1 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
$VAR1 = { |
2 |
'exact' => { |
3 |
'57236e14abc62137ca2f27f8fe945f60' => { |
4 |
'en' => 'Comparing two strings in a <dfn id=compatibility-caseless>compatibility |
5 |
caseless</dfn> manner means using the Unicode <i>compatibility caseless |
6 |
match</i> operation to compare the two strings. <a |
7 |
8 |
'ja' => "2\x{3064}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{3092}<dfn id=compatibility-caseless>\x{5927}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{30fb}\x{5c0f}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{4e92}\x{63db}\x{6027}\x{4e0d}\x{533a}\x{5225}</dfn>\x{306a}\x{65b9}\x{6cd5}\x{3067}\x{6bd4}\x{8f03}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{3068}\x{306f}\x{3001} |
9 |
2\x{3064}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{306e}\x{6bd4}\x{8f03}\x{306b} Unicode <i>\x{5927}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{30fb}\x{5c0f}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{4e92}\x{63db}\x{6027}\x{4e0d}\x{533a}\x{5225}</i>\x{6f14}\x{7b97}\x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{3046}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{3092}\x{610f}\x{5473}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} <a |
10 |
11 |
'tags' => [ |
12 |
'common' |
13 |
] |
14 |
}, |
15 |
'5736c111c83f9defe6ee29eea4991ab5' => { |
16 |
'en' => ' Let <var title="">input</var> be the string being parsed.', |
17 |
'ja' => "<var title=\"\">input</var> \x{3092}\x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{3068}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
18 |
'tags' => [ |
19 |
'microsyntaxes' |
20 |
] |
21 |
}, |
22 |
'57391192dfa1f247ad015a0fe2eca48e' => { |
23 |
'en' => 'Pattern', |
24 |
'ja' => "\x{30d1}\x{30bf}\x{30fc}\x{30f3}", |
25 |
apache |
1.2 |
'tags' => undef |
26 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
}, |
27 |
'573ce7d314c02c4b642f144953657a98' => { |
28 |
'en' => ' When no more bytes are available, an EOF character is implied, which |
29 |
eventually causes a <code title=event-load><a |
30 |
href=#event-load>load</a></code> event to be fired.', |
31 |
'ja' => "\x{305d}\x{308c}\x{4ee5}\x{4e0a}\x{306e}\x{30d0}\x{30a4}\x{30c8}\x{304c}\x{5b58}\x{5728}\x{3057}\x{306a}\x{304f}\x{306a}\x{308b}\x{3068}\x{3001}\x{6697}\x{9ed9}\x{306e} EOF \x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{306e}\x{5b58}\x{5728}\x{304c}\x{4eee}\x{5b9a}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{3001} |
32 |
\x{305d}\x{308c}\x{306b}\x{3088}\x{3063}\x{3066} <code title=event-load><a |
33 |
href=#event-load>load</a></code> \x{4e8b}\x{8c61}\x{304c}\x{767a}\x{706b}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{3068}\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
34 |
'tags' => [ |
35 |
'browsers' |
36 |
] |
37 |
}, |
38 |
'57503832187069bdb9bd067b903bcb93' => { |
39 |
'en' => 'This specification represents a new version of HTML4, along with a new |
40 |
version of the associated DOM2 HTML API. Migration from HTML4 to the |
41 |
format and APIs described in this specification should in most cases be |
42 |
straightforward, as care has been taken to ensure that |
43 |
backwards-compatibility is retained. <a href=#refsHTML4>[HTML4]</a> <a |
44 |
href=#refsDOM2HTML>[DOM2HTML]</a>', |
45 |
'ja' => "\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{306f} HTML4 \x{306e}\x{65b0}\x{3057}\x{3044}\x{7248}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{3001}\x{305d}\x{308c}\x{306b}\x{5bfe}\x{5fdc}\x{3059}\x{308b} DOM2 HTML API |
46 |
