* [CODE(HTML)@en[rel=license]] (HTML) [2] [CITE[Re: License metadata in HTML]] ([[Ian Hickson]] 著, [TIME[2007-10-30 01:18:08 +09:00]] 版) [3] >>2 [[ライセンス]]情報の [[HTML]] [[文書]]中の記述に関する提案が数件ありましたが、 結局 [CODE(HTML)@en[[[rel]]=[[license]]]] 以上のものを用意する動機に欠けるのが実態と判断されています。 * [CODE(XML)@en[rel=license]] (Atom) [1] [CITE@en-US[snellspace.com » Blog Archive » RFC 4946]] ([CODE[2007-07-22 14:55:30 +09:00]] 版) >The Atom License Extension is now Experimental RFC 4946. What is the Atom License Extension? Glad you asked. RFC 4946 defines the way things like Creative Commons licenses can be associated with Atom feeds and entries. > [PRE(XML example code)[ tag:entries.org,2005:1 Atom Powered Robots Run Amok 2005-06-28T12:00:00Z Atom Powered Robots Run Amok Jane Smith ]PRE] > Why is this an Experimental RFC? Simple, while there are folks who produce Atom feeds that contain the license link, there are very few client implementations that do anything interesting with them. The lack of implementation experience means that “Experimental” status is far more appropriate than “Proposed Standard” status. Once we get more implementations, we can look at putting this on the standards track. > Support for RFC 4946 has already been added to the Apache Abdera project in the Extensions module. > This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 at 9:58 pmand is filed under Technology, Atom 1.0, Abdera, Java, standards.