*RFC 2046 5.1.5. Digest Subtype This document defines a "digest" subtype of the "multipart" Content- Type. This type is syntactically identical to "multipart/mixed", but the semantics are different. In particular, in a digest, the default Content-Type value for a body part is changed from "text/plain" to "message/rfc822". This is done to allow a more readable digest format that is largely compatible (except for the quoting convention) with RFC 934. Note: Though it is possible to specify a Content-Type value for a body part in a digest which is other than "message/rfc822", such as a "text/plain" part containing a description of the material in the digest, actually doing so is undesireble. The "multipart/digest" Content-Type is intended to be used to send collections of messages. If a "text/plain" part is needed, it should be included as a seperate part of a "multipart/mixed" message. A digest in this format might, then, look something like this: From: Moderator-Address To: Recipient-List Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1994 13:34:51 +0000 Subject: Internet Digest, volume 42 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- main boundary ----" ------ main boundary ---- ...Introductory text or table of contents... ------ main boundary ---- Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="---- next message ----" ------ next message ---- From: someone-else Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 11:13:32 +0200 Subject: my opinion ...body goes here ... ------ next message ---- From: someone-else-again Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 10:07:13 -0500 Subject: my different opinion ... another body goes here ... ------ next message ------ ------ main boundary ------ *See also -[[媒体型]] --[[multipart/*媒体型]] -[[MIME]] -- - *License [[RFCのライセンス]]