1 |
$VAR1 = { |
2 |
'exact' => { |
3 |
'21172c65d6a28b4d7caab9f07c885d57' => { |
4 |
'en' => 'HTML diff with the last version in Subversion: <a |
5 |
href=index-diff>http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/index-diff</a>', |
6 |
'ja' => "<span lang=en>Subversion</span> \x{4e0a}\x{306e}\x{6700}\x{65b0}\x{7248}\x{3068}\x{306e} <abbr lang=en>HTML</abbr> |
7 |
\x{5dee}\x{5206}: <a |
8 |
href=http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/index-diff>http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/index-diff</a>", |
9 |
'tags' => [ |
10 |
'cover' |
11 |
] |
12 |
}, |
13 |
'212fdaf209a2c90937e8d16cddf1dc31' => { |
14 |
'en' => '<a href=#insert-an-html-element>Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.', |
15 |
'ja' => "\x{5f53}\x{8a72}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{306b}\x{3064}\x{3044}\x{3066} <a href=#insert-an-html-element>HTML |
16 |
\x{8981}\x{7d20}\x{3092}\x{633f}\x{5165}</a>\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
17 |
'tags' => [ |
18 |
'parsing' |
19 |
] |
20 |
}, |
21 |
'21318529ecd34cccff738f9ee638e569' => { |
22 |
'en' => 'The second argument, <var title="">target</var>, specifies the |
23 |
<a href=#browsing-context-name title="browsing context name">name</a> of the browsing |
24 |
context that is to be navigated. It must be a <a href=#valid-browsing-context-name-or-keyword>valid browsing |
25 |
context name or keyword</a>. If fewer than two arguments are |
26 |
provided, then the <var title="">name</var> argument defaults to the |
27 |
value "<code>_blank</code>".', |
28 |
'ja' => "2\x{3064}\x{76ee}\x{306e}\x{5f15}\x{6570} <var title=\"\">target</var> \x{306f}\x{3001}\x{30ca}\x{30d3}\x{30b2}\x{30fc}\x{30b7}\x{30e7}\x{30f3}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{95b2}\x{89a7}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{306e}<a href=#browsing-context-name title=\"browsing context name\">\x{540d}\x{524d}</a>\x{3092}\x{6307}\x{5b9a}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
29 |
\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{306f}<a href=#valid-browsing-context-name-or-keyword>\x{59a5}\x{5f53}\x{306a}\x{95b2}\x{89a7}\x{6587}\x{8108}\x{540d}\x{304b}\x{30ad}\x{30fc}\x{30ef}\x{30fc}\x{30c9}</a>\x{3067}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002} |
30 |
\x{5f15}\x{6570}\x{304c}2\x{3064}\x{672a}\x{6e80}\x{306e}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001} <var title=\"\">name</var> \x{5f15}\x{6570}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{65e2}\x{5b9a}\x{5024}\x{306e}\x{300c}<code>_blank</code>\x{300d} |
31 |
\x{304c}\x{7528}\x{3044}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
32 |
'tags' => [ |
33 |
'browsers' |
34 |
] |
35 |
}, |
36 |
'21411fc6c493dc0d1c62bb456a7fefc8' => { |
37 |
'en' => 'This section describes various features that allow authors to |
38 |
enable users to edit documents and parts of documents |
39 |
interactively.', |
40 |
'isPattern' => undef, |
41 |
'ja' => "\x{3053}\x{306e}\x{7ae0}\x{3067}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{8457}\x{8005}\x{304c}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{3084}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{306e}\x{4e00}\x{90e8}\x{3092}\x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{304c}\x{5bfe}\x{8a71}\x{7684}\x{306b}\x{7de8}\x{96c6}\x{3055}\x{305b}\x{3089}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3088}\x{3046}\x{306b}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{305f}\x{3081}\x{306e}\x{69d8}\x{3005}\x{306a}\x{6a5f}\x{80fd}\x{3092}\x{8aac}\x{660e}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
42 |
", |
43 |
'tags' => [ |
44 |
'interaction' |
45 |
] |
46 |
}, |
47 |
'214d6e71736a2d433b4c066e32262ac9' => { |
48 |
'en' => 'If <var title="">port</var> would have been garbage collected, or if |
49 |
the <span>active document</span> of the <code |
50 |
title=dom-MessagePort-ownerWindow>ownerWindow</code> of <var |
51 |
title="">port</var> is no longer the same <code>Document</code> object |
52 |
as when <var title="">port</var> was created, then do nothing. Abort |
53 |
these steps. If the worker was just created, it\'ll get killed |
54 |
immediately.', |
55 |
'ja' => "<var title=\"\">port</var> \x{304c}\x{3054}\x{307f}\x{53ce}\x{96c6}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{3044}\x{306f} <var |
