[1] [[URN]] 亜空間 [CODE(URI)[[[urn:x-suika-fam-cx]]:msgpm]] は、 [[manakai]] が内部で使用する名前のためのものですが、 もちろんそれ以外でも使用することができます。 主として [[822]] 的メッセージの構造の部分を識別するのに使うことができます。 [2] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:default:[VAR[field-name]],頭欄 (既定名前空間) ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:http:[VAR[field-name]],[[HTTP]] [[頭欄]] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:http:c:[VAR[field-name]],HTTP 頭欄 ([CODE(HTTP)[C-[VAR[*]]:]] 欄),Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:http:cgi:x:[VAR[field-name]],[[CGI頭欄]] ([CODE(CGI)[X-CGI-[VAR[*]]:]] 欄),Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:[VAR[field-name]],[[RFC 822]] 頭欄 ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:content:[VAR[field-name]],[[MIME]] 欄,Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:list:[VAR[field-name]],RFC 822 [CODE(822)[[[List-*]]:]] 欄,Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:original:[VAR[field-name]],RFC 822 [CODE(822)[[[Original-*]]:]] 欄,Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:resent:[VAR[field-name]],RFC 822 [CODE(822)[[[Resent-*]]:]] 欄,Deprecated [2005-05-19] ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:message:delivery-status:[VAR[field-name]],[[DSN]] 欄 ,urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:message:disposition-notification,[VAR[field-name]]:[[MDN]] 欄 ,[CODE(URI)[urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mime:]],[[MIME頭欄]],Assigned [2005-05-19] [3] [CODE(URI)[[VAR[field-name]]]]s are case-insensitive. Lowercase is the canonical form and is recommended. [SRC[Resolution 2005-05-19]] [4] Some header field might be encoded in multiple forms of URIs. For example, an [[RFC 2822]] header field [SAMP(822)[List-ID]] is representable as both and . In this case, the [CODE(URI)[urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:mail:rfc822:list]] is deprecated and the later URI should be used. Another example. An RFC 2822 message header might have a header field of name [SAMP(822)[[[Content-Language]]]]. URI reference of it might be or . Both URIs are valid and you can use which is appropriate (or useful). [SRC[Resolution 2005-05-19]] [6] '''Use of percent-encoding''': As in [[RFC 3986]], any [CODE(ABNF)[[[unreserved]]]] octets may safely be percent-encoded and decoded, while the decoded form (i.e. using the [CODE(ABNF)[[[unreserved]]]] character itself is recommended). If a [CODE(URI)[[VAR[field-name]]]] contains non-[CODE(ABNF)[[[unreserved]]]] character, then the character must be percent-encoded. [SRC[Resolution 2005-05-19]] [5] '''Using these URI references as XML vocabulary'''. These URI references might be encoded as [[QName]]s and be part of XML document type. On such an information item, the URI reference minus [CODE(URI)[[VAR[field-name]]]] is [CODE(InfoProp)[namespace name]] and the [CODE(URI)[[VAR[field-name]]]], with all latin letters in lowercase, is [CODE(InfoProp)[local name]]. See [[全文検索用中間形式]>>6] for example. NOTE: If a [CODE(URI)[[VAR[field-name]]]] has one or more characters that is inappropriate as in an XML [[Name]], then the URI reference is impossible to represent in the XML form. [SRC[Resolution 2005-05-19]] [7] '''Equivalence''': In addition to the equivalence algorithms defined for [CODE(URI)[[[urn:x-suika-fam-cx:]]]] URI references, there is an equivalence level [SRC[Resolution 2005-05-19]]. - If two URI references start with [CODE(URI)[urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:]] (for [CODE(URI)[urn]] and [CODE(URI)[x-suika-fam-cx]] any case-combinations are allowed), -= Converts all capital Basic Latin letters ([CODE(char)[[[LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A]]]] to [CODE(char)[[[LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z]]]]) to the lowercase. -= Compares two URI references in character-by-character basis. - If one of URI references does not start with [CODE(URI)[urn:x-suika-fam-cx:msgpm:header:]], this algorithm does not define the equivalence. -- NOTE: Any other algorithm combined with this algorithm may or may not define such equivalence. - Note that [CODE(ABNF)[[[unreserved]]]] characters are always percent-encodable. It might be required to decode before the test.