
Contents of /suikawiki/wikidata/config.wp2

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Revision 1.11 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue May 4 00:53:07 2010 UTC (14 years, 4 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +37 -5 lines
was not committed

1 #?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0
3 Plugin:
4 @Name: config
5 @Description:
6 @@@: Per-Wiki Configuration Pseudo-Plugin
7 @@lang:en
8 @License: %%Perl%%
9 @Date.RCS:
10 $Date: 2004/12/02 23:04:21 $
12 ViewFragment:
13 @Name: navbar
14 @Order: 20
15 @Formatting:
16 %link-to-wikipage (
17 page => {Wiki//Page//Create},
18 label => {%link-to-it (
19 label => "%res(name=>GoToCreatePage);"p,
20 description => "%res(name=>GoToCreatePageLong);"p,
21 );},
22 );
23 %link-to-wikipage (
24 page => {Wiki//Page//Search},
25 label => {%link-to-it (
26 label=>"%res(name=>GoToSearchPage);"p,
27 description=>"%res(name=>GoToSearchPageLong);"p,
28 );},
29 rel => search,
30 );
32 ViewFragment:
33 @Name: links
34 @Formatting:
35 %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//News",rel=>news,
36 description=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiNewsLink);"p);
37 %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//Help",rel=>help,
38 description=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiHelpLink);"p);
39 %link-to-resource (
40 uri => {#LICENSE},
41 rel => copyright,
42 label => {%html-link (
43 class => wiki-cmd,
44 description => {%res (name => GoToWikiPageLicenseLink);}p,
45 );},
46 );
47 %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//Page//License",rel=>copyright,
48 description=>"%res(name=>GoToWikiPageLicenseLink);"p);
50 %link-wiki(page=>"Wiki//Page//Search",rel=>search,
51 description=>"%res(name=>GoToSearchPageLink);"p);
53 %link-to-resource (
54 uri => {%sw--this-uri;}p,
55 rel => bookmark,
56 label => {%html-link (
57 description => {%res (name => GoToMyselfLink);}p,
58 );},
59 );
61 %link-to-resource (
62 iw-name => {wiki-content-in-cvs-repository},
63 iw-parameter => {%page-name;}p,
64 rel => history,
65 label => {%html-link (
66 class => wiki-cmd,
67 description => {%res (name => ViewHistoryOfThisPageLink);}p,
68 );},
69 );
71 %html--meta-keywords;
72 %html-meta (
73 name => {description},
74 content => {%page-headline;}p,
75 );
77 ViewFragment:
78 @Name: links
79 @Order: 100010
80 @Formatting:
81 ## TODO: Resource, URI
82 %link-to-resource (
83 uri => {javascript:var%20WikiName=prompt('Please%20input%20the%20WikiName:','','Jump%20to%20SuikaWiki');if(WikiName)%7B_content.location.href='wiki%3F'+encodeURIComponent(WikiName)%7D},
84 rel => jump,
85 class => wiki-cmd,
86 label => {%html-link (
87 description => {%res(name=>JumpToLink);}p,
88 );},
89 );
90 %link-to-resource (
91 uri => {javascript:var%20WikiName=prompt('Please%20input%20the%20WikiName:','','Jump%20to%20SuikaWiki');if(WikiName)%7B_content.location.href='wiki%3Fmycmd=edit;mypage='+encodeURIComponent(WikiName)%7D},
92 rel => jump,
93 class => wiki-cmd,
94 label => {%html-link (
95 description => {%res(name=>JumpToEditLink);}p,
96 );},
97 );
99 ViewFragment:
100 @Name:ws--pre-content
101 @Description:
102 @@@: Before content body -- message
103 @@lang:en
104 @Order:19
105 @Formatting:
106 %res (name => {Wiki:MsgFromAdmin});
108 ViewFragment:
109 @Name: ws--pre-content
110 @Description:
111 @@@: Before content body -- is obsoleted?
