
Contents of /test/html-webhacc/standards.en.html

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Revision 1.15 - (hide annotations) (download) (as text)
Thu Jul 2 22:34:12 2009 UTC (15 years, 3 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.14: +13 -11 lines
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++ ChangeLog	2 Jul 2009 22:33:57 -0000
2009-07-03  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* standards.en.html: Removed tentative definitions that are now
	convered by the HTML5 specification (HTML5 revision 3183).

1 wakaba 1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML>
2     <html lang=en>
3     <head>
4 wakaba 1.14 <title>WebHACC &mdash; Supported Standards</title>
5 wakaba 1.1 <link rel=stylesheet href=cc-style>
6     </head>
7     <body>
9 wakaba 1.14 <h1><a href="cc/"><abbr title="Web Hypertext Application Conformance
10     Checker"><img src="icons/title" alt="WebHACC"></abbr></a></h1>
12     <div class=section id=standards>
13     <h2>Supported Standards</h2>
15     <p>The table below summarizes Web standards supported by WebHACC. See
16     following subsections for more details.
17 wakaba 1.1
18     <table>
19     <thead>
20     <tr><th scope=col>Standard<th scope=col>Version<th scope=col>Note
21     </thead>
22     <tbody>
23     <tr><th scope=row><a href="#html"><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr></a>
24 wakaba 1.11 <td rowspan=2><a href="http://whatwg.org/html5">HTML5 Draft Recommendation</a>
25     <td rowspan=2>Most parts
27     <tr><th><a href="#html">XHTML</a>
29     <tr><th rowspan=2><a href="#atom">Atom</a>
30     <td><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4287">Atom 1.0 <abbr>RFC</abbr></a>
31     <td><!-- Full -->
33     <tr><td><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4685">Atom Threading 1.0 <abbr>RFC</abbr></a>
35 wakaba 1.1 <tr><th scope=row rowspan=2><abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>
36     <td>1.0 Fourth Edition
37     <td>Tentative
38     <tr><td>1.1 Second Edition
39     <td>Tentative
40     <tr><th scope=row rowspan=2><abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>
41     Namespaces
42     <td>1.0 Second Edition
43     <td>Tentative
44     <tr><td>1.1 First Edition
45     <td>Tentative
46 wakaba 1.11
47 wakaba 1.2 <tr>
48 wakaba 1.11 <th rowspan=2><a href="#css"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr></a>
49     <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/">CSS 2.1
50     Candidate Recommendation</a>
51     <td>Most parts
53     <tr>
54     <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-css3-color-20080721/">CSS Color
55     Level 3 <abbr title="Last Call Working Draft">LCWD</abbr></a>
56     <td>Most parts
58 wakaba 1.2 <tr>
59     <th scope=row>Selectors
60     <td>3
61     <td><!-- Full -->
62 wakaba 1.1 </tbody>
63 wakaba 1.11
64     <tbody>
65     <tr><th><a href="#cache-manifest">Cache Manifest</a>
66     <td><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#manifests">HTML5
67     Draft Recommendation</a>
68     <td><!-- Full -->
70     <tr><th><a href="#webidl">WebIDL</a>
71     <td><a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/WebIDL/Overview.html?rev=1.96&amp;content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8">Editor's
72     Draft 1.96</a>
73     <td><!-- Full -->
75 wakaba 1.1 <tbody>
76     <tr><th scope=row><abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>
77     <td>
78     <td>Tentative (no validation)
79     </tbody>
80     </table>
82 wakaba 1.3 <div class=section id=dom>
83 wakaba 1.14 <h3><abbr title="Document Object Model">DOM</abbr></h3>
84 wakaba 1.3
85     <p>The current implementation assumes that there are following
86     requirements:</p>
87     <ul>
88     <li>The document element (or root element) <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em>
89     be allowed to be a root element. <span class=example>For example,
90     an <code>html</code> element in <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>
91     namespace is allowed to be a root element by the HTML5
92     specification.</span></li>
93     </ul>
94     </div>
96 wakaba 1.1 <div class=section id=html>
97 wakaba 1.14 <h3><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr></h3>
98 wakaba 1.1
99 wakaba 1.3 <p>HTML5 is partially implemented.</p>
101 wakaba 1.4 <p>In addition, the current implementation assumes that there are following
102     requirements:</p>
103 wakaba 1.1 <ul>
104 wakaba 1.5 <li>For the attribute not defined in HTML5, the following definitions are
105     applied.
