[1] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5658 dropzone 5/5, part 1: skeleton of dropzone='' section; update DND processing model; enumerate where sections that need updating.Fixing http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10712]] ( ([TIME[2010-10-30 08:39:00 +09:00]] 版)) [2] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5659 dropzone 5/5, part 2: flesh out the authoring conformance requirements, ready the skeleton for the UA requirements]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-02 05:24:00 +09:00]] 版)) [3] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5660 dropzone 5/5, part 3: flesh out the UA requirements for dropzone=''.]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-02 06:05:00 +09:00]] 版)) [4] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5661 dropzone 5/5, part 4/4: finishing touches for dropzone='': add it to the indexes and IDL; add an example.Fixing http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10712]] ( ([TIME[2010-11-02 06:42:00 +09:00]] 版)) [5] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r6873 Update the dropzone='' syntax to use string: and file: rather than s: and f:. No point being terse here.]] ( ([TIME[2011-12-15 08:52:00 +09:00]] 版))