56 |
title=\"\">port</var> \x{306e} <code |
57 |
title=dom-MessagePort-ownerWindow>ownerWindow</code> \x{306e}\x{6d3b}\x{6027}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{304c}\x{65e2}\x{306b} |
58 |
<var title=\"\">port</var> \x{304c}\x{4f5c}\x{6210}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{6642}\x{3068}\x{540c}\x{3058} <code>Document</code> |
59 |
\x{30aa}\x{30d6}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30af}\x{30c8}\x{3067}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{4f55}\x{3082}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}\x{3002}\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{3089}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{3092}\x{505c}\x{6b62}\x{3057}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} |
60 |
\x{52b4}\x{50cd}\x{8005}\x{304c}\x{4e01}\x{5ea6}\x{4f5c}\x{6210}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{305f}\x{3070}\x{304b}\x{308a}\x{306e}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306b}\x{306f}\x{3001}\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{306f}\x{3059}\x{3050}\x{306b}\x{6bba}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{306b}\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
61 |
'tags' => [ |
62 |
'workers' |
63 |
] |
64 |
}, |
65 |
'216c1533e32c51132db65eaf1f1c3af5' => { |
66 |
'en' => 'Every XML and HTML document in an HTML UA is represented by a |
67 |
<code>Document</code> object. <a href=#refsDOM3CORE>[DOM3CORE]</a>', |
68 |
'ja' => "HTML \x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{30a8}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30f3}\x{30c8}\x{306b}\x{304a}\x{3051}\x{308b}\x{3059}\x{3079}\x{3066}\x{306e} XML \x{3084} HTML \x{306e}\x{6587}\x{66f8}\x{306f} |
69 |
<code>Document</code> \x{30aa}\x{30d6}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30af}\x{30c8}\x{306b}\x{3088}\x{308a}\x{8868}\x{73fe}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002} <a href=#refsDOM3CORE>[DOM3CORE]</a>", |
70 |
'tags' => [ |
71 |
'documents' |
72 |
] |
73 |
}, |
74 |
'216dee088449fef485a489ea8a7432f4' => { |
75 |
'en' => 'The global scope is the "inside" of a worker. |
76 |
77 |
', |
78 |
'ja' => "\x{5927}\x{57df}\x{4f5c}\x{7528}\x{57df}\x{306f}\x{52b4}\x{50cd}\x{8005}\x{306e}\x{300c}\x{5185}\x{5074}\x{300d}\x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
79 |
'tags' => [] |
80 |
}, |
81 |
'2173e2c152ff40fea5e56c016ad9396b' => { |
82 |
'en' => '<a href=#infrastructure>Common Infrastructure</a>', |
83 |
'ja' => "<a href=#infrastructure>\x{5171}\x{901a}\x{57fa}\x{76e4}</a>", |
84 |
'tags' => [ |
85 |
'intro' |
86 |
] |
87 |
}, |
88 |
'2188b3cb271c9716082e4d9d6af92822' => { |
89 |
'en' => 'To <dfn id=parse-a-utc-date-and-time-string>parse a URL</dfn> <var title="">url</var> into its |
90 |
component parts, the user agent must use the following steps:', |
91 |
'ja' => "\x{5229}\x{7528}\x{8005}\x{30a8}\x{30fc}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30f3}\x{30c8}\x{306f}\x{3001} <var title=\"\">url</var> \x{3068}\x{3044}\x{3046} |
92 |
<dfn id=parse-a-utc-date-and-time-string>URL \x{3092}\x{69cb}\x{6587}\x{89e3}\x{6790}</dfn>\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{5404}\x{90e8}\x{54c1}\x{90e8}\x{5206}\x{306b}\x{5206}\x{3051}\x{308b}\x{969b}\x{306b}\x{3001} |
93 |
\x{6b21}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{3092}\x{4f7f}\x{308f}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", |
94 |
'tags' => [ |
95 |
'urls' |
96 |
] |
97 |
}, |
98 |
'218dd8c09bc30eaec9b636ec67c8ee05' => { |
99 |
'en' => 'If the resource\'s <var title="">official type</var> is |
100 |
"image/svg+xml", then the sniffed type of the resource is its <var title="">official type</var> (an XML type).', |
101 |
'ja' => "\x{8cc7}\x{6e90}\x{306e} <var title=\"\">official type</var> \x{304c} |
102 |
\x{300c}image/svg+xml\x{300d}\x{306e}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{3001}\x{8cc7}\x{6e90}\x{306e}\x{63a2}\x{77e5}\x{578b}\x{306f}\x{305d}\x{306e} |
103 |
<var title=\"\">official type</var> (XML \x{578b}) \x{3067}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
104 |
'tags' => [ |
105 |
'common' |
106 |
] |
107 |
}, |
108 |
'21b9bc99f3977074c6894ed0526249fe' => { |
109 |
'en' => 'There is only one set of state for the |
110 |
tokeniser stage and the tree construction stage, but the tree |
