[1] Error levels: - (missing): An error. - [Q@en[m]]: A violation to [['''MUST''']]-level constraint. - [Q@en[NC]]: A namespace constraint in XML Namespace specifications. - [Q@en[error]]: An error. - [Q@en[s]]: A violation to [['''SHOULD''']]-level constraint. - [Q@en[w]]: A warning (which has no influence to the conformance). - [Q@en[unsupported]]: The checker does not support the target so that it cannot be checked. [2] Error types: - [CODE(perl)@en[[[Whatpm::CacheManifest]]]]: -- [Q@en[both in entries and whitelist]]: The IRI is contained both in explicit or fallback entries and in online whitelist. -- [Q@en[different scheme from manifest]]: The URI scheme of an IRI reference is different from that of the manifest's URI. -- [Q@en[different shp from manifest]]: The opportunistic caching namespace has different scheme/host/port from those of manifest's URI. -- [Q@en[duplicate oc namespace]]: The opportunistic caching namespace is already mapped to a fallback entry. -- [Q@en[no fallback entry URI]]: The second IRI reference is not contained in a data line in a [CODE@en[FALLBACK]] section. -- [Q@en[not manifest]]: The given entity is not a cache manifest. -- [Q@en[URI fragment not allowed]]: A fragment identifier is contained in an IRI reference. -- [Q@en[URI::syntax error:iriref3987]]: A string that is not a syntactically valid [[RFC 3987]] IRI reference is specified where an IRI reference is expected. -- [Q@en[URI::[VAR@en[t]]]]: A URI error with type [VAR@en[t]]. -- [Q@en[URI::[VAR@en[t]]:[VAR@en[i]]]]: A URI error with type [VAR@en[t]] at the [VAR@en[i]][SUP@en[th]] character. - ContentChecker: -- [Q@en[attribute missing:[VAR@en[n]]]]: The attribute whose name is [VAR@en[n]] is not set to the element while the definition of the element requires it. --- might be a [CODE@en[s]]-level error. -- [Q@en[attribute missing:data|type]] -- [Q@en[attribute missing:href|target]]: Neither [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[href]]]] nor [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[target]]]] attribute is set to a [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[base]]]] element. -- [Q@en[attribute missing:name|http-equiv]] -- [Q@en[attribute missing:name|http-equiv|charset]] -- [Q@en[attribute not allowed]]: The attribute is set to an element but it is not allowed according to the definition of it. -- [Q@en[attribute not allowed:ismap]]: The [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[ismap]]]] attribute is set to an element but it is not allowed since there is no ancestor [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[a]]]] element whose [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[href]]]] attribute is set. -- [Q@en[basehref after URI attribute]]: There is a [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[base]]]] element with [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[href]]]] attribute and the element is after an element with URI attribute in tree order. -- [Q@en[basetarget after hyperlink]]: There is a [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[base]]]] element with [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[target]]]] attribute and the element is after an element that defines a hyperlink in tree order. -- [Q@en[boolean:invalid]]: It is a boolean attribute but the specified value is not same as the attribute name. -- [Q@en[character not allowed]]: The character is not allowed where it occurs. -- [Q@en[child element missing:[VAR@en[e]]]]: There must be a child element [VAR@en[e]]. -- [Q@en[child element missing:atom.link.alternate]]: There must be a child [[Atom]] [CODE(XMLe)@en[[[link]]]] element with the [CODE(XMLa)@en[[[rel]]]] attribute set to [CODE(XML)@en[[[alternate]]]]. -- [Q@en[child element missing:atom.link.self]]: There must be a child [[Atom]] [CODE(XMLe)@en[[[link]]]] element with the [CODE(XMLa)@en[[[rel]]]] attribute set to [CODE(XML)@en[[[self]]]]. -- [Q@en[child element missing:td|th]] -- [Q@en[coords:number:[VAR@en[n]]:[VAR@en[m]]]]: There are [VAR@en[m]] items in the coords value while there