use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'2f423c6397fcd740ee935c6e6a83bb11' => {}, qq'759bbccb383e9a379c9f81d0c77b9702' => {}, qq'75aada3febd46073e89a0474a2413ecc' => {}, qq'75ccb953f5826d4d85d525a8c8a7455f' => {}, qq'9b0cf3575482a148b1d847697f2ee58f' => { qq'en' => qq'A string is a valid floating point number if it consists of:', qq'ja' => qq'文字列は、それが次のものから構成される場合、妥当な浮動小数点数です。', qq'tags' => [ qq'common' ] }, qq'9b57e42ded8e738456e024627117d588' => { qq'en' => qq'If position points to a character (and not to beyond the end of input), jump to the big Parser step above.', qq'ja' => qq'position が文字を指す場合 (で input の終わりを過ぎていない場合)、 先の大段階構文解析器に飛びます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'microsyntaxes' ] }, qq'9b8ff5371f049b864b9275c2a693e6a1' => { qq'en' => qq'All asynchronous callbacks and events that would be called or dispatched in the worker must be added to the worker\x27s queue, with the "run a worker" processing model below taking care of actually calling the callbacks or dispatching the events.', qq'ja' => qq'労働者中で呼び出しまたは発送されるすべての非同期の呼び戻しと事象は、 労働者の待ち行列に追加されなければなりません。 ただし、実際の呼び戻しの呼び出しや事象の発送は、後述の「労働者を走らせる」処理モデルに従い処理されます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'workers' ] }, qq'9b97b7bd5e0a87be7bf218224ada83cf' => { qq'en' => qq'Requirement ', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'要件', qq'tags' => [ qq'sniffer', qq'cell' ] }, qq'9ba8e893b1e24d056577609468ff6b6b' => { qq'en' => qq'A DOCTYPE must consist of the following characters, in this order:', qq'ja' => qq'DOCTYPE は、次の文字により次の順序で構成されなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'syntax' ] }, qq'9bb4a2e0d44e72b2620aaca22395130d' => { qq'en' => qq'For the translating work of HTML5 specifications, a new interactive paragraph-level editing interface has been developed. Since the HTML5 specification adopts a new specification development model — publishing a large Editor\x27s Draft with sections in different levels of maturity, in daily basis — it is unrealistic to follow the traditional model for the development of a Japanese translation of a technical specification — obtaining a copy of a relatively stable Working Draft or a final Recommendation, translating the whole document at once, and then publishing the finalized Japanese translation. ', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'', qq'tags' => [ qq'broken' ] }, qq'9bc07ac6676c3e00bb39b353f1638d66' => { qq'en' => qq'The target, ping, rel, media, hreflang, and type attributes must be omitted if the href attribute is not present.', qq'ja' => qq'属性 target, ping, rel, media, hreflang, type は、 href 属性がない場合、省略しなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'texts' ] }, qq'9bc9edec606d051fe834c3771214cb1d' => { qq'en' => qq'If the cite attribute is present, it must be a valid URL that explains the change. User agents should allow users to follow such citation links.', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'cite 属性が存在する場合には、変更を説明する妥当な URL でなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。利用者エージェントは利用者がそのような引用のリンクをたどれるように[[SHOULD:するべきです]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'edits' ] }, qq'9bd8f43e274b22e948fce626489f7c02' => { qq'en' => qq'Any end tag', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'終了タグ', qq'tags' => [ qq'dt', qq'parsing' ] }, qq'9bf69bf240cac55cd7b2b3e3a7e60e24' => { qq'en' => qq'All authoring tools, whether WYSIWYG or not, should make a best effort attempt at enabling users to create well-structured, semantically rich, media-independent content.', qq'ja' => qq'すべての著述ツールは、 WYSIWYG か否かに関わらず、 よく構造化され、意味的に豊かな、媒体非依存の内容を利用者が作成できるようにするため、 最大限の努力を行う[[SHOULD:べきです]]。', qq'tags' => undef } }, qq'pattern' => { qq'9b7fcae29f871db09db21e5ecd651fd3' => { qq'en' => qq'Switch to the * state.', qq'is_pattern' => qq'on', qq'ja' => qq'\x242 状態に切り替えます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'step', qq'tokenizer' ] } } };