107     <div class="note memo">
108     <p>These definitions are updated version of their original definitions
109 wakaba 1.13 in previous versions of HTML (i.e. HTML 2.x, HTML4, Web Forms 2.0,
110     or early drafts of HTML5).
111 wakaba 1.5 </div>
113     <p>For each row in the table below, if an attribute (i.e. an
114     <code>Attr</code> node) met the following conditions, then the
115     <code>value</code> attribute value of the node <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em>
116     be valid with regard to the constraints shown in the <q>Value</q>
117     cell of the row. The conditions are:
118     <ul>
119     <li>There is an owner element (i.e. the <code>Element</code> node
120     pointed by the <code>ownerElement</code> attribute of the
121     <code>Attr</code> node).
122     <li>The <code>namespaceURI</code> attribute value of the owner element
123     is <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>.
124     <li>The <code>manakaiLocalName</code> attribute value [@@ TODO: ref]
125     of the owner element is equal to the value in the <q>Element</q> cell
126     of the row.
127     <li>The <code>namespaceURI</code> attribute value of the <code>Attr</code>
128     node is <code>null</code>.
129     <li>The <code>manakaiLocalName</code> attribute value of the
130     <code>Attr</code> node is equal to the value in the <q>Attribute</q>
131     cell of the row.
132     </ul>
134     <table>
135     <thead>
136     <tr><th scope=row>Element<th scope=row>Attribute
137     <th scope=row>Value
138     <tbody>
139     <tr><td><code>body</code><td><code>background</code>
140 wakaba 1.13 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
141 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>img</code><td><code>longdesc</code>
142 wakaba 1.13 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
143 wakaba 1.12
144     <tr><td><code>input</code><td><code>accept-charset</code>
145     <td>Same as <code>accept-charset</code> attribute of the
146     <code>form</code> element [HTML5]
148 wakaba 1.13 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in Image Button
149     state)
150     <td><code>usemap</code>
151     <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>usemap</code> [HTML5]
152     <!-- This definition is necessary, since HTML5 definition for usemap=""
153     has changed after <input usemap> is dropped. -->
155 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>classid</code> or <code>codebase</code>
156 wakaba 1.13 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
158     <tr><td><code>head</code><td><code>profile</code>
159 wakaba 1.5 <td>Same as <code>a</code> <code>ping</code> [HTML5]
160 wakaba 1.13 <!-- This definition is necessary, since HTML5 defnition for attributes
161     with URLs has changed after profile="" is dropped. -->
163     <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>archive</code>
164     <td>Same as <code>a</code> <code>ping</code> [HTML5]
166 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>codetype</code>
167     <td>Same as <code>object</code> <code>type</code> [HTML5]
168     <tr><td><code>param</code><td><code>type</code>
169     <td>Same as <code>object</code> <code>type</code> [HTML5]
170 wakaba 1.10 <tr><td><code>address</code>, <code>div</code>, <code>h1</code>,
171     <code>h2</code>, <code>h3</code>, <code>h4</code>, <code>h5</code>,
172     <code>h6</code>, or <code>p</code>
173 wakaba 1.5 <td><code>align</code>
174     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
175 wakaba 1.13
176 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>img</code> or <code>object</code><td><code>align</code>
177     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
178 wakaba 1.13
179     <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in
180     Image Button state)
181     <td><code>align</code>
182     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5], where keywords are: <code>top</code>,
183     <code>middle</code>, <code>bottom</code>, <code>left</code>,
184     <code>right</code><!-- Same as HTML4 Transitional DTD definition. See
185     also comment below. -->
187 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>br</code><td><code>clear</code>
188     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
189     <tr><td><code>param</code><td><code>valuetype</code>
190     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
191     <tr><td><code>pre</code><td><code>width</code>
192     <td>Valid non-negative integer [HTML5]
193     <tr><td><code>ul</code>, <code>ol</code>, <code>dir</code>,
194     <code>menu</code>, or <code>dl</code><td><code>compact</code>
195     <td>Boolean attribute [HTML5]
196 wakaba 1.13
197     <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in Image
198     Button<!-- @@ ref --> state)
199     <td><code>ismap</code>
200     <td>Boolean attribute [HTML5]
202 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>table</code><td><code>frame</code> or <code>rules</code>
203     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
204     <tr><td><code>td</code><td><code>scope</code>
205     <td>Same as <code>scope</code> attribute of the <code>th</code> element
206     [HTML5]
207     <tr><td><code>tbody</code>, <code>thead</code>, <code>tfoot</code>,
208     <code>colgroup</code>, <code>col</code>, <code>tr</code>, <code>td</code>,
209     or <code>th</code><td><code>align</code> or <code>valign</code>
210     <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
211 wakaba 1.13
212 wakaba 1.15 <tr><td><code>form</code>
213     <td rowspan=3><code>replace</code>
214     <td rowspan=3>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
216 wakaba 1.13 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in
217     Image Button<!-- @@ ref --> or Submit Button<!-- @@ ref --> state)
218 wakaba 1.15
219     <tr><td><code>button</code>
220 wakaba 1.13
221 wakaba 1.5 <tr><td><code>link</code><td><code>target</code>
222 wakaba 1.6 <td>Valid browsing context name or keyword [HTML5]
223 wakaba 1.5 <tr id=html-meta-scheme><td><code>meta</code><td><code>schema</code>
224     <td>Any string
225     <!--
226     NOTE: According to HTML4, values for the |scheme| attribute
227     depend on |name| attribute and |profile| of |head|. Otherwise
228     it is "cdata". The only profile with any scheme value defined
229     is <http://dublincore.org/documents/dcq-html/> (and those
230     references that profile; see
231     <http://suika.fam.cx/gate/2005/sw/scheme#anchor-55> for more
232     information).
