* 仕様書 [REFS[ - [22] [CITE@en-US[DOM Standard]] ([TIME[2012-12-07 13:41:03 +09:00]] 版) ]REFS] * メンバー [1] ,[CODE(DOMm)@en[[[item]]]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLElementCollection]]]] ([[Trident]])" ,[CODE(DOMa)@en[[[length]]]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLElementCollection]]]] ([[Trident]])" ,[CODE(DOMm)@en[[[namedItem]]]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLElementCollection3]]]] ([[Trident]])" ,[CODE(DOMm)@en[[[tags]]]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLElementCollection]]]] ([[Trident]])" ,[CODE(DOMm)@en[[[urns]]]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLElementCollection2]]]] ([[Trident]])" ,[CODE(JS)@en[([VAR@en[数字か文字列]])]],"[CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLCollection]]]] ([[WinIE 4]])" * 出現箇所 [23] [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLCollection]]]] は次の場所で使われています。 [FIG[ - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[RootNode]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[children]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Document]]]], [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Element]]]] -- [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[getElementsByTagName]]]] -- [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[getElementsByTagNameNS]]]] -- [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[getElementsByClassName]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Document]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[anchors]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[applets]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[commands]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[embeds]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[forms]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[images]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[layers]]]] (廃止済み) -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[links]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[plugins]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[scripts]]]] -- [[名前付き特性]] - [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[select]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[selectedOptions]]]] - [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[datalist]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[options]]]] - [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[map]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[areas]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[images]]]] - [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[table]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[rows]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[tBodies]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLTableSectionElement]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[rows]]]] - [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[tr]]]] -- [CODE(DOMa)@en[[[cells]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Window]]]] -- [[名前付き特性]] - [CODE(JS)@en[[[document.all]]]] -- [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[namedItem]]]] ]FIG] [24] 次の[[界面]]は [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLCollection]]]] を[[継承]]しています。 [FIG[ - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLAllCollection]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLFormControlsCollection]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLOptionsCollection]]]] - [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[HTMLPropertiesCollection]]]] ]FIG] * 歴史 ** W3C DOM [REFS[ - [16] [CITE@en[Document Object Model (HTML) Level 1]] ([TIME[1998-10-01 12:01:54 +09:00]] 版) - [19] [CITE@en[ECMA Script Language Binding]] ([TIME[1998-10-01 12:01:54 +09:00]] 版) - [17] [CITE@en[Document Object Model HTML]] ([TIME[2000-09-29 20:48:58 +09:00]] 版) - [18] [CITE@en[ECMA Script Language Binding]] ([TIME[2000-09-29 20:48:57 +09:00]] 版) - [20] [CITE@en-US[Document Object Model HTML]] ([TIME[2003-01-08 01:27:38 +09:00]] 版) - [21] [CITE@en-US[ECMAScript Language Binding]] ([TIME[2003-01-08 01:27:38 +09:00]] 版) ]REFS] ** HTML5 [2] [CITE@en[(X)HTML5 Tracking]] ([TIME[2009-10-25 17:12:24 +09:00]] 版) [3] [CITE[Bug 8092 – HTMLCollection subclass interfaces are incompatible with static languages]] ([TIME[2009-12-09 07:59:49 +09:00]] 版) [4] [CITE['''['''whatwg''']''' Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection]] ([TIME[2010-07-30 09:46:18 +09:00]] 版) [5] [CITE['''['''whatwg''']''' Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection]] ([TIME[2010-08-25 09:09:30 +09:00]] 版) [6] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20110525]] ( ([TIME[2011-05-28 03:13:09 +09:00]] 版)) [7] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r6327 Move HTMLCollection to DOM Core]] ( ([TIME[2011-07-27 08:32:00 +09:00]] 版)) [8] [CITE[Bug 13776 – Browser inconsistencies in implementing name getters on forms and form element collections]] ( ([TIME[2011-10-21 21:57:00 +09:00]] 版)) [9] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20111021]] ( ([TIME[2011-10-21 21:56:18 +09:00]] 版)) [10] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20111215]] ( ([TIME[2011-12-16 21:22:34 +09:00]] 版)) [11] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20120219]] ( ([TIME[2012-02-22 08:31:50 +09:00]] 版)) [12] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' Why do HTML*Collection's nameItem need to return 5 different objects?]] ( ([TIME[2012-07-14 07:24:02 +09:00]] 版)) [13] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' Why do HTML*Collection's nameItem need to return 5 different objects?]] ( ([TIME[2012-09-06 09:45:59 +09:00]] 版)) [14] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r7320 Update HTMLCollection section in preparation for bug 18784; fix iframe load event delay for bug 17680.]] ( ([TIME[2012-09-06 06:01:00 +09:00]] 版)) [15] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20120906]] ( ([TIME[2012-09-10 01:19:55 +09:00]] 版)) [25] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' Why do HTML*Collection's nameItem need to return 5 different objects?]] ( ([TIME[2012-12-15 08:56:40 +09:00]] 版)) [26] [CITE@en[Bug 16571 – Define order for named properties]] ( ([TIME[2012-12-15 03:07:33 +09:00]] 版)) [27] [CITE[Define HTMLCollection's named properties better. Also widen the element-... · 1400a64 · whatwg/dom]] ( ([TIME[2012-12-15 03:07:48 +09:00]] 版)) [28] [CITE@en[Bug 15200 – HTMLCollection string methods should return multiple matches]] ( ([TIME[2013-01-05 12:25:25 +09:00]] 版)) [29] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r7722 Try to define order for supported property names. This is not based on testing. If there are compatibility constraints here that prevent implementing this as specced, please let me know.]] ( ([TIME[2013-02-13 09:03:00 +09:00]] 版)) [30] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' Proposal: Adding methods like getElementById and getElementsByTagName to DocumentFragments]] ( ([TIME[2013-10-19 00:27:18 +09:00]] 版))