111 |
construction stage is reentrant, meaning that while the tree |
112 |
construction stage is handling one token, the tokeniser might be |
113 |
resumed, causing further tokens to be emitted and processed before |
114 |
the first token\'s processing is complete.', |
115 |
'ja' => "\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{5316}\x{5668}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{3068}\x{6728}\x{69cb}\x{7bc9}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{306e}\x{72b6}\x{614b}\x{306f}\x{4e00}\x{63c3}\x{3044}\x{3057}\x{304b}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}\x{304c}\x{3001} |
116 |
\x{6728}\x{69cb}\x{7bc9}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{306f}\x{518d}\x{5165}\x{53ef}\x{80fd}\x{3067}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{3001}\x{6728}\x{69cb}\x{7bc9}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{304c}\x{3042}\x{308b}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{3092}\x{51e6}\x{7406}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b}\x{9593}\x{306b}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{5316}\x{5668}\x{304c}\x{518d}\x{958b}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{66f4}\x{306b}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{3092}\x{653e}\x{51fa}\x{3057}\x{3001} |
117 |
\x{6700}\x{521d}\x{306e}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{306e}\x{51e6}\x{7406}\x{304c}\x{5b8c}\x{4e86}\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{524d}\x{306b}\x{65b0}\x{3057}\x{3044}\x{5b57}\x{53e5}\x{304c}\x{51e6}\x{7406}\x{3055}\x{308c}\x{308b}\x{3053}\x{3068}\x{304c}\x{3042}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
118 |
'tags' => undef |
119 |
}, |
120 |
'21f61db77bd7737ec75479b63c227a24' => { |
121 |
'en' => ' The <dfn id=dom-htmlcollection-item title=dom-HTMLCollection-item><code>item(<var |
122 |
title="">index</var>)</code></dfn> method must return the <var |
123 |
title="">index</var>th node in the collection. If there is no <var |
124 |
title="">index</var>th node in the collection, then the method must return |
125 |
null.', |
126 |
'ja' => "<dfn id=dom-htmlcollection-item title=dom-HTMLCollection-item><code>item(<var |
127 |
title=\"\">index</var>)</code></dfn> \x{30e1}\x{30bd}\x{30c3}\x{30c9}\x{306f}\x{96c6}\x{6210}\x{4e2d}\x{306e} <var |
128 |
title=\"\">index</var> \x{756a}\x{76ee}\x{306e}\x{7bc0}\x{70b9}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002} |
129 |
\x{96c6}\x{6210}\x{4e2d}\x{306e} <var |
130 |
title=\"\">index</var> \x{756a}\x{76ee}\x{306e}\x{7bc0}\x{70b9}\x{304c}\x{5b58}\x{5728}\x{3057}\x{306a}\x{3044}\x{5834}\x{5408}\x{306f}\x{3001} |
131 |
\x{30e1}\x{30bd}\x{30c3}\x{30c9}\x{306f} null \x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}\x{3002}", |
132 |
'tags' => [ |
133 |
'apis' |
134 |
] |
135 |
}, |
136 |
'6724ed6f5d27f391052a9cd7b6cfa943' => {}, |
137 |
'6746ae7821139d79deeb7bea1d752b6e' => {}, |
138 |
'6771719934fba779694a936bd0ad7890' => {}, |
139 |
'db1a31469915e722db5f6e6aaa60e80a' => {} |
140 |
}, |
141 |
'pattern' => { |
142 |
'21c417e6cc5c8d190f8d70842a06ee9b' => { |
143 |
'en' => '\\<span\\ class\\=secno\\>(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Plugins', |
144 |
'ja' => "<span class=secno>\$1 </span>\x{30d7}\x{30e9}\x{30b0}\x{30a4}\x{30f3}", |
145 |
'tags' => undef |
146 |
}, |
147 |
'21ca0e43d9c6f0e6c9b6107d738cdca0' => { |
148 |
'en' => ' If <var title="">position</var> is not past the end of <var |
149 |
title="">input</var>, return to the top of step * in the overall |
150 |
algorithm (that\'s the step within which these substeps find |
151 |
themselves).', |
152 |
'ja' => "<var title=\"\">position</var> \x{304c} <var |
153 |
title=\"\">input</var> \x{306e}\x{7d42}\x{308f}\x{308a}\x{3092}\x{904e}\x{304e}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}\x{3001} |
154 |
\x{7b97}\x{6cd5}\x{5168}\x{4f53}\x{306e}\x{6bb5}\x{968e} \$1 (\x{3053}\x{308c}\x{3089}\x{306e}\x{90e8}\x{5206}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}\x{81ea}\x{4f53}\x{304c}\x{542b}\x{307e}\x{308c}\x{3066}\x{3044}\x{308b}\x{6bb5}\x{968e}) \x{306e}\x{5148}\x{982d}\x{306b}\x{8fd4}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", |
155 |
'tags' => [ |
156 |
'microsyntaxes' |
157 |
] |
158 |
}, |
159 |
'67924d94e328c128b640d117735288fe' => {} |
160 |
} |
161 |
}; |