1 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
$VAR1 = { |
2 |
'exact' => { |
3 |
'df0736ab4f7eb4144420cee17d75ec44' => { |
4 |
'en' => 'If that algorithm invokes the steps for <dfn id=success title="worker |
5 |
creation succeeded">success steps</dfn>, then <a href=#connect |
6 |
title="connect to a worker">connect</a> to this new worker, with the |
7 |
newly created port.', |
8 |
'ja' => "\x{305d}\x{306e}\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{304c}<dfn id=success title=\"worker |
9 |
creation succeeded\">\x{6210}\x{529f}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}</dfn>\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{3092}\x{547c}\x{3073}\x{51fa}\x{3059}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306f}\x{3001} |
10 |
\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{65b0}\x{3057}\x{3044}\x{52b4}\x{50cd}\x{8005}\x{306b}\x{3001}\x{65b0}\x{3057}\x{304f}\x{4f5c}\x{6210}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{30dd}\x{30fc}\x{30c8}\x{3068}\x{5171}\x{306b}<a href=#connect |
11 |
title=\"connect to a worker\">\x{63a5}\x{7d9a}</a>\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
12 |
'tags' => [ |
13 |
'workers' |
14 |
] |
15 |
}, |
16 |
'df15fdc2265609593017eda08d707648' => { |
17 |
'en' => 'The <dfn id=dom-document-compatmode |
18 |
title=dom-document-compatMode><code>compatMode</code></dfn> DOM attribute |
19 |
must return the literal string "<code title="">CSS1Compat</code>" unless |
20 |
the document has been set to <a href=#quirks-mode>quirks mode</a> by the <a |
21 |
href=#html-parser>HTML parser</a>, in which case it must instead return the |
22 |
literal string "<code title="">BackCompat</code>".', |
23 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=dom-document-compatmode |
24 |
title=dom-document-compatMode><code>compatMode</code></dfn> DOM |
25 |
\x{5c5e}\x{6027}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{751f}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{300c}<code title=\"\">CSS1Compat</code>\x{300d}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002} |
26 |
\x{305f}\x{3060}\x{3057}\x{3001}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{304c} <a |
27 |
href=#html-parser>HTML \x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}\x{5668}</a>\x{306b}\x{3088}\x{308a}<a href=#quirks-mode>\x{5947}\x{7656}\x{30e2}\x{30fc}\x{30c9}</a>\x{306b}\x{8a2d}\x{5b9a}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001} |
28 |
\x{4ee3}\x{308f}\x{308a}\x{306b}\x{540d}\x{524d}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{300c}<code title=\"\">BackCompat</code>\x{300d}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
29 |
'tags' => [ |
30 |
'documents' |
31 |
] |
32 |
}, |
33 |
'df408d6482962db6c8a8fcda08c9c410' => { |
34 |
'en' => 'The <dfn id=rules-for-parsing-non-negative-integers>rules for parsing non-negative integers</dfn> are as |
35 |
given in the following algorithm. When invoked, the steps must be followed |
36 |
in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns a value. This |
37 |
algorithm will either return zero, a positive integer, or an error. |
38 |
Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing spaces and indeed any trailing |
39 |
garbage characters are ignored.', |
40 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=rules-for-parsing-non-negative-integers>\x{975e}\x{8ca0}\x{6574}\x{6570}\x{3092}\x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{898f}\x{5247}</dfn>\x{306f}\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{3067}\x{4e0e}\x{3048}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3082}\x{306e}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
41 |
\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{304c}\x{547c}\x{3073}\x{51fa}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{6642}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{4e0e}\x{3048}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{9806}\x{306b}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{306b}\x{5f93}\x{3044}\x{3001} |
42 |
\x{5024}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3059}\x{6700}\x{521d}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{3067}\x{4e2d}\x{65ad}\x{3057}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002} |
43 |
\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{306f}\x{96f6}\x{304b}\x{6b63}\x{6574}\x{6570}\x{304b}\x{8aa4}\x{308a}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
