
Contents of /doc/rfc-ja/rfc2606-ja.rfcja

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun May 12 04:31:40 2002 UTC (22 years ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
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*** empty log message ***

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-2022-jp"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY rfc.number "2606">
4 <!ENTITY ja.access "$B@\B3(B">
5 <!ENTITY ja.global "$B9-0h(B">
6 <!ENTITY ja.local "$B6ICOE*(B">
7 <!ENTITY ja.online " online ">
8 <!ENTITY ja.domain.domain-name-system "$B%I%a%$%sL>7OE}(B">
9 <!ENTITY ja.domain.localhost "$B6ICO%[%9%H(B">
10 <!ENTITY ja.domain.record " record ">
11 <!ENTITY ja.domain.root "$B:,(B">
12 <!ENTITY ja.domain.zone "$BNN0h(B">
13 <!ENTITY ja.inet.iana " Internet $B3dEvHV9f;vL36I(B">
14 <!ENTITY ja.ip.loopback " loop back ">
15 <!ENTITY ja.software.release "$BH/I[(B">
16 ]>
17 <?rfc symrefs="yes"?>
18 <rfc number="&rfc.number;" category="bcp" seriesNo="32"
19 xmlns:myns="mailto:julian.reschke@greenbytes.de?subject=rcf2629.xslt"
20 xmlns:ja="http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/lang/rfc/translation/"
21 xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
22 <front>
23 <title>Reserved Top Level DNS Names</title>
24 <ja:title xml:lang="ja">$B:G>e0L(B DNS $BL>$NM=Ls(B</ja:title>
25 <author initials="D." surname="Eastlake" fullname="Donald E. Eastlake 3rd">
26 <organization>IBM</organization>
27 <address>
28 <postal>
29 <street>65 Shindegan Hill Road</street>
30 <street>RR #1</street>
31 <city>Carmel</city> <region>NY</region>
32 <code>10512</code>
33 <country ja:show="no">US</country>
34 </postal>
35 <phone ja:text="+1 914-276-1668(h)">+1 914 276 1668</phone>
36 <phone ja:text="+1 914-784-7913(w)">+1 914 784 7913</phone>
37 <facsimile ja:text="+1 914-784-3833(3)">+1 914 784 3833</facsimile>
38 <email>dee3@us.ibm.com</email>
39 </address>
40 </author>
41 <author initials="A." surname="Panitz" fullname="Aliza R. Panitz">
42 <address>
43 <postal>
44 <street>500 Stamford Dr. No. 310</street>
45 <city>Newark</city> <region>DE</region> <code>19711</code>
46 <country ja:text="USA">US</country>
47 </postal>
48 <phone ja:text="+1 302-738-1554">+1 302 738 1554</phone>
49 <email>buglady@fuschia.net</email>
50 </address>
51 </author>
52 <date month="June" year="1999" />
53 <abstract>
54 <t>
55 <ja:pair>
56 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
57 To reduce the likelihood of conflict and confusion, a few top
58 level domain names are reserved for use in private testing, as
59 examples in documentation, and the like. In addition, a few
60 second level domain names reserved for use as examples are
61 documented.
