use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'52a203989ecf9f40fee4a0dfe5b113a6' => {}, qq'cc877bb03756f27a45c6513d57541586' => {}, qq'd61d68cbcf43bef473709b5baf520026' => { qq'en' => qq'The ruby element allows one or more spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations.', qq'ja' => qq'ruby 要素は、 1つ以上の語句付け内容の範囲にルビ注釈を付すことができます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'texts' ] }, qq'd621db962c39f31c7d70369df2ca63dc' => { qq'en' => qq'Follow the steps below, but using the range of characters U+0030 DIGIT ZERO through to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (i.e. just 0-9).', qq'ja' => qq'次の段階に従いますが、文字の範囲 U+0030 DIGIT ZERO ~ U+0039 DIGIT NINE (つまり 0-9 だけ) を使います。', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing' ] }, qq'd63f324ce19dc7608f6a3e20477aaa19' => { qq'en' => qq'The ins and del elements represent edits to the document.', qq'ja' => qq'ins 要素と del 要素は文書に対する編集を表します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'edits' ] }, qq'd651185abe50d825420e80992a491ace' => { qq'en' => qq'Proposal', qq'is_pattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'提案', qq'tags' => [ qq'links', qq'cell' ] }, qq'd66907b24966b3e60165e539761e09a0' => { qq'en' => qq'Documents have an associated character encoding. When a Document object is created, the document\x27s character encoding must be initialized to UTF-16. Various algorithms during page loading affect this value, as does the charset setter. [IANACHARSET] ', qq'ja' => qq'文書は文字符号化と関連付けられています。 Document オブジェクトが作成された時、文書の文字符号化は UTF-16 に初期化されなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。 頁の読み込みの間の色々な算法や charset 設定子がこの値を変化させます。 [IANACHARSET] ', qq'tags' => [ qq'documents' ] }, qq'd680475f96d2cefc5d789e6eb2147068' => { qq'en' => qq'Button ', qq'ja' => qq'ボタン ', qq'tags' => [ qq'forms', qq'cell' ] }, qq'd6880a4d12b73c236c04e252bca4d1a3' => { qq'en' => qq'A browsing context A is said to be an ancestor of a browsing context B if there exists a browsing context A\x27 that is a child browsing context of A and that is itself an ancestor of B, or if there is a browsing context P that is a child browsing context of A and that is the parent browsing context of B.', qq'ja' => qq'閲覧文脈 A が閲覧文脈 B の祖先であるというのは、 A子閲覧文脈である閲覧文脈 A\x27 が存在して、それ自体が B の祖先である場合、または閲覧文脈 P があって、それが A子閲覧文脈であり、かつ B親閲覧文脈である場合です。 ', qq'tags' => [ qq'browsers' ] }, qq'd6bb4acfe05094315958a454e32e3d47' => { qq'en' => qq'Hexadecimal numeric character reference', qq'ja' => qq'十六進数値文字参照', qq'tags' => [ qq'syntax' ] }, qq'd6cb92029c25410dd45b2f59f0b087c6' => { qq'en' => qq'Here are some examples of appropriate titles, contrasted with the top-level headers that might be used on those same pages.', qq'ja' => qq'次に示すのは、適切な題名の例です。 同じ頁の最上位で使い得る見出しと比べてください。', qq'tags' => [ qq'metadata' ] }, qq'd6d6885373ce92bfa8857f5a375a9c8f' => { qq'en' => qq'APIs defined in other specifications', qq'ja' => qq'他の仕様書で定義されている API', qq'tags' => [ qq'workers' ] }, qq'd6de87d36f06b890523f4cfa29c55694' => { qq'en' => qq'If a script is a javascript: URL that was returned as the location of an HTTP redirect (or equivalent in other protocols)', qq'ja' => qq'スクリプトが javascript: URL であって、 HTTP リダイレクト (または他のプロトコルの等価なもの) の所在として返されたものの場合', qq'tags' => undef } }, qq'pattern' => { qq'd63f34f072d2edc4a15bf4afc514b5d2' => { qq'en' => qq'A start tag token whose tag name is one of: *', qq'isPattern' => qq'on', qq'ja' => qq'タグ名が \x241 のいずれかの開始タグ字句', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing', qq'dt' ] }, qq'd642b07cbe7685066414673a5c8dc418' => { qq'en' => qq'\x5C(.+)\x5C \x5C<\x5C/span\x5C>Relationship\x5C to\x5C XHTML2\x5C and\x5C XForms', qq'ja' => qq'\x241 XHTML2 や XForms との関係', qq'tags' => [ qq'intro' ] } } };