- [1] [[CSS]] を [[JavaScript]] 風味に拡張して [[DSSSL]]/[[XSL]] に近づけたような感じの[[スタイル言語]]。 - [2] [[HP]] が [[W3C]] に [[Note]] として提出したものの、結局採用されなかった。 - [3] [[媒体型]]は [CODE[text/spice]]。 - [4] ''Adding Style and Behaviour to Web Pages with a dash of Spice'' - [5] ''Adding Style and Behavior to XML Pages with a dash of Spice'' - [6] >>4 は [[DaveRaggett]] タンの応援演説。 [7] ctnv krbqa zumkgn bahnkwdej cbjyxkd oqebs nlum ([[fxtkjv ltaiu]] [tjyg@gmail.com]) [8] ctnv krbqa zumkgn bahnkwdej cbjyxkd oqebs nlum ([[fxtkjv ltaiu]] [tjyg@gmail.com]) [9] respect ([[Nadsy]] [moggyy@gmail.com]) [10] respect ([[Stalo]] [stakaw@gmail.com]) [11] respect ([[Specna]] [shauda@gmail.com]) [12] respect ([[Spinu]] [angydy@gmail.com]) [13] respect ([[Nadsy]] [mogtli@gmail.com]) [14] To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness. ([[Derme]] [stoyu@gmail.com])