62 </ja:l>
63 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
64 $B>WFM!&:.Mp$N2DG=@-$r8:$i$9$?$a!"4v$D$+$N:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$r;dE*3NG'(B,
65 $BJ8=qCf$G$NNc<($J$I$G;H$&$?$a$KM=Ls$7$^$9!#2C$($F!"Nc<($K;H$&$?$a$KM=Ls$5$l$F$$$k4v$D$+$NBhFs0L%I%a%$%sL>$rJ8=q2=$7$^$9!#(B
66 </ja:l>
67 </ja:pair>
68 </t>
69 </abstract>
70 </front>
71 <ja:front>
72 <author fullname="$B$o$+$P(B" ja:id="wakaba">
73 <address>
74 <email>w@suika.fam.cx</email>
75 <uri>http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/</uri>
76 </address>
77 </author>
78 <ja:change>
79 <ja:item year="2002" month="05" day="11"><author ja:ref="wakaba" />
80 <t>$BF|K\8l$KK]Lu!#(B</t>
81 </ja:item>
82 <ja:item year="2002" month="05" day="12"><author ja:ref="wakaba" />
83 <t><ja:link type="rfc" number="2629" /> $B$G%^!<%/IU$1!#(B</t>
84 </ja:item>
85 </ja:change><!-- $Date: 2002/05/09 09:52:35 $ -->
86 </ja:front>
87 <middle>
89 <ja:insert section="toc" />
90 <section title="Introduction">
92 <t>
93 <ja:pair>
94 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
95 The global Internet Domain Name System is documented in
96 <xref target="RFC1034" />, <xref target="RFC1035" />,
97 <xref target="RFC1591" />
98 and numerous additional Requests for Comment. It defines
99 a tree of names starting with root, ".", immediately below which are
100 top level domain names such as <h:samp>.com</h:samp>
101 and <h:samp>.us</h:samp>. Below top level
102 domain names there are normally additional levels of names.
103 </ja:l>
104 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
105 &ja.global; Internet &ja.domain.domain-name-system;$B$O(B
106 <xref target="RFC1034" />, <xref target="RFC1035" />,
107 <xref target="RFC1591" /> $B$H?t$"$kDI2C$N(B
108 Requests for Comment $B$GJ8=q2=$5$l$F$$$^$9!#$3$l$O(B&ja.domain.root;,
109 "." $B$G;O$^$j!"??2<$K(B <h:samp>.com</h:samp>, <h:samp>.us</h:samp>
110 $B$N$h$&$J:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$,Mh$kLZ$rDj5A$9$k$b$N$G$9!#:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$N2<$K$ODL>o!"DI2C$N3,0L$NL>A0$,Mh$^$9!#(B
111 </ja:l>
112 </ja:pair>
113 </t>
114 </section>
116 <section title="TLDs for Testing, &amp; Documentation Examples"
117 ja:title-ja="$B<B83!&Nc<(MQ$N(B TLD">
119 <t>
120 <ja:pair>
121 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
122 There is a need for top level domain (TLD) names that can be used for
123 creating names which, without fear of conflicts with current or
124 future actual TLD names in the global DNS, can be used for private
125 testing of existing DNS related code, examples in documentation, DNS
126 related experimentation, invalid DNS names, or other similar uses.
127 </ja:l>
128 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
129 $B8=:_$d>-Mh$N(B&ja.global; DNS $B<B:]$N(B TLD $BL>$H$N>WFM$N6sL5$7$K!"4{B8$N(B
130 DNS $B4XO"%3!<%I$N;dE*$J<B83$dJ8=qFb$G$NNc<((B, DNS $B4XO"<B83(B,
131 $BIT@5$J(B DNS $BL>(B, $B$=$NB>F1MM$J$3$H$K;H$&$3$H$,=PMh$k:G>e0L%I%a%$%s(B
132 (TLD) $BL>$,I,MW$G$9!#(B
133 </ja:l>
134 </ja:pair>
135 </t>
137 <t>
138 <ja:pair>
139 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
140 For example, without guidance, a site might set up some local
141 additional unused top level domains for testing of its local DNS code
142 and configuration. Later, these TLDs might come into actual use on
143 the global Internet. As a result, local attempts to reference the
144 real data in these zones could be thwarted by the local test
145 versions. Or test or example code might be written that accesses a
146 TLD that is in use with the thought that the test code would only be
147 run in a restricted testbed net or the example never actually run.
148 Later, the test code could escape from the testbed or the example be
149 actually coded and run on the Internet. Depending on the nature of
150 the test or example, it might be best for it to be referencing a TLD
151 permanently reserved for such purposes.
