$VAR1 = {
'exact' => {
'0b96478cebaedbca98573cd84e5b44e7' => {},
'e11ef300774b70f27357444290b47f37' => {
'en' => 'If finished is true, skip to the next step in
the overall set of steps.',
'ja' => "finished \x{304c}\x{771f}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001}\x{5168}\x{4f53}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{306e}\x{96c6}\x{5408}\x{306e}\x{3046}\x{3061}\x{306e}\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{306b}\x{98db}\x{3073}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}",
'tags' => [
'e1332f1fb00ebc03e73107a28c76c358' => {
'en' => 'Run the following algorithm:',
'ja' => "\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{3092}\x{5b9f}\x{884c}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}:",
'tags' => [
'e14e5d1dd782c160dbc3e40d98a2c320' => {
'en' => 'As the first element in an html
'ja' => "html
'tags' => [
'e1750f2bfdf4f9cd642ac32e02595f09' => {
'en' => 'Otherwise, if started is false and if bogus is false, let negated be
'ja' => "\x{305d}\x{3046}\x{3067}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001}started \x{304c}\x{507d}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{3001} bogus \x{304c}\x{507d}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001} negated
'tags' => $VAR1->{'exact'}{'e11ef300774b70f27357444290b47f37'}{'tags'}
'e182a8a3f2adf774fb1c959df71b8600' => {
'en' => 'Terminology',
'ja' => "\x{7528}\x{8a9e}",
'tags' => [
'e19aea138f019f7ca6798e389e84efe0' => {
'en' => 'Flow content, including at least one
descendant that is heading content, but no sectioning content descendants, no header
element descendants, and no footer
element descendants.',
'ja' => "\x{6d41}\x{308c}\x{5185}\x{5bb9}\x{3067}\x{3001}\x{6700}\x{4f4e}1\x{3064}\x{306e}\x{898b}\x{51fa}\x{3057}\x{5185}\x{5bb9}\x{306e}\x{5b50}\x{5b6b}\x{3092}\x{542b}\x{307f}\x{3001}
'tags' => [
'e1c26ba5b927816dffed52bb8b3de4df' => {
'en' => 'If the given browsing context name is not _blank
and there exists a browsing context whose name is the same as the given browsing
context name, and the current browsing context is allowed to navigate that browsing context, and the
user agent determines that the two browsing contexts are related enough
that it is ok if they reach each other, then that browsing context must
be the chosen one. If there are multiple matching browsing contexts, the
user agent should select one in some arbitrary consistent manner, such
as the most recently opened, most recently focused, or more closely
'ja' => "\x{4e0e}\x{3048}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{95b2}\x{89a7}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{540d}\x{304c} _blank
'tags' => [
'e1d2c2c5a60051122a279754f4d511ef' => {
'en' => 'Apply the IDNA ToUnicode algorithm to each component of the
host part of the origin tuple, and append the results
— each component, in the same order, separated by U+002E FULL
STOP characters (".") — to result.',
'ja' => "IDNA ToUnicode \x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{3092} origin \x{7d44}\x{306e} host \x{90e8}\x{5206}\x{306e}\x{5404}\x{90e8}\x{54c1}\x{306b}\x{9069}\x{7528}\x{3057}\x{3001}
\x{5404}\x{90e8}\x{54c1}\x{306e}\x{7d50}\x{679c}\x{3092}\x{540c}\x{3058}\x{9806}\x{5e8f}\x{3067} U+002E FULL
STOP \x{6587}\x{5b57} (\".\") \x{3067}\x{5206}\x{96e2}\x{3057}\x{3066} result \x{306e}\x{672b}\x{5c3e}\x{306b}\x{8ffd}\x{52a0}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}",
'tags' => $VAR1->{'exact'}{'e1c26ba5b927816dffed52bb8b3de4df'}{'tags'}
'f0aff1feb19a16b5531f07f3224700c7' => {},
'f0c31185e99a3c664c788602bef4ac4e' => {}
'modified' => 1,
'pattern' => {}