[1] [[XFA]] 2.4 949頁 > Retaining Consecutive Spaces (xfa-spacerun:yes) > Normally, an XFA processing application removes consecutive spaces, as described in “White Space Handling” on page 133; however, this behavior can be overridden in rich text. > A run of consecutive normal spaces may be represented via the use of a span element in conjunction with a nonstandard [CSS2] style attribute xfa-spacerun. An XFA processing application that supports this feature must interpret each non-breaking-space character within the span as representing a normal space character (character 32). > In order to allow this span element to produce an approximate visual rendering, when processed by a browser or other [XHTML] processing application, the span element may contain a mixture of non-breaking-space and normal space characters. While the application that supports this > xfa-spacerun style must interpret each non-breaking-space character within the span as representing a normal space character (character 32), the browser or other [XHTML] processing application will likely ignore the xfa-spacerun style and provide a rendering that may be visually similar. ([[名無しさん]] [sage])