should be [VAR@en[n]] items according to the definition of it. -- [Q@en[coords:number:even:[VAR@en[m]]]]: There are [VAR@en[m]] items in the coords value while there should be even number of items according to the definition of it. -- [Q@en[coords:number:''>''=[VAR@[n]]:[VAR@en[m]]]]: There are [VAR@en[m]] items in the coords value while there should be more than [VAR@en[m]] items according to the definition of it. -- [Q@en[coords:out of range:[VAR@en[i]]]]: The [VAR@en[i]][SUP@en[th]] value of the coords value is outside of the range. -- [Q@en[coords:syntax error]]: The specified value is not a coords value. -- [Q@en[dateortime:syntax error]] The specified value is not a date or time value. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad day]]: The day part of the date is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad hour]]: The hour part of the time is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad minute]]: The minute part pf the time is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad month]]: The month part of the date is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad second]]: The second part of the time is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad timezone hour]]: The hour part of the timezone is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:bad timezone minute]]: The minute part of the timezone is incorrect. -- [Q@en[datetime:syntax error]]: The datetime specification has a syntax error. -- [Q@en[duplicate ID]]: The [CODE(SGML)@en[[[ID]]]] has also been specified to another element. -- [Q@en[duplicate term]]: The term defined by this element has also been defined by another element. -- [Q@en[duplicate token:[VAR@en[t]]]]: It is an attribute defined as a list of values that does not allow duplication but there are two [VAR@en[t]]s specified. -- [Q@en[element missing:hn]]: The element should contain at least one [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[h[VAR@en[n]]]]]] element in the content, but there is no such element. -- [Q@en[element missing:atom.[VAR@en[e]]]]: The element should contain at leat one [CODE(XMLe)@en[[VAR@en[e]]]] element in the [[Atom]] namespace in the content, but there is no such element. -- [Q@en[element not allowed]]: The element is placed where it is not allowed according to the definition of that element. -- [Q@en[element not allowed:root]]: The element is not allowed as a root element, according to the knowledge of the conformance checker. -- [Q@en[element not allowed:root:xml]]: The element is not allowed as the root element of an XML document, according to the knowledge of the conformance checker. -- [Q@en[empty attribute value]]: The attribute value is an empty string, which is not allowed. -- [Q@en[enumerated:invalid]]: It is an enumerated attribute attribute and the specified value is not a known one. -- [Q@en[enumerated:invalid:http-equiv:content-type]]: The old charset declaration syntax is used. -- [Q@en[enumerated:non-conforming]]: It is an enumerated attribute and the specified value is one of known values, but it is not conforming. -- [Q@en[float:out of range]]: The specified floating point number is outside of the range. -- [Q@en[float:syntax error]]: The specified value is not a floating point number. -- [Q@en[#idref:syntax error]]: The specified value is not a hashed ID reference. -- [Q@en[IMT:[VAR@en[t]]]]: An Internet Media Type error [VAR@en[t]]. -- [Q@en[IMT:composite]]: The specified value represents a composite type. -- [Q@en[IMT:syntax error]]: The specified value is not an Internet Media Type. -- [Q@en[in HTML:xml:lang]]: A [CODE(XMLa)@en[[[xml]]:[[lang]]]] attribute is specified in HTML document. -- [Q@en[in XML:charset]]: An HTML [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[meta]]]] [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[charset]]]] declaration is found in an XML document. -- [Q@en[in XML:lang]]: An HTML [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[lang]]]] attribute is specified in XML document. -- [Q@en[in XML:noscript]]: An HTML [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[noscript]]]] element is found in XML document. -- [Q@en[in XML:xmlns]]: An [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[xmlns]]]] attribute in the [CODE(DOM)@en[[[null]]]] attribute is found in an XML document. -- [Q@en[integer:syntax error]]: The attribute value is not an integer. -- [Q@en[invalid attribute value]]: The value set to the attribute is not allowed according to the definition of that attribute. (If more specific error type is available, then that one is used instead.) -- [Q@en[keyword:invalid]]: The specified value is not a valid keyword. -- [Q@en[language tag:syntax error]]: The specified value is not a language tag. -- [Q@en[link type:bad context:[VAR@en[t]]]]: The link type [VAR@en[t]] is not allowed for the element it is specified to. -- [Q@en[link type:duplicate:[VAR@en[t]]]]: The link type [VAR@en[t]] is so defined that there must be at most one element with that link type. However, there are more than two elements with that link type. -- [Q@en[link type:non-conforming:[VAR@en[t]]]]: The link type [VAR@en[t]] is not conforming one. -- [Q@en[link type:proposed:[VAR@en[t]]]]: The link type [VAR@en[t]] is proposed but not yet accepted. -- [Q@en[nninteger:out of range]]: The specified non-negative integer is outside of the range. -- [Q@en[nninteger:syntax error]]: It is not a non-negative integer. -- [Q@en[no document element]]: There is no document element. -- [Q@en[no referenced map]]: There is no map with the specified ID. -- [Q@en[no referenced menu]]: There is no menu with the specified ID. -- [Q@en[not IMT]]: The specified value does not represent an Internet Media Type. -- [Q@en[ps element missing:[VAR@en[e]]]]: There should be an [VAR@en[e]] element before this element or character. -- [Q@en[reserved browsing context name]]: The specified browsing context name is reserved and not conforming. -- [Q@en[Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:=xml]]: A namespace constraint error. -- [Q@en[Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:xmlns:xml=]]: A namespace constraint error. -- [Q@en[Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:xmlns:xmlns=]]: A namespace constraint error. -- [Q@en[Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:]]: A namespace constraint error. -- [Q@en[space in ID]]: There is a space character in ID. -- [Q@en[table:[VAR@en[t]]]]: A table error with type [VAR@en[t]]. -- [Q@en[URI::[VAR@en[t]]]]: A URI error with type [VAR@en[t]]. -- [Q@en[URI::[VAR@en[t]]:[VAR@en[i]]]]: A URI error with type [VAR@en[t]] at the [VAR@en[i]][SUP@en[th]] character. -- [Q@en[URIs:[VAR@en[n]]::[VAR@en[t]]]]: The attribute is defined as a list of URIs. The [VAR@en[n]][SUP@en[th]] URI has an error with type [VAR@en[t]]. -- [Q@en[URIs:[VAR@en[n]]::[VAR@en[t]]:[VAR@en[i]]]]: The attribute is defined as a list of URIs. The [VAR@en[n]][SUP@en[th]] URI has an error with type [VAR@en[t]] at the [VAR@en[i]][SUP@en[th]] character. - HTML parser -- [Q@en[after body:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after body:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after body:#character]] -- [Q@en[after frameset:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after frameset:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after frameset:#character]] -- [Q@en[after head:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after html:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after html:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[after html:#character]] -- [Q@en[bare ero]] -- [Q@en[bare etago]] -- [Q@en[bare hcro]] -- [Q@en[bare nero]] -- [Q@en[bare stago]] -- [Q@en[bogus comment]] -- [Q@en[bogus end tag]] -- [Q@en[C1 character reference:U+[VAR@en[HHHH]]]] -- [Q@en[CR character reference]] -- [Q@en[charset label detected:[VAR@en[l]]:[VAR@en[m]]]]: While an HTML document is parsed as in charset [VAR@en[l]], a [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[meta]]]] [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[charset]]]] declaration with charset [VAR@en[m]] (กโ [VAR@en[l]]) is encountered. -- [Q@en[dash in comment]] -- [Q@en[DOCTYPE in the middle]] -- [Q@en[duplicate attribute]] -- [Q@en[empty end tag]] -- [Q@en[empty start tag]] -- [Q@en[end tag attribute]] -- [Q@en[end tag missing:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[image]] -- [Q@en[in a:a]] -- [Q@en[in body:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in button:button]] -- [Q@en[in CDATA:#[VAR@en[t]]]] -- [Q@en[in form:form]] -- [Q@en[in frameset:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in frameset:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in frameset:#character]] -- [Q@en[in head:head]] -- [Q@en[in nobr:nobr]] -- [Q@en[in noscript:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in noscript:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in noscript:#[VAR@en[t]]]] -- [Q@en[in RCDATA:#[VAR@en[t]]]] -- [Q@en[in select:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in select:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in table:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in table:/[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[in table:#character]] -- [Q@en[invalid character reference:U+[VAR@en[HHHH]]]] -- [Q@en[invalid character reference:U-[VAR@en[HHHHHHHH]]]] -- [Q@en[isindex]] -- [Q@en[missing start tag:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[nestc]] -- [Q@en[no DOCTYPE]] -- [Q@en[no DOCTYPE name]] -- [Q@en[no PUBLIC literal]] -- [Q@en[no refc]] -- [Q@en[no space before DOCTYPE name]] -- [Q@en[no SYSTEM literal]] -- [Q@en[not closed:[VAR@en[e]]]] -- [Q@en[not first start tag]]: The [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[html]]]] start tag token is not the first start tag in the input stream. -- [Q@en[not HTML5]]: A non-conforming [CODE(HTML)@en[[[DOCTYPE]]]] token where a conformance checker may switch to another checker for that language. -- [Q@en[NULL]]: There is a [CODE(charname)@en[[[NULL]]]] character in the input stream. -- [Q@en[pio]] -- [Q@en[string after DOCTYPE]] -- [Q@en[string after PUBLIC]] -- [Q@en[string after PUBLIC literal]] -- [Q@en[string after SYSTEM]] -- [Q@en[string after SYSTEM literal]] -- [Q@en[unclosed attribute value]] -- [Q@en[unclosed comment]] -- [Q@en[unclosed DOCTYPE]] -- [Q@en[unclosed PUBLIC literal]] -- [Q@en[unclosed SYSTEM literal]] -- [Q@en[unclosed tag]] -- [Q@en[unmatched end tag:[VAR@en[e]]]] - HTMLTable -- [Q@en[cell overlapping:[VAR@en[x]]:[VAR@en[y]]]] -- [Q@en[colspan creates column with no anchored cell]] -- [Q@en[column with no anchored cell]] -- [Q@en[rowspan expands table]] - IMTChecker -- [Q@en[no cell in last row]] -- [Q@en[obsolete parameter]] -- [Q@en[obsolete subtype]] -- [Q@en[parameter missing:[VAR@en[attribute]]]] -- [Q@en[private subtype]] -- [Q@en[private type]] -- [Q@en[unregistered subtype]] -- [Q@en[unregistered type]] -- [Q@en[value syntax error:[VAR@en[attribute]]]] - URIChecker -- [Q@en[default port]] -- [Q@en[dot-segment]] -- [Q@en[empty host]] -- [Q@en[empty path]] -- [Q@en[empty port]] -- [Q@en[long host]] -- [Q@en[lowercase hexadecimal digit]] -- [Q@en[non-DNS host]] -- [Q@en[non UTF-8 host]] -- [Q@en[password]] -- [Q@en[percent-encoded unreserved]] -- [Q@en[syntax error:iri3987]] -- [Q@en[syntax error:iriref3987]] -- [Q@en[uppercase host]] -- [Q@en[uppercase scheme name]] - [CODE(perl)@en[level => unsupported]] -- [Q@en[address format:[VAR@en[version]]]]: URI address -- [Q@en[attribute]] -- [Q@en[addr-spec]] -- [Q@en[content:[VAR@en[mt]]]] -- [Q@en[element]] -- [Q@en[link type:[VAR@en[t]]]] -- [Q@en[parameter:[VAR@en[attribute]]]]: IMT parameter -- [Q@en[script:[VAR@en[mt]]]]: Conformance checking of specified scripting language is not supported. -- [Q@en[style:[VAR@en[mt]]]]: Conformance checking of specified scripting language is not supported. -- [Q@en[subtype]]: IMT subtype -- [Q@en[type]]: IMT type -- [Q@en[event handler]]: Validation of event handler attributes is not supported yet. -- [Q@en[language tag]]: Validation of langauge tags is not supported yet. -- [Q@en[media query]]: Validation of media queries is not supported yet.