\x{306e}\x{65b0}\x{3057}\x{3044}\x{7248}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{306f}\x{5f8c}\x{65b9}\x{4e92}\x{63db}\x{6027}\x{3092}\x{6b8b}\x{3059}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{306b}\x{6ce8}\x{610f}\x{3092}\x{6255}\x{3063}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{306e}\x{3067}\x{3001} |
47 |
\x{307b}\x{3068}\x{3093}\x{3069}\x{306e}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001} HTML4 \x{304b}\x{3089}\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{4ed5}\x{69d8}\x{66f8}\x{3067}\x{8aac}\x{660e}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{66f8}\x{5f0f}\x{3084} API |
48 |
\x{3078}\x{306e}\x{79fb}\x{884c}\x{306f}\x{7c21}\x{5358}\x{306a}\x{306f}\x{305a}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}<a href=#refsHTML4>[HTML4]</a> <a |
49 |
href=#refsDOM2HTML>[DOM2HTML]</a>", |
50 |
'tags' => [ |
51 |
'intro' |
52 |
] |
53 |
}, |
54 |
'578132eab8ca8f7e430c8e94f89a091e' => { |
55 |
'en' => 'The <dfn id=dom-document-links title=dom-document-links><code>links</code></dfn> |
56 |
attribute must return an <code><a href=#htmlcollection-0>HTMLCollection</a></code> rooted at the |
57 |
<code>Document</code> node, whose filter matches only <code><a href=#the-a-element>a</a></code> |
58 |
elements with <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href=#attr-hyperlink-href>href</a></code> |
59 |
attributes and <code><a href=#the-area-element>area</a></code> elements with <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href=#attr-hyperlink-href>href</a></code> attributes.', |
60 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=dom-document-links title=dom-document-links><code>links</code></dfn> |
61 |
\x{5c5e}\x{6027}\x{306f}\x{3001}<code>Document</code> \x{7bc0}\x{70b9}\x{3092}\x{6839}\x{3068}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{3001} |
62 |
\x{6ffe}\x{904e}\x{5668}\x{304c} <code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href=#attr-hyperlink-href>href</a></code> |
63 |
\x{5c5e}\x{6027}\x{3092}\x{6301}\x{3064} <code><a href=#the-a-element>a</a></code> \x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{3068} |
64 |
<code title=attr-hyperlink-href><a href=#attr-hyperlink-href>href</a></code> |
65 |
\x{5c5e}\x{6027}\x{3092}\x{6301}\x{3064} <code><a href=#the-area-element>area</a></code> \x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{306b}\x{306e}\x{307f}\x{4e00}\x{81f4}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{3088}\x{3046}\x{306a} |
66 |
<code><a href=#htmlcollection-0>HTMLCollection</a></code> |
67 |
\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
68 |
'tags' => [ |
69 |
'documents' |
70 |
] |
71 |
}, |
72 |
'5790057aaabaabaafcadc1932cb7cacf' => { |
73 |
'en' => ' The <dfn id=dom-htmlcollection-nameditem |
74 |
title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var |
75 |
title="">key</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the first node in the |
76 |
collection that matches the following requirements:', |
77 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=dom-htmlcollection-nameditem |
78 |
title=dom-HTMLCollection-namedItem><code>namedItem(<var |
79 |
title=\"\">key</var>)</code></dfn> \x{30e1}\x{30bd}\x{30c3}\x{30c9}\x{306f}\x{3001} |
80 |
\x{96c6}\x{6210}\x{4e2d}\x{3067}\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{3044}\x{305a}\x{308c}\x{304b}\x{306e}\x{8981}\x{4ef6}\x{306b}\x{4e00}\x{81f4}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{6700}\x{521d}\x{306e}\x{7bc0}\x{70b9}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
81 |
'tags' => [ |
82 |
'apis' |
83 |
] |
84 |
}, |
85 |
'57959e6c42e8d5141b11e501bf60cc2f' => { |
86 |
'en' => 'User agents may impose implementation-specific limits on otherwise |
87 |
