* 仕様書 - [4] [[HTML5]] -- * [CODE(DOMi)@en[StorageEvent]] [7] [CITE[StorageEvent の非互換性メモ - Yet Another Hackadelic]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 19:42:27 +09:00]] 版) >IE8 だと [PRE(JS example code)[ event.uri; // #session ]PRE] で取得出来るのに対して、Fx3 だと、 [PRE(JS example code)[ event.domain; // #session ]PRE] で取れるみたい。ただ HTML5 の spec 的には event.url が正解のようです。 * 実装 [9] [CITE@en-us[DOM Storage - MDC]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 20:16:05 +09:00]] 版) [10] [CITE[Bug 422526 – implement localStorage]] ([TIME[2008-09-15 22:21:33 +09:00]] 版) [3] [CITE[Ex DOM Storage をリリースしました - Yet Another Hackadelic]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 19:13:34 +09:00]] 版) [8] [CITE[Inside Ex DOM Storage - Yet Another Hackadelic]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 19:42:57 +09:00]] 版) [15] [CITE[localStorageとsessionStorage - Thousand Years]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 20:26:41 +09:00]] 版) >ローカル環境ではできないので、サーバ経由(ローカルホスト可能)で検証お願いします。でないと、localStorage/sessionStorageともにundefinedになります。 ;; [[IE8]] β2 >IEβ1だと、localStorage/sessionStorageは実装されていなく、Firefoxと同じglobalStorage/sessionStorageが実装されているのでIE8β1で出来ない><という場合はβ2を試して下さい。(出典は、マイクロソフトの公開していたPDFですけど、URL紛失のために参考程度まで) * 歴史 ** [CODE(DOMa)@en[globalStorage]] [6] [CITE[Significant changes to globalStorage]] ([[Ian Hickson ]] 著, [CODE[2007-12-11 01:46:50 +09:00]] 版) [14] [CITE[globalStorage と localhost メモ - サバニFRP]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 20:24:20 +09:00]] 版) >>If the script's domain contains no dots (U+002E) then the string ".localdomain" must be appended to the script's domain. >file:///path/… とした場合は確かに使えないっぽいのですが、file scheme で使えないというわけではなくて、 file:///path/… というのは本当は file://localhost/path/… のホスト部分を省略したもので、後者の省略しない URL でローカルのファイルを開けば storage が使えます。(http と同様に、localhost.localdomain と指定する。) [13] [CITE[Firefox 3 のglobalStorageの容量は3MBちょい? - 電脳戦士ハラキリ -SE道とは死ぬ事と見つけたり-]] ([TIME[2009-02-01 20:23:24 +09:00]] 版) >Firefox 3 のglobalStorageの容量は3MBちょい? [16] [CITE[Young risk taker.: '''['''javascript''']''' IEとFirefox2.0以上で動作するClient Side Storage]] ([TIME[2009-01-30 12:24:25 +09:00]] 版) * 関連 [11] [CODE(JS)@en[[[document]].[[cookie]]]] [12] [[userData]] bahavior * メモ [5] [CITE[John Resig - DOM Storage Answers]] ([TIME[2008-01-13 12:26:10 +09:00]] 版) [2] [CITE@ja[ローカルへのデータの保存を可能にするDOM Storage - builder by ZDNet Japan]] ([TIME[2008-12-04 07:28:21 +09:00]] 版) [17] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20090302]] ([TIME[2009-03-15 19:48:04 +09:00]] 版) > - [11:03] Hixie: would you support splitting the storage spec from HTML5? - [11:04] we have some use for the same interfaces in Widgets APIs and Events, and have some extra requirements, such as read-only storage, and the ability to reset storage to default values - [11:12] yeah it'll be taken out, uh, *consults calendar* - [11:13] * Hixie adds to the calendar - [11:13] this month! - [11:15] Hixie: when you do, will you account for the extra requirements raised? (read-only storage items, reset to default (in Widgets, you can declare prefs in the manifest), and also making sure that it's agnostic towards where something is stored)? - [11:16] i would recommend inheriting from the Storage interface and defining those extensions in the widgets spec - [11:17] Hixie: Does that work better than making storage deal with both sets of requirements and making HTML5 say "all values are Read Write, All values default to undefined" - [11:18] jgraham: i'll have to look closer at the two needs to know which is better - [11:33] Hixie, are you splitting out localStorage/sessionStorage and the Database storage APIs together? - [11:33] yes - [11:34] ok, so basically the whole of section 5.11 "Structured client-side storage" will be removed - [11:34] Lachy: right - [11:38] Lachy: i'm tempted to leave them in the whatwg version (they'll still be in the whatwg source file...) [18] [CITE@en-US-x-Hixie[Web Storage]] ([TIME[2009-03-27 10:09:31 +09:00]] 版)