#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib qw[/home/httpd/html/www/markup/html/whatpm /home/wakaba/work/manakai2/lib]; use CGI::Carp qw[fatalsToBrowser]; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; use Message::CGI::HTTP; my $http = Message::CGI::HTTP->new; ## TODO: _charset_ my @mode = split m#/#, scalar $http->get_meta_variable ('PATH_INFO'), -1; shift @mode if @mode and $mode[0] == ''; ## TODO: decode unreserved characters my $s = $http->get_parameter ('s'); if (length $s > 1000_000) { print STDOUT "Status: 400 Document Too Long\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\nToo long"; exit; } my $char_length = length $s; my %time; my $time1; my $time2; require Message::DOM::DOMImplementation; my $dom = Message::DOM::DOMImplementation->new; # $| = 1; my $doc; my $el; if (@mode == 3 and $mode[0] eq 'html' and ($mode[2] eq 'html' or $mode[2] eq 'test' or $mode[2] eq 'xml')) { print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; require Encode; require Whatpm::HTML; $time1 = time; $s = Encode::decode ('utf-8', $s); $time2 = time; $time{decode} = $time2 - $time1; print STDOUT "#errors\n"; my $onerror = sub { my (%opt) = @_; print STDOUT "$opt{line},$opt{column},$opt{type};$opt{level};$opt{value}\n"; }; $doc = $dom->create_document; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); $time1 = time; if (length $mode[1]) { $el = $doc->create_element_ns ('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', [undef, $mode[1]]); Whatpm::HTML->set_inner_html ($el, $s, $onerror); } else { Whatpm::HTML->parse_string ($s => $doc, $onerror); } $time2 = time; $time{parse} = $time2 - $time1; print "#document\n"; my $out; if ($mode[2] eq 'html') { $time1 = time; $out = \( ($el or $doc)->inner_html ); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_html} = $time2 - $time1; } elsif ($mode[2] eq 'xml') { $doc->manakai_is_html (0); $time1 = time; $out = \( ($el or $doc)->inner_html ); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_xml} = $time2 - $time1; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); } else { # test $time1 = time; $out = test_serialize ($el || $doc); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_test} = $time2 - $time1; } print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $$out); print STDOUT "\n"; } elsif (@mode == 3 and $mode[0] eq 'xhtml' and ($mode[2] eq 'html' or $mode[2] eq 'test' or $mode[2] eq 'xml')) { print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; require Message::DOM::XMLParserTemp; print STDOUT "#errors\n"; my $onerror = sub { my $err = shift; print STDOUT $err->location->line_number, ","; print STDOUT $err->location->column_number, ","; print STDOUT $err->text, "\n"; return 1; }; open my $fh, '<', \$s; my $time1 = time; $doc = Message::DOM::XMLParserTemp->parse_byte_stream ($fh => $dom, $onerror, charset => 'utf-8'); my $time2 = time; $time{parse_xml} = $time2 - $time1; print "#document\n"; my $out; if ($mode[2] eq 'html') { $doc->manakai_is_html (0); $time1 = time; $out = \( $doc->inner_html ); ## TODO: $el case $time2 = time; $time{serialize_html} = $time2 - $time1; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); } elsif ($mode[2] eq 'xml') { $time1 = time; $out = \( $doc->inner_html ); ## TODO: $el case $time2 = time; $time{serialize_xml} = $time2 - $time1; } else { # test $time1 = time; $out = test_serialize ($doc); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_test} = $time2 - $time1; } print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $$out); print STDOUT "\n"; } elsif (@mode == 3 and $mode[0] eq 'h2h' and $mode[1] eq '' and ($mode[2] eq 'html' or $mode[2] eq 'test' or $mode[2] eq 'xml')) { print STDOUT "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"; require Encode; $time1 = time; $s = Encode::decode ('utf-8', $s); $time2 = time; $time{decode} = $time2 - $time1; require Whatpm::H2H; $doc = $dom->create_document; Whatpm::H2H->parse_string ($s => $doc); print "#document\n"; my $out; if ($mode[2] eq 'html') { $doc->manakai_is_html (0); $time1 = time; $out = \( $doc->inner_html ); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_html} = $time2 - $time1; $doc->manakai_is_html (1); } elsif ($mode[2] eq 'xml') { $time1 = time; $out = \( $doc->inner_html ); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_xml} = $time2 - $time1; } else { # test $time1 = time; $out = test_serialize ($doc); $time2 = time; $time{serialize_test} = $time2 - $time1; } print STDOUT Encode::encode ('utf-8', $$out); print STDOUT "\n"; } else { print STDOUT "Status: 404 Not Found\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n404"; exit; } if ($http->get_parameter ('dom5')) { require Whatpm::ContentChecker; my $onerror = sub { my %opt = @_; print STDOUT get_node_path ($opt{node}) . ';' . $opt{type} . "\n"; }; print STDOUT "#domerrors\n"; $time1 = time; if ($el) { Whatpm::ContentChecker->check_element ($el, $onerror); } else { Whatpm::ContentChecker->check_document ($doc, $onerror); } $time2 = time; $time{check} = $time2 - $time1; } print STDOUT "#log\n"; for (qw/decode parse parse_xml serialize_html serialize_xml serialize_test check/) { next unless defined $time{$_}; print STDOUT { decode => 'bytes->chars', parse => 'html5(chars)->dom5', parse_xml => 'xml1(chars)->dom5', serialize_html => 'dom5->html5(char)', serialize_xml => 'dom5->xml1(char)', serialize_test => 'dom5->test(char)', check => 'dom5 check', }->{$_}; print STDOUT "\t", $time{$_}, "s\n"; open my $file, '>>', ".manakai-$_.txt" or die ".manakai-$_.txt: $!"; print $file $char_length, "\t", $time{$_}, "\n"; } exit; sub test_serialize ($) { my $node = shift; my $r = ''; my @node = map { [$_, ''] } @{$node->child_nodes}; while (@node) { my $child = shift @node; my $nt = $child->[0]->node_type; if ($nt == $child->[0]->ELEMENT_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '<' . $child->[0]->tag_name . ">\x0A"; ## ISSUE: case? for my $attr (sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} map { [$_->name, $_->value] } @{$child->[0]->attributes}) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . ' ' . $attr->[0] . '="'; ## ISSUE: case? $r .= $attr->[1] . '"' . "\x0A"; } unshift @node, map { [$_, $child->[1] . ' '] } @{$child->[0]->child_nodes}; } elsif ($nt == $child->[0]->TEXT_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '"' . $child->[0]->data . '"' . "\x0A"; } elsif ($nt == $child->[0]->CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '[0]->data . "]]>\x0A"; } elsif ($nt == $child->[0]->COMMENT_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '\x0A"; } elsif ($nt == $child->[0]->DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '[0]->name . ">\x0A"; } elsif ($nt == $child->[0]->PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . '[0]->target . ' ' . $child->[0]->data . "?>\x0A"; } else { $r .= '| ' . $child->[1] . $child->[0]->node_type . "\x0A"; # error } } return \$r; } # test_serialize sub get_node_path ($) { my $node = shift; my @r; while (defined $node) { my $rs; if ($node->node_type == 1) { $rs = $node->manakai_local_name; $node = $node->parent_node; } elsif ($node->node_type == 2) { $rs = '@' . $node->manakai_local_name; $node = $node->owner_element; } elsif ($node->node_type == 3) { $rs = '"' . $node->data . '"'; $node = $node->parent_node; } elsif ($node->node_type == 9) { $rs = ''; $node = $node->parent_node; } else { $rs = '#' . $node->node_type; $node = $node->parent_node; } unshift @r, $rs; } return join '/', @r; } # get_node_path =head1 AUTHOR Wakaba . =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007 Wakaba This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut ## $Date: 2008/07/18 14:44:17 $