$VAR1 = {
'exact' => {
'050dc199f1d4057affc84e7cadbc42da' => {},
'bd0604f0bad7289ff95cb8c138a6b002' => {},
'bd5f7a2c52a05c75b831797379ad47fd' => {},
'e83f863d0d7a1d58d82e88602a1d09c0' => {
'en' => ' Skip whitespace.',
'ja' => " \x{7a7a}\x{767d}\x{3092}\x{8aad}\x{307f}\x{98db}\x{3070}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}",
'tags' => [
'e840771484b16c7b554c5a6c6ceb0a49' => {
'en' => 'An end-of-file token',
'is_pattern' => undef,
'ja' => "\x{30d5}\x{30a1}\x{30a4}\x{30eb}\x{672b}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}",
'tags' => [
'e87b6ef3fda022b070571262147c6f22' => {
'en' => 'Create a MessagePort
object owned by the
worker global scope. Let this be the inside port.
'ja' => "worker global scope \x{304c}\x{6240}\x{6709}\x{3059}\x{308b}
\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{3092} inside port \x{3068}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}",
'tags' => [
'e88406513444d5dc3c3f03cab62d5bad' => {
'en' => 'The lang
(HTML only) and xml:lang
(XML only) attributes',
'ja' => "lang
\x{5c5e}\x{6027} (HTML \x{306e}\x{307f}) \x{3068} xml:lang
\x{5c5e}\x{6027} (XML \x{306e}\x{307f})",
'tags' => [
'e8a96b2a2671d96971d64a0befc016b7' => {
'en' => 'When the element only contains phrasing
content: where phrasing content is expected.',
'ja' => "\x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{304c}\x{8a9e}\x{53e5}\x{4ed8}\x{3051}\x{5185}\x{5bb9}\x{3092}\x{542b}\x{3080}\x{6642}:
'tags' => [
'e8ba4be51c421ae30a6d0484fb207c3d' => {
'en' => ' Note that changing the order of the list does not change the meaning of
the document. The items in the snippet above are given in alphabetical
order, but in the snippet below they are given in order of the size of
their current account balance in 2007, without changing the meaning of
the document whatsoever:',
'ja' => "\x{4e26}\x{3073}\x{306e}\x{9806}\x{5e8f}\x{3092}\x{5909}\x{3048}\x{3066}\x{3082}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{306e}\x{610f}\x{5473}\x{304c}\x{5909}\x{308f}\x{3089}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{306b}\x{6ce8}\x{610f}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{304f}\x{3060}\x{3055}\x{3044}\x{3002}
'tags' => [
'e8c6ca5b3598a8332b3b8ec15986f8ff' => {
'en' => 'The scope of this specification does not include documenting every HTML
or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. Browsers support many features
that are considered to be very bad for accessibility or that are otherwise
inappropriate. For example, the blink
element is clearly
presentational and authors wishing to cause text to blink should instead
use CSS.',
'ja' => "\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{306e}\x{9069}\x{7528}\x{7bc4}\x{56f2}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001} Web \x{30d6}\x{30e9}\x{30a6}\x{30b6}\x{3067}\x{63d0}\x{4f9b}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3059}\x{3079}\x{3066}\x{306e} HTML \x{3084} DOM
\x{8457}\x{8005}\x{306f}\x{6587}\x{7ae0}\x{3092}\x{70b9}\x{6ec5}\x{3055}\x{305b}\x{305f}\x{3044}\x{6642}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{4ee3}\x{308f}\x{308a}\x{306b} CSS \x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{3046}\x{3079}\x{304d}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}",
'tags' => [
'e8d9fefc6d56954248e5bebf8c55a5ae' => {
'en' => 'Situation',
'is_pattern' => undef,
'ja' => "\x{72b6}\x{6cc1}",
'tags' => [
'e8de6b4aa0caa1c7723822c686b98346' => {
'en' => 'The terms fire and dispatch are used
interchangeably in the context of events, as in the DOM Events
specifications. [DOM3EVENTS]',
'ja' => "\x{7528}\x{8a9e}\x{767a}\x{706b}\x{30fb}\x{767a}\x{9001}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{306b}\x{3064}\x{3044}\x{3066}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{3067}\x{306f}\x{3001}
DOM \x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{306b}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{901a}\x{308a}\x{306b}\x{3001}\x{4ea4}\x{63db}\x{53ef}\x{80fd}\x{306a}\x{3082}\x{306e}\x{3068}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{7528}\x{3044}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} [DOM3EVENTS]",
'tags' => [
'e8fbf054763ead85663e03bb66548ed7' => {
'en' => ' Local name ',
'is_pattern' => undef,
'ja' => "\x{5c40}\x{6240}\x{540d}",
'tags' => [
'pattern' => {
'e8d234c2435b60b4cacbf9d8821c2fd2' => {
'en' => '\\(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Parsing\\ URLs',
'ja' => "\$1 URL \x{306e}\x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}",
'tags' => [
'e8d5b7a416d74bcf48f8d34a49089bcb' => {
'en' => 'A * or * character.',
'ja' => "\$1 \x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{304b} \$2 \x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{3002}",
'tags' => [
'e8e6942435fcdd33c1ef7466b32f9612' => {
'en' => '\\(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Browsing\\ contexts',
'ja' => "\$1 \x{95b2}\x{89a7}\x{6587}\x{8108}",
'tags' => [