use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'6d17cafb190ef3118bf4c27060d3849c' => { qq'en' => qq'Embedding custom non-visible data', qq'ja' => qq'カスタム不可視データの埋め込み', qq'tags' => [ qq'elements' ] }, qq'6d29965d6a72163cafb9da5efbfdb2c1' => { qq'en' => qq'The rank of a header element is the same as for an h1 element (the highest rank).', qq'ja' => qq'header 要素の階数は、 h1 要素のものと同じ (最高の階数) です。', qq'tags' => [ qq'sections' ] }, qq'6d56e0aed6aee69306808adcc2d4f962' => { qq'en' => qq' Add the value of the current character (0..9) to value.', qq'ja' => qq'現在の文字の値 (0〜9) を value に加えます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'microsyntaxes' ] }, qq'6d853348a36afbffc788cbf08d06e779' => { qq'en' => qq'Parsing HTML documents', qq'ja' => qq'HTML 文書の構文解析', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing' ] }, qq'6d8824b707c3c5362568b42b749354e4' => { qq'en' => qq'The url attribute represents the address of the document that changed the key.', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'url 属性は、鍵を変更した文書の番地を表します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'storage' ] }, qq'6d9713f32d6773a7f8ec7b6d92c4ec63' => { qq'en' => qq'Relationship to XUL, Flash, Silverlight, and other proprietary UI languages', qq'ja' => qq'XUL、Flash、Silverlight など独占的利用者界面言語との関係', qq'tags' => [ qq'intro' ] }, qq'6da73db6b6ee8ca267e5d82c234bdf8c' => { qq'en' => qq'Obsolete features', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'廃止機能', qq'tags' => [ qq'obsolete', qq'headings' ] }, qq'6dd84512a8020e8b4972e999ba9816c9' => { qq'en' => qq'Remove any characters in the new value that are not in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE. If the resulting string is empty, set it to a single U+0030 DIGIT ZERO character (\x270\x27).', qq'ja' => qq'新しい値の中の範囲 U+0030 DIGIT ZERO ~ U+0039 DIGIT NINE 以外の文字をすべて削除。 その結果の文字列が空の場合、単一の U+0030 DIGIT ZERO character (\x270\x27 に設定。', qq'tags' => [ qq'urls' ] }, qq'9a5a26aa3e3e9e79a839386c0d9f5479' => {}, qq'9aa50a67f595483120db3e286c942c3a' => {}, qq'dd15210345e65455b6a3b699276deeb9' => {} }, qq'pattern' => { qq'6d3b064bb89e8d7541b478f948fee0cf' => { qq'en' => qq'Must\x5C be\x5C invoked\x5C whenever\x5C a\x5C (.+)\x5C event\x5C is\x5C targeted\x5C at\x5C or\x5C bubbles\x5C through\x5C the\x5C element\x5C.', qq'ja' => qq'\x241 事象が当該要素を対象としているか、泡立って当該要素を通過する時には、 常に呼び出されなければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'scripting' ] } } };