[1] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5685 Make form submission via .submit(), and page navigation via location.href, when either is done before the page has completely loaded, result in a history replacement (like a redirect) rather than a regular load.]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-30 10:22:00 +09:00]] 版)) [2] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5686 Change pushState() and replaceState() so that they update the pending state object as well (otherwise, pushState vs pushState;back;forward would result in different state objects in the initial popostate which is just silly).]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-30 11:07:00 +09:00]] 版)) [3] [CITE[''''''[''''''whatwg'''''']'''''' pushState and session history issues]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-30 23:35:29 +09:00]] 版))