[1] Tomorrow is the feast of Cecilia, patron saint of music, but in Lenten fashion, today is No Music Day. The dream of its organisers (you can read their manifesto at www.nomusicday.com) is that for 24 hours, "the piano lid will not be lifted, rock bands will not rock, and jingles will not jangle". Of course, this will not happen, but some small gestures will be made BBC Radio Scotland will broadcast no music whatsoever, for example and the hope is that some of us might reflect on the way we make and listen to music. advertisement Music is often manhandled in our society: we abuse its power and...
http://new-blog-for-you.com/ ([[dcjwhvrpef]] [rttns@qxnnnfk.com]) [2] Most Torontonians make it their business to spend as little time as possible dealing with the Toronto Transit Commission. It is, after all, a ubiquitous presence that is generally taken for granted. For most of its clientele, it is a means to an end that has always been there and always will be. To others, such as David Topping, it is a source of pride, frustration and inspiration. Mr. Topping, a 20 year old University of Toronto undergrad who serves as co editor of local news website Torontoist, has kept a keen eye on public transit for as long as he can remember. He has proved his...
http://bestnews-4u.com/ ([[okbffrwtay]] [ukijp@ubeibrd.com]) [3] Golf has become Sarah Ulmer's sport of choice but the good news is she won't be completely lost to cycling after finally announcing her retirement. Ulmer's seven year nerve problem finally caught up with her and she will now turn her attention to golf her new passion. "Last week we played twilight golf five nights out of a possible seven. I'm abysmal but I figure that if I enjoy it so much and I cannot play, imagine the enjoyment I'll have when I actually learn to play," Ulmer said. "I'm doing things like watching my old man race at world veteran champs in Austria, which I...
http://my-newsblog.com/ ([[owdpzmjivl]] [kfscv@drahqdn.com])