOTE: "after after frameset" insertion mode. sub AFTER_HTML_FRAMESET_IM () { AFTER_HTML_IMS | FRAME_IMS } sub IN_HEAD_IM () { HEAD_IMS | 0b00 } sub IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM () { HEAD_IMS | 0b01 } sub AFTER_HEAD_IM () { HEAD_IMS | 0b10 } sub BEFORE_HEAD_IM () { HEAD_IMS | 0b11 } sub IN_BODY_IM () { BODY_IMS } sub IN_CELL_IM () { BODY_IMS | BODY_TABLE_IMS | 0b01 } sub IN_CAPTION_IM () { BODY_IMS | BODY_TABLE_IMS | 0b10 } sub IN_ROW_IM () { TABLE_IMS | ROW_IMS | 0b01 } sub IN_TABLE_BODY_IM () { TABLE_IMS | ROW_IMS | 0b10 } sub IN_TABLE_IM () { TABLE_IMS } sub AFTER_BODY_IM () { BODY_AFTER_IMS } sub IN_FRAMESET_IM () { FRAME_IMS | 0b01 } sub AFTER_FRAMESET_IM () { FRAME_IMS | 0b10 } sub IN_SELECT_IM () { SELECT_IMS | 0b01 } sub IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE_IM () { SELECT_IMS | 0b10 } sub IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM () { 0b10 } ## Implementations MUST act as if state machine in the spec sub _initialize_tokenizer ($) { my $self = shift; $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # MUST $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # be undef $self->{current_token}; # start tag, end tag, comment, or DOCTYPE undef $self->{current_attribute}; undef $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name}; undef $self->{last_attribute_value_state}; delete $self->{self_closing}; $self->{char} = []; # $self->{next_char} if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{token} = []; # $self->{escape} } # _initialize_tokenizer ## A token has: ## ->{type} == DOCTYPE_TOKEN, START_TAG_TOKEN, END_TAG_TOKEN, COMMENT_TOKEN, ## CHARACTER_TOKEN, or END_OF_FILE_TOKEN ## ->{name} (DOCTYPE_TOKEN) ## ->{tag_name} (START_TAG_TOKEN, END_TAG_TOKEN) ## ->{public_identifier} (DOCTYPE_TOKEN) ## ->{system_identifier} (DOCTYPE_TOKEN) ## ->{quirks} == 1 or 0 (DOCTYPE_TOKEN): "force-quirks" flag ## ->{attributes} isa HASH (START_TAG_TOKEN, END_TAG_TOKEN) ## ->{name} ## ->{value} ## ->{has_reference} == 1 or 0 ## ->{data} (COMMENT_TOKEN, CHARACTER_TOKEN) ## NOTE: The "self-closing flag" is hold as |$self->{self_closing}|. ## |->{self_closing}| is used to save the value of |$self->{self_closing}| ## while the token is pushed back to the stack. ## Emitted token MUST immediately be handled by the tree construction state. ## Before each step, UA MAY check to see if either one of the scripts in ## "list of scripts that will execute as soon as possible" or the first ## script in the "list of scripts that will execute asynchronously", ## has completed loading. If one has, then it MUST be executed ## and removed from the list. ## NOTE: HTML5 "Writing HTML documents" section, applied to ## documents and not to user agents and conformance checkers, ## contains some requirements that are not detected by the ## parsing algorithm: ## - Some requirements on character encoding declarations. ## TODO ## - "Elements MUST NOT contain content that their content model disallows." ## ... Some are parse error, some are not (will be reported by c.c.). ## - Polytheistic slash SHOULD NOT be used. (Applied only to atheists.) ## TODO ## - Text (in elements, attributes, and comments) SHOULD NOT contain ## control characters other than space characters. ## TODO: (what is control character? C0, C1 and DEL? Unicode control character?) ## TODO: HTML5 poses authors two SHOULD-level requirements that cannot ## be detected by the HTML5 parsing algorithm: ## - Text, sub _get_next_token ($) { my $self = shift; if ($self->{self_closing}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'nestc', token => $self->{current_token}); ## NOTE: The |self_closing| flag is only set by start tag token. ## In addition, when a start tag token is emitted, it is always set to ## |current_token|. delete $self->{self_closing}; } if (@{$self->{token}}) { $self->{self_closing} = $self->{token}->[0]->{self_closing}; return shift @{$self->{token}}; } A: { if ($self->{state} == DATA_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0026) { # & if ($self->{content_model} & CM_ENTITY and # PCDATA | RCDATA not $self->{escape}) { $self->{state} = ENTITY_DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { # } } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - if ($self->{content_model} & CM_LIMITED_MARKUP) { # RCDATA | CDATA unless ($self->{escape}) { if ($self->{prev_char}->[0] == 0x002D and # - $self->{prev_char}->[1] == 0x0021 and # ! $self->{prev_char}->[2] == 0x003C) { # < $self->{escape} = 1; } else { } } else { } } # } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003C) { # < if ($self->{content_model} & CM_FULL_MARKUP or # PCDATA (($self->{content_model} & CM_LIMITED_MARKUP) and # CDATA | RCDATA not $self->{escape})) { $self->{state} = TAG_OPEN_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { # } } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{escape} and ($self->{content_model} & CM_LIMITED_MARKUP)) { # RCDATA | CDATA if ($self->{prev_char}->[0] == 0x002D and # - $self->{prev_char}->[1] == 0x002D) { # - delete $self->{escape}; } else { } } else { } # } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { return ({type => END_OF_FILE_TOKEN, line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}}); last A; ## TODO: ok? } else { } # Anything else my $token = {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => chr $self->{next_char}, line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}, }; ## Stay in the data state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($token); redo A; } elsif ($self->{state} == ENTITY_DATA_STATE) { ## (cannot happen in CDATA state) my ($l, $c) = ($self->{line_prev}, $self->{column_prev}); my $token = $self->_tokenize_attempt_to_consume_an_entity (0, -1); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # next-input-character is already done unless (defined $token) { return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '&', line => $l, column => $c, }); } else { return ($token); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{state} == TAG_OPEN_STATE) { if ($self->{content_model} & CM_LIMITED_MARKUP) { # RCDATA | CDATA if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{state} = CLOSE_TAG_OPEN_STATE; redo A; } else { ## reconsume $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '<', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}, }); redo A; } } elsif ($self->{content_model} & CM_FULL_MARKUP) { # PCDATA if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0021) { # ! $self->{state} = MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $self->{state} = CLOSE_TAG_OPEN_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_token} = {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020), line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}}; $self->{state} = TAG_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif (0x0061 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x007A) { # a..z $self->{current_token} = {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => chr ($self->{next_char}), line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}}; $self->{state} = TAG_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'empty start tag', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '<>', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}, }); redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003F) { # ? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'pio', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}); $self->{state} = BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE; $self->{current_token} = {type => COMMENT_TOKEN, data => '', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}, }; ## $self->{next_char} is intentionally left as is redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare stago', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '<', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}, }); redo A; } } else { die "$0: $self->{content_model} in tag open"; } } elsif ($self->{state} == CLOSE_TAG_OPEN_STATE) { my ($l, $c) = ($self->{line_prev}, $self->{column_prev} - 1); # "<"of"{content_model} & CM_LIMITED_MARKUP) { # RCDATA | CDATA if (defined $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name}) { ## NOTE: my @next_char; TAGNAME: for (my $i = 0; $i < length $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name}; $i++) { push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; my $c = ord substr ($self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name}, $i, 1); my $C = 0x0061 <= $c && $c <= 0x007A ? $c - 0x0020 : $c; if ($self->{next_char} == $c or $self->{next_char} == $C) { if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } next TAGNAME; } else { $self->{next_char} = shift @next_char; # reconsume unshift @{$self->{char}}, (@next_char); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ' $l, column => $c, }); redo A; } } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; unless ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020 or # SP $self->{next_char} == 0x003E or # > $self->{next_char} == 0x002F or # / $self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{next_char} = shift @next_char; # reconsume unshift @{$self->{char}}, (@next_char); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ' $l, column => $c, }); redo A; } else { $self->{next_char} = shift @next_char; unshift @{$self->{char}}, (@next_char); # and consume... } } else { ## No start tag token has ever been emitted # next-input-character is already done $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ' $l, column => $c, }); redo A; } } if (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_token} = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020), line => $l, column => $c}; $self->{state} = TAG_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif (0x0061 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x007A) { # a..z $self->{current_token} = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => chr ($self->{next_char}), line => $l, column => $c}; $self->{state} = TAG_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'empty end tag', line => $self->{line_prev}, ## "<" in "" column => $self->{column_prev} - 1); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare etago'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # reconsume return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ' $l, column => $c, }); redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bogus end tag'); $self->{state} = BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE; $self->{current_token} = {type => COMMENT_TOKEN, data => '', line => $self->{line_prev}, # "<" of " $self->{column_prev} - 1, }; ## $self->{next_char} is intentionally left as is redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == TAG_NAME_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST #if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { # ## NOTE: This should never be reached. # !!! cp (36); # !!! parse-error (type => 'end tag attribute'); #} else { #} } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_token}->{tag_name} .= chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020); # start tag or end tag ## Stay in this state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST #if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { # ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. # !!! cp (40); # !!! parse-error (type => 'end tag attribute'); #} else { #} } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $self->{state} = SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{tag_name} .= chr $self->{next_char}; # start tag or end tag ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_attribute} = {name => chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020), value => '', line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}}; $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $self->{state} = SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { if ({ 0x0022 => 1, # " 0x0027 => 1, # ' 0x003D => 1, # = }->{$self->{next_char}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad attribute name'); } else { } $self->{current_attribute} = {name => chr ($self->{next_char}), value => '', line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}}; $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) { my $before_leave = sub { if (exists $self->{current_token}->{attributes} # start tag or end tag ->{$self->{current_attribute}->{name}}) { # MUST $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'duplicate attribute', text => $self->{current_attribute}->{name}, line => $self->{current_attribute}->{line}, column => $self->{current_attribute}->{column}); ## Discard $self->{current_attribute} # MUST } else { $self->{current_token}->{attributes}->{$self->{current_attribute}->{name}} = $self->{current_attribute}; } }; # $before_leave if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $before_leave->(); $self->{state} = AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003D) { # = $before_leave->(); $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $before_leave->(); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_attribute}->{name} .= chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020); ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $before_leave->(); $self->{state} = SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); $before_leave->(); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022 or # " $self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad attribute name'); } else { } $self->{current_attribute}->{name} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003D) { # = $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) { # A..Z $self->{current_attribute} = {name => chr ($self->{next_char} + 0x0020), value => '', line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}}; $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $self->{state} = SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; # reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022 or # " $self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad attribute name'); } else { } $self->{current_attribute} = {name => chr ($self->{next_char}), value => '', line => $self->{line}, column => $self->{column}}; $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0026) { # & $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE; ## reconsume redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'empty unquoted attribute value'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003D) { # = $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad attribute value'); } else { } $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); $self->{state} = ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{state} = AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0026) { # & $self->{last_attribute_value_state} = $self->{state}; $self->{state} = ENTITY_IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed attribute value'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{state} = AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0026) { # & $self->{last_attribute_value_state} = $self->{state}; $self->{state} = ENTITY_IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed attribute value'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0026) { # & $self->{last_attribute_value_state} = $self->{state}; $self->{state} = ENTITY_IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { if ({ 0x0022 => 1, # " 0x0027 => 1, # ' 0x003D => 1, # = }->{$self->{next_char}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad attribute value'); } else { } $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == ENTITY_IN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE) { my $token = $self->_tokenize_attempt_to_consume_an_entity (1, $self->{last_attribute_value_state} == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE ? 