[1] Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! gnainhamzv ([[qjlkkpcyio]] [uqgqc@uqocisf.com]) [2] Engineers are tech experts capable of short circuiting enemy weapons and hacking computer systems. As with most RPGs, you'll gain experience as you interact and explore your surroundings. As reward, you receive experience points you can use to upgrade your specific skill set and unlock additional powers. Throughout the game, you'll access an easy to navigate mission computer, where you can gather info on new missions, modify weapons and armor as well as manage your skill sets. Mass Effect's presentation compliments the story wonderfully, with intricately detailed landscapes and an epic score. Lifelike facial expressions and convincing voice acting help sell some of the game's more intense story moments. Finding cover plays a huge role in the combat. You can also issue orders to the other two members of your party through basic squad commands like 'target' or 'take cover.' Unfortunately, the action on the battlefield doesn't...
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