use utf8; $VAR1 = { qq'exact' => { qq'25056c412da63508268d6733d579301c' => { qq'en' => qq'A base element, if it has a target attribute, must come before any elements in the tree that represent hyperlinks.', qq'ja' => qq'base 要素は、 target 属性を持つ場合、ハイパーリンクを表す要素よりも木上で前に来なければ[[MUST:なりません]]。', qq'tags' => [ qq'metadata' ] }, qq'250d50c772e4873362ad443d1de58465' => { qq'en' => qq'However, the ping attribute provides these advantages to the user over those alternatives:', qq'ja' => qq'しかし、 ping 属性はこれらの代替案に対して利用者に次のような利点を与えます。', qq'tags' => [ qq'links' ] }, qq'250de7ab24dbe99638c210e1b9243678' => { qq'en' => qq'Create a new MessagePort object owned by the script execution context of the script that invoked the method.', qq'ja' => qq'メソッドを呼び出したスクリプトのスクリプト実行文脈が所有する新しい MessagePort オブジェクトを作成します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'workers' ] }, qq'251b77ce90b265925c1e9fa0b2108f83' => { qq'en' => qq'The following represents the addition of a single paragraph:', qq'ja' => qq'次の例は、段落1つの追加を表します。', qq'tags' => [ qq'edits' ] }, qq'251d2091a4a5ea7c6b6e0edfc1902dfa' => { qq'en' => qq' XLink namespace ', qq'is_pattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq' XLink 名前空間 ', qq'tags' => [ qq'parsing', qq'cell' ] }, qq'2559e1ad576987addabe254d7071ca4f' => { qq'en' => qq'The element is not directly affected.', qq'ja' => qq'要素は直接影響されません。', qq'tags' => [ qq'urls' ] }, qq'25babcd10e4c939275008f8cb24c9a90' => { qq'en' => qq' Text with no line breaks ', qq'isPattern' => undef, qq'ja' => qq'改行無しのテキスト', qq'tags' => [ qq'input', qq'cell' ] }, qq'25e2d85cc7f5d1d93c648433f8dffa46' => { qq'en' => qq'Requirements for interactive user agents', qq'ja' => qq'対話的利用者エージェントに対する要件', qq'tags' => [ qq'interactive' ] }, qq'25ea9b896a865496c94a9143ca2a0595' => { qq'en' => qq'Semantics and structure of HTML documents', qq'ja' => qq'HTML 文書の意味と構造', qq'tags' => [ qq'documents' ] } }, qq'pattern' => {} };