0x0022 : # " $self->{last_attribute_value_state} == ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE ? 0x0027 : # ' -1); unless (defined $token) { $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= '&'; } else { $self->{current_attribute}->{value} .= $token->{data}; $self->{current_attribute}->{has_reference} = $token->{has_reference}; ## ISSUE: spec says "append the returned character token to the current attribute's value" } $self->{state} = $self->{last_attribute_value_state}; # next-input-character is already done redo A; } elsif ($self->{state} == AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002F) { # / $self->{state} = SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## Reconsume. return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no space between attributes'); $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; ## reconsume redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'nestc', token => $self->{current_token}); ## TODO: Different type than slash in start tag $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; # MUST if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { } ## TODO: Test || } else { $self->{self_closing} = 1; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed tag'); if ($self->{current_token}->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { $self->{last_emitted_start_tag_name} = $self->{current_token}->{tag_name}; } elsif ($self->{current_token}->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($self->{current_token}->{attributes}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'end tag attribute'); } else { ## NOTE: This state should never be reached. } } else { die "$0: $self->{current_token}->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## Reconsume. return ($self->{current_token}); # start tag or end tag redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'nestc'); ## TODO: This error type is wrong. $self->{state} = BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE; ## Reconsume. redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE) { ## (only happen if PCDATA state) ## NOTE: Set by the previous state #my $token = {type => COMMENT_TOKEN, data => ''}; BC: { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{data} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); # comment if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo BC; } } # BC die "$0: _get_next_token: unexpected case [BC]"; } elsif ($self->{state} == MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE) { ## (only happen if PCDATA state) my ($l, $c) = ($self->{line_prev}, $self->{column_prev} - 1); my @next_char; push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{current_token} = {type => COMMENT_TOKEN, data => '', line => $l, column => $c, }; $self->{state} = COMMENT_START_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { } } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0044 or # D $self->{next_char} == 0x0064) { # d if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x004F or # O $self->{next_char} == 0x006F) { # o if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0043 or # C $self->{next_char} == 0x0063) { # c if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0054 or # T $self->{next_char} == 0x0074) { # t if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0059 or # Y $self->{next_char} == 0x0079) { # y if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0050 or # P $self->{next_char} == 0x0070) { # p if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0045 or # E $self->{next_char} == 0x0065) { # e ## TODO: What a stupid code this is! $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_STATE; $self->{current_token} = {type => DOCTYPE_TOKEN, quirks => 1, line => $l, column => $c, }; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM and $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FOREIGN_EL and $self->{next_char} == 0x005B) { # [ if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0043) { # C if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0044) { # D if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0041) { # A if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0054) { # T if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0041) { # A if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } push @next_char, $self->{next_char}; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x005B) { # [ $self->{state} = CDATA_BLOCK_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bogus comment'); $self->{next_char} = shift @next_char; unshift @{$self->{char}}, (@next_char); $self->{state} = BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE; $self->{current_token} = {type => COMMENT_TOKEN, data => '', line => $l, column => $c, }; redo A; ## ISSUE: typos in spec: chacacters, is is a parse error ## ISSUE: spec is somewhat unclear on "is the first character that will be in the comment"; what is "that will be in the comment" is what the algorithm defines, isn't it? } elsif ($self->{state} == COMMENT_START_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{state} = COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bogus comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{data} # comment .= chr ($self->{next_char}); $self->{state} = COMMENT_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{state} = COMMENT_END_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bogus comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{data} # comment .= '-' . chr ($self->{next_char}); $self->{state} = COMMENT_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == COMMENT_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{state} = COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{data} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); # comment ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{state} = COMMENT_END_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{data} .= '-' . chr ($self->{next_char}); # comment $self->{state} = COMMENT_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == COMMENT_END_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x002D) { # - $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'dash in comment', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}); $self->{current_token}->{data} .= '-'; # comment ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed comment'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # comment redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'dash in comment', line => $self->{line_prev}, column => $self->{column_prev}); $self->{current_token}->{data} .= '--' . chr ($self->{next_char}); # comment $self->{state} = COMMENT_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $self->{state} = BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no space before DOCTYPE name'); $self->{state} = BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE; ## reconsume redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no DOCTYPE name'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE (quirks) redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no DOCTYPE name'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE (quirks) redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{name} = chr $self->{next_char}; delete $self->{current_token}->{quirks}; ## ISSUE: "Set the token's name name to the" in the spec $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) { ## ISSUE: Redundant "First," in the spec. if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP $self->{state} = AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{name} .= chr ($self->{next_char}); # DOCTYPE ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0009 or # HT $self->{next_char} == 0x000A or # LF $self->{next_char} == 0x000B or # VT $self->{next_char} == 0x000C or # FF $self->{next_char} == 0x0020) { # SP ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0050 or # P $self->{next_char} == 0x0070) { # p if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0055 or # U $self->{next_char} == 0x0075) { # u if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0042 or # B $self->{next_char} == 0x0062) { # b if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x004C or # L $self->{next_char} == 0x006C) { # l if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0049 or # I $self->{next_char} == 0x0069) { # i if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0043 or # C $self->{next_char} == 0x0063) { # c $self->{state} = BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } # } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0053 or # S $self->{next_char} == 0x0073) { # s if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0059 or # Y $self->{next_char} == 0x0079) { # y if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0053 or # S $self->{next_char} == 0x0073) { # s if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0054 or # T $self->{next_char} == 0x0074) { # t if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0045 or # E $self->{next_char} == 0x0065) { # e if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x004D or # M $self->{next_char} == 0x006D) { # m $self->{state} = BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } } else { } # } else { if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } # } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'string after DOCTYPE name'); $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; $self->{state} = BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE; # next-input-character is already done redo A; } elsif ($self->{state} == BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) { if ({ 0x0009 => 1, 0x000A => 1, 0x000B => 1, 0x000C => 1, 0x0020 => 1, #0x000D => 1, # HT, LF, VT, FF, SP, CR }->{$self->{next_char}}) { ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} eq 0x0022) { # " $self->{current_token}->{public_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} eq 0x0027) { # ' $self->{current_token}->{public_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} eq 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no PUBLIC literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'string after PUBLIC'); $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; $self->{state} = BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{state} = AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed PUBLIC literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed PUBLIC literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{public_identifier} # DOCTYPE .= chr $self->{next_char}; ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{state} = AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed PUBLIC literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed PUBLIC literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{public_identifier} # DOCTYPE .= chr $self->{next_char}; ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) { if ({ 0x0009 => 1, 0x000A => 1, 0x000B => 1, 0x000C => 1, 0x0020 => 1, #0x000D => 1, # HT, LF, VT, FF, SP, CR }->{$self->{next_char}}) { ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'string after PUBLIC literal'); $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; $self->{state} = BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) { if ({ 0x0009 => 1, 0x000A => 1, 0x000B => 1, 0x000C => 1, 0x0020 => 1, #0x000D => 1, # HT, LF, VT, FF, SP, CR }->{$self->{next_char}}) { ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} = ''; # DOCTYPE $self->{state} = DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no SYSTEM literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'string after SYSTEM'); $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; $self->{state} = BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0022) { # " $self->{state} = AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed SYSTEM literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed SYSTEM literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} # DOCTYPE .= chr $self->{next_char}; ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0027) { # ' $self->{state} = AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed SYSTEM literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed SYSTEM literal'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{current_token}->{system_identifier} # DOCTYPE .= chr $self->{next_char}; ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) { if ({ 0x0009 => 1, 0x000A => 1, 0x000B => 1, 0x000C => 1, 0x0020 => 1, #0x000D => 1, # HT, LF, VT, FF, SP, CR }->{$self->{next_char}}) { ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume $self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'string after SYSTEM literal'); #$self->{current_token}->{quirks} = 1; $self->{state} = BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unclosed DOCTYPE'); $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## reconsume return ($self->{current_token}); # DOCTYPE redo A; } else { ## Stay in the state if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo A; } } elsif ($self->{state} == CDATA_BLOCK_STATE) { my $s = ''; my ($l, $c) = ($self->{line}, $self->{column}); CS: while ($self->{next_char} != -1) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x005D) { # ] if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x005D) { # ] if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } MDC: { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003E) { # > if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } last CS; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x005D) { # ] $s .= ']'; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } redo MDC; } else { $s .= ']]'; # } } # MDC } else { $s .= ']'; # } } else { # } $s .