unconstrained inputs, e.g. to prevent denial of service attacks, to guard |
88 |
against running out of memory, or to work around platform-specific |
89 |
limitations.', |
90 |
'ja' => "\x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{30a8}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30f3}\x{30c8}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{30b5}\x{30fc}\x{30d3}\x{30b9}\x{62d2}\x{5426}\x{653b}\x{6483}\x{3092}\x{9632}\x{3050}\x{305f}\x{3081}\x{3001} |
91 |
\x{8a18}\x{61b6}\x{5bb9}\x{91cf}\x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{3044}\x{5c3d}\x{304f}\x{3059}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{3092}\x{9632}\x{3050}\x{305f}\x{3081}\x{3001} |
92 |
\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{3044}\x{306f}\x{74b0}\x{5883}\x{7279}\x{6709}\x{306e}\x{5236}\x{9650}\x{306b}\x{5bfe}\x{5fdc}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{305f}\x{3081}\x{306a}\x{3069}\x{306e}\x{76ee}\x{7684}\x{3067}\x{3001} |
93 |
\x{5225}\x{6bb5}\x{306e}\x{5236}\x{7d04}\x{306e}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5165}\x{529b}\x{306b}\x{5bfe}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{5b9f}\x{88c5}\x{7279}\x{6709}\x{306e}\x{5236}\x{9650}\x{3092}\x{8a2d}\x{3051}\x{3066}[[MAY:\x{69cb}\x{3044}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
94 |
apache |
1.2 |
'tags' => undef |
95 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
}, |
96 |
'57aa9dac6df7b0e1fb33147ad006ed98' => { |
97 |
'en' => 'The text in CDATA and RCDATA elements must not contain any |
98 |
occurrences of the string "<code title=""></</code>" (U+003C |
99 |
LESS-THAN SIGN, U+002F SOLIDUS) followed by characters that |
100 |
case-insensitively match the tag name of the element followed by one |
101 |
102 |
FEED (FF), U+0020 SPACE, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (>), or U+002F |
103 |
SOLIDUS (/), unless that string is part of an <a href=#syntax-escape title=syntax-escape>escaping text span</a>.', |
104 |
'ja' => "CDATA \x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{3084} RCDATA \x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{306e}\x{30c6}\x{30ad}\x{30b9}\x{30c8}\x{306f}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{300c}<code title=\"\"></</code>\x{300d} (U+003C |
105 |
LESS-THAN SIGN\x{3001}U+002F SOLIDUS) \x{306e}\x{5f8c}\x{306b}\x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{306e}\x{30bf}\x{30b0}\x{540d}\x{3068}\x{5927}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{30fb}\x{5c0f}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{3092}\x{533a}\x{5225}\x{3057}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306b}\x{4e00}\x{81f4}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{304c}\x{7d9a}\x{304d}\x{3001} |
106 |
\x{305d}\x{306e}\x{5f8c}\x{306b} U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION\x{3001}U+000A LINE FEED (LF)\x{3001}U+000C FORM |
107 |
FEED (FF)\x{3001}U+0020 SPACE\x{3001}U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN (>)\x{3001}U+002F |
108 |
109 |
\x{306e}\x{3044}\x{305a}\x{308c}\x{304b}\x{304c}\x{7d9a}\x{304f}\x{3088}\x{3046}\x{306a}\x{5217}\x{3092}\x{3001}\x{305d}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}\x{304c}<a href=#syntax-escape title=syntax-escape>\x{9003}\x{907f}\x{30c6}\x{30ad}\x{30b9}\x{30c8}\x{5f84}\x{9593}</a>\x{306e}\x{4e00}\x{90e8}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3092}\x{9664}\x{304d}\x{3001} |
110 |
\x{542b}\x{3093}\x{3067}\x{306f}[[MUST NOT:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
111 |
'tags' => [ |
112 |
'syntax' |
113 |
] |
114 |
}, |
115 |
apache |
1.2 |
'57b11d3816e9f83adb4dd2ecb2a311b5' => { |
116 |