233     -->
234 wakaba 1.8 <tr id=html-rev><td><code>a</code> or <code>link</code><td><code>rev</code>
235 wakaba 1.5 <td>Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens [HTML5]
236     (where any word is allowed)
237 wakaba 1.8 <tr id=html-table-cellpadding><td rowspan=2><code>table</code>
238     <td><code>cellpadding</code>
239     <td rowspan=2>A non-negative integer [HTML5] or a non-negative integer
240     [HTML5] followed by a <code>%</code> character
241     <tr id=html-table-cellspacing><td><code>cellspacing</code>
242 wakaba 1.9 <tr id=html-a-charset><td><code>a</code>
243     <td rowspan=2><code>charset</code>
244     <td rowspan=2>Same as <code>script</code> <code>charset</code> [HTML5],
245     syntactically
246     <tr id=html-link-charset><td><code>link</code>
247 wakaba 1.15
248     <tr id=html-textarea-pattern><td><code>textarea</code><td><code>pattern</code>
249     <td>Same as <code>input</code> <code>pattern</code>.
251     <tr id=html-form-accept><td><code>form</code><td><code>accept</code>
252     <td>Same as <code>input</code> <code>accept</code>.
254 wakaba 1.5 </table>
255     <li>Any value <em class=rfc2119>MAY</em> be specified to the
256     <code>version</code> attribute of an <code>html</code> element.
257     <li>@@ elements ...
259     <table>
260     <thead>
261     <tr><th scope=row>Element<th scope=row>Content Model
262     <th scope=row>Allowed Context
263     <tbody>
264     <tr><th scope=col><code>center</code>
265     <td colspan=2>Same as <code>div</code> [HTML5]
266     </table>
267 wakaba 1.1 </ul>
268 wakaba 1.13
269     <p>For an <code>input</code> element whose <code>type</code> attribute
270     is <code>add</code>, <code>remove</code>, <code>move-up</code>, or
271     <code>move-down</code> (ASCII case-insensitive<!-- ref -->) [WF2],
272     attributes that is not allowed for an <code>input</code> element whose
273     <code>type</code> attribute is in the Button state<!-- ref --> <em
274     class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be specified.<!-- Whether an attribute is
275     applicable or not is normatively defined in the table in the Appendix
276     B of the Web Forms 2.0 specification. However, there is no clause
277     that states that use of an attribute that is not applied is
278     non-conforming. Note that the <code>template</code> attribute, which
279     is applied to the <code>add</code> attribute according to Web Forms
280     2.0, is defined as a global attribute (with different semantics and
281     syntax) by HTML5 as part of the data template feature. -->
283     <p>The <code>inputmode</code> attribute applies to an
284     <code>input</code> element in Text, E-mail, URL, or Password<!-- @@
285     refs --> state. The <code>replace</code> attribute applies to an
286     <code>input</code> element in Image Button or Submit Button<!-- @@
287     refs --> state.<!-- In WF2 normative table, but no MUST NOT there. -->
288     The <code>usemap</code> attribute applies to an <code>input</code>
289     element in Image Button<!-- @@ ref --> state.<!-- In HTML5 prior to
290     r997, usemap="" MAY be specified to an input element with Image (now
291     Image Button) state, but Image state was not defined yet and there
292     were no "MUST NOT".--> The <code>align</code> attribute applies to an
293     <code>input</code> element in Image Button state.<!-- In HTML4, to
294     which state(s) this attribute is applied is not defined at all. In
295     addition, the reference to the definition of the attribute is linked
296     to a wrong place (align attribute of p element and so on). In HTML
297     2.x, DTD comment implies that this attribute applies to type=image.