= chr $self->{next_char}; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } # CS $self->{state} = DATA_STATE; ## next-input-character done or EOF, which is reconsumed. if (length $s) { return ({type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => $s, line => $l, column => $c}); } else { } redo A; ## ISSUE: "text tokens" in spec. ## TODO: Streaming support } else { die "$0: $self->{state}: Unknown state"; } } # A die "$0: _get_next_token: unexpected case"; } # _get_next_token sub _tokenize_attempt_to_consume_an_entity ($$$) { my ($self, $in_attr, $additional) = @_; my ($l, $c) = ($self->{line_prev}, $self->{column_prev}); if ({ 0x0009 => 1, 0x000A => 1, 0x000B => 1, 0x000C => 1, # HT, LF, VT, FF, 0x0020 => 1, 0x003C => 1, 0x0026 => 1, -1 => 1, # SP, <, & # 0x000D # CR $additional => 1, }->{$self->{next_char}}) { ## Don't consume ## No error return undef; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0023) { # # if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x0078 or # x $self->{next_char} == 0x0058) { # X my $code; X: { my $x_char = $self->{next_char}; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } if (0x0030 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x0039) { # 0..9 $code ||= 0; $code *= 0x10; $code += $self->{next_char} - 0x0030; redo X; } elsif (0x0061 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x0066) { # a..f $code ||= 0; $code *= 0x10; $code += $self->{next_char} - 0x0060 + 9; redo X; } elsif (0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x0046) { # A..F $code ||= 0; $code *= 0x10; $code += $self->{next_char} - 0x0040 + 9; redo X; } elsif (not defined $code) { # no hexadecimal digit $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare hcro', line => $l, column => $c); unshift @{$self->{char}}, ($x_char, $self->{next_char}); $self->{next_char} = 0x0023; # # return undef; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x003B) { # ; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no refc', line => $l, column => $c); } if ($code == 0 or (0xD800 <= $code and $code <= 0xDFFF)) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'invalid character reference', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0xFFFD; } elsif ($code > 0x10FFFF) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'invalid character reference', text => (sprintf 'U-%08X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0xFFFD; } elsif ($code == 0x000D) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'CR character reference', line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0x000A; } elsif (0x80 <= $code and $code <= 0x9F) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'C1 character reference', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = $c1_entity_char->{$code}; } return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => chr $code, has_reference => 1, line => $l, column => $c, }; } # X } elsif (0x0030 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x0039) { # 0..9 my $code = $self->{next_char} - 0x0030; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } while (0x0030 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x0039) { # 0..9 $code *= 10; $code += $self->{next_char} - 0x0030; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003B) { # ; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no refc', line => $l, column => $c); } if ($code == 0 or (0xD800 <= $code and $code <= 0xDFFF)) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'invalid character reference', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0xFFFD; } elsif ($code > 0x10FFFF) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'invalid character reference', text => (sprintf 'U-%08X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0xFFFD; } elsif ($code == 0x000D) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'CR character reference', line => $l, column => $c); $code = 0x000A; } elsif (0x80 <= $code and $code <= 0x9F) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'C1 character reference', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $code), line => $l, column => $c); $code = $c1_entity_char->{$code}; } return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => chr $code, has_reference => 1, line => $l, column => $c, }; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare nero', line => $l, column => $c); unshift @{$self->{char}}, ($self->{next_char}); $self->{next_char} = 0x0023; # # return undef; } } elsif ((0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) or (0x0061 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x007A)) { my $entity_name = chr $self->{next_char}; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } my $value = $entity_name; my $match = 0; require Whatpm::_NamedEntityList; our $EntityChar; while (length $entity_name < 30 and ## NOTE: Some number greater than the maximum length of entity name ((0x0041 <= $self->{next_char} and # a $self->{next_char} <= 0x005A) or # x (0x0061 <= $self->{next_char} and # a $self->{next_char} <= 0x007A) or # z (0x0030 <= $self->{next_char} and # 0 $self->{next_char} <= 0x0039) or # 9 $self->{next_char} == 0x003B)) { # ; $entity_name .= chr $self->{next_char}; if (defined $EntityChar->{$entity_name}) { if ($self->{next_char} == 0x003B) { # ; $value = $EntityChar->{$entity_name}; $match = 1; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } last; } else { $value = $EntityChar->{$entity_name}; $match = -1; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } } else { $value .= chr $self->{next_char}; $match *= 2; if (@{$self->{char}}) { $self->{next_char} = shift @{$self->{char}}; } else { $self->{set_next_char}->($self); } } } if ($match > 0) { return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => $value, has_reference => 1, line => $l, column => $c, }; } elsif ($match < 0) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no refc', line => $l, column => $c); if ($in_attr and $match < -1) { return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '&'.$entity_name, line => $l, column => $c, }; } else { return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => $value, has_reference => 1, line => $l, column => $c, }; } } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare ero', line => $l, column => $c); ## NOTE: "No characters are consumed" in the spec. return {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => '&'.$value, line => $l, column => $c, }; } } else { ## no characters are consumed $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bare ero', line => $l, column => $c); return undef; } } # _tokenize_attempt_to_consume_an_entity sub _initialize_tree_constructor ($) { my $self = shift; ## NOTE: $self->{document} MUST be specified before this method is called $self->{document}->strict_error_checking (0); ## TODO: Turn mutation events off # MUST ## TODO: Turn loose Document option (manakai extension) on $self->{document}->manakai_is_html (1); # MUST $self->{document}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => 1); $self->{document}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => 1); } # _initialize_tree_constructor sub _terminate_tree_constructor ($) { my $self = shift; $self->{document}->strict_error_checking (1); ## TODO: Turn mutation events on } # _terminate_tree_constructor ## ISSUE: Should append_child (for example) in script executed in tree construction stage fire mutation events? { # tree construction stage my $token; sub _construct_tree ($) { my ($self) = @_; ## When an interactive UA render the $self->{document} available ## to the user, or when it begin accepting user input, are ## not defined. ## Append a character: collect it and all subsequent consecutive ## characters and insert one Text node whose data is concatenation ## of all those characters. # MUST $token = $self->_get_next_token; undef $self->{form_element}; undef $self->{head_element}; $self->{open_elements} = []; undef $self->{inner_html_node}; ## NOTE: The "initial" insertion mode. $self->_tree_construction_initial; # MUST ## NOTE: The "before html" insertion mode. $self->_tree_construction_root_element; $self->{insertion_mode} = BEFORE_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: The "before head" insertion mode and so on. $self->_tree_construction_main; } # _construct_tree sub _tree_construction_initial ($) { my $self = shift; ## NOTE: "initial" insertion mode INITIAL: { if ($token->{type} == DOCTYPE_TOKEN) { ## NOTE: Conformance checkers MAY, instead of reporting "not HTML5" ## error, switch to a conformance checking mode for another ## language. my $doctype_name = $token->{name}; $doctype_name = '' unless defined $doctype_name; $doctype_name =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # ASCII case-insensitive if (not defined $token->{name} or # defined $token->{system_identifier}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not HTML5', token => $token); } elsif ($doctype_name ne 'HTML') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not HTML5', token => $token); } elsif (defined $token->{public_identifier}) { if ($token->{public_identifier} eq 'XSLT-compat') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'XSLT-compat', token => $token, level => $self->{level}->{should}); } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not HTML5', token => $token); } } else { # } my $doctype = $self->{document}->create_document_type_definition ($token->{name}); ## ISSUE: If name is missing (e.g. )? ## NOTE: Default value for both |public_id| and |system_id| attributes ## are empty strings, so that we don't set any value in missing cases. $doctype->public_id ($token->{public_identifier}) if defined $token->{public_identifier}; $doctype->system_id ($token->{system_identifier}) if defined $token->{system_identifier}; ## NOTE: Other DocumentType attributes are null or empty lists. ## ISSUE: internalSubset = null?? $self->{document}->append_child ($doctype); if ($token->{quirks} or $doctype_name ne 'HTML') { $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); } elsif (defined $token->{public_identifier}) { my $pubid = $token->{public_identifier}; $pubid =~ tr/a-z/A-z/; my $prefix = [ "+//SILMARIL//DTD HTML PRO V0R11 19970101//", "-//ADVASOFT LTD//DTD HTML 3.0 ASWEDIT + EXTENSIONS//", "-//AS//DTD HTML 3.0 ASWEDIT + EXTENSIONS//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 LEVEL 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 LEVEL 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 STRICT LEVEL 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 STRICT LEVEL 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 STRICT//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.1E//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML LEVEL 0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML LEVEL 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML LEVEL 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML LEVEL 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML STRICT LEVEL 0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML STRICT LEVEL 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML STRICT LEVEL 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML STRICT LEVEL 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML STRICT//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML//", "-//METRIUS//DTD METRIUS PRESENTATIONAL//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 2.0 HTML STRICT//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 2.0 HTML//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 2.0 TABLES//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 3.0 HTML STRICT//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 3.0 HTML//", "-//MICROSOFT//DTD INTERNET EXPLORER 3.0 TABLES//", "-//NETSCAPE COMM. CORP.//DTD HTML//", "-//NETSCAPE COMM. CORP.//DTD STRICT HTML//", "-//O'REILLY AND ASSOCIATES//DTD HTML 2.0//", "-//O'REILLY AND ASSOCIATES//DTD HTML EXTENDED 1.0//", "-//O'REILLY AND ASSOCIATES//DTD HTML EXTENDED RELAXED 1.0//", "-//SOFTQUAD SOFTWARE//DTD HOTMETAL PRO 6.0::19990601::EXTENSIONS TO HTML 4.0//", "-//SOFTQUAD//DTD HOTMETAL PRO 4.0::19971010::EXTENSIONS TO HTML 4.0//", "-//SPYGLASS//DTD HTML 2.0 EXTENDED//", "-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 HOTMETAL + EXTENSIONS//", "-//SUN MICROSYSTEMS CORP.//DTD HOTJAVA HTML//", "-//SUN MICROSYSTEMS CORP.//DTD HOTJAVA STRICT HTML//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3 1995-03-24//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 DRAFT//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2S DRAFT//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 FRAMESET//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 TRANSITIONAL//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML EXPERIMETNAL 19960712//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML EXPERIMENTAL 970421//", "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//", "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//", "-//WEBTECHS//DTD MOZILLA HTML 2.0//", "-//WEBTECHS//DTD MOZILLA HTML//", ]; # $prefix my $match; for (@$prefix) { if (substr ($prefix, 0, length $_) eq $_) { $match = 1; last; } } if ($match or $pubid eq "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML STRICT 3.0//EN//" or $pubid eq "-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.0 TRANSITIONAL/EN" or $pubid eq "HTML") { $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); } elsif ($pubid =~ m[^-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 FRAMESET//] or $pubid =~ m[^-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 TRANSITIONAL//]) { if (defined $token->{system_identifier}) { $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); } else { $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('limited quirks'); } } elsif ($pubid =~ m[^-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 FRAMESET//] or $pubid =~ m[^-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 TRANSITIONAL//]) { $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('limited quirks'); } else { } } else { } if (defined $token->{system_identifier}) { my $sysid = $token->{system_identifier}; $sysid =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($sysid eq "") { ## NOTE: Ensure that |PUBLIC "(limited quirks)" "(quirks)"| is ## marked as quirks. $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); } else { } } else { } ## Go to the "before html" insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; return; } elsif ({ START_TAG_TOKEN, 1, END_TAG_TOKEN, 1, END_OF_FILE_TOKEN, 1, }->{$token->{type}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no DOCTYPE', token => $token); $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); ## Go to the "before html" insertion mode. ## reprocess return; } elsif ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { # \x0D ## Ignore the token unless (length $token->{data}) { ## Stay in the insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo INITIAL; } else { } } else { } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'no DOCTYPE', token => $token); $self->{document}->manakai_compat_mode ('quirks'); ## Go to the "before html" insertion mode. ## reprocess return; } elsif ($token->{type} == COMMENT_TOKEN) { my $comment = $self->{document}->create_comment ($token->{data}); $self->{document}->append_child ($comment); ## Stay in the insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo INITIAL; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } } # INITIAL die "$0: _tree_construction_initial: This should be never reached"; } # _tree_construction_initial sub _tree_construction_root_element ($) { my $self = shift; ## NOTE: "before html" insertion mode. B: { if ($token->{type} == DOCTYPE_TOKEN) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in html:#DOCTYPE', token => $token); ## Ignore the token ## Stay in the insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo B; } elsif ($token->{type} == COMMENT_TOKEN) { my $comment = $self->{document}->create_comment ($token->{data}); $self->{document}->append_child ($comment); ## Stay in the insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo B; } elsif ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { # \x0D ## Ignore the token. unless (length $token->{data}) { ## Stay in the insertion mode. $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo B; } else { } } else { } $self->{application_cache_selection}->(undef); # } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'html') { my $root_element; $root_element = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $root_element->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $root_element->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $root_element->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{document}->append_child ($root_element); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$root_element, $el_category->{html}]; if ($token->{attributes}->{manifest}) { $self->{application_cache_selection} ->($token->{attributes}->{manifest}->{value}); ## ISSUE: Spec is unclear on relative references. ## According to Hixie (#whatwg 2008-03-19), it should be ## resolved against the base URI of the document in HTML ## or xml:base of the element in XHTML. } else { $self->{application_cache_selection}->(undef); } $token = $self->_get_next_token; return; ## Go to the "before head" insertion mode. } else { # } } elsif ({ END_TAG_TOKEN, 1, END_OF_FILE_TOKEN, 1, }->{$token->{type}}) { # } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } my $root_element; $root_element = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'html']); $root_element->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $root_element->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{document}->append_child ($root_element); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$root_element, $el_category->{html}]; $self->{application_cache_selection}->(undef); ## NOTE: Reprocess the token. return; ## Go to the "before head" insertion mode. ## ISSUE: There is an issue in the spec } # B die "$0: _tree_construction_root_element: This should never be reached"; } # _tree_construction_root_element sub _reset_insertion_mode ($) { my $self = shift; ## Step 1 my $last; ## Step 2 my $i = -1; my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$i]; ## Step 3 S3: { if ($self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0] eq $node->[0]) { $last = 1; if (defined $self->{inner_html_node}) { $node = $self->{inner_html_node}; } else { die "_reset_insertion_mode: t27"; } } ## Step 4..14 my $new_mode; if ($node->[1] & FOREIGN_EL) { ## NOTE: Strictly spaking, the line below only applies to MathML and ## SVG elements. Currently the HTML syntax supports only MathML and ## SVG elements as foreigners. $new_mode = IN_BODY_IM | IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_CELL_EL) { if ($last) { # } else { $new_mode = IN_CELL_IM; } } else { $new_mode = { select => IN_SELECT_IM, ## NOTE: |option| and |optgroup| do not set ## insertion mode to "in select" by themselves. tr => IN_ROW_IM, tbody => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, thead => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, tfoot => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, caption => IN_CAPTION_IM, colgroup => IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM, table => IN_TABLE_IM, head => IN_BODY_IM, # not in head! body => IN_BODY_IM, frameset => IN_FRAMESET_IM, }->{$node->[0]->manakai_local_name}; } $self->{insertion_mode} = $new_mode and return if defined $new_mode; ## Step 15 if ($node->[1] & HTML_EL) { unless (defined $self->{head_element}) { $self->{insertion_mode} = BEFORE_HEAD_IM; } else { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; } return; } else { } ## Step 16 $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM and return if $last; ## Step 17 $i--; $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$i]; ## Step 18 redo S3; } # S3 die "$0: _reset_insertion_mode: This line should never be reached"; } # _reset_insertion_mode sub _tree_construction_main ($) { my $self = shift; my $active_formatting_elements = []; my $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements = sub { # MUST my $insert = shift; ## Step 1 return unless @$active_formatting_elements; ## Step 3 my $i = -1; my $entry = $active_formatting_elements->[$i]; ## Step 2 return if $entry->[0] eq '#marker'; for (@{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($entry->[0] eq $_->[0]) { return; } } S4: { ## Step 4 last S4 if $active_formatting_elements->[0]->[0] eq $entry->[0]; ## Step 5 $i--; $entry = $active_formatting_elements->[$i]; ## Step 6 if ($entry->[0] eq '#marker') { # } else { my $in_open_elements; OE: for (@{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($entry->[0] eq $_->[0]) { $in_open_elements = 1; last OE; } } if ($in_open_elements) { # } else { ## NOTE:

X redo S4; } } ## Step 7 $i++; $entry = $active_formatting_elements->[$i]; } # S4 S7: { ## Step 8 my $clone = [$entry->[0]->clone_node (0), $entry->[1]]; ## Step 9 $insert->($clone->[0]); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, $clone; ## Step 10 $active_formatting_elements->[$i] = $self->{open_elements}->[-1]; ## Step 11 unless ($clone->[0] eq $active_formatting_elements->[-1]->[0]) { ## Step 7' $i++; $entry = $active_formatting_elements->[$i]; redo S7; } } # S7 }; # $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements my $clear_up_to_marker = sub { for (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { if ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq '#marker') { splice @$active_formatting_elements, $_; return; } } }; # $clear_up_to_marker my $insert; my $parse_rcdata = sub ($) { my ($content_model_flag) = @_; ## Step 1 my $start_tag_name = $token->{tag_name}; my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $start_tag_name]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; ## Step 2 $insert->($el); ## Step 3 $self->{content_model} = $content_model_flag; # CDATA or RCDATA delete $self->{escape}; # MUST ## Step 4 my $text = ''; $token = $self->_get_next_token; while ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { # or until stop tokenizing $text .= $token->{data}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } ## Step 5 if (length $text) { my $text = $self->{document}->create_text_node ($text); $el->append_child ($text); } ## Step 6 $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; ## Step 7 if ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq $start_tag_name) { ## Ignore the token } else { ## NOTE: An end-of-file token. if ($content_model_flag == CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in CDATA:#eof', token => $token); } elsif ($content_model_flag == RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in RCDATA:#eof', token => $token); } else { die "$0: $content_model_flag in parse_rcdata"; } } $token = $self->_get_next_token; }; # $parse_rcdata my $script_start_tag = sub () { my $script_el; $script_el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'script']); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $script_el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $script_el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $script_el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; ## TODO: mark as "parser-inserted" $self->{content_model} = CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; delete $self->{escape}; # MUST my $text = ''; $token = $self->_get_next_token; while ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $text .= $token->{data}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } # stop if non-character token or tokenizer stops tokenising if (length $text) { $script_el->manakai_append_text ($text); } $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; if ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq 'script') { ## Ignore the token } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in CDATA:#eof', token => $token); ## ISSUE: And ignore? ## TODO: mark as "already executed" } if (defined $self->{inner_html_node}) { ## TODO: mark as "already executed" } else { ## TODO: $old_insertion_point = current insertion point ## TODO: insertion point = just before the next input character $insert->($script_el); ## TODO: insertion point = $old_insertion_point (might be "undefined") ## TODO: if there is a script that will execute as soon as the parser resume, then... } $token = $self->_get_next_token; }; # $script_start_tag ## NOTE: $open_tables->[-1]->[0] is the "current table" element node. ## NOTE: $open_tables->[-1]->[1] is the "tainted" flag. my $open_tables = [[$self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0]]]; my $formatting_end_tag = sub { my $end_tag_token = shift; my $tag_name = $end_tag_token->{tag_name}; ## NOTE: The adoption agency algorithm (AAA). FET: { ## Step 1 my $formatting_element; my $formatting_element_i_in_active; AFE: for (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { if ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq '#marker') { last AFE; } elsif ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $tag_name) { $formatting_element = $active_formatting_elements->[$_]; $formatting_element_i_in_active = $_; last AFE; } } # AFE unless (defined $formatting_element) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $tag_name, token => $end_tag_token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; return; } ## has an element in scope my $in_scope = 1; my $formatting_element_i_in_open; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]) { if ($in_scope) { $formatting_element_i_in_open = $_; last INSCOPE; } else { # in open elements but not in scope $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $end_tag_token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; return; } } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { $in_scope = 0; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $formatting_element_i_in_open) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $end_tag_token); pop @$active_formatting_elements; # $formatting_element $token = $self->_get_next_token; ## TODO: ok? return; } if (not $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $end_tag_token); } ## Step 2 my $furthest_block; my $furthest_block_i_in_open; OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if (not ($node->[1] & FORMATTING_EL) and #not $phrasing_category->{$node->[1]} and ($node->[1] & SPECIAL_EL or $node->[1] & SCOPING_EL)) { ## Scoping is redundant, maybe $furthest_block = $node; $furthest_block_i_in_open = $_; } elsif ($node->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]) { last OE; } } # OE ## Step 3 unless (defined $furthest_block) { # MUST splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $formatting_element_i_in_open; splice @$active_formatting_elements, $formatting_element_i_in_active, 1; $token = $self->_get_next_token; return; } ## Step 4 my $common_ancestor_node = $self->{open_elements}->[$formatting_element_i_in_open - 1]; ## Step 5 my $furthest_block_parent = $furthest_block->[0]->parent_node; if (defined $furthest_block_parent) { $furthest_block_parent->remove_child ($furthest_block->[0]); } ## Step 6 my $bookmark_prev_el = $active_formatting_elements->[$formatting_element_i_in_active - 1] ->[0]; ## Step 7 my $node = $furthest_block; my $node_i_in_open = $furthest_block_i_in_open; my $last_node = $furthest_block; S7: { ## Step 1 $node_i_in_open--; $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$node_i_in_open]; ## Step 2 my $node_i_in_active; S7S2: { for (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { if ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq $node->[0]) { $node_i_in_active = $_; last S7S2; } } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $node_i_in_open, 1; redo S7; } # S7S2 ## Step 3 last S7 if $node->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]; ## Step 4 if ($last_node->[0] eq $furthest_block->[0]) { $bookmark_prev_el = $node->[0]; } ## Step 5 if ($node->[0]->has_child_nodes ()) { my $clone = [$node->[0]->clone_node (0), $node->[1]]; $active_formatting_elements->[$node_i_in_active] = $clone; $self->{open_elements}->[$node_i_in_open] = $clone; $node = $clone; } ## Step 6 $node->[0]->append_child ($last_node->[0]); ## Step 7 $last_node = $node; ## Step 8 redo S7; } # S7 ## Step 8 if ($common_ancestor_node->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_EL) { my $foster_parent_element; my $next_sibling; OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[1] & TABLE_EL) { my $parent = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]->parent_node; if (defined $parent and $parent->node_type == 1) { $foster_parent_element = $parent; $next_sibling = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]; } else { $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[$_ - 1]->[0]; } last OE; } } # OE $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0] unless defined $foster_parent_element; $foster_parent_element->insert_before ($last_node->[0], $next_sibling); $open_tables->[-1]->[1] = 1; # tainted } else { $common_ancestor_node->[0]->append_child ($last_node->[0]); } ## Step 9 my $clone = [$formatting_element->[0]->clone_node (0), $formatting_element->[1]]; ## Step 10 my @cn = @{$furthest_block->[0]->child_nodes}; $clone->[0]->append_child ($_) for @cn; ## Step 11 $furthest_block->[0]->append_child ($clone->[0]); ## Step 12 my $i; AFE: for (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { if ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]) { splice @$active_formatting_elements, $_, 1; $i-- and last AFE if defined $i; } elsif ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq $bookmark_prev_el) { $i = $_; } } # AFE splice @$active_formatting_elements, $i + 1, 0, $clone; ## Step 13 undef $i; OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0] eq $formatting_element->[0]) { splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $_, 1; $i-- and last OE if defined $i; } elsif ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0] eq $furthest_block->[0]) { $i = $_; } } # OE splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i + 1, 1, $clone; ## Step 14 redo FET; } # FET }; # $formatting_end_tag $insert = my $insert_to_current = sub { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($_[0]); }; # $insert_to_current my $insert_to_foster = sub { my $child = shift; if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_EL) { # MUST my $foster_parent_element; my $next_sibling; OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[1] & TABLE_EL) { my $parent = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]->parent_node; if (defined $parent and $parent->node_type == 1) { $foster_parent_element = $parent; $next_sibling = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]; } else { $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[$_ - 1]->[0]; } last OE; } } # OE $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0] unless defined $foster_parent_element; $foster_parent_element->insert_before ($child, $next_sibling); $open_tables->[-1]->[1] = 1; # tainted } else { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($child); } }; # $insert_to_foster B: while (1) { if ($token->{type} == DOCTYPE_TOKEN) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in html:#DOCTYPE', token => $token); ## Ignore the token ## Stay in the phase $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq 'html') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html', text => 'html', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_BODY_IM; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HTML_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html', text => 'html', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_FRAMESET_IM; } else { } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not first start tag', token => $token); my $top_el = $self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0]; for my $attr_name (keys %{$token->{attributes}}) { unless ($top_el->has_attribute_ns (undef, $attr_name)) { $top_el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name], $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}->{value}); } } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == COMMENT_TOKEN) { my $comment = $self->{document}->create_comment ($token->{data}); if ($self->{insertion_mode} & AFTER_HTML_IMS) { $self->{document}->append_child ($comment); } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_BODY_IM) { $self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0]->append_child ($comment); } else { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($comment); } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ((not {mglyph => 1, malignmark => 1}->{$token->{tag_name}} and $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FOREIGN_FLOW_CONTENT_EL) or not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FOREIGN_EL) or ($token->{tag_name} eq 'svg' and $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & MML_AXML_EL)) { ## NOTE: "using the rules for secondary insertion mode"then"continue" # } elsif ({ b => 1, big => 1, blockquote => 1, body => 1, br => 1, center => 1, code => 1, dd => 1, div => 1, dl => 1, dt => 1, em => 1, embed => 1, font => 1, h1 => 1, h2 => 1, h3 => 1, h4 => 1, h5 => 1, h6 => 1, head => 1, hr => 1, i => 1, img => 1, li => 1, listing => 1, menu => 1, meta => 1, nobr => 1, ol => 1, p => 1, pre => 1, ruby => 1, s => 1, small => 1, span => 1, strong => 1, strike => 1, sub => 1, sup => 1, table => 1, tt => 1, u => 1, ul => 1, var => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} while $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FOREIGN_EL; $self->{insertion_mode} &= ~ IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM; ## Reprocess. next B; } else { my $nsuri = $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->namespace_uri; my $tag_name = $token->{tag_name}; if ($nsuri eq $SVG_NS) { $tag_name = { altglyph => 'altGlyph', altglyphdef => 'altGlyphDef', altglyphitem => 'altGlyphItem', animatecolor => 'animateColor', animatemotion => 'animateMotion', animatetransform => 'animateTransform', clippath => 'clipPath', feblend => 'feBlend', fecolormatrix => 'feColorMatrix', fecomponenttransfer => 'feComponentTransfer', fecomposite => 'feComposite', feconvolvematrix => 'feConvolveMatrix', fediffuselighting => 'feDiffuseLighting', fedisplacementmap => 'feDisplacementMap', fedistantlight => 'feDistantLight', feflood => 'feFlood', fefunca => 'feFuncA', fefuncb => 'feFuncB', fefuncg => 'feFuncG', fefuncr => 'feFuncR', fegaussianblur => 'feGaussianBlur', feimage => 'feImage', femerge => 'feMerge', femergenode => 'feMergeNode', femorphology => 'feMorphology', feoffset => 'feOffset', fepointlight => 'fePointLight', fespecularlighting => 'feSpecularLighting', fespotlight => 'feSpotLight', fetile => 'feTile', feturbulence => 'feTurbulence', foreignobject => 'foreignObject', glyphref => 'glyphRef', lineargradient => 'linearGradient', radialgradient => 'radialGradient', #solidcolor => 'solidColor', ## NOTE: Commented in spec (SVG1.2) textpath => 'textPath', }->{$tag_name} || $tag_name; } ## "adjust SVG attributes" (SVG only) - done in insert-element-f ## "adjust foreign attributes" - done in insert-element-f { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($nsuri, [undef, $tag_name]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns ( @{ $foreign_attr_xname->{$attr_name} || [undef, [undef, ($nsuri) eq $SVG_NS ? ($svg_attr_name->{$attr_name} || $attr_name) : ($nsuri) eq $MML_NS ? ($attr_name eq 'definitionurl' ? 