152 </ja:l>
153 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
154 $BNc$($P!"<j0z$-$,L5$$$H!"$I$3$+$N%5%$%H$,(B&ja.local;$B$GDI2C$NL$;HMQ$J:G>e0L%I%a%$%s$r(B&ja.local;
155 DNS $B%3!<%I$d@_Dj$N3NG'$N$?$a$K@_Dj$9$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#8e$G!"(B
156 $B$3$N(B TLD $B$,(B&ja.global; Internet
157 $B$G<B:]$K;H$o$l$k$3$H$K$J$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#7k2L$H$7$F!"(B&ja.local;$B$K$F$3$N(B&ja.domain.zone;$B$N<B:]$N%G!<%?$r;2>H$7$h$&$H$9$k$H!"(B&ja.local;$B$J3NG'HG$N$?$a$K>e<j$/$$$+$J$$$3$H$G$7$g$&!#$"$k$$$O!"@)8B$5$l$?<B83BfLV$G$N$_F0$+$5$l$k$+(B,
158 $B<B:]$KF0$+$5$l$k$3$H$NL5$$Nc<($H9M$($F;H$C$F$$$k(B
159 TLD $B$K(B&ja.access;$B$9$k!"3NG'$dNc<($N%3!<%I$,=q$+$l$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#8e$G!"3NG'%3!<%I$,<B83Bf$+$iO3$l$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s$7!"Nc<($,<B:]$K%3!<%I2=$5$l$F(B
160 Internet $B$GF0$+$5$l$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#3NG'$dNc<($N@-<A$r4U$_$k$H!"$3$l$i$NL\E*$K1J5W$KM=Ls$7$?(B
161 TLD $B$r;2>H$9$k$N$,:GA1$N:v$G$7$g$&!#(B
162 </ja:l>
163 </ja:pair>
164 </t>
166 <t>
167 <ja:pair>
168 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
169 To safely satisfy these needs, four domain names are reserved as
170 listed and described below.
171 </ja:l>
172 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
173 $B$3$N<{MW$r0BA4$KK~$?$9$?$a$K!"2<$K5s$2$F@bL@$9$k(B4$B$D$N%I%a%$%sL>$rM=Ls$7$^$9!#(B
174 </ja:l>
175 </ja:pair>
177 <list style="empty">
178 <t><xref target="tld.test">.test</xref></t>
179 <t><xref target="tld.example">.example</xref></t>
180 <t><xref target="tld.invalid">.invalid</xref></t>
181 <t><xref target="tld.localhost">.localhost</xref></t>
182 </list>
184 <list style="empty">
185 <t ja:anchor="tld.test">
186 <ja:pair>
187 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
188 ".test" is recommended for use in testing of current or new DNS
189 related code.
190 </ja:l>
191 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
192 $B!V(B.test$B!W(B($B3NG'(B)
193 $B$O8=9T$^$?$O?75,$N(B DNS $B4XO"%3!<%I$N3NG'$K;H$&$3$H$r?d>)$7$^$9!#(B
194 </ja:l>
195 </ja:pair>
196 </t>
198 <t ja:anchor="tld.example">
199 <ja:pair>
200 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
201 ".example" is recommended for use in documentation or
202 as examples.
203 </ja:l>
204 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
205 $B!V(B.example$B!W(B ($BNc(B) $B$OJ8=q$dNc$NCf$G;H$&$3$H$r?d>)$7$^$9!#(B
206 </ja:l>
207 </ja:pair>
208 </t>
210 <t ja:anchor="tld.invalid">
211 <ja:pair>
212 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
213 ".invalid" is intended for use in online construction of
214 domain names that are sure to be invalid and which it is
215 obvious at a glance are invalid.
216 </ja:l>
217 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
218 $B!V(B.invalid$B!W(B ($BIT@5(B)
219 $B$OIT@5$G$"$k$N$,3N<B$G!"0lL\$GIT@5$G$"$k$H3NG'=PMh$k%I%a%$%sL>$N(B&ja.online;$B9=B$$K;H$&$3$H$r0U?^$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
220 </ja:l>
221 </ja:pair>
222 </t>
224 <t ja:anchor="tld.localhost">
225 <ja:pair>
226 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
227 The ".localhost" TLD has traditionally been statically
228 defined in host DNS implementations as having an A record
229 pointing to the loop back IP address and is reserved for
230 such use. Any other use would conflict with widely
231 deployed code which assumes this use.
