use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'1a3e3d1e2b07f7902d05921ef3e2a48f' => {}, qq'1a4dc2ee3896a09d05f7f4fe4a152e2c' => {}, qq'b2029fe42008452ea01a60c0f9e91f6d' => { qq'en' => qq'Must do the same as go(0)', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'go(0) と同じことをしなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'cell', qq'navigation' ] }, qq'b2201a18199717d263a25101c7eb17a8' => { qq'en' => qq'All other allowed HTML elements are normal elements.', qq'ja' => qq'他の全ての認められているHTML 要素は通常要素です。', qq'tags' => [ qq'syntax' ] }, qq'b223370207874b7fe70fd2e956e3f413' => { qq'en' => qq'The URL is a valid IRI reference and the character encoding of the URL\x27s Document is UTF-8 or UTF-16. [RFC3987]', qq'is_pattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'URL は妥当な IRI 参照であり、 URL の Document文字符号化が UTF-8 か UTF-16 である。 [RFC3987]', qq'tags' => [ qq'url' ] }, qq'b2278cf99264db99df9c9b1c39faa6b8' => { qq'en' => qq'The string image/*', qq'ja' => qq'文字列 image/*', qq'tags' => [ qq'headings', qq'forms' ] }, qq'b23a256b64b77f0d0481ebe374b41225' => { qq'en' => qq'An optgroup element\x27s end tag may be omitted if the optgroup element is immediately followed by another optgroup element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.', qq'ja' => qq'optgroup 要素の終了タグは、 optgroup 要素の直後が 別の optgroup 要素の場合や、 親要素にそれ以上内容がない場合、 省略して[[MAY:構いません]]。', qq'tags' => undef }, qq'b241550521414570366bade33bb83a08' => { qq'en' => qq'The Unicode serialization of an origin is the string obtained by applying the following algorithm to the given origin:', qq'ja' => qq'起源の Unicode 直列化は、 与えられた起源に次の算法を適用することによって得られる文字列です。', qq'tags' => [ qq'browsers' ] }, qq'b2422ad00695ef4f0410649208e783f4' => { qq'en' => qq'Set the document to quirks mode.', qq'is_pattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'文書を奇癖モードに設定します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing', qq'step' ] }, qq'b2505d4e683b77fda0602e09f5baf2c1' => { qq'en' => qq'In the capture phase, the event must be dispatched to the Window object before being dispatched to any of the nodes.', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'捕獲位相では、事象は他の節点で発送する前に Window オブジェクトに発送しなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'events' ] }, qq'b257b081547de5dabb4c67cfeab406e2' => { qq'en' => qq'The following DOMException codes are defined in DOM Core. [DOMCORE]', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'次の DOMException 符号は DOM 中核で定義されています。 [DOMCORE]', qq'tags' => [ qq'dom' ] }, qq'b259d91ed7326b757be6e4df13ef0bf2' => { qq'en' => qq'Connecting to an event stream', qq'ja' => qq'事象ストリームへの接続', qq'tags' => [ qq'communications' ] }, qq'b2744bf798811e4ee125c995eecea098' => { qq'en' => qq'Otherwise, let url be the value of the href attribute of the first such element.', qq'ja' => qq'そうでない場合、 url をそのような最初の要素の href 属性の値とします。', qq'tags' => [ qq'urls' ] }, qq'b2925ddf07e02e9c11d07f8019ddc323' => { qq'en' => qq'If the database version provided is not the empty string, and the database already exists but has a different version, then the method must raise an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.', qq'ja' => qq'指定されたデータベースの版が空文字列でない場合で、 データベースが既に存在し、 異なる版を持つ場合、 メソッドは INVALID_STATE_ERR 例外を発生させなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'storages' ] }, qq'b2bc40eff086eb21f721a665a9ad97d2' => { qq'en' => qq'It allows the UA to optimize the use of available network bandwidth so that the target page loads faster.', qq'ja' => qq'利用者エージェントが利用可能ネットワーク帯域の利用量を最適化し、 対象頁の読み込みが早くなるようにします。', qq'tags' => [ qq'links' ] }, qq'b2ee912b91d69b435159c7c3f6df7f5f' => { qq'en' => qq'Number', qq'ja' => qq'数', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing' ] }, qq'c603f47da0d5ee3489cc19aa9006d088' => {}, qq'c60823dbcd0af6470789398a86086eae' => {} }, qq'pattern' => { qq'b2c735de1bedcf7139871bc81d6517d1' => { qq'en' => qq' (numeric value *)', qq'ja' => qq' (数値 \x242)', qq'tags' => [ qq'media' ] } } };