'definitionURL' : $attr_name) : $attr_name]] } ); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, ($el_category_f->{$nsuri}->{ $tag_name} || 0) | FOREIGN_EL]; if ( $token->{attributes}->{xmlns} and $token->{attributes}->{xmlns}->{value} ne ($nsuri)) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad namespace', token => $token); ## TODO: Error type documentation } } if ($self->{self_closing}) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; } else { } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { ## NOTE: "using the rules for secondary insertion mode" then "continue" # } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} while $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FOREIGN_EL; $self->{insertion_mode} &= ~ IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM; ## Reprocess. next B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } } if ($self->{insertion_mode} & HEAD_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { unless ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($1); } else { ## Ignore the token. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## As if $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript:#text', token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } else { } ## "after head" insertion mode ## As if { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'body']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'body'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'head') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $self->{head_element}->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => 'head', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in head:head', token => $token); # or in head noscript ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## As if $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... } else { } if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'base') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript', text => 'base', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... } else { } ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## ISSUE: This step is missing in the spec. pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'link') { ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## ISSUE: This step is missing in the spec. pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'meta') { ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } my $meta_el = pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## ISSUE: This step is missing in the spec. unless ($self->{confident}) { if ($token->{attributes}->{charset}) { ## NOTE: Whether the encoding is supported or not is handled ## in the {change_encoding} callback. $self->{change_encoding} ->($self, $token->{attributes}->{charset}->{value}, $token); $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'charset') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{charset} ->{has_reference}); } elsif ($token->{attributes}->{content}) { if ($token->{attributes}->{content}->{value} =~ /[Cc][Hh][Aa][Rr][Ss][Ee][Tt] [\x09-\x0D\x20]*= [\x09-\x0D\x20]*(?>"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'| ([^"'\x09-\x0D\x20][^\x09-\x0D\x20\x3B]*))/x) { ## NOTE: Whether the encoding is supported or not is handled ## in the {change_encoding} callback. $self->{change_encoding} ->($self, defined $1 ? $1 : defined $2 ? $2 : $3, $token); $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'content') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{content} ->{has_reference}); } else { } } } else { if ($token->{attributes}->{charset}) { $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'charset') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{charset} ->{has_reference}); } if ($token->{attributes}->{content}) { $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'content') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{content} ->{has_reference}); } } pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'title') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript', text => 'title', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. my $parent = defined $self->{head_element} ? $self->{head_element} : $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]; $parse_rcdata->(RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'style' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'noframes') { ## NOTE: Or (scripting is enabled and tag_name eq 'noscript' and ## insertion mode IN_HEAD_IM) ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } $parse_rcdata->(CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'noscript') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { ## NOTE: and scripting is disalbed { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript', text => 'noscript', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'script') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript', text => 'script', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after head', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; } else { } ## NOTE: There is a "as if in head" code clone. $script_start_tag->(); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} # if $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'body' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'frameset') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } else { } ## "after head" insertion mode { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'body') { $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'frameset') { $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_FRAMESET_IM; } else { die "$0: tag name: $self->{tag_name}"; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } else { } ## "after head" insertion mode ## As if { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'body']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'body'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'head') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## As if $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript:/', text => 'head', token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'head', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { die "$0: $self->{insertion_mode}: Unknown insertion mode"; } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'noscript') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM or $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'noscript', token => $token); ## Ignore the token ## ISSUE: An issue in the spec. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ({ body => 1, html => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM or $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM or $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { die "$0: $self->{insertion_mode}: Unknown insertion mode"; } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'p') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'br') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## (before head) as if , (in head) as if $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## ISSUE: Two parse errors for pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HEAD_IM) { # } else { die "$0: $self->{insertion_mode}: Unknown insertion mode"; } ## ISSUE: does not agree with IE7 - it doesn't ignore
. $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'br', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "in head" insertion mode... ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## Reprocess in the "after head" insertion mode... } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## ISSUE: This case cannot be reached? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token ## ISSUE: An issue in the spec. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { } ## "after head" insertion mode ## As if { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'body']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'body'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == BEFORE_HEAD_IM) { ## NOTE: As if $self->{head_element} = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'head']); $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $self->{head_element}->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($self->{head_element}); #push @{$self->{open_elements}}, # [$self->{head_element}, $el_category->{head}]; #$self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. ## NOTE: As if #pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; #$self->{insertion_mode} = IN_AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. # } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_IM) { ## NOTE: As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; #$self->{insertion_mode} = IN_AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. # } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in noscript:#eof', token => $token); ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; #$self->{insertion_mode} = IN_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. ## NOTE: As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; #$self->{insertion_mode} = IN_AFTER_HEAD_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. # } else { # } ## NOTE: As if { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'body']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'body'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## NOTE: Reprocess. next B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } ## ISSUE: An issue in the spec. } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & BODY_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { ## NOTE: There is a code clone of "character in body". $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ({ caption => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, tbody => 1, td => 1, tfoot => 1, th => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CELL_IM) { ## have an element in table scope for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_CELL_EL) { ## Close the cell $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $node->[0]->manakai_local_name, line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { ## ISSUE: This case can never be reached, maybe. last; } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'start tag not allowed', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CAPTION_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => 'caption', token => $token); ## NOTE: As if . ## have a table element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: { for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last; } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'start tag not allowed', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } # INSCOPE ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $clear_up_to_marker->(); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## reprocess next B; } else { # } } else { # } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'td' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'th') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CELL_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $clear_up_to_marker->(); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_ROW_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CAPTION_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'caption') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CAPTION_IM) { ## have a table element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: { for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last; } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } # INSCOPE ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $clear_up_to_marker->(); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CELL_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ({ table => 1, tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}} and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CELL_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; my $tn; INSCOPE: { for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; ## Close the cell $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => $tn, line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_CELL_EL) { $tn = $node->[0]->manakai_local_name; ## NOTE: There is exactly one |td| or |th| element ## in scope in the stack of open elements by definition. } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { ## ISSUE: Can this be reached? last; } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } # INSCOPE } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'table' and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CAPTION_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => 'caption', token => $token); ## As if ## have a table element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'caption', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & CAPTION_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $clear_up_to_marker->(); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ({ body => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, html => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} & BODY_TABLE_IMS) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ({ tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}} and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_CAPTION_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { for my $entry (@{$self->{open_elements}}) { unless ($entry->[1] & ALL_END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body:#eof', token => $token); last; } } ## Stop parsing. last B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } $insert = $insert_to_current; # } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & TABLE_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if (not $open_tables->[-1]->[1] and # tainted $token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($1); unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in table:#text', token => $token); ## As if in body, but insert into foster parent element ## ISSUE: Spec says that "whenever a node would be inserted ## into the current node" while characters might not be ## result in a new Text node. $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_foster); if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_EL) { # MUST my $foster_parent_element; my $next_sibling; my $prev_sibling; OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[1] & TABLE_EL) { my $parent = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]->parent_node; if (defined $parent and $parent->node_type == 1) { $foster_parent_element = $parent; $next_sibling = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0]; $prev_sibling = $next_sibling->previous_sibling; } else { $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[$_ - 1]->[0]; $prev_sibling = $foster_parent_element->last_child; } last OE; } } # OE $foster_parent_element = $self->{open_elements}->[0]->[0] and $prev_sibling = $foster_parent_element->last_child unless defined $foster_parent_element; if (defined $prev_sibling and $prev_sibling->node_type == 3) { $prev_sibling->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); } else { $foster_parent_element->insert_before ($self->{document}->create_text_node ($token->{data}), $next_sibling); } $open_tables->[-1]->[1] = 1; # tainted } else { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ({ tr => ($self->{insertion_mode} != IN_ROW_IM), th => 1, td => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_TABLE_IM) { ## Clear back to table context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL)) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'tbody']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'tbody'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_BODY_IM; ## reprocess in the "in table body" insertion mode... } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_TABLE_BODY_IM) { unless ($token->{tag_name} eq 'tr') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'missing start tag:tr', token => $token); } ## Clear back to table body context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this case be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_ROW_IM; if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'tr') { { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'tr']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'tr'} || 0]; } ## reprocess in the "in row" insertion mode } } else { } ## Clear back to table row context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL)) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_CELL_IM; push @$active_formatting_elements, ['#marker', '']; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ caption => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, # $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM) { ## As if ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## TODO: This type is wrong. $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmacthed end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table row context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this case be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # tr $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_BODY_IM; if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'tr') { ## reprocess next B; } else { ## reprocess in the "in table body" insertion mode... } } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_TABLE_BODY_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## TODO: This erorr type is wrong. $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table body context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } ## As if <{current node}> ## have an element in table scope ## true by definition ## Clear back to table body context ## nop by definition pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## reprocess in "in table" insertion mode... } else { } if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'col') { ## Clear back to table context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'colgroup']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{'colgroup'} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ({ caption => 1, colgroup => 1, tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## Clear back to table context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } push @$active_formatting_elements, ['#marker', ''] if $token->{tag_name} eq 'caption'; { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $self->{insertion_mode} = { caption => IN_CAPTION_IM, colgroup => IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM, tbody => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, tfoot => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, thead => IN_TABLE_BODY_IM, }->{$token->{tag_name}}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { die "$0: in table: <>: $token->{tag_name}"; } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'table') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); ## As if ## have a table element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## TODO: The following is wrong, maybe. $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'table', token => $token); ## Ignore tokens $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## TODO: Followings are removed from the latest spec. ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_EL) { ## NOTE: |
| $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; pop @{$open_tables}; $self->_reset_insertion_mode; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'style') { if (not $open_tables->[-1]->[1]) { # tainted ## NOTE: This is a "as if in head" code clone. $parse_rcdata->(CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'script') { if (not $open_tables->[-1]->[1]) { # tainted ## NOTE: This is a "as if in head" code clone. $script_start_tag->(); next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'input') { if (not $open_tables->[-1]->[1]) { # tainted if ($token->{attributes}->{type}) { ## TODO: case my $type = lc $token->{attributes}->{type}->{value}; if ($type eq 'hidden') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in table', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } ## TODO: form element pointer pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; delete $self->{self_closing}; next B; } else { # } } else { # } } else { # } } else { # } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in table', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); $insert = $insert_to_foster; # } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'tr' and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { } ## Clear back to table row context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # tr $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_BODY_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'table') { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM) { ## As if ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## TODO: The following is wrong. $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{type}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table row context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # tr $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_BODY_IM; ## reprocess in the "in table body" insertion mode... } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_TABLE_BODY_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_GROUP_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table body context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_SCOPING_EL)) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } ## As if <{current node}> ## have an element in table scope ## true by definition ## Clear back to table body context ## nop by definition pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## reprocess in the "in table" insertion mode... } ## NOTE:
in the "in table" insertion mode. ## When you edit the code fragment below, please ensure that ## the code for in the "in table" insertion mode ## is synced with it. ## have a table element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; pop @{$open_tables}; $self->_reset_insertion_mode; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}} and $self->{insertion_mode} & ROW_IMS) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM) { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## As if ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & TABLE_ROW_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'tr', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table row context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROW_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this case be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # tr $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_BODY_IM; ## reprocess in the "in table body" insertion mode... } ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## Clear back to table body context while (not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & TABLE_ROWS_SCOPING_EL)) { ## ISSUE: Can this case be reached? pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ body => 1, caption => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, html => 1, td => 1, th => 1, tr => 1, # $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_ROW_IM tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, # $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_TABLE_IM }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in table:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); $insert = $insert_to_foster; # } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL and @{$self->{open_elements}} == 1) { # redundant, maybe $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body:#eof', token => $token); # } else { # } ## Stop parsing last B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($1); unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } # } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'col') { { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'colgroup') { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'colgroup', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # colgroup $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'col') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'col', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { # } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL and @{$self->{open_elements}} == 1) { # redundant, maybe ## Stop parsing. last B; } else { ## NOTE: As if . pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # colgroup $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## Reprocess. next B; } } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } ## As if if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL) { ## TODO: Wrong error type? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'colgroup', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; # colgroup $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; ## reprocess next B; } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & SELECT_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($token->{data}); $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'option') { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTION_EL) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } else { } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'optgroup') { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTION_EL) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } else { } if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTGROUP_EL) { ## As if pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } else { } { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ select => 1, input => 1, textarea => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}} or ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE_IM and { caption => 1, table => 1, tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, td => 1, th => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}})) { ## TODO: The type below is not good - $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => 'select', token => $token); ## NOTE: As if the token were ( (otherwise). ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & SELECT_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'select', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $self->_reset_insertion_mode; if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'select') { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { ## Reprocess the token. next B; } } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in select', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'optgroup') { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTION_EL and $self->{open_elements}->[-2]->[1] & OPTGROUP_EL) { ## As if splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, -2; } elsif ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTGROUP_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'option') { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & OPTION_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'select') { ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & SELECT_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $self->_reset_insertion_mode; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE_IM and { caption => 1, table => 1, tbody => 1, tfoot => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, td => 1, th => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## TODO: The following is wrong? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## have an element in table scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## As if ## have an element in table scope undef $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & SELECT_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & TABLE_SCOPING_EL) { ## ISSUE: Can this state be reached? last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { ## TODO: The following error type is correct? $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'select', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; ## TODO: ok? next B; } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; $self->_reset_insertion_mode; ## reprocess next B; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in select:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL and @{$self->{open_elements}} == 1) { # redundant, maybe $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body:#eof', token => $token); } else { } ## Stop parsing. last B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & BODY_AFTER_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { my $data = $1; ## As if in body $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($1); unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html:#text', token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "after body" insertion mode. } else { } ## "after body" insertion mode $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after body:#text', token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Reprocess in the "after body" insertion mode. } else { } ## "after body" insertion mode $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after body', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_BODY_IM; ## Reprocess in the "after body" insertion mode. } else { } ## "after body" insertion mode if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'html') { if (defined $self->{inner_html_node}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'html', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HTML_BODY_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after body:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { ## Stop parsing last B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} & FRAME_IMS) { if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { if ($token->{data} =~ s/^([\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+)//) { $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_append_text ($1); unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } if ($token->{data} =~ s/^[^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x20]+//) { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in frameset:#text', token => $token); } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after frameset:#text', token => $token); } else { # "after after