$VAR1 = {
'exact' => {
'881ab68a417d18ec41f14dd4fb993ec4' => {},
'b133f27f0bd920e631f9df3bdb799d5d' => {
'en' => 'Otherwise, if the DOCTYPE
token matches one of the conditions in the following list, then
set the document to limited quirks mode:',
'is_pattern' => undef,
'ja' => "\x{305d}\x{3046}\x{3067}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001} DOCTYPE \x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{304c}\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{30ea}\x{30b9}\x{30c8}\x{306e}\x{6761}\x{4ef6}\x{306e}\x{3044}\x{305a}\x{308c}\x{304b}\x{306b}\x{4e00}\x{81f4}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001}
'tags' => [
'b16257c53d9665f042279ede91ab9dd0' => {
'en' => 'The function referenced by the onerror
attribute must be invoked
with three arguments, before notifying the user of the error.',
'isPattern' => undef,
'ja' => "\x{8aa4}\x{308a}\x{3092}\x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{306b}\x{901a}\x{77e5}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{524d}\x{306b}\x{3001} onerror
'tags' => [
'b1a50977ee6cf8f32efe515cd590b315' => {
'en' => 'Let document be the Document
associated with url.',
'ja' => "document \x{3092}\x{3001}url
\x{3068}\x{95a2}\x{9023}\x{4ed8}\x{3051}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b} Document
'tags' => [
'b1aa9fa12af9a2e4fa62052d1d1bd3f5' => {
'en' => 'There are certain features that are not handled by this specification
because a client side markup language is not the right level for them, or
because the features exist in other languages that can be integrated into
this one. This section covers some of the more common requests.',
'ja' => "\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{3067}\x{306f}\x{3001}
'tags' => [
'b1bad342c953bb066747cc3250880ab0' => {
'en' => 'The scripting flag is set to "enabled" if the
with which the parser is associated was with script when the parser was created, and
"disabled" otherwise.',
'ja' => "\x{30b9}\x{30af}\x{30ea}\x{30d7}\x{30c6}\x{30a3}\x{30f3}\x{30b0}\x{65d7}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}\x{5668}\x{304c}\x{95a2}\x{9023}\x{4ed8}\x{3051}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b}
'tags' => [
'b1c7aecbfb901e9d01af4228d0fdacc1' => {
'en' => 'Content model:',
'ja' => "\x{5185}\x{5bb9}\x{30e2}\x{30c7}\x{30eb}:",
'tags' => [
'b1f4c3133f6a36a7e430c801ca763373' => {
'en' => 'Decimal numeric character reference',
'ja' => "\x{5341}\x{9032}\x{6570}\x{5024}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{53c2}\x{7167}",
'tags' => [
'pattern' => {
'b10913dfc0ad5399408423f6ca8a82ac' => {
'en' => 'An * element',
'ja' => "\$1 \x{8981}\x{7d20}",
'tags' => [
'b1253822a1244db9722f72c14fca2ee0' => {
'en' => '\\(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Relationship\\ to\\ Web\\ Forms\\ 2\\.0\\ and\\ XForms',
'ja' => "\$1 Web Forms 2.0 \x{3084} XForms \x{3068}\x{306e}\x{95a2}\x{4fc2}",
'tags' => [