[1] [[ISO/IEC 10646]] 及 [Q[K]] 霾蛞: - 0 [[KS C 5601]]▽1987 - 1 [[KS C 5657]]▽1991 - 2 PKS C 5700▽1 1994 - 3 PKS C 5700▽2 1994 - 4 PKS 5700▽3:1998 K4 反椆瞻﹝云公日仁 K2 午 K3 手椆瞻﹝ [2] MixedTR06: vord576 [url=http://vord576.blogspot.com]vord576[/url] If you do not want that I posted messages on your site, that will write on Sadra17j@ya.ru Indicate URL in the letter. ([[Sadra17]] [Sadra17j@ya.ru])