frameset" $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after html:#text', token => $token); } ## Ignore the token. if (length $token->{data}) { ## reprocess the rest of characters } else { $token = $self->_get_next_token; } next B; } die qq[$0: Character "$token->{data}"]; } elsif ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'frameset' and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'frame' and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->append_child ($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'noframes') { ## NOTE: As if in head. $parse_rcdata->(CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); next B; ## NOTE: || ## has no parse error. } else { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in frameset', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after frameset', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } else { # "after after frameset" $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after after frameset', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'frameset' and $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL and @{$self->{open_elements}} == 1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; } else { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } if (not defined $self->{inner_html_node} and not ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & FRAMESET_EL)) { $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_FRAMESET_IM; } else { } next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'html' and $self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_HTML_FRAMESET_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { if ($self->{insertion_mode} == IN_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in frameset:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } elsif ($self->{insertion_mode} == AFTER_FRAMESET_IM) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after frameset:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } else { # "after after html" $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'after after frameset:/', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_OF_FILE_TOKEN) { unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & HTML_EL and @{$self->{open_elements}} == 1) { # redundant, maybe $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body:#eof', token => $token); } else { } ## Stop parsing last B; } else { die "$0: $token->{type}: Unknown token type"; } ## ISSUE: An issue in spec here } else { die "$0: $self->{insertion_mode}: Unknown insertion mode"; } ## "in body" insertion mode if ($token->{type} == START_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'script') { ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone $script_start_tag->(); next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'style') { ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone $parse_rcdata->(CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); next B; } elsif ({ base => 1, link => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone, only "-t" differs { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## ISSUE: This step is missing in the spec. delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'meta') { ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone, only "-t" differs { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } my $meta_el = pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; ## ISSUE: This step is missing in the spec. unless ($self->{confident}) { if ($token->{attributes}->{charset}) { ## NOTE: Whether the encoding is supported or not is handled ## in the {change_encoding} callback. $self->{change_encoding} ->($self, $token->{attributes}->{charset}->{value}, $token); $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'charset') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{charset} ->{has_reference}); } elsif ($token->{attributes}->{content}) { if ($token->{attributes}->{content}->{value} =~ /[Cc][Hh][Aa][Rr][Ss][Ee][Tt] [\x09-\x0D\x20]*= [\x09-\x0D\x20]*(?>"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'| ([^"'\x09-\x0D\x20][^\x09-\x0D\x20\x3B]*))/x) { ## NOTE: Whether the encoding is supported or not is handled ## in the {change_encoding} callback. $self->{change_encoding} ->($self, defined $1 ? $1 : defined $2 ? $2 : $3, $token); $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'content') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{content} ->{has_reference}); } } } else { if ($token->{attributes}->{charset}) { $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'charset') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{charset} ->{has_reference}); } if ($token->{attributes}->{content}) { $meta_el->[0]->get_attribute_node_ns (undef, 'content') ->set_user_data (manakai_has_reference => $token->{attributes}->{content} ->{has_reference}); } } delete $self->{self_closing}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'title') { ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone $parse_rcdata->(RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'body') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body', text => 'body', token => $token); if (@{$self->{open_elements}} == 1 or not ($self->{open_elements}->[1]->[1] & BODY_EL)) { ## Ignore the token } else { my $body_el = $self->{open_elements}->[1]->[0]; for my $attr_name (keys %{$token->{attributes}}) { unless ($body_el->has_attribute_ns (undef, $attr_name)) { $body_el->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name], $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}->{value}); } } } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ address => 1, blockquote => 1, center => 1, dir => 1, div => 1, dl => 1, fieldset => 1, h1 => 1, h2 => 1, h3 => 1, h4 => 1, h5 => 1, h6 => 1, menu => 1, ol => 1, p => 1, ul => 1, pre => 1, listing => 1, form => 1, table => 1, hr => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'form' and defined $self->{form_element}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in form:form', token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } ## has a p element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse @{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($_->[1] & P_EL) { $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'p', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($_->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'pre' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'listing') { $token = $self->_get_next_token; if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $token->{data} =~ s/^\x0A//; unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; } else { } } else { } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'form') { $self->{form_element} = $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'table') { push @{$open_tables}, [$self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]]; $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_TABLE_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'hr') { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } else { $token = $self->_get_next_token; } next B; } elsif ({li => 1, dt => 1, dd => 1}->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## has a p element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse @{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($_->[1] & P_EL) { $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'p', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($_->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE ## Step 1 my $i = -1; my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$i]; my $li_or_dtdd = {li => {li => 1}, dt => {dt => 1, dd => 1}, dd => {dt => 1, dd => 1}}->{$token->{tag_name}}; LI: { ## Step 2 if ($li_or_dtdd->{$node->[0]->manakai_local_name}) { if ($i != -1) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; last LI; } else { } ## Step 3 if (not ($node->[1] & FORMATTING_EL) and #not $phrasing_category->{$node->[1]} and ($node->[1] & SPECIAL_EL or $node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) and not ($node->[1] & ADDRESS_EL) and not ($node->[1] & DIV_EL)) { last LI; } ## Step 4 $i--; $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$i]; redo LI; } # LI { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'plaintext') { ## has a p element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse @{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($_->[1] & P_EL) { $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'p', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($_->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $self->{content_model} = PLAINTEXT_CONTENT_MODEL; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'a') { AFE: for my $i (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { my $node = $active_formatting_elements->[$i]; if ($node->[1] & A_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in a:a', token => $token); $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # <a> $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'a', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; $formatting_end_tag->($token); AFE2: for (reverse 0..$#$active_formatting_elements) { if ($active_formatting_elements->[$_]->[0] eq $node->[0]) { splice @$active_formatting_elements, $_, 1; last AFE2; } } # AFE2 OE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[$_]->[0] eq $node->[0]) { splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $_, 1; last OE; } } # OE last AFE; } elsif ($node->[0] eq '#marker') { last AFE; } } # AFE $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } push @$active_formatting_elements, $self->{open_elements}->[-1]; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'nobr') { $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); ## has a |nobr| element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & NOBR_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in nobr:nobr', token => $token); $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # <nobr> $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'nobr', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } push @$active_formatting_elements, $self->{open_elements}->[-1]; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'button') { ## has a button element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & BUTTON_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in button:button', token => $token); $token->{self_closing} = $self->{self_closing}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, $token; delete $self->{self_closing}; # <button> $token = {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'button', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; next B; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } ## TODO: associate with $self->{form_element} if defined push @$active_formatting_elements, ['#marker', '']; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ xmp => 1, iframe => 1, noembed => 1, noframes => 1, ## NOTE: This is an "as if in head" code clone. noscript => 0, ## TODO: 1 if scripting is enabled }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'xmp') { $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); } else { } ## NOTE: There is an "as if in body" code clone. $parse_rcdata->(CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL); next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'isindex') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'isindex', token => $token); if (defined $self->{form_element}) { ## Ignore the token ## NOTE: Not acknowledged. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } else { delete $self->{self_closing}; my $at = $token->{attributes}; my $form_attrs; $form_attrs->{action} = $at->{action} if $at->{action}; my $prompt_attr = $at->{prompt}; $at->{name} = {name => 'name', value => 'isindex'}; delete $at->{action}; delete $at->{prompt}; my @tokens = ( {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'form', attributes => $form_attrs, line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'hr', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'p', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'label', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, ); if ($prompt_attr) { push @tokens, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => $prompt_attr->{value}, #line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}, }; } else { push @tokens, {type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => 'This is a searchable index. Insert your search keywords here: ', #line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}, }; # SHOULD ## TODO: make this configurable } push @tokens, {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'input', attributes => $at, line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, #{type => CHARACTER_TOKEN, data => ''}, # SHOULD {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'label', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'p', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => START_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'hr', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}, {type => END_TAG_TOKEN, tag_name => 'form', line => $token->{line}, column => $token->{column}}; unshift @{$self->{token}}, (@tokens); $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'textarea') { my $tag_name = $token->{tag_name}; my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; ## TODO: $self->{form_element} if defined $self->{content_model} = RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; delete $self->{escape}; # MUST $insert->($el); my $text = ''; $token = $self->_get_next_token; if ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $token->{data} =~ s/^\x0A//; unless (length $token->{data}) { $token = $self->_get_next_token; } else { } } else { } while ($token->{type} == CHARACTER_TOKEN) { $text .= $token->{data}; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } if (length $text) { $el->manakai_append_text ($text); } $self->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL; if ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN and $token->{tag_name} eq $tag_name) { ## Ignore the token } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in RCDATA:#eof', token => $token); } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'rt' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'rp') { ## has a |ruby| element in scope INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & RUBY_EL) { ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & RUBY_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); pop @{$self->{open_elements}} while not $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & RUBY_EL; } last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; redo B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'math' or $token->{tag_name} eq 'svg') { $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); ## "Adjust MathML attributes" ('math' only) - done in insert-element-f ## "adjust SVG attributes" ('svg' only) - done in insert-element-f ## "adjust foreign attributes" - done in insert-element-f { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($token->{tag_name} eq 'math' ? $MML_NS : $SVG_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns ( @{ $foreign_attr_xname->{$attr_name} || [undef, [undef, ($token->{tag_name} eq 'math' ? $MML_NS : $SVG_NS) eq $SVG_NS ? ($svg_attr_name->{$attr_name} || $attr_name) : ($token->{tag_name} eq 'math' ? $MML_NS : $SVG_NS) eq $MML_NS ? ($attr_name eq 'definitionurl' ? 