
Contents of /suikawiki/wikidata/suikawiki-config.ph

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Revision 1.12 - (hide annotations) (download)
Sun Oct 5 11:57:09 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Branch point for: branch-suikawiki-1, branch-suikawiki1
Changes since 1.11: +4 -3 lines
latest for SuikaWiki1

1 w 1.1 use strict;
2 wakaba 1.6
3     ## URI (or part of URI) of Wiki CGI itself and its external addons
4     ## Note: If your Wiki CGI URI is <http://foo.example/path/to/wiki.cgi>,
5     ## cookie-path: /path/to/
6     ## script-short-name: wiki.cgi
7     ## URI parts MUST NOT contains "&" and/or non-URI characters.
8     our %uri = (
9 w 1.9 cookie_path => '/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/',
10 wakaba 1.6 external_script => '../wiki/script/',
11     script_short_name => 'wiki',
12 wakaba 1.7 ## If you use CVS repository of WikiDatabase,
13 wakaba 1.11 cvs_repository => '/gate/cvs/suikawiki/wikidata/page/',
14 wakaba 1.6 );
15     our $url_cgi; {
16 w 1.4 my $scheme = 'http';
17     $scheme = lc $1 if $main::ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} =~ m#([A-Za-z0-9+.%-]+)#;
18 wakaba 1.11 $url_cgi = "$scheme://".($main::ENV{HTTP_HOST} || $main::ENV{SERVER_NAME}.($main::ENV{SERVER_PORT}==80?'':":$main::ENV{SERVER_PORT}"))."$uri{cookie_path}$uri{script_short_name}";
19 wakaba 1.6 }
20 wakaba 1.10 $uri{wiki_abs} = $url_cgi;
21     $uri{wiki} = qq($uri{cookie_path}$uri{script_short_name});
22 wakaba 1.6
23     ## Path to modules and databases
24 wakaba 1.10 push @main::INC, 'lib';
25 w 1.9 push @SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin_directory, (
26 wakaba 1.10 q(lib/SuikaWiki/Plugin/),
27     q(misc/plugins/),
28 w 1.9 );
29 wakaba 1.6 our %PathTo = ( ## Path to your data, from the main CGI script (NOT from this config script)
30 wakaba 1.11 CachePrefix => q(./wikidata/.cache.),
31     TempPrefix => q(./wikidata/.tmp.),
32     WikiDataBase => q(./wikidata/page),
33     WikiDatabase => q(./wikidata/page),
34     WikiDatabaseErrorLog => q(./wikidata/log/error.log),
35     convert => q(/usr/X11R6/bin/convert),
36 wakaba 1.6 );
38 wakaba 1.11 require SuikaWiki::DB::Util::Lock;
39     our $locker = SuikaWiki::DB::Util::Lock->new (-directory => q(./wikidata/lock),
40     -name => 'wikipage',
41 wakaba 1.12 -retry => ($main::ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ m#Openbot/3# ? 2 : 80),
42     -timeout => 300,
43 wakaba 1.11 -error_handler => sub {
44     my ($self, %o) = @_;
45     open LOG, '>>', $main::PathTo{WikiDatabaseErrorLog};
46     print LOG scalar (gmtime)."\@@{[time]} @{[$$]} {$o{level}}: ", $o{msg}, "\n";
47     close LOG;
48     if ($o{level} eq 'fatal') {
49     die $o{msg};
50     }
51     });
52     $locker->lock or do {
53     open LOG, '>>', $main::PathTo{WikiDatabaseErrorLog};
54     print LOG scalar (time), " Can't lock\n";
55     close LOG;
56     die "Can't lock";
57     };
61 wakaba 1.6 ## Type of WikiPage Database
62     #our $modifier_dbtype = 'AnyDBM_File'; # Fast, not available on some server, page size limited.
63     #our $modifier_dbtype = 'dbmopen'; # Fast, not available on some server, page size limited.
64     #our $modifier_dbtype = 'Yuki::YukiWikiDB'; # Slow, available on all environment.
65     #our $modifier_dbtype = 'Yuki::YukiWikiDB2'; # Slow, available on all environment.
66     our $modifier_dbtype = 'Yuki::YukiWikiDBMeta'; # Slow, available on all environment.
67     our $use_exists = 1; # If you can use 'exists' method for your DB.
69     ## Name of Special WikiPage (linked as parts of navigations)
70     our %PageName = (
71     FrontPage => 'HomePage',
72     IndexPage => 'IndexPage',
73 w 1.9 InterWikiName => 'Wiki//InterWikiName',
74     SearchPage => 'Wiki//Page//Search',
75     CreatePage => 'Wiki//Page//Create',
76     MenuBar => 'Wiki//MenuBar',
77 wakaba 1.6 RecentChanges => 'RecentChanges',
78 w 1.9 RefererDontRecord => 'Wiki//Referer//IgnoreSite',
79     RefererSiteName => 'Wiki//Referer//SiteName',
80 wakaba 1.7 ResourceNS => 'Wiki//Resource//',
81 wakaba 1.8 StyleList => 'Wiki//Style//List//',
82     UserAgentList => 'Wiki//UserAgentList',
83 wakaba 1.6 AdminSpecialPage => "\x11\x11Admin\x11Special\x11Page\x11\x11",
84     );
86     ## (Should be reimplemented)
87     our $kanjicode = 'euc';
88     our $lang = 'ja';
