#?SuikaWiki/0.9 '''Corrections to "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets"''' -Network Working Group -Request for Comments: 2738 -Updates: 2533 -Category: Standards Track -G. Klyne -Content Technologies -December 1999 *Status of this Memo > This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. *Copyright Notice > Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved. *Abstract > In RFC 2533, "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets", an expression format is presented for describing media feature capabilities using simple media feature tags. RFC 2533 『媒体機能集合記述構文』では、単純な媒体機能札を使って媒体機能能力を記述するための式書式が示されています。 > This memo contains two corrections to that specification: one fixes an error in the formal syntax specification, and the other fixes an error in the rules for reducing feature comparison predicates. このメモはその仕様書について二点の修正を含んでいます。 一つは正式な構文仕様の誤りを正し、 もう一つは機能比較述語の削減の規則の誤りを正します。 *Table of Contents = 1. Introduction ............................................2 == 1.1 Terminology and document conventions 2 == 1.2 Discussion of this document 2 = 2. Correction to feature expression syntax .................3 = 3. Correction to feature set matching reduction rules ......3 = 4. Security Considerations .................................4 = 5. References ..............................................4 = 6. Author's Address ........................................4 = 7. Full Copyright Statement ................................5 *1. Introduction > In RFC 2533, "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets" [1], an expression format is presented for describing media feature capabilities using simple media feature tags. This provides a format for message handling agents to describe the media feature content of messages that they can handle. That memo also describes an algorithm for finding the common capabilities expressed by two different feature expressions. RFC 2533 『媒体機能集合記述構文』では、単純な媒体機能札を使って媒体機能能力を記述するための式書式が示されています。 これはメッセージ取扱いエージェントがその取扱うことができるメッセージの媒体機能内容を記述する書式を提供します。 このメモは二つの異なる機能式で表現されている共通の能力を探す算法も記述しています。 > This memo contains two corrections to that specification: one fixes an error in the formal syntax specification, and the other fixes an error in the feature set matching algorithm, in the rules for reducing feature comparison predicates. このメモはその仕様書について二点の修正を含んでいます。 一つは正式な構文仕様の誤りを正し、 もう一つは機能集合一致算法中の、機能比較述語の削減の規則の誤りを正します。 > The first of these corrections affects the normative content of RFC 2533; the second affects non-normative content. これらの修正のうち最初の方は RFC 2533 の規定内容に影響します。 二番目の方は非規定内容に影響します。 **1.1 Terminology and document conventions > This specification uses syntax notation and conventions described in RFC 2234, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF" [2]. この仕様書は、 RFC 2234 『構文仕様用増補 BNF : ABNF』 で説明されている構文記法と表記法を使います。 > NOTE: Comments like this provide additional nonessential information about the rationale behind this document. Such information is not needed for building a conformant implementation, but may help those who wish to understand the design in greater depth. 注意 : このような注釈は、この文書の裏にある追加の非本質的な情報を提供します。 そのような情報は適合実装の構築には必要ありませんが、 設計をより深く理解したいと思う人の助けにはなるかもしれません。 **1.2 Discussion of this document > Discussion of this document should take place on the content negotiation and media feature registration mailing list hosted by the Internet Mail Consortium (IMC). この文書についての議論は、 Internet Mail Consortium (IMC) で host している内容折衝及び媒体機能登録メイリング・リストで行うべきです。 > Please send comments regarding this document to: この文書に関するコメントは > ietf-medfree@imc.org に送ってください。 > To subscribe to this list, send a message with the body 'subscribe' to "ietf-medfree-request@imc.org". このリストを読むには、本体に [CODE[subscribe]] と書いたメッセージを に送ってください。 > To see what has gone on before you subscribed, please see the mailing list archive at: 読み始める前に何をしていたかをみるには、 > http://www.imc.org/ietf-medfree/ のメイリング・リスト保管庫を見て下さい。 *2. Correction to feature expression syntax > In section 4.1, RFC 2533 defines the syntax for a "set" expression as follows: RFC 2533 は、 4.1節で、 [CODE(ABNF)[set]] 式の構文を次のように定義しています。 >> - set = attr "=" "[" setentry *( "," setentry ) "]" - setentry = value "/" range > The production for 'setentry' should read: 生成規則 [CODE(ABNF)[setentry]] は、 > - setentry = value / range とするべきです。 > That is: the '/' character is not a character literal, but separates two alternative forms for 'setentry'. This corrected syntax allows the set expression examples given in section 4.2.5 of RFC 2533, such as: つまり、 [CODE[/]] 文字は文字表記ではなく、 [CODE(ABNF)[setentry]] の2つの代替形式を分離するものです。正しい構文では、 RFC 2533 に4.2.5節に示されている >> ( width=[3,4,6..17/2] ) のような集合式例が認められます。 *3. Correction to feature set matching reduction rules > In section 5.8.2, "Rules for simplifying unordered values", RFC 2533 lists the following rewriting rules for simplifying feature tag comparisons with unordered values: RFC 2533 は 5.8.2節「非順序値の単純化の規則」で、 次の非順序値の機能札比較を単純化する書き換え規則を列挙しています。 > [PRE[ (LE f a) (LE f b) --> (LE f a), a=b FALSE, otherwise (LE f a) (GE f b) --> FALSE, a!=b (LE f a) (NL f b) --> (LE f a) a!=b FALSE, otherwise (LE f a) (NG f b) --> (LE f a), a!=b FALSE, otherwise ]PRE] > The second of these rules is incomplete, and should read: この規則群の二番目は不完全で、 > [PRE[ (LE f a) (GE f b) --> (LE f a), a=b FALSE, otherwise ]PRE] であるべきです。 > NOTE: implementation experience with these rules has suggested a revised feaure set matching algorithm with a more useful set of simplification rules. Apart from the change noted above, the algorithm given in RFC 2533 has been implemented and shown to work as intended, but the results generated are not always in the most convenient form. It is planned to test and publish a revised algorithm at a future date. 注意 : これらの規則の実装経験によって、 より有用な単純化規則の集合による改訂版機能集合一致算法が提案されています。 上記の変更は別として、 RFC 2533 に示された算法は実装されて意図したとおりに動くことが示されていますが、 生成される結果は必ずしも最も便利な形式ではありません。 将来改訂版算法を試験して出版することが予定されています。 *4. Security Considerations > Security considerations are discussed in RFC 2533 [1] and related documents. 安全性に関しては RFC 2533 と関連文書で触れられています。 *5. References > - [1] Klyne, G., "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets", RFC 2533, March 1999. - [2] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997. *6. Author's Address > [PRE[ Graham Klyne Content Technologies Ltd. 1220 Parkview Arlington Business Park Theale Reading, RG7 4SA United Kingdom Phone: +44 118 930 1300 Fax: +44 118 930 1301 EMail: GK@ACM.ORG ]PRE] *7. Full Copyright Statement > Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See also [[RFCのライセンス]] *Acknowledgement > Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the Internet Society. * メモ -[1] [[I-D]] 名 :