'definitionURL' : $attr_name) : $attr_name]] } ); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, ($el_category_f->{$token->{tag_name} eq 'math' ? $MML_NS : $SVG_NS}->{ $token->{tag_name}} || 0) | FOREIGN_EL]; if ( $token->{attributes}->{xmlns} and $token->{attributes}->{xmlns}->{value} ne ($token->{tag_name} eq 'math' ? $MML_NS : $SVG_NS)) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'bad namespace', token => $token); ## TODO: Error type documentation } } if ($self->{self_closing}) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; } else { $self->{insertion_mode} |= IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM; ## NOTE: |<body><math><mi><svg>| -> "in foreign content" insertion ## mode, "in body" (not "in foreign content") secondary insertion ## mode, maybe. } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ caption => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, frame => 1, frameset => 1, head => 1, option => 1, optgroup => 1, tbody => 1, td => 1, tfoot => 1, th => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'in body', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token ## NOTE: |<col/>| or |<frame/>| here is an error. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; ## ISSUE: An issue on HTML5 new elements in the spec. } else { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'image') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'image', token => $token); $token->{tag_name} = 'img'; } else { } ## NOTE: There is an "as if <br>" code clone. $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); { my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, $token->{tag_name}]); for my $attr_name (keys %{ $token->{attributes}}) { my $attr_t = $token->{attributes}->{$attr_name}; my $attr = $self->{document}->create_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, $attr_name]); $attr->value ($attr_t->{value}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $attr_t->{line}); $attr->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $attr_t->{column}); $el->set_attribute_node_ns ($attr); } $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); push @{$self->{open_elements}}, [$el, $el_category->{$token->{tag_name}} || 0]; } if ({ applet => 1, marquee => 1, object => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { push @$active_formatting_elements, ['#marker', '']; } elsif ({ b => 1, big => 1, em => 1, font => 1, i => 1, s => 1, small => 1, strile => 1, strong => 1, tt => 1, u => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { push @$active_formatting_elements, $self->{open_elements}->[-1]; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'input') { ## TODO: associate with $self->{form_element} if defined pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; } elsif ({ area => 1, basefont => 1, bgsound => 1, br => 1, embed => 1, img => 1, param => 1, spacer => 1, wbr => 1, #image => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; delete $self->{self_closing}; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'select') { ## TODO: associate with $self->{form_element} if defined if ($self->{insertion_mode} & TABLE_IMS or $self->{insertion_mode} & BODY_TABLE_IMS or $self->{insertion_mode} == IN_COLUMN_GROUP_IM) { $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE_IM; } else { $self->{insertion_mode} = IN_SELECT_IM; } } else { } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ($token->{type} == END_TAG_TOKEN) { if ($token->{tag_name} eq 'body') { ## has a |body| element in scope my $i; INSCOPE: { for (reverse @{$self->{open_elements}}) { if ($_->[1] & BODY_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($_->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last; } } $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'start tag not allowed', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## NOTE: Ignore the token. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } # INSCOPE for (@{$self->{open_elements}}) { unless ($_->[1] & ALL_END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $_->[0]->manakai_local_name, token => $token); last; } else { } } $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_BODY_IM; $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'html') { ## TODO: Update this code. It seems that the code below is not ## up-to-date, though it has same effect as speced. if (@{$self->{open_elements}} > 1 and $self->{open_elements}->[1]->[1] & BODY_EL) { ## ISSUE: There is an issue in the spec. unless ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & BODY_EL) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } $self->{insertion_mode} = AFTER_BODY_IM; ## reprocess next B; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } } elsif ({ address => 1, blockquote => 1, center => 1, dir => 1, div => 1, dl => 1, fieldset => 1, listing => 1, menu => 1, ol => 1, pre => 1, ul => 1, dd => 1, dt => 1, li => 1, applet => 1, button => 1, marquee => 1, object => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## has an element in scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { # has an element in scope $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## NOTE: Ignore the token. } else { ## Step 1. generate implied end tags while ({ ## END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL dd => ($token->{tag_name} ne 'dd'), dt => ($token->{tag_name} ne 'dt'), li => ($token->{tag_name} ne 'li'), p => 1, rt => 1, rp => 1, }->{$self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name}) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } ## Step 2. if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } ## Step 3. splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; ## Step 4. $clear_up_to_marker->() if { applet => 1, button => 1, marquee => 1, object => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'form') { undef $self->{form_element}; ## has an element in scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & FORM_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { # has an element in scope $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## NOTE: Ignore the token. } else { ## Step 1. generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } ## Step 2. if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } ## Step 3. splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ h1 => 1, h2 => 1, h3 => 1, h4 => 1, h5 => 1, h6 => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { ## has an element in scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & HEADING_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE unless (defined $i) { # has an element in scope $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## NOTE: Ignore the token. } else { ## Step 1. generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; } ## Step 2. if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); } else { } ## Step 3. splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'p') { ## has an element in scope my $i; INSCOPE: for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & P_EL) { $i = $_; last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last INSCOPE; } } # INSCOPE if (defined $i) { if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $i; } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## As if <p>, then reprocess the current token my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'p']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); ## NOTE: Not inserted into |$self->{open_elements}|. } $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ a => 1, b => 1, big => 1, em => 1, font => 1, i => 1, nobr => 1, s => 1, small => 1, strile => 1, strong => 1, tt => 1, u => 1, }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { $formatting_end_tag->($token); next B; } elsif ($token->{tag_name} eq 'br') { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => 'br', token => $token); ## As if <br> $reconstruct_active_formatting_elements->($insert_to_current); my $el; $el = $self->{document}->create_element_ns ($HTML_NS, [undef, 'br']); $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_line => $token->{line}) if defined $token->{line}; $el->set_user_data (manakai_source_column => $token->{column}) if defined $token->{column}; $insert->($el); ## Ignore the token. $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; } elsif ({ caption => 1, col => 1, colgroup => 1, frame => 1, frameset => 1, head => 1, option => 1, optgroup => 1, tbody => 1, td => 1, tfoot => 1, th => 1, thead => 1, tr => 1, area => 1, basefont => 1, bgsound => 1, embed => 1, hr => 1, iframe => 1, image => 1, img => 1, input => 1, isindex => 1, noembed => 1, noframes => 1, param => 1, select => 1, spacer => 1, table => 1, textarea => 1, wbr => 1, noscript => 0, ## TODO: if scripting is enabled }->{$token->{tag_name}}) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; next B; ## ISSUE: Issue on HTML5 new elements in spec } else { ## Step 1 my $node_i = -1; my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$node_i]; ## Step 2 S2: { if ($node->[0]->manakai_local_name eq $token->{tag_name}) { ## Step 1 ## generate implied end tags while ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[1] & END_TAG_OPTIONAL_EL) { ## NOTE: |<ruby><rt></ruby>|. ## ISSUE: <ruby><rt></rt> will also take this code path, ## which seems wrong. pop @{$self->{open_elements}}; $node_i++; } ## Step 2 if ($self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0]->manakai_local_name ne $token->{tag_name}) { ## NOTE: <x><y></x> $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'not closed', text => $self->{open_elements}->[-1]->[0] ->manakai_local_name, token => $token); } else { } ## Step 3 splice @{$self->{open_elements}}, $node_i if $node_i < 0; $token = $self->_get_next_token; last S2; } else { ## Step 3 if (not ($node->[1] & FORMATTING_EL) and #not $phrasing_category->{$node->[1]} and ($node->[1] & SPECIAL_EL or $node->[1] & SCOPING_EL)) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'unmatched end tag', text => $token->{tag_name}, token => $token); ## Ignore the token $token = $self->_get_next_token; last S2; } } ## Step 4 $node_i--; $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$node_i]; ## Step 5; redo S2; } # S2 next B; } } next B; } continue { # B if ($self->{insertion_mode} & IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM) { ## NOTE: The code below is executed in cases where it does not have ## to be, but it it is harmless even in those cases. ## has an element in scope INSCOPE: { for (reverse 0..$#{$self->{open_elements}}) { my $node = $self->{open_elements}->[$_]; if ($node->[1] & FOREIGN_EL) { last INSCOPE; } elsif ($node->[1] & SCOPING_EL) { last; } } ## NOTE: No foreign element in scope. $self->{insertion_mode} &= ~ IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT_IM; } # INSCOPE } } # B ## Stop parsing # MUST ## TODO: script stuffs } # _tree_construct_main sub set_inner_html ($$$) { my $class = shift; my $node = shift; my $s = \$_[0]; my $onerror = $_[1]; ## ISSUE: Should {confident} be true? my $nt = $node->node_type; if ($nt == 9) { # MUST ## Step 1 # MUST ## TODO: If the document has an active parser, ... ## ISSUE: There is an issue in the spec. ## Step 2 # MUST my @cn = @{$node->child_nodes}; for (@cn) { $node->remove_child ($_); } ## Step 3, 4, 5 # MUST $class->parse_string ($$s => $node, $onerror); } elsif ($nt == 1) { ## TODO: If non-html element ## NOTE: Most of this code is copied from |parse_string| ## Step 1 # MUST my $this_doc = $node->owner_document; my $doc = $this_doc->implementation->create_document; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); my $p = $class->new; $p->{document} = $doc; ## Step 8 # MUST my $i = 0; $p->{line_prev} = $p->{line} = 1; $p->{column_prev} = $p->{column} = 0; $p->{set_next_char} = sub { my $self = shift; pop @{$self->{prev_char}}; unshift @{$self->{prev_char}}, $self->{next_char}; $self->{next_char} = -1 and return if $i >= length $$s; $self->{next_char} = ord substr $$s, $i++, 1; ($p->{line_prev}, $p->{column_prev}) = ($p->{line}, $p->{column}); $p->{column}++; if ($self->{next_char} == 0x000A) { # LF $p->{line}++; $p->{column} = 0; } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x000D) { # CR $i++ if substr ($$s, $i, 1) eq "\x0A"; $self->{next_char} = 0x000A; # LF # MUST $p->{line}++; $p->{column} = 0; } elsif ($self->{next_char} > 0x10FFFF) { $self->{next_char} = 0xFFFD; # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER # MUST } elsif ($self->{next_char} == 0x0000) { # NULL $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'NULL'); $self->{next_char} = 0xFFFD; # REPLACEMENT CHARACTER # MUST } elsif ($self->{next_char} <= 0x0008 or (0x000E <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x001F) or (0x007F <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0x009F) or (0xD800 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0xDFFF) or (0xFDD0 <= $self->{next_char} and $self->{next_char} <= 0xFDDF) or { 0xFFFE => 1, 0xFFFF => 1, 0x1FFFE => 1, 0x1FFFF => 1, 0x2FFFE => 1, 0x2FFFF => 1, 0x3FFFE => 1, 0x3FFFF => 1, 0x4FFFE => 1, 0x4FFFF => 1, 0x5FFFE => 1, 0x5FFFF => 1, 0x6FFFE => 1, 0x6FFFF => 1, 0x7FFFE => 1, 0x7FFFF => 1, 0x8FFFE => 1, 0x8FFFF => 1, 0x9FFFE => 1, 0x9FFFF => 1, 0xAFFFE => 1, 0xAFFFF => 1, 0xBFFFE => 1, 0xBFFFF => 1, 0xCFFFE => 1, 0xCFFFF => 1, 0xDFFFE => 1, 0xDFFFF => 1, 0xEFFFE => 1, 0xEFFFF => 1, 0xFFFFE => 1, 0xFFFFF => 1, 0x10FFFE => 1, 0x10FFFF => 1, }->{$self->{next_char}}) { if ($self->{next_char} < 0x10000) { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'control char', text => (sprintf 'U+%04X', $self->{next_char})); } else { $self->{parse_error}->(level => $self->{level}->{must}, type => 'control char', text => (sprintf 'U-%08X', $self->{next_char})); } } }; $p->{prev_char} = [-1, -1, -1]; $p->{next_char} = -1; my $ponerror = $onerror || sub { my (%opt) = @_; my $line = $opt{line}; my $column = $opt{column}; if (defined $opt{token} and defined $opt{token}->{line}) { $line = $opt{token}->{line}; $column = $opt{token}->{column}; } warn "Parse error ($opt{type}) at line $line column $column\n"; }; $p->{parse_error} = sub { $ponerror->(line => $p->{line}, column => $p->{column}, @_); }; $p->_initialize_tokenizer; $p->_initialize_tree_constructor; ## Step 2 my $node_ln = $node->manakai_local_name; $p->{content_model} = { title => RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, textarea => RCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, style => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, script => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, xmp => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, iframe => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, noembed => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, noframes => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, noscript => CDATA_CONTENT_MODEL, plaintext => PLAINTEXT_CONTENT_MODEL, }->{$node_ln}; $p->{content_model} = PCDATA_CONTENT_MODEL unless defined $p->{content_model}; ## ISSUE: What is "the name of the element"? local name? $p->{inner_html_node} = [$node, $el_category->{$node_ln}]; ## TODO: Foreign element OK? ## Step 3 my $root = $doc->create_element_ns ('', [undef, 'html']); ## Step 4 # MUST $doc->append_child ($root); ## Step 5 # MUST push @{$p->{open_elements}}, [$root, $el_category->{html}]; undef $p->{head_element}; ## Step 6 # MUST $p->_reset_insertion_mode; ## Step 7 # MUST my $anode = $node; AN: while (defined $anode) { if ($anode->node_type == 1) { my $nsuri = $anode->namespace_uri; if (defined $nsuri and $nsuri eq '') { if ($anode->manakai_local_name eq 'form') { $p->{form_element} = $anode; last AN; } } } $anode = $anode->parent_node; } # AN ## Step 9 # MUST { my $self = $p; $token = $self->_get_next_token; } $p->_tree_construction_main; ## Step 10 # MUST my @cn = @{$node->child_nodes}; for (@cn) { $node->remove_child ($_); } ## ISSUE: mutation events? read-only? ## Step 11 # MUST @cn = @{$root->child_nodes}; for (@cn) { $this_doc->adopt_node ($_); $node->append_child ($_); } ## ISSUE: mutation events? $p->_terminate_tree_constructor; delete $p->{parse_error}; # delete loop } else { die "$0: |set_inner_html| is not defined for node of type $nt"; } } # set_inner_html } # tree construction stage package Whatpm::HTML::RestartParser; push our @ISA, 'Error'; 1; # $Date: 2008/09/10 10:46:50 $