#?SuikaWiki/0.9 '''Special-Use IPv4 Addresses''' [INS[('''特殊用途 IPv4 アドレス''')]] -Network Working Group -Request for Comments: 3330 -Category: Informational -IANA -September 2002 *Status of this Memo >This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. *Copyright Notice >Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved. *Abstract [INS[概要]] >This document describes the global and other specialized IPv4 address blocks that have been assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). It does not address IPv4 address space assigned to operators and users through the Regional Internet Registries. It also does not address allocations or assignments of IPv6 addresses or autonomous system numbers. この文書は、広域その他の特殊な [[IPv4]] アドレス域で Internet 割当番号事務局 ([[IANA]]) が割り当てたものを説明します。 地域 Internet 登録局 [INS[(>>1)]] を介して技師や利用者に割り当てられた IPv4 アドレス空間には言及しません。 また、 IPv6 アドレスの割当や自治体系番号にも言及しません。 [INS[ [1] [[JPNIC]] では''地域インターネットレジストリ''と訳しているようです。台湾では''區域網際網路註冊組織''と訳すそうです。 ]INS] *1. Introduction [INS[はじめに]] >Throughout its entire history, the Internet has employed a central Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) responsible for the allocation and assignment of various identifiers needed for the operation of the Internet [RFC1174]. In the case of the IPv4 address space, the IANA allocates parts of the address space to Regional Internet Registries according to their established needs. These Regional Internet Registries are responsible for the assignment of IPv4 addresses to operators and users of the Internet within their regions. Internet はその歴史を通して中央 Internet 割当番号事務局 (IANA) を設けて、 Internet の運営に必要な種々の識別子の割当を担当させてきました。 IPv4 アドレスの場合には、 IANA はアドレス空間の一部を地域 Internet 登録局にその確固たる需要に応じて割り当てています。 この地域 Internet 登録局はその地域内の Internet の技師や利用者への IPv4 アドレスの割当を担当しています。 >Minor portions of the IPv4 address space have been allocated or assigned directly by the IANA for global or other specialized purposes. These allocations and assignments have been documented in a variety of RFCs and other documents. This document is intended to collect these scattered references. IPv4 アドレス空間の一部は、広域その他の特定の目的のために IANA が直接割り当てています。この割当は種々の RFC やその他の文書中に文書化されてきました。 この文書はそうした逸散した文献を纏めることを目的としています。 >On an ongoing basis, the IANA has been designated by the IETF to make assignments in support of the Internet Standards Process [RFC2860]. Section 4 of this document describes that assignment process. IANA は [[IETF]] の指示により Internet 標準化過程に乗っ取り割当を行っています。 この文書の第4節ではこの割当過程について説明します。 *2. Global and Other Specialized Address Blocks [INS[広域その他の特定目的用アドレス域]] > - Addresses in this block refer to source hosts on "this" network. Address may be used as a source address for this host on this network; other addresses within may be used to refer to specified hosts on this network [RFC1700, page 4]. '''' この範囲のアドレスは「この」ネットワークの始点ホストを参照します。 [CODE[]] はこのネットワークのこのホストの始点アドレスとして使われるかもしれません。 [CODE[]] の中の他のアドレスはこのネットワークの特定のホストを参照するのに使われるかもしれません。 > - This block is set aside for use in private networks. Its intended use is documented in [RFC1918]. Addresses within this block should not appear on the public Internet. '''' この範囲は私的ネットワークで使うために保留されています。 想定するようとは RFC 1918 に書かれています。 この範囲のアドレスは公的 Internet で出現しないはずです。 > - This block is set aside for assignments to the international system of Public Data Networks [RFC1700, page 181]. The registry of assignments within this block can be accessed from the "Public Data Network Numbers" link on the web page at http://www.iana.org/numbers.html. Addresses within this block are assigned to users and should be treated as such. '''' この範囲は公的データ網の国際系統に割り当てるために保留されています。 この範囲の割当の登録局は の Web page の「Public Data Network Numbers [INS[(公的データ網番号)]]」 というリンクから接続できます。 この範囲内のアドレスは利用者に割り当てられるので、その様に取り扱うのが良いです。 > - This block was allocated in early 1996 for use in provisioning IP service over cable television systems. Although the IANA initially was involved in making assignments to cable operators, this responsibility was transferred to American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) in May 2001. Addresses within this block are assigned in the normal manner and should be treated as such. '''' この範囲は1996年の早い時期にケーブルテレビ系統上の IP サービスを提供する目的で割り当てられました。 IANA は初めにケーブル経営者に割当をしていませんでしたが、 2001年5月にこの責は Internet 番号亜米利加登録局 ([[ARIN]]) に移管されました。 この範囲内のアドレスは通常の方法で割り当てられるので、その様に扱うのが良いです。 > - This block was used in the "Class A Subnet Experiment" that commenced in May 1995, as documented in [RFC1797]. The experiment has been completed and this block has been returned to the pool of addresses reserved for future allocation or assignment. This block therefore no longer has a special use and is subject to allocation to a Regional Internet Registry for assignment in the normal manner. '''' この範囲は 1995年5月に始まった「A 級サブネット実験」 に使われたもので、 RFC 1797 に書かれています。 この実験は終了してこの範囲は将来の割当のために予約されたアドレス溜めに変換されました。 従ってこの範囲は既に特殊用途ではなく、普通の方法で割当のために地域 Internet 登録局に割り当てる対象となります。 > - This block is assigned for use as the Internet host loopback address. A datagram sent by a higher level protocol to an address anywhere within this block should loop back inside the host. This is ordinarily implemented using only for loopback, but no addresses within this block should ever appear on any network anywhere [RFC1700, page 5]. '''' この範囲は Internet ホストのループバック・アドレスとして使われるのに割り当てられています。 高位プロトコルからこの範囲内のどれかのアドレスに送られる[[データグラム]]はそのホスト内に戻ってくるべきです。 これは普通 [CODE[]] のみをループバックに使って実装されていますが、この範囲のアドレスはどのネットワークのどこにも出現しないはずです。 > - This block, corresponding to the numerically lowest of the former Class B addresses, was initially and is still reserved by the IANA. Given the present classless nature of the IP address space, the basis for the reservation no longer applies and addresses in this block are subject to future allocation to a Regional Internet Registry for assignment in the normal manner. '''' この範囲はかつての B 級アドレスの数値的に最も下位に位置するものですが、初めからいままで IANA に予約されています。 IP アドレス空間の現在の無級性から、予約の原則はもはや適用されず、この範囲のアドレスは通常の方法での地域 Internet 登録簿の将来の割当の対象となります。 > - This is the "link local" block. It is allocated for communication between hosts on a single link. Hosts obtain these addresses by auto-configuration, such as when a DHCP server may not be found. '''' これは「link local」ブロックです。 単一リンクのホスト間の通信に割当てます。 ホストは例えば [[DHCP]] サーバーが見つからない時に、自動設定によりこの範囲のアドレスを得ます。 > - This block is set aside for use in private networks. Its intended use is documented in [RFC1918]. Addresses within this block should not appear on the public Internet. '''' この範囲は私用ネットワークでの使用のために用意されました。 想定される利用は RFC 1918 に文書化されています。 この範囲のアドレスは公的 Internet では出現しないはずです。 > - This block, corresponding to the numerically highest to the former Class B addresses, was initially and is still reserved by the IANA. Given the present classless nature of the IP address space, the basis for the reservation no longer applies and addresses in this block are subject to future allocation to a Regional Internet Registry for assignment in the normal manner. '''' この範囲は、旧 B 級アドレスの数値的に最高位に位置しますが、当初から現在まで IANA により予約されています。 現在の IP アドレス空間の無級性により、予約の原則は最早適用されず、この範囲のアドレスは通常の方法での地域 Internet 登録簿への将来の割当の対象となります。 > - This block, corresponding to the numerically lowest of the former Class C addresses, was initially and is still reserved by the IANA. Given the present classless nature of the IP address space, the basis for the reservation no longer applies and addresses in this block are subject to future allocation to a Regional Internet Registry for assignment in the normal manner. '''' この範囲は、旧 C 級アドレスの数値的に最低位に位置しますが、当初から現在まで IANA により予約されています。 現在の IP アドレス空間の無級性により、予約の原則は最早適用されず、この範囲のアドレスは通常の方法での地域 Internet 登録簿への将来の割当の対象となります。 - This block is assigned as "TEST-NET" for use in documentation and example code. It is often used in conjunction with domain names example.com or example.net in vendor and protocol documentation. Addresses within this block should not appear on the public Internet. - This block is allocated for use as 6to4 relay anycast addresses, according to [RFC3068]. - This block is set aside for use in private networks. Its intended use is documented in [RFC1918]. Addresses within this block should not appear on the public Internet. - This block has been allocated for use in benchmark tests of network interconnect devices. Its use is documented in [RFC2544]. - This block, corresponding to the numerically highest of the former Class C addresses, was initially and is still reserved by the IANA. Given the present classless nature of the IP address space, the basis for the reservation no longer applies and addresses in this block are subject to future allocation to a Regional Internet Registry for assignment in the normal manner. - This block, formerly known as the Class D address space, is allocated for use in IPv4 multicast address assignments. The IANA guidelines for assignments from this space are described in [RFC3171]. - This block, formerly known as the Class E address space, is reserved. The "limited broadcast" destination address should never be forwarded outside the (sub-)net of the source. The remainder of this space is reserved for future use. [RFC1700, page 4] *3. Summary Table [INS[要約表]] Address Block Present Use Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------- "This" Network [RFC1700, page 4] Private-Use Networks [RFC1918] Public-Data Networks [RFC1700, page 181] Cable Television Networks -- Reserved but subject to allocation [RFC1797] Loopback [RFC1700, page 5] Reserved but subject to allocation -- Link Local -- Private-Use Networks [RFC1918] Reserved but subject to allocation -- Reserved but subject to allocation -- Test-Net 6to4 Relay Anycast [RFC3068] Private-Use Networks [RFC1918] Network Interconnect Device Benchmark Testing [RFC2544] Reserved but subject to allocation -- Multicast [RFC3171] Reserved for Future Use [RFC1700, page 4] ,アドレス・ブロック ,現在の用途 ,参考文献 , ,「この」ネットワーク ,"[RFC1700, 4頁]" , ,私用ネットワーク ,[RFC1918] , ,公的データ網 ,"[RFC1700, 181頁]" , ,有線テレビ網 ,-- , ,予約しているが割当の対象 ,[RFC1797] , ,Loopback ,"[RFC1700, 5頁]" , ,予約しているが割当の対象 ,-- , ,Link Local ,-- , ,私用ネットワーク ,[RFC1918] , ,予約しているが割当の対象 ,-- , ,予約しているが割当の対象 ,-- , ,Test-Net , ,6to4 中継 Anycast ,[RFC3068] , ,私用ネットワーク ,[RFC1918] , ,ネットワーク間接族機器性能検査,[RFC2544] , ,予約しているが割当の対象 ,-- , ,Multicast ,[RFC3171] , ,将来の使用に予約 ,"[RFC1700, 4頁]" *4. Assignments of IPv4 Blocks for New Specialized Uses [INS[新たな特殊用途への IPv4 ブロックの割当]] The IANA has responsibility for making assignments of protocol parameters used in the Internet according to the requirements of the "Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" [RFC2860]. Among other things, [RFC2860] requires that protocol parameters be assigned according to IANA Informational [Page 4] RFC 3330 Special-Use IPv4 Addresses September 2002 the criteria and procedures specified in RFCs, including Proposed, Draft, and full Internet Standards and Best Current Practice documents, and any other RFC that calls for IANA assignment. The domain name and IP address spaces involve policy issues (in addition to technical issues) so that the requirements of [RFC2860] do not apply generally to those spaces. Nonetheless, the IANA is responsible for ensuring assignments of IPv4 addresses as needed in support of the Internet Standards Process. When a portion of the IPv4 address space is specifically required by an RFC, the technical requirements (e.g., size, prefix length) for the portion should be described [RFC2434]. Immediately before the RFC is published, the IANA will, in consultation with the Regional Internet Registries, make the necessary assignment and notify the RFC Editor of the particulars for inclusion in the RFC as published. As required by [RFC2860], the IANA will also make necessary experimental assignments of IPv4 addresses, also in consultation with the Regional Internet Registries. *5. Security Considerations [INS[安全性に関して]] The particular assigned values of special-use IPv4 addresses cataloged in this document do not directly raise security issues. However, the Internet does not inherently protect against abuse of these addresses; if you expect (for instance) that all packets from the block originate within your subnet, all border routers should filter such packets that originate from elsewhere. Attacks have been mounted that depend on the unexpected use of some of these addresses. *6. IANA Considerations [INS[安全性に関して]] This document describes the IANA's past and current practices and does not create any new requirements for assignments or allocations by the IANA. *7. References [INS[参考文献]] [RFC1174] Cerf, V., "IAB Recommended Policy on Distributing Internet Identifier Assignment and IAB Recommended Policy Change to Internet 'Connected' Status", RFC 1174, August 1990. [RFC1700] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1700, October 1994. [RFC1797] IANA, "Class A Subnet Experiment", RFC 1797, April 1995. [RFC1918] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G. J., and E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private Internets", BCP 5, RFC 1918, February 1996. [RFC2050] Hubbard, K., Kosters, M., Conrad, D., Karrenberg, D., and J. Postel, "Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines", BCP 12, RFC 2050, November 1996. [RFC2434] Narten, T., and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434, October 1998. [RFC2544] Bradner, S., and J. McQuaid, "Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices", RFC 2544, March 1999. [RFC2860] Carpenter, B., Baker, F., and M. Roberts, "Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority", RFC 2860, June 2000. [RFC3068] Huitema, C., "An Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers", RFC 3068, June 2001. [RFC3171] Albanna, Z., Almeroth, K., Meyer, D., and M. Schipper, "IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments", BCP 51, RFC 3171, August 2001. [RFC3232] Reynolds, J. Ed., "Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database", RFC 3232, January 2002. *8. Acknowledgments [INS[謝辞]] Many people have made comments on draft versions of this document. The IANA would especially like to thank Scott Bradner, Randy Bush, and Harald Alvestrand for their constructive feedback and comments. *9. Author's Address [INS[著者の連絡先]] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330 Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601 Phone: +1 310-823-9358 Fax: +1 310-823-8649 EMail: iana@iana.org *10. Full Copyright Statement [INS[完全な著作権声明]] Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [INS[ 訳注: [[RFCのライセンス]]も参照。 ]INS] *Acknowledgement [INS[謝辞]] >Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the Internet Society. *メモ