[9] [[標準モード]], [[ほぼ標準モード]], [[奇癖モード]] ([[互換モード]]), [[WML 2.0]]モード * 仕様 [13] [CITE[Web Applications 1.0]] [[#comment]] * 実装者による情報 [1] [CITE[The Opera 7 and 8 DOCTYPE Switches]] [2] [CITE[Welcome to the MSDN Library]] [3] [CITE[Mozilla's DOCTYPE sniffing]] [7] [CITE[Mozilla's DOCTYPE sniffing - MDC]] [12] [CITE[Mozilla's Quirks Mode - MDC]] [14] [CITE[Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior - MDC]] ([[名無しさん]]) [15] [CITE[Mozilla's DOCTYPE sniffing - MDC]] ([[名無しさん]]) [16] [CITE[mozilla/parser/htmlparser/src/nsParser.cpp]] ([[名無しさん]]) [25] [CITE[IEBlog : The prolog, strict mode, and XHTML in IE]] ([[名無しさん]]) [28] [CITE[/trunk/WebCore/css/quirks.css - WebKit - Trac]] ([[名無しさん]]) [29] [CITE[/trunk/WebCore/html/HTMLDocument.cpp - WebKit - Trac]] ([[名無しさん]]) [30] [CITE[/trunk/WebCore/html/DocTypeStrings.gperf - WebKit - Trac]] ([[名無しさん]]) [31] [CITE@en-us[!DOCTYPE]] ([CODE[2007-02-18 01:19:07 +09:00]] 版) ([[名無しさん]]) [32] [CITE@en-us[!DOCTYPE]] ([CODE[2007-02-18 01:19:07 +09:00]] 版) ([[名無しさん]]) [[#comment]] * モード判定 [5] [[文書型宣言]]中の[[空白]]は無視されているらしい。 ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2005-11-12 13:38:17 +00:00]]) [8] [CITE[Activating the Right Layout Mode Using the Doctype Declaration]] [11] [CITE[hxxk.jp - DOCTYPE スイッチについての検証とまとめと一覧表]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-12-19 23:21:07 +00:00]]) [10] [CITE[crisp’s blog » Blog Archive » Having fun with IE - part 3: doctype switching]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-12-18 11:53:30 +00:00]]) [17] [CITE[mozilla dtd test]] ([[名無しさん]]) [18] [CITE[DOCTYPE 宣言による「解釈モード」の切り替え]] ([[名無しさん]]) [20] [CITE[!DOCTYPE スイッチ]] ([[名無しさん]]) [23] [CITE[M$IE6の文書型宣言判別 (dinosaur's square)]] ([[名無しさん]]) [24] [CITE[DOCTYPEによる判別]] ([[名無しさん]]) [26] [CITE[DOCTYPEs and their Respective Layout Modes - The Web Standards Project]] ([[名無しさん]]) [27] [CITE[IE7 (beta 2) Doctype Testing - AlastairC.ac]] ([[名無しさん]]) [[#comment]] * レンダリングへの影響 [19] [CITE[「DOCTYPE スイッチ」 CSS 解釈実例編]] ([[名無しさん]]) [22] [CITE[各UAのDOCTYPEスイッチについて - CSS Dencitie]] ([[名無しさん]]) [[#comment]] * HTML 構文解析への影響 [4] [CITE[Doctype switching for SGML comments]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2005-11-07 00:28:23 +00:00]]) [[#comment]] * メモ [6] [CITE[DOCTYPE Switch - uncolored dinosaurs]] ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2005-12-07 11:38:55 +00:00]]) [21] [CITE[Mozillaには複数のレンダリングモードがあります - Web標準普及プロジェクト]] ([[名無しさん]]) [33] >>31 にはこんなことが書いてあるぞ: >Note In standards-compliant mode, compatibility with other versions of Internet Explorer is not guaranteed. When standards-compliant mode is switched on, the rendering behavior of documents may be different in later versions of Internet Explorer. You should not use this mode for content that is fixed in nature, such as content that is burned on a CD. ([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-02-17 16:23:24 +00:00]])