use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'4a18312b5b75f549d5551e5912ad6ebf' => {}, qq'4a23e68a5d4f16f1e599c5455b7ff8ac' => {}, qq'948e307b6f2a5410977a928d21db7da3' => {}, qq'c302bd7c105cf61c026721d91fc3175d' => { qq'en' => qq'If node is a head element, then switch the insertion mode to "in body" ("in body"! not "in head"!) and abort these steps. (fragment case)', qq'ja' => qq'nodehead 要素の場合、挿入モードを "in body" ("in body"! "in head" ではなく!) に切り替え、これらの段階を停止します。 (素片の場合)', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing' ] }, qq'c311728fc7948f0f2ece9e16923fe9fc' => { qq'en' => qq'A valid list of integers is a number of valid integers separated by U+002C COMMA characters, with no other characters (e.g. no space characters). In addition, there might be restrictions on the number of integers that can be given, or on the range of values allowed.', qq'ja' => qq'妥当な整数の並びは、 U+002C COMMA 文字で分離された数々の妥当な整数であって、 他の文字を含まない (例えば間隔文字を含まない) ものです。 加えて、与えられる整数の数や認められる値の範囲に制限が設けられることがあります。', qq'tags' => [ qq'microsyntaxes' ] }, qq'c312e8797aa0f8bf54989833c05678ba' => { qq'en' => qq' default/on ', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq' 既定値・入 ', qq'tags' => [ qq'cell', qq'input' ] }, qq'c3195dc36548bb4df286660c31f25f93' => { qq'en' => qq'The source attribute represents, in cross-document messaging, the Window from which the message came.', qq'ja' => qq'source 属性は、 文書間メッセージ交換において、 メッセージが送られて来た元の Window を表します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'communications' ] }, qq'c362b5cbf96be39294dc91549523be52' => { qq'en' => qq'The steps to create a worker from a URL url and whose name is name, in the context of a method call, are as follows:', qq'ja' => qq'メソッド呼び出しの文脈において、 URL url から名前 name労働者を作成する段階は、次の通りです。', qq'tags' => [ qq'workers' ] }, qq'c36999ffa4a285205120490a210869dc' => { qq'en' => qq'Dates before the year 0 or after the year 9999 can\x27t be represented as a datetime in this version of HTML.', qq'ja' => qq'0年より前や9999年より後の日付はこの版の HTML の日時としては表現できません。', qq'tags' => undef }, qq'c37b98b326d3c4d010373b102dee6eb3' => { qq'en' => qq'Processing of technologies like XBL or SVG that have their own scripting features.', qq'ja' => qq'XBL や SVG のような独自のスクリプティング機能を持った技術の処理。', qq'tags' => [ qq'browsers' ] }, qq'c39ba8bbe9059214c5d99b23b7d53141' => { qq'en' => qq'If the given browsing context name is the empty string or _self, then the chosen browsing context must be the current one.', qq'ja' => qq'与えられた閲覧文脈名が空文字列であるか、_self である場合、選ばれる閲覧文脈は現在のものでなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => undef }, qq'c3c9eed18f5585e827b0949f989ed06c' => { qq'en' => qq'The session history of browsing contexts', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'閲覧文脈のセッション履歴', qq'tags' => [ qq'navigation', qq'headings' ] }, qq'c3d5a3a7b6fe12cd8a6b46469dbb3501' => { qq'en' => qq'The Document of a Node (such as an element) is the Document that the Node\x27s ownerDocument DOM attribute returns.', qq'ja' => qq'Node (要素など) の Document とは、 当該 NodeownerDocument DOM 属性が返す Document です。', qq'tags' => [ qq'common' ] }, qq'c3e537aebabd9092c5f0e8aa3fe1c2aa' => { qq'en' => qq'Parse error. Ignore the token.', qq'ja' => qq'構文解析誤り。字句を無視します。', qq'tags' => [] } }, qq'pattern' => {} };