232 </ja:l>
233 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
234 $B!V(B.localhost$B!W(B (&ja.domain.localhost;) TLD $B$OEAE}E*$K%[%9%H(B
235 DNS $B<BAu$G(B&ja.ip.loopback; IP address $B$r;X$9(B A
236 &ja.domain.record;$B$r;}$D$H8GDjE*$KDj5A$5$l$F$$$k$N$G!"$3$NMQES$KM=Ls$7$^$9!#B>$NL\E*$K;H$&$H!"$3$l$r2>Dj$7$F$$$k!"9-$/;H$o$l$F$$$k%3!<%I$H>WFM$9$k$G$7$g$&!#(B
237 </ja:l>
238 </ja:pair>
239 </t>
240 </list>
241 </t>
242 </section>
244 <section title="Reserved Example Second Level Domain Names"
245 ja:title-ja="$BM=LsNc<(BhFs0L%I%a%$%sL>(B">
247 <t>
248 <ja:pair>
249 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
250 The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) also currently has the
251 following second level domain names reserved which can be used as
252 examples.
253 </ja:l>
254 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
255 <eref target="http://www.iana.org/">&ja.inet.iana; (IANA)</eref>
256 $B$O8=:_<!$NBhFs0L%I%a%$%sL>$bNc<($K;H$($k$h$&$KM=Ls$7$F$$$^$9!#(B
257 </ja:l>
258 </ja:pair>
260 <list style="empty">
261 <t>example.com</t>
262 <t>example.net</t>
263 <t>example.org</t>
264 </list>
265 </t>
266 <ja:note>example.edu $B$b(B IANA $B$,M=Ls$7$F$$$k$h$&$G$9!#(B</ja:note>
267 </section>
269 <section title="IANA Considerations">
270 <t>
271 <ja:pair>
272 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
273 IANA has agreed to the four top level domain name reservations
274 specified in this document and will reserve them for the uses
275 indicated.
276 </ja:l>
277 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
278 IANA $B$O$3$NJ8=q$G@bL@$7$F$$$k(B4$B$D$N:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$rM=Ls$9$k$N$KF10U$7!"$3$l$r;XDj$5$l$?MQES$KM=Ls$7$^$9!#(B
279 </ja:l>
280 </ja:pair>
281 </t>
282 </section>
284 <section title="Security Considerations">
286 <t>
287 <ja:pair>
288 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
289 Confusion and conflict can be caused by the use of a current or
290 future top level domain name in experimentation or testing, as an
291 example in documentation, to indicate invalid names, or as a synonym
292 for the loop back address. Test and experimental software can escape
293 and end up being run against the global operational DNS. Even
294 examples used $B!H(Bonly$B!I(B in documentation can end up being coded and
295 released or cause conflicts due to later real use and the possible
296 acquisition of intellectual property rights in such $B!H(Bexample$B!I(B names.
297 </ja:l>
298 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
299 $B8=:_$^$?$O>-Mh$N:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$r<B83$d3NG'(B,
300 $BJ8=qCf$G$NNc<($dIT@5L>$r<($9$N$d(B&ja.ip.loopback;
301 address $B$NN`5A8l$K;H$&$3$H$G:.Mp$H>WFM$,5/$3$jF@$^$9!#3NG'!&<B83E*%=%U%H%&%'%"$O(B&ja.global;
302 DNS $B$rHr$1$FF0$+$9$3$H$,=PMh$^$9!#J8=qFb!V$N$_!W$K;H$o$l$kNc<($G$b!"%3!<%I2=$5$l$F(B&ja.software.release;$B$5$l$?$j!"8e$N<B:]$N;HMQ$d!VNc<(!WL>$NCNE*=jM-8"$N<hF@$K$h$k>WFM$,5/$3$jF@$^$9!#(B
303 </ja:l>
304 </ja:pair>
305 </t>
307 <t>
308 <ja:pair>
309 <ja:l xml:lang="en">
310 The reservation of several top level domain names for these purposes
311 will minimize such confusion and conflict.