298     In HTML 2.0, this attribute is only explained for type=image in the
299     prose. --> Any of these attributes <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be
300     specified for an <code>input</code> element whose <code>type</code>
301     attribute is in a state where the attribute does not apply.
302 wakaba 1.11
303     <p id=cache-manifest>The
304     <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#manifests">cache
305     manifest syntax</a> is also supported.
306 wakaba 1.1 </div>
308     <div class=section id=atom>
309 wakaba 1.14 <h3>Atom</h3>
310 wakaba 1.1
311 wakaba 1.11 <p><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4287">Atom 1.0</a> and
312     <a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4685">Atom Threading 1.0</a> are supported.
314     <p>However, conformance to some <em class=rfc2119>SHOULD</em>-level
315     requirements, as well as some informational guidelines, are currently
316     not checked. In addition, whether an email-address or a Base64
317     encoding is correct or not is not checked either.
319     <p>Use of XML digital signature and encryption is not supported.
321 wakaba 1.5 <p>The current implementation assumes that there are following
322 wakaba 1.4 requirements:</p>
323     <ul>
324     <li>Elements and attributes in the Atom namespace, as well as attributes
325     in the null namespace for an element in the Atom namespace,
326     <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em>
327     be used except for contexts where they are allowed by the Atom
328     specification.</li>
329     <li>Inter-element whitespace [HTML5], processing instructions, and
330     comments <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> be ignored for the purpose of
331     conformance of the content of an element.
332     </ul>
333 wakaba 1.2 </div>
335     <div class=section id=css>
336 wakaba 1.14 <h3><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr></h3>
337 wakaba 1.2
338 wakaba 1.3 <p>CSS @namespace and Selectors Level 3 are fully implemented.</p>
340 wakaba 1.11 <p>Most of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/">CSS 2.1
341     (<time datetime=2007-07-19>19 July 2007</time> Candidate Recommendation)</a>
342     is implemented.
343     <!-- @@ TODO: What is missing? -->
345     <p>Most of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-css3-color-20080721/">CSS
346     Color Module Level 3 (<time datetime=2008-07-21>21 July 2008</time> Last
347     Call Working Draft)</a> is implemented.
348     <!-- @@ TODO: What is missing? -->
349 wakaba 1.3
350     <p>Since the <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr> 2.1
351     specification is sometimes ambigious or disagree with browsers,
352     our implementation is tend to copy what browsers do unless
353     there is strong resaon to do different thing.</p>
355     <p>In addition, the current implementation assumes that there are following
356 wakaba 1.2 requirements:</p>
357     <ul>
358     <li id=css-type-charset-param>The <code>charset</code> parameter of the media
359     type <code>text/css</code> <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> be treated as if it
360     were an unknown parameter for the purpose of determining styling langauge for
361     an <abbr>HTML</abbr> <code>style</code> element.</li>
362     <li id=css-style-content>Content of an <abbr>HTML</abbr> <code>style</code>
363     element whose content is interpreted as a CSS style sheet
364     <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> consist of zero or more
365     <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#text-node">text nodes</a>.
366     Note that it may also contain zero or more comment and/or processing
367     instruction nodes.</li>
368     </ul>
370 wakaba 1.11 </div>
372 wakaba 1.14 <div class=section id=regexp>
373     <h3>Regular expressions</h3>
375     <p>Regular expression defined in ECMAScript Third Edition Section
376     15.10.1 is implemented, with the addition of the support for obsolete
377     octal escape notation commonly supported by Web browsers.
379     <p>To identify ECMAScript regular expressions, the Internet Media Type
380     <a
381     href="http://suika.fam.cx/%7Ewakaba/wiki/sw/n/text+x-regexp-js"><code>text/x-regexp-js</code></a>
382     is used.
384     </div>
386 wakaba 1.11 <div class=section id=webidl>
387 wakaba 1.14 <h3>WebIDL</h3>
388 wakaba 1.11
389     <p><a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/WebIDL/Overview.html?rev=1.96&amp;content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8">WebIDL
390     Editor's Draft revision 1.96 (<time datetime=2008-09-03>3 September
391     2008</time>)</a> is implemented.</p>
392 wakaba 1.14 </div>
394 wakaba 1.1 </div>
396     </body>
397     </html>

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