* IETF における定義 [FIG[ [4] > Locale is the user-specific location and cultural information managed by a computer. [FIGCAPTION[ [CITE@en[RFC 3536 - Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF]] ]FIGCAPTION] ]FIG] * LDML における定義 [FIG[ [7] >In this model, a locale is an identifier (id) that refers to a set of user preferences that tend to be shared across significant swaths of the world. Traditionally, the data associated with this id provides support for formatting and parsing of dates, times, numbers, and currencies; for measurement units, for sort-order (collation), plus translated names for time zones, languages, countries, and scripts. The data can also include support for text boundaries (character, word, line, and sentence), text transformations (including transliterations), and other services. [FIGCAPTION[ [CITE@en-us[UTS #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language]] ([TIME[2011-07-19 03:14:51 +09:00]] 版) ]FIGCAPTION] ]FIG] [8] この定義による「[[ロケール]]」は文字列です。 * ロケールの仕様 - [5] [[ISO/IEC 15897]] ([[IDT]] [[CEN ENV 12005]]) - [13] [[OpenI18N Locale Naming Guideline]] - [6] [[UTS #35]] [[LDML]] * ロケールの分類 - [9] [[言語ロケール]] - [10] [[領土ロケール]] * ロケールの継承 [11] [[ロケール]]間には[[継承]]関係が定義されていることもあります。 [REFS[ - [12] [CITE@en-us[UTS #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language]] ([TIME[2011-07-19 03:14:51 +09:00]] 版) ]REFS] * 関連 - [[言語符号]] * メモ [1] [2] [CITE[Manpage of LOCALE]] ([TIME[2009-03-14 16:26:46 +09:00]] 版) [3] [CITE@en[GNU libc (glibc) locale patch page]] ([TIME[2004-07-18 17:07:47 +09:00]] 版) [14] [CITE@en[RFC 6365 - Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF]] ([TIME[2011-09-10 19:11:51 +09:00]] 版)