'en' => 'Delegation', |
117 |
'ja' => "\x{59d4}\x{8b72}", |
118 |
'tags' => [ |
119 |
'workers' |
120 |
] |
121 |
}, |
122 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
'57d3b27a220266d3114521987beb7749' => { |
123 |
'en' => 'The <a href=#origin-0>origin</a> of the <code>Document</code> is <a href=#about-blank-origin>the <span>origin</span> it was |
124 |
assigned when its browsing context was created</a>.', |
125 |
'ja' => "<code>Document</code> \x{306e}<a href=#origin-0>\x{8d77}\x{6e90}</a>\x{306f}<a href=#about-blank-origin>\x{5f53}\x{8a72}\x{95b2}\x{89a7}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{304c}\x{4f5c}\x{6210}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{6642}\x{306b}\x{5272}\x{308a}\x{5f53}\x{3066}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{305f}<span>\x{8d77}\x{6e90}</span></a>\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
126 |
apache |
1.2 |
'tags' => undef |
127 |
wakaba |
1.1 |
}, |
128 |
'57fef6d34a6bfb2f464335958d9264ec' => { |
129 |
'en' => 'The <code><a href=#the-title-element>title</a></code> element represents the |
130 |
document\'s title or name. Authors should use titles that identify their |
131 |
documents even when they are used out of context, for example in a user\'s |
132 |
history or bookmarks, or in search results. The document\'s title is often |
133 |
different from its first header, since the first header does not have to |
134 |
stand alone when taken out of context.', |
135 |
'ja' => "<code><a href=#the-title-element>title</a></code> \x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{306f}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{306e}\x{984c}\x{3084}\x{540d}\x{524d}\x{3092}\x{8868}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
136 |
\x{8457}\x{8005}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{304c}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{5916}\x{3001}\x{4f8b}\x{3048}\x{3070}\x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{306e}\x{5c65}\x{6b74}\x{3084}\x{681e}\x{3001}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{3044}\x{306f}\x{691c}\x{7d22}\x{7d50}\x{679c}\x{3067}\x{4f7f}\x{308f}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{3063}\x{3066}\x{3082}\x{3001} |
137 |
\x{305d}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{3092}\x{8b58}\x{5225}\x{3067}\x{304d}\x{308b}\x{3088}\x{3046}\x{306a}\x{984c}\x{540d}\x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{3046}[[SHOULD:\x{3079}\x{304d}\x{3067}\x{3059}]]\x{3002} |
138 |
\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{306e}\x{984c}\x{306f}\x{6700}\x{521d}\x{306e}\x{898b}\x{51fa}\x{3057}\x{3068}\x{7570}\x{306a}\x{308b}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{3082}\x{3088}\x{304f}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
139 |
\x{6700}\x{521d}\x{306e}\x{898b}\x{51fa}\x{3057}\x{306f}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{5916}\x{3067}\x{5358}\x{72ec}\x{3067}\x{4f7f}\x{3048}\x{308b}\x{3082}\x{306e}\x{3067}\x{306a}\x{304f}\x{3066}\x{3082}\x{3088}\x{3044}\x{304b}\x{3089}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
140 |
'tags' => [ |
141 |
'metadata' |
142 |
] |
143 |
}, |
144 |
'bc31fba59c70fcf45b6bc4e56e651b89' => {}, |
145 |
'bcdb9cbab0c17f8748ed6404f7aa6d12' => {} |
146 |
}, |
147 |
'pattern' => { |
148 |
'5748b076f51116d6f8f4233fdb6f232a' => { |
149 |
'en' => '\\<span\\ class\\=secno\\>(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Network\\ states', |
150 |
'ja' => "<span class=secno>\$1 </span>\x{30cd}\x{30c3}\x{30c8}\x{30ef}\x{30fc}\x{30af}\x{72b6}\x{614b}", |
151 |
'tags' => [ |
152 |
'media' |
153 |
] |
154 |
} |
155 |
} |
156 |
}; |