312 </ja:l>
313 <ja:l xml:lang="ja">
314 $B?t8D$N:G>e%I%a%$%sL>$r$3$l$i$NL\E*$KM=Ls$9$k$3$H$G!":.Mp$H>WFM$r:G>.8B$KM^$($k$3$H$,$G$-$k$G$7$g$&!#(B
315 </ja:l>
316 </ja:pair>
317 </t>
318 </section>
320 </middle>
322 <back>
323 <references>
324 <reference anchor="RFC1034" ja:text="RFC 1034"
325 ja:target-ja="http://selene.ok.mei.titech.ac.jp/docs/studies/rfc1034jp.txt">
326 <front>
327 <title abbrev="Domain Concepts and Facilities">Domain Names $B!=(B Concepts and Facilities</title>
328 <ja:title xml:lang="ja">$B%I%a%$%sL>!=35G0$H5!G=(B</ja:title>
329 <author initials="P." surname="Mockapetris" fullname="P. Mockapetris">
330 <organization abbrev="ISI">Information Sciences Institute (ISI)</organization>
331 </author>
332 <date month="November" year="1987" />
333 </front>
334 <seriesInfo name="STD" value="13" />
335 <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1034" />
336 </reference>
337 <reference anchor="RFC1035" ja:text="RFC 1035">
338 <front>
339 <title abbrev="Domain Implementation and Specification">Domain Names $B!=(B Implementation and Specification</title>
340 <ja:title xml:lang="ja">$B%I%a%$%sL>!=<BAu$H;EMM(B</ja:title>
341 <author initials="P." surname="Mockapetris" fullname="P. Mockapetris">
342 <organization abbrev="ISI">USC/ISI</organization>
343 </author>
344 <date month="November" year="1987" />
345 </front>
346 <seriesInfo name="STD" value="13" />
347 <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1035" />
348 </reference>
349 <reference anchor="RFC1591" ja:text="RFC 1591">
350 <front>
351 <title>Domain Name System Structure and Delegation</title>
352 <ja:title xml:lang="ja">$B%I%a%$%sL>(B&ja.domain.domain-name-system;$B9=B$$H0QG$(B</ja:title>
353 <author initials="J." surname="Postel" fullname="Jon Postel" />
354 <date month="March" year="1994" />
355 </front>
356 <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1591" />
357 </reference>
358 </references>
359 </back>
360 <ja:back>
361 <section title="$B;29M(B">
362 <section title="$BEPO?Jm(B">
363 <list style="symbols">
364 <t>IANA
365 <eref target="http://www.iana.org/domain-names.htm" xml:lang="en">Domain Name Services</eref>
366 $B$N:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$N9`$K$O!"(B2002$BG/(B5$B7n8=:_$3$l$i$N:G>e0L%I%a%$%sL>$K$D$$$F$N>pJs$O$"$j$^$;$s!&!&!&!#(B</t>
367 <t>IANA $B$,M=Ls$7$F$$$k$3$H$r<($9EPO?Jm$N$h$&$J$b$N$O8+Ev$j$^$;$s!#(B
368 (whois $B$G$b=P$F$-$^$;$s$7(B...)</t>
369 <t>TLD $B!V(B.localdomain$B!W$b(B .localhost
370 $B$H;w$?$h$&$JL\E*$G;H$o$l$F$$$^$9!#(B</t>
371 </list>
372 </section>
373 <section title="$BB>$NK]Lu(B">
374 <t><eref target="http://www.goto.info.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/~horiyuki/rfc/rfc2606j.txt" /> ($B2,660l51$5$sLu(B)</t>
375 </section>
376 </section>
377 </ja:back>
378 </rfc>

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