$VAR1 = { 'exact' => { '0407c27180c9b019e644e8ad4c6a9324' => { 'en' => 'Acknowledgements', 'ja' => "\x{8b1d}\x{8f9e}", 'tags' => [ 'appendices' ] }, '040b7f8ce2c6800a961165ff0163e358' => { 'en' => 'Switch the insertion mode to "in head".', 'ja' => "\x{633f}\x{5165}\x{30e2}\x{30fc}\x{30c9}\x{3092} \"in head\" \x{306b}\x{5207}\x{308a}\x{66ff}\x{3048}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", 'tags' => [ 'parsing' ] }, '045d3da271f23c944c6a834ce20959e4' => { 'en' => 'The window, frames, and self DOM attributes must all return the Window object itself.', 'ja' => "DOM \x{5c5e}\x{6027} window\x{3001} frames\x{3001} self \x{306f}\x{3059}\x{3079}\x{3066} Window \x{30aa}\x{30d6}\x{30b8}\x{30a7}\x{30af}\x{30c8}\x{81ea}\x{4f53}\x{3092}\x{8fd4}\x{3055}\x{306a}\x{3051}\x{308c}\x{3070}[[MUST:\x{306a}\x{308a}\x{307e}\x{305b}\x{3093}]]\x{3002}", 'tags' => [ 'browsers' ] }, '045faa2abbd7a6753f2b3d4c270ee25a' => { 'en' => 'Other link types', 'ja' => "\x{305d}\x{306e}\x{4ed6}\x{306e}\x{30ea}\x{30f3}\x{30af}\x{578b}", 'tags' => [] }, '0462c54488bf595d82f701c939320792' => { 'en' => 'Text next to the buttons', 'isPattern' => undef, 'ja' => "\x{30dc}\x{30bf}\x{30f3}\x{306e}\x{6a2a}\x{306e}\x{6587}\x{5b57}\x{5217}", 'tags' => [ 'notes', 'dt' ] }, '047476799040ed3c8f2b583408be732a' => { 'en' => 'Associate the inside port with worker global scope. ', 'ja' => "inside port \x{3092} worker global scope \x{306b}\x{95a2}\x{9023}\x{4ed8}\x{3051}\x{307e}\x{3059}\x{3002}", 'tags' => [ 'workers' ] }, '04d74caeff92853500ff4ef6edeb0253' => { 'en' => 'Relationship to Web Forms 2.0 and XForms', 'ja' => "Web Forms 2.0 \x{3084} XForms \x{3068}\x{306e}\x{95a2}\x{4fc2}", 'tags' => [ 'intro' ] }, '04e06a4b7ac1970c2cd39dac5b4a1a1a' => { 'en' => 'Unicode character', 'ja' => "Unicode \x{6587}\x{5b57}", 'tags' => undef }, '1f1ed0556daeb9905eff82605b375a25' => {}, 'e681790bb5ce7fb2cb50443501f77840' => {}, 'e6b2d5ddb8014dd4d5fdb64f1a3059b9' => {} }, 'pattern' => { '041fa2fa81574047ed515c87ee394711' => { 'en' => '\\(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>\\Building\\ menus\\ and\\ tool\\ bars\\<\\/dfn\\>', 'ja' => "\$1 \x{30e1}\x{30cb}\x{30e5}\x{30fc}\x{3068}\x{30c4}\x{30fc}\x{30eb}\x{30d0}\x{30fc}\x{306e}\x{69cb}\x{7bc9}", 'tags' => [ 'menu' ] }, '0457808686b3b12563315035410292ff' => { 'en' => '\\(.+)\\ \\<\\/span\\>Elements', 'ja' => "\$1 \x{8981}\x{7d20}", 'tags' => [ 'syntax' ] }, 'e6376ded33625db464568e125a9e2269' => {} } };