44 |
\x{5148}\x{982d}\x{306e}\x{9593}\x{9694}\x{306f}\x{7121}\x{8996}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}\x{672b}\x{5c3e}\x{306e}\x{7a7a}\x{767d}\x{3001}\x{3068}\x{3044}\x{3046}\x{304b}\x{3054}\x{307f}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{306f}\x{3059}\x{3079}\x{3066}\x{7121}\x{8996}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
45 |
'tags' => [ |
46 |
'microsyntaxes' |
47 |
] |
48 |
}, |
49 |
'df6818fe455c3e8d7d418b5589283dae' => { |
50 |
'en' => 'Messages in <a href=#server-sent-events>server-sent events</a>, <a |
51 |
href=#network>Web sockets</a>, <a |
52 |
href=#crossDocumentMessages>cross-document messaging</a>, and <a |
53 |
href=#channel-messaging>channel messaging</a> use the <dfn id=event-message |
54 |
title=event-message><code>message</code></dfn> event.', |
55 |
apache |
1.3 |
'is_pattern' => undef, |
56 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
'ja' => "<a href=#server-sent-events>\x{9bd6}\x{9001}\x{4fe1}\x{4e8b}\x{8c61}</a>\x{3001}<a |
57 |
href=#network>Web \x{30bd}\x{30b1}\x{30c3}\x{30c8}</a>\x{3001}<a |
58 |
href=#crossDocumentMessages>\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{9593}\x{30e1}\x{30c3}\x{30bb}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{4ea4}\x{63db}</a>\x{3001}<a |
59 |
apache |
1.3 |
href=#channel-messaging>\x{901a}\x{4fe1}\x{8def}\x{30e1}\x{30c3}\x{30bb}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{4ea4}\x{63db}</a>\x{306e}\x{30e1}\x{30c3}\x{30bb}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{306f} |
60 |
<dfn id=event-message |
61 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
title=event-message><code>message</code></dfn> \x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{3044}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
62 |
'tags' => [ |
63 |
'communications' |
64 |
] |
65 |
}, |
66 |
apache |
1.2 |
'df7a080ceebca4aca409e1f282dd529f' => { |
67 |
'en' => '<dfn id=command-facet-icon title=command-facet-Icon>Icon</dfn>', |
68 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=command-facet-icon title=command-facet-Icon>\x{30a2}\x{30a4}\x{30b3}\x{30f3}</dfn>", |
69 |
'tags' => [] |
70 |
}, |
71 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
'dfe464717fadabee1b35cfef10cbde2b' => { |
72 |
'en' => 'The owner is the script that provided the URL.', |
73 |
'ja' => "\x{6240}\x{6709}\x{8005}\x{306f}\x{5f53}\x{8a72} URL \x{3092}\x{63d0}\x{4f9b}\x{3057}\x{305f}\x{30b9}\x{30af}\x{30ea}\x{30d7}\x{30c8}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
74 |
'tags' => [ |
75 |
'browsers' |
76 |
] |
77 |
}, |
78 |
'dfec676d599938e99593654ed96e413f' => { |
79 |
'en' => 'Vaguer moments in time', |
80 |
'ja' => "\x{3088}\x{308a}\x{66d6}\x{6627}\x{306a}\x{6642}\x{523b}", |
81 |
'tags' => [ |
82 |
'common' |
83 |
] |
84 |
}, |
85 |
'dfffb8c34572ea548b4782c17fa0f974' => { |
86 |
'en' => 'Dispatch the oldest event or callback in the <a href=#queue-a-task>queue of |
87 |
events</a>, if any. The handling of this event or the execution of this |
88 |
callback might get prematurely aborted by the "<a href=#kill-a>kill a |
89 |
worker</a>" algorithm below.', |
90 |
'ja' => "<a href=#queue-a-task>\x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{306e}\x{5f85}\x{3061}\x{884c}\x{5217}</a>\x{4e2d}\x{3067}\x{6700}\x{53e4}\x{306e}\x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{304b}\x{547c}\x{3073}\x{623b}\x{3057}\x{304c}\x{3042}\x{308c}\x{3070}\x{3001} |
91 |
\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{3092}\x{767a}\x{9001}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{306e}\x{53d6}\x{6271}\x{3044}\x{3084}\x{547c}\x{3073}\x{623b}\x{3057}\x{306e}\x{5b9f}\x{884c}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{5f8c}\x{8ff0}\x{306e}\x{300c}<a href=#kill-a>\x{52b4}\x{50cd}\x{8005}\x{3092}\x{6bba}\x{3059}</a>\x{300d} |
92 |
\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{306b}\x{3088}\x{308a}\x{3001}\x{65e9}\x{3005}\x{306b}\x{505c}\x{6b62}\x{3055}\x{305b}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{304b}\x{3082}\x{3057}\x{308c}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}\x{3002}", |
93 |
apache |
1.2 |
'tags' => undef |
94 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
}, |
95 |
'e11ef300774b70f27357444290b47f37' => {}, |
96 |
'e1c26ba5b927816dffed52bb8b3de4df' => {} |
97 |
}, |
98 |
'pattern' => {} |
99 |
}; |