[1] > To display text, a system puts characters on a visual display device such as a screen or a printer. To render text, a system analyzes the character input to determine how to display the text. The terms "display" and "render" are sometimes used interchangeably. Note, however, that text might be rendered as audio and/or tactile output, such as in systems that have been designed for people with visual disabilities. ;; [CITE@en[RFC 3536 - Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF]] ([TIME[2011-01-29 02:14:52 +09:00]] 版) [2] > For simplicity, terms such as [DFN@en[shown]], [DFN@en[displayed]], and [DFN@en[visible]] might sometimes be used when referring to the way a document is rendered to the user. These terms are not meant to imply a visual medium; they must be considered to apply to other media in equivalent ways. ;; [[Web Applications 1.0]]