112 @@lang:en
113 @Order: 20
114 @Formatting:
115 %m--wikipage-obsolete (
116 desc-before => {%res (name => {WikiPage:Obsolete:DescBefore});}p,
117 desc-after => {%res (name => {WikiPage:Obsolete:DescAfter});}p,
118 );
120 ViewFragment:
121 @Name: ws--post-content
122 @Description:
123 @@@: After content body -- License information
124 @@lang:en
125 @Order: 600
126 @Formatting:
127 %section (
128 id => LICENSE,
129 title => {%res(name=>{Section:License:Title});}p, heading,
130 content => {
131 %res (name => {Section:License:BeforeDescriptions});
132 %wr--propread (prop => license);
133 %res (name => {Section:License:AfterDescriptions});
134 }p,
135 );
137 FormattingRule:
138 @Category[list]:
139 view
140 view-resource
141 page-link
142 link-to-resource
143 form-input
144 form-template
145 @Name: sw--this-uri
146 @Description:
147 @@@: "This WikiPage" URI reference (experimetnal)
148 @@lang:en
149 @Formatting:
150 require Encode;
151 require URI;
152 my $page = Encode::encode
153 ('utf8', Encode::decode
154 ('euc-jp', $o->{wiki}->{var}->{page}->stringify (wiki => $o->{wiki})));
155 $page =~ s#([^A-Za-z0-9._~-])#sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1#ge;
156 $page =~ s#%2F%2F#/#g;
157 if ($page =~ m#%2F#) {
158 $page = $o->{wiki}->{var}->{page}->stringify (wiki => $o->{wiki});
159 $page =~ s#([^A-Za-z0-9._~-])#sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1#ge;
160 $p->{-parent}->append_text (q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?>.$page);
161 } else {
162 $p->{-parent}->append_text (URI->new (q<http://suika.fam.cx/gate/2005/sw/>.$page));
163 }
165 ViewFragment:
166 @Name: ws--post-content
167 @Description:
168 @@@: After content body -- URI
169 @@lang:en
170 @Order: 700
171 @Formatting:
172 %block (
173 class => myuri,
174 content => {
175 %res (name => {WikiPage:ThisURI=});
176 %link-to-resource (
177 label => {<%link-to-it (label => {%sw--this-uri;}p);>},
178 uri => {%sw--this-uri;}p,
179 );
180 }p,
181 );
183 ViewFragment:
184 @Name: ws--footer
185 @Formatting:
186 %link-to-wikipage (
187 page => {Wiki//Page//License},
188 label => {%link-to-it (
189 label => {%res (name => {Footer:License:SeeLicensePage});}p,
190 description => {%res (name => {Footer:License:SeeLicensePageLong});}p,
191 );},
192 );
194 ViewFragment:
195 @Template[list]:
196 we--edit-body
197 we--conflict-body
198 @Order: 1000
199 @Description:
200 @@@: WikiPage editing guide
201 @@lang:en
202 @Formatting:
203 %block (
204 id => edit-help,
205 content => {%read(page=>{Wiki//EditHelp});}p,
206 );
208 FormattingRuleAlias:
209 @Category[list]:
210 view
211 view-resource
212 form-input
213 @Name: search-result
214 @Reference:
215 @@Category: view
216 @@Name: namazu-search
218 FormattingRuleAlias:
219 @Category[list]:
220 form-template
221 @Name: name
222 @Reference:
223 @@Category: form-template
224 @@Name: bbs--2ch-name
226 ViewFragment:
227 @Name: we--edit
228 @Order: -100
229 @Formatting:
230 %line(content=>{
231 %submit(accesskey=>S,label=>{%res(name=>{Edit:Save});}p);
232 [%wpp--next-anchor-index;]
233 }p);
235 ViewFragment:
236 @Name: we--edit
237 @Order: -10
238 @Formatting: %line(content=>{
239 ViewFragment:
240 @Name: we--edit
241 @Order: 10
242 @Formatting: }p);
244 ViewFragment:
245 @Name: we--edit
246 @Order: 150
247 @Formatting:
248 %line(content=>{
250 ViewFragment:
251 @Name: we--edit
252 @Order: 250
253 @Formatting:
254 %mode-after-edit-selection (
255 description => {%res (name => {Edit:SaveAnd:Description});}p,
256 );
258 %check (id => we--touch,
259 label => {%res (name => {Edit:UpdateTimeStamp});}p,
260 description => {%res (name => {Edit:UpdateTimeStamp:Description});}p,
261 default);
262 }p);
264 ViewFragment:
265 @Name: we--edit
266 @Order: 1250
267 @Description:
268 @@lang:en
269 @@@: License Information that should be read just before submitting.
