- [1] ''SVGってどうなの?'' [2] SVG Developers Center ([[名無しさん]]) [3] [CITE[SVG学習辞典]] ([[名無しさん]]) [4] [CITE[SVG with constraints]] > This is the homepage of the SVG with constraints (CSVG) project. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the use of the Scalable Vector Graphics format if one-way constraints were allowed as attribute values. ([[名無しさん]]) [5] [CITE[SVG - Firefox まとめサイト]] ([[名無しさん]] [sage]) [6] [CITE[SVG Basics Tutorials - Scalable Vector Graphics by Hand]] ([[名無しさん]]) [7] >>3 は品質が余り良くないので、あまりお勧めできないが、 今のところまとまった解説は他に中々ないからなぁ。。。 ([[名無しさん]] [sage] [WEAK[2005-12-03 12:46:48 +00:00]]) [8] [CITE[The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 226]] ([[名無しさん]]) [9] [CITE[SVG in Firefox 1.5 - MDC]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2005-12-08 01:12:02 +00:00]]) [10] [CITE[SVG Authoring Guidelines]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2005-12-08 01:33:48 +00:00]]) [11] [CITE[Agenda: W3C Technical Plenary Day, 1 March 2006]] Scripted presentation slide (・∀・)イイ! ([[名無しさん]] [sage]) [12] [CITE[Hixie's Natural Log: Ramblings from the West]] > I'm too busy to fix the SVG suckage at the moment (and the SVG working group certainly aren't fixing it, based on SVG 1.2). Maybe once I've finished HTML5, I can work on a new SVG to go with it. [AA(fw)[ちょwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwっをまwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-03-14 02:27:58 +00:00]]) [13] [CITE[Taken SPC : Adobe が Adobe SVG Viewer を打ち切り]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-09-07 00:05:40 +00:00]]) [14] [CITE[Vladimir Vukićević » DOM-less SVG]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-10-09 00:53:10 +00:00]]) [15] [CITE[ものがたり - yep, DOM-less SVG _implementation_ would be nice]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-10-09 00:53:30 +00:00]]) [16] [CITE[CfC: SVG Compatibility Chart and Checker from Bjoern Hoehrmann on 2006-04-23 (www-svg@w3.org from April 2006)]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-11-08 13:50:47 +00:00]]) [17] [CITE@en[SVG Authoring Guidelines]] ([[Jonathan Watt]] 著, [CODE[2006-01-24 07:46:50 +09:00]] 版) ([[名無しさん]]) [18] [CITE@en[SVG Hearts]] ([TIME[2007-02-14 19:20:30 +09:00]] 版) ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-02-14 10:23:23 +00:00]])