* 歴史 [REFS[ -[1] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r6140 Define window.external and the SearchProvider APIs, since they are implemented by several browsers to some extent.]] ( ([TIME[2011-05-17 08:30:00 +09:00]] 版)) -[2] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r6157 Remove the pointless security check in AddSearchProvider(). Gecko doesn't do it and it doesn't actually prevent anything as far as we can tell. Also, fix some minor editorial things.]] ( ([TIME[2011-06-01 04:50:00 +09:00]] 版)) -[3] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' Proposal for IsSearchProviderInstalled / AddSearchProvider]] ( ([TIME[2011-12-17 11:03:26 +09:00]] 版)) ]REFS]