90     ## Misc. options
91 w 1.9 $SuikaWiki::Plugin::UserAgent::LoggingName = 1;
92     ## Use UA-name log? (require UserAgent plugin module)
93 w 1.3
94 wakaba 1.6 ## Definition of views
95 w 1.4
96 wakaba 1.7 require SuikaWiki::View;
97 wakaba 1.8 SuikaWiki::View->template ('links')->add_line (<<'EOH');
98 w 1.9 %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//News",rel=>News,class=>wiki,title=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiNewsLink);"p);
99     %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//Help",rel=>help,class=>wiki,title=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiHelpLink);"p);
100     %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//Page//License",rel=>copyright,class=>wiki,title=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiPageLicenseLink);"p);
101 wakaba 1.8 EOH
102 wakaba 1.12
103 w 1.9 SuikaWiki::View->template ('navbar')->add_line (<<"EOH");
104 wakaba 1.11 %anchor-wiki(mode=>edit,rel=>edit,class=>wiki-cmd,label=>"%res(name=>EditThisPage);"p,title=>"%res(name=>EditThisPageLong);"p,accesskey=>E,add-param=>{#edit});
105 w 1.9 %anchor-wiki(rel=>view,up_to_date,class=>wiki-cmd,label=>"%res(name=>ViewThisPage);"p,title=>"%res(name=>ViewThisPageLong);"p);
106     %anchor-wiki(page=>{$main::PageName{CreatePage}},class=>wiki,label=>"%res(name=>GoToCreatePage);"p,title=>"%res(name=>GoToCreatePageLong);"p);
107     %anchor-wiki(page=>{$main::PageName{SearchPage}},class=>wiki,label=>"%res(name=>GoToSearchPage);"p,title=>"%res(name=>GoToSearchPageLong);"p);
108     %anchor-wiki(mode=>RandomJump,up-to-date,rel=>lucky,class=>"wiki randomlink",label=>"%res(name=>GoSomewhere);"p,title=>"%res(name=>GoSomewhereLong);"p);
109     %anchor-wiki(page=>{$main::PageName{RecentChanges}},class=>wiki,label=>"%res(name=>GoToRecentChanges);"p,title=>"%res(name=>GoToRecentChangesLong,safe);"p);
110 w 1.4 EOH
112 wakaba 1.8 push @{$SuikaWiki::Plugin::On{Load}}, sub {
113     SuikaWiki::View->definition ('read')->property (template => <<'EOH');
114     %html-document(title=>{%res(name=>{View:WebPageTitle});}p,link-meta=>{%predefined-template(name=>links);}p,content=>{
115     %section(level=>1,add-to-toc=>0,type=>body,title=>{%ns-short-page-name;}p,heading,content=>{
116     %section(id=>tools1,class=>tools,add-to-toc=>0,content=>{%predefined-template(name=>navbar);}p);
117     %section(level=>2,id=>read,add-to-toc=>0,content=>{
118     %if-calender(month,true=>{
119     %format(context=>form_input,template=>{%calender;});
120     },false=>{
121     %if-calender(true=>{
122     %format(context=>form_input,template=>{%calender-months;});
123     });
124     });
125     %read(comment);
126     }p);
127     %section(level=>2,id=>children,title=>{%res(name=>{Children:Title});}p,heading,
128 w 1.9 content=>{%page-list(ns=>{%page-name;}p,recursive=>0,type=>both,template=>{%res(name=>{Children:Item});}p);}p);
129 wakaba 1.8 %section(level=>2,id=>see-also,title=>{%res(name=>SeeAlso);}p,heading,content=>{%search-result;}p);
130     %section(level=>2,id=>referer,title=>{%res(name=>Referer);}p,heading,content=>{%referer-list;}p);
131 w 1.9 %section(level=>2,id=>toc,title=>{%res(name=>{TOC:Title});}p,heading,add_to_toc=>0,content=>{%toc(drag);}p);
132 wakaba 1.8 %section(id=>last-modified,add_to_toc=>0,content=>{%res(name=>{LastModified=});%last-modified;}p);
133     %section(class=>tools,add_to_toc=>0,content=>{%predefined-template(name=>navbar);}p);
134     %section(id=>footer,add-to-toc=>0,content=>{%predefined-template(name=>footer);}p);
135     }p);
136     }p);%log-hotness;
137 w 1.4 EOH
138 wakaba 1.8 SuikaWiki::View->definition ('-wrote')->property (template => SuikaWiki::View->definition ('-wrote')->property ('template').q(%log-hotness(weight=>2);));
139 w 1.9 SuikaWiki::View->definition ('WithMenu')->property (template => SuikaWiki::View->definition ('WithMenu')->property ('template').q(%log-hotness;));
140 wakaba 1.8 };
141 w 1.1
142 wakaba 1.6 =head1 NAME
144     suikawiki-config.ph --- SuikaWiki: site configuration script
146     =head1 LICENSE
148     Copyright 2003 Wakaba <w@suika.fam.cx>
150     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
151     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
153     =cut
155 wakaba 1.12 1; # $Date: 2003/09/16 05:14:52 $

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