270 @Formatting:
271 %res (name => {Edit:License:Descriptions});
273 Resource:
274 @Edit:License:Descriptions:
275 @@lang:en
276 @@@:
277 %paragraph (content => {
278 Note: Submitting any changes means you understand and accept
279 license terms written in (or referred from)
280 %link-to-wikipage (page => {Wiki//Page//License},
281 label => {%link-to-it (label => {Wiki//Page//License});});.
282 }p);
283 %paragraph (content => {
284 WARNING: Don't submit copyrighted work without permission.
285 If you are not sure whether it is allowed or not, don't submit.
286 });
287 %paragraph (content => {
288 You MUST add license information to the License section
289 just after submission (%link-to-wikipage (mode => pe--propedit,
290 label => {%link-to-it (label => {Edit License Information});});)
291 if your submission is copy of copyrighted work (and if you can
292 publish it).
293 }p);
294 @Edit:UpdateTimeStamp:
295 @@@: Update timestamp
296 @@lang: en
297 @Edit:UpdateTimeStamp:Description:
298 @@@: Update Last-Modified date-time to "now"
299 @@lang: en
300 @Footer:License:SeeLicensePage:
301 @@@: %char (ucs => {U+00A9});
302 @Footer:License:SeeLicensePageLong:
303 @@@: See license document
304 @@lang:en
305 @GoToCreatePage:
306 @@@: Create
307 @@lang: en
308 @GoToCreatePageLong:
309 @@@: Create a new WikiPage
310 @@lang: en
311 @GoToMyselfLink:
312 @@@: This WikiPage
313 @@lang:en
314 @GoToSearchPage:
315 @@@: Search
316 @@lang: en
317 @GoToSearchPageLink:
318 @@@: Search in this wiki
319 @@lang: en
320 @GoToSearchPageLong:
321 @@@: Search word in this wiki
322 @@lang: en
323 @GoToWikiHelpLink:
324 @@@: Help page
325 @@lang: en
326 @GoToWikiPageLicenseLink:
327 @@@: License for contents of this wiki
328 @@lang: en
329 @GoToWikiNewsLink:
330 @@@: News on this wiki
331 @@lang: en
332 @JumpToLink:
333 @@@: Open a WikiPage...
334 @@lang: en
335 @JumpToEditLink:
336 @@@: Open a WikiPage in editing mode...
337 @@lang: en
338 @Section:License:AfterDescriptions:
339 @Section:License:BeforeDescriptions:
340 @@lang:en
341 @@@:
342 %paragraph (content => {
343 %char (ucs => {U+00A9}); Authors, et al. %last-modified;
344 }p);
345 %paragraph (content => {
346 For more information about copyright and other rights, see
347 %link-to-wikipage (page => {Wiki//Page//License},
348 label => {%link-to-it (label => {Wiki//Page//License});});.
349 }p);
350 @Section:License:Title:
351 @@lang:en
352 @@@: License
353 @StyleSet:Name:SuikaWiki:
354 @@@: SuikaWiki
355 @@lang: ja
356 @WikiForm:Create:Name:
357 @@@: WikiName
358 @@lang: en
359 @WikiForm:Search:Name:
360 @@@: Keyword
361 @@lang: en
362 @WikiPage:Obsolete:DescBefore:
363 @@@:
364 This WikiPage is obsolete in favor of
365 @@lang:en
366 @WikiPage:Obsolete:DescAfter:
367 @@@: .
368 @@lang:en
369 @WikiPage:ThisURI=:
370 @@@:
371